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Projects/Summer of Code/2007/Projects/KDEPrint -- add support for LinuxPrinting's on-line drivers query

From KDE TechBase
Revision as of 17:09, 30 April 2007 by Gavinbeatty (talk | contribs) (finished abstract)

A note on this project's (and another's) name

The main thing to note is that LinuxPrinting is no more - long live OpenPrinting! Read the about the merger and be happy.


Good printing support is a basic requirement of Joe Public. Not all realised immediately that Paper was questionable! In order to print, the community must provide for the bajillions of printers that exist. KDE should, nay must, be at the forefront of making the use of such a fundamntal technology as printing, a pain-free experience.

However, as always with technology, the support end is rarely painless. Printer manufacturers do not always provide for *nix customers and this lack of support is often made up by the FLOSS community. So wherever a quick hack at printing "Hello World!" exists, the database will be there to host it in a standard and informative way! Fortunately for us all, the database is not just home for a quick hack. With a vibrant community and support from many major manufacturers, OpenPrinting fills the gap in support for most. Where it is lacking, they are always improving.

(OpenPrinting provide much more than just the database and I implore anyone interested in printing to visit their website)


The goals of this project are:

  • Provide a simple, automated interface to downloading updated/new drivers from OpenPrinting.org by:
    • Updating the installed driver at the prompt of the user or if it is old/obsolete/not very featureful
    • Searching intelligently for the printer in the database
    • Retrieving the best suited driver package available for the printer based on features provided
    • Installing the driver package

Some key things to note about the intended implementation are that:

  • It will use the KDE4 code base
  • It will try to match as much as possible the current KDE "Get hot new stuff!" where suitable. Meaning that the simplicity of "Get hot new stuff!" will be the goal, but not at the expense of being informative and cuntional
  • It will use the alien (if possible) to convert and install the driver if it's an rpm (most likely scenario)
  • It will probably NOT use the actual KNewStuff api