Pages I'm constructing
User:Grundleborg/Code_Quality - Introduction on how to contribute to code quality (with subsections).
User:Grundleborg/BugDay - My latest crazy idea (nb. pick a day of the week, say, Wednesday) - have a 24 hour period each week where the bugsquad tackles triage of a particular product/period etc... Try and stir up some publicity for it to get more people involved.
User:Grundleborg/TriageGuide - How to triage bugs?
Tutorials Under Construction
;Handling text channels in Decibel.
This tutorial introduces the basics of handling incoming TextChannels by guiding you through building a simple text chat application.DONE 11:39, 30 March 2008 (CEST)
- Introduction to Decibel for users.
- This article is an introduction to what Decibel is and is not for end users.
- An Introduction to the Decibel Architecture for Developers.
- This explains amongst other things how Decibel works, and where tapioca and telepathy come into the equation...