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User talk:Tstaerk

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 12:08, 24 September 2008 by Tstaerk (talk | contribs)

Please use subpages on techbase, also for tutorials like kioslaves. Thanks. --Dhaumann 00:00, 24 September 2008 (CEST)

I regard this as counter-productive. Here is why: You can change a work like a diploma thesis or a wiki from one structure to the other. Changing the structure means you change the headings and by this, you provide a difference cognitive approach to the topic. E.g. at the moment we have:
  • KDE
    • tutorials
      • kioslaves

We could also have

  • KDE
    • kioslaves
      • tutorial

Having the structure in the name would mean you have to change every article name if you want to change the structure. Even worse, there may be different structures in one wiki. Imagine someone writing a second main page named "KDE by technologies". One sub-topic would be kioslaves. The breathtaking strength of a mediawiki is that every article can define a structure on its own, the only given structure being the categories. Having said this, I never find my articles after they got moved - just because other people have a structure in mind that is different from mine. I can give my articles names that fit into this wiki's structure but I would find it sad. --Tstaerk 14:08, 24 September 2008 (CEST)