The problem
KDE4's performance on newer NVIDIA cards of the 8xxx and 9xxx series is currently pretty choppy. For as long as I've been trying running KDE4 I had to fight an unresponsive plasma and some windows that just wouldn't resize with more than 0.5 fps.
The remedy
Lately I've been reading up on a thread on the NVIDIA forums. I found out that performance can be increased dramatically by doing the following:
- Install the latest NVIDIA beta driver
- Set the following options:
$ nvidia-settings -a InitialPixmapPlacement=2 -a GlyphCache=2
If you're lucky your KDE4 will be snappier than ever. If you're unlucky and it stays the same or gets even worse, try experimenting with the value of InitialPixmapPlacement, setting it to 1 or 3.
Apart from that I had to play around with the Advanced Effects settings as kwin's performance seemed to have dropped.
Making it permanent
Driver options set using the nvidia-settings tool reset back to default as soon as your xserver exits. To make it permanent you can add the options to the Device section of your xorg.conf:
... Section "Device" ... Option "InitialPixmapPlacement" "2" Option "GlyphCache" "1" ... EndSection "Device" ...
I haven't done a lot of testing using this setup, so in case you encounter any unwanted effects (on 3D applications or other 2D applications), please put them below.