Projects/Plasma/4.0.2 Backporting Session

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 20:53, 21 March 2008 by Tampakrap (talk | contribs)

Changes to consider

  • toolbox improvements (including the "new" animation introduced post 4.0)
    • 758309 Change in phase for a better timing of the toolbox
  • panel config (size/span/location, adding/removing of panels)
  • systray (if it's not already)
  • icon alignment algorithms
  • drag&drop panel-desktop in both directions, with visual feedback
  • being able to move applets (like somewhere added apps) on the panel
  • miscellaneous
  • kickoff
    • 762886++ kickoff/simpleapplet improvements
    • 760969 prettier tab buttons
  • krunner
    • <aseigo> ruphy: oh, that's actually another good one to add to the backports list: crash fixes for krunner... with the bigLock() method

- Run time addition of containments - r784943

Add GUI to Add/Remove Panels - r785356
Don't show Add Panel when we're locked - r787340

- Deactivate Dashboard by Click on Background - r782997

- Kickoff: Context menu entry to switch menu style - r780495 - Don't show "Switch to Kickoff/Classic Menu Style" if immutable - r780736

- Kickoff: Make it freely resizable - r780497

- Kickoff: Add 'Menu Editor' to context menu - r783979

- Reload menu when we change menu from kmenuedit - r786918