Projects/Plasma/4.0.2 Backporting Session
< Projects
Changes to consider
- toolbox improvements (including the "new" animation introduced post 4.0)
- 758309 Change in phase for a better timing of the toolbox
758486 remove unneeded members and some other optimizations
758415 and 758498 If 758415 never got backported (it does not seem) 758498 is useless
758535 don't jitter when moving between buttons- 758449 toolbox's icon "fades" to gray when expanding
- 758450 avoid placing the items over the icon
- 758452 Removed hardcoded color value
- 758615 Change animation timings back to match moveItem()
- 759555 nice solution for no flicker
- 761575 make the colorization effect more noticeable
- 762713 Get rid of the (now useless) warning
- 764361 open toolbox when the dashboard view starts(touches also containment and dashboard)
- 764408 move the hideToolBox call to the right location
768453 hide items that are disabled while they are shown enforce a 100ms delay774333 put setZValue very high
- panel config (size/span/location, adding/removing of panels)
- systray (if it's not already)
taskbar improvementscolor scheme fixes- icon alignment algorithms
all changes made to iconloader.cpp/h through 764407
- drag&drop panel-desktop in both directions, with visual feedback
r770333, desktop->panel
- being able to move applets (like somewhere added apps) on the panel
Phase: numerous changes, all work in trunk/ should probably just be backported completely; fixes various crashes- miscellaneous
r775266: proper drop behaviour and memory leak fixes for Icon appletr773932 (Fix crash on closing applets) and r773933 (Fix broken usage of Plasma::Phase)