Development/Tutorials/Writing kontact plugins
< Development | Tutorials
Kontact plugins are KParts that get loaded at runtime. To integrate your KPart into kontact, you will need to have a .desktop file like this:
ls /home/kde-devel/kde/share/kde4/services/kontact/ akregatorplugin.desktop knotesplugin.desktop akregatorplugin3.2.desktop korganizerplugin.desktop journalplugin.desktop newstickerplugin.desktop kaddressbookplugin.desktop plannerplugin.desktop karmplugin.desktop specialdatesplugin.desktop kmailplugin.desktop summaryplugin.desktop kmobiletools.desktop todoplugin.desktop knodeplugin.desktop weatherplugin.desktop
Writing a KPart
The following is what you do
- write a subclass mypart of KParts::Part
- use a Widget in it and use setWidget to get your widget into the KPart
- write main.cpp
- create a KMainWindow* mw
- use new mypart(mw) to get your part into your main window