
From KDE TechBase

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the icon naming specification or Tango icon set.If there is no Old Name, please help to determine if we need this icon for KDE4.

KDE3 Name           New Name                  Oxygen status

[none]		    address-book-new
exit        	    application-exit
appointment         appointment-new
bookmark_add        bookmark-new
identity	    contact-new
button_cancel       dialog-cancel
fileclose	    dialog-close
apply		    dialog-ok
filenew        	    document-new
fileopen            document-open
[none]		    document-open-recent
[none]		    document-page-setup
fileprint           document-print
filequickprint      document-print-preview
[none]		    document-properties
revert		    document-revert
filesave            document-save
filesaveas          document-save-as
editclear           edit-clear
editcopy            edit-copy
editcut        	    edit-cut
editdelete          edit-delete
find        	    edit-find
[none]		    edit-find-replace
editpaste           edit-paste
redo		    edit-redo
[none]		    edit-select-all
undo        	    edit-undo
folder_new   	    folder-new
unindent            format-indent-less
indent        	    format-indent-more
centrejust          format-justify-center
[none]		    format-justify-fill
leftjust            format-justify-left
rightjust           format-justify-right
text_bold           format-text-bold
text_italic         format-text-italic
text_strike         format-text-strikethrough
text_under          format-text-underline
bottom        	    go-bottom
down        	    go-down
start        	    go-first
gohome        	    go-home
kfm_home            [delete]
[none]		    go-jump
finish        	    go-last
forward        	    go-next
back        	    go-previous
top        	    go-top
up        	    go-up
[none]		    help-about
[none]		    help-contents
[none]		    help-faq
[none]		    insert-image
[none]		    insert-link
[none]		    insert-object
[none]		    insert-text
add        	    list-add
remove        	    list-remove
mail_forward        mail-forward
[none]		    mail-mark-important
mail_spam           mail-mark-junk
[none]		    mail-mark-not-junk
[none]		    mail-mark-read
[none]		    mail-mark-unread
mail_new            mail-message-new
mail_replyall       mail-reply-all
mail_reply          mail-reply-sender
mail_send           mail-send
[none]		    mail-send-receive
player_eject        media-eject
player_pause        media-playback-pause
player_play         media-playback-start
player_stop         media-playback-stop
player_record       media-record
player_rew          media-seek-backward
player_fwd          media-seek-forward
player_start        media-skip-backward
player_end          media-skip-forward
[none]		    object-flip-horizontal
[none]		    object-flip-vertical
rotate_ccw	    object-rotate-left
rotate_cw	    object-rotate-right
stop        	    process-stop
lock		    system-lock-screen
exit        	    system-log-out
run		    system-run
search        	    system-search
tab_new		    tab-new
spellcheck	    tools-check-spelling
view_fit_height     view-fit-height *
view_fit_width      view-fit-width *
view_fit_window     view-fit-window *
window_fullscreen   view-fullscreen
next                view-next *
previous            view-previous *
reload        	    view-refresh
window_nofullscreen view-restore
sort_incr	    view-sort-ascending
sort_decrease	    view-sort-descending
[none]		    window-close
window_new          window-new
viewmagfit          zoom-best-fit
viewmag+            zoom-in
viewmag1            zoom-original
viewmag-            zoom-out

 * suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon

To do for Oxygen

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's actions/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification.

   [Here goes the description from the icon naming specification.]

Summary of the suggested changes and additions

The ones marked with * and should therefore go into the icon naming specification, presented here in a shorter list for a better overview. Including a suggested short description text like needed for inclusion in the spec.
