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Languages/Python/PyKDE WebKit Tutorial/Part4

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 18:15, 27 June 2011 by Nicolas17 (talk | contribs) (update to new syntaxhighlighter)

Now we want to prepare to add an address bar.

Replace the __init__ method with:

<syntaxhighlighter lang="python">

       self.widget = QWidget()
       layout = QVBoxLayout(self.widget)
       self.web = QWebView(self.widget)


Now instead of having the QWebView as our top widget we have a plain QWidget. This widget contains a layout which is not a visible widget but ensure child widgets are put in a sensible place. It is a QVBoxLayout which will put widgets in a vertical colum.

See the full code.

This version will look the same as the previous.

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