Misc stuff
- bug #104901 -- max-age for kio-http
- Fix Oxygen scrollbar code to be less of a resource hog
- FYI flash:
KJS and KJS/Frostbyte
Value for global code, used in domts at leastRegression SunSpider?Performance eval?
return-within-finallyNeeds testing.
- Do deferred tearoffs. These mean we never have to refetch the locals array.
And they're easy! Also avoids the WARNING WARNING WARNING part.
- eval operator/eval tearoffs
- tearoffs done.
- Easy one: custom StringImp::toString that takes care of object and
prototype checking, etc. to avoid the extra lookup.
- const
- obscure sequencing thing
- seems like an another regression on the TC though --- exception precision?
- debugger, again
merge in the API, etc., from trunk- Do the List performance changes
- Do IR dialectes for 32- and 64-bit -- e.g. PointerCell
- Also probably double-allocator for 32-bit.
- Do a review pass over API to make sure not BC leaks.
Solaris stack support for ade- Check bug #108538
- Double-check global handling, synchronize with JSC
- Consider using packed immediate/register bits. The key observation
is that locals are read from an array, too, so we could do something like:
arg0 = argsType[(fullOp >> 16) & 1][offsetVal];
KHTML - Short-term stuff
- bug #161196 --- option value --- should be super-quick
- JS Redirects
- Anchor-go canceling parser bug #159192 --- Wikipedia!
- More synchrony/timing bug #159279
- Ordering with respect to form submissions bug #159932
- Ordering with respect to http bug #132031
- WRT to link clicks bug #120157
- Check: bug #109694 --- likely fixed
- window.location value: bug #137176
- bug #112756: affects the wrong part?
- Iframe stuff
- Wrong source somehow (!!!): bug #141846
- bug #116406: recursive inclusion issues.
- Make sure that content* are right for both object and window family
- Default document on empty iframe --- bug #159028
- Load events:
- bug #153830
- On Acid3..
- Load events:
- bug #158036?
- Check: bug #116189?
- Fix the paranoia affecting(?) flickr(?) upload bug #126974
- The XHTML parser mode
- Check the XML parser -- QXML workaround might not be needed, weird whitespace handling and recovery stuff
- Check the implicit node stuff. Only the form one seems correct to me, and that can be done w/o wasting a bit at top-level.
- the libthai thing
- bug #104358
- khtmlImLoad:
- Allan's foreign loader patch
- Animation stoping
- PNG patch.
- Better pre-blend cache?
- FredrikH performance goodness?
- XHR:
- bug #103250 --- KWallet and pages with textareas.
KHTML - Long term stuff
- Consider changing window.frames to be == to window
- CSS Loading stuff
- Spart fixed a bunch of stuff already
- bug #91842, bug #96012, bug #115882, bug #120644, bug #122436
- Focus order handling
- Harri changed -1
- bug #106663, bug #121572, bug #48341, bug #136348
- Keyboard events
- mutable keycode (bug #135227)
- something with shift (bug #133887)
- Namespace stuff
- all the fixes... (bug #123490)
- importNode, adoptNode, autoAdopt quick (bug #100457, relevant to bug #133680?
- Event names (see above)
- bug #133887
- Experimental patch in git --- talk w/vtokarev, carewolf, etc.
Other long term stuff
- Async loading of nspluginviewer somehow?