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Policies/Kdepim Coding Style: Difference between revisions

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Guymaurel (talk | contribs)
Guymaurel (talk | contribs)
Line 78: Line 78:

=== Check the assembler files ===
== Check the assembler files ==
If we add or remove some lines, the debug informations included in the object file will be change also.
If we add or remove some lines, the debug informations included in the object file will be change also.

Revision as of 15:05, 3 April 2013

Under Construction
This is a new page, currently under construction!

Purpose of this document

This document describes the recommended coding style for kdepim. Nobody is forced to use this style, but to have consistent formatting of the source code files it is strongly recommended to make use of it.

In short: Kdepim coding style follows the Kdelibs coding style.

The rules for Kdepim

  • don't use any <TAB>s
  • Trim the lines
  • Only single empty lines should be used
  • The first line, the last line(s) may not be empty


As discussed at the KDEPIM meeting, Berlin, 3 March 2013, all the files of KDEPIM will be reviewed to follow the coding style. This will be done over a long time, directory after directory, for each of the rules defined above. For each rule, one can find one or two script(s).

Check the objects

As a first approach, not any object may have binary change after applying one of the rules. To check this, one uses the Check-the-Objects.sh. Download the script: Media:Check-the-Objects.sh.gz

The script can be used with one of the commands:

  • save
  • test
  • clean

An example:

cd <some_kdepim_directory>
mkdir build
cd build
ccmake ../
Scanning dependencies of target gpgmepp
[  0%] Building CXX object gpgme++/CMakeFiles/gpgmepp.dir/gpgmepp_automoc.cpp.o
[  0%] Building CXX object gpgme++/CMakeFiles/gpgmepp.dir/exception.cpp.o
[  0%] Building CXX object gpgme++/CMakeFiles/gpgmepp.dir/context.cpp.o
Check-the-Objects.sh save

The script makes a copy of all the objects and a "time stamp":

save the object ./kholidays/tests/CMakeFiles/testzodiac.dir/testzodiac.cpp.o
save the object ./kholidays/tests/CMakeFiles/testzodiac.dir/testzodiac_automoc.cpp.o
all objects are saved

Now, one makes somes change(s) on the source(s) and:


Depending on the Makefile, some objects will be compiled again:

Scanning dependencies of target akonadi-kde
[ 17%] Building CXX object akonadi/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kde.dir/entitytreeview.cpp.o
[ 17%] Building CXX object akonadi/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kde.dir/itemfetchjob.cpp.o
[ 17%] Building CXX object akonadi/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kde.dir/statisticsproxymodel.cpp.o
Scanning dependencies of target akonadi-kmime
[ 56%] Building CXX object akonadi/kmime/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kmime.dir/standardmailactionmanager.cpp.o
Check-the-Objects.sh test

The script finds all the new objects, makes a comparision with the saved version:

test the object ./akonadi/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kde.dir/statisticsproxymodel.cpp.o
test the object ./akonadi/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kde.dir/entitytreeview.cpp.o
test the object ./akonadi/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kde.dir/itemfetchjob.cpp.o
test the object ./akonadi/kmime/CMakeFiles/akonadi-kmime.dir/standardmailactionmanager.cpp.o
all tests are OK

Check the assembler files

If we add or remove some lines, the debug informations included in the object file will be change also.

This is the case with the test/change of "Only single empty lines should be used", "First line, last line(s) may not be empty" and some more test/change below (adding some blocks with { and }).

For this reason it is no more possible to compare the objects. We have to compare the assembler files.

This works pretty well for the version

The scripts

The first script is to check a single file or a complete directory for all .h and .cpp files.

If present, the second script makes the changes for a single file or a complete directory for all .h and .cpp files. For some complicated situations, the script makes no change.

One can use the scripts for own work.It is recommanded to use them in this order.

don't use any <TAB>s

  • coding-style-check-Tabs.sh
  • coding-style-change-Tabs.sh

Download the scripts: Media:Tabs.tar.gz

The output of the check script is:

check the file /home/guy-kde/projects/kdepimlibs/ktnef/ktnefparser.cpp
1->308: Tab at 16:   stream_ >> i;              // i <- attribute type & name
2->311: Tab at 16:   stream_ >> i;              // i <- data length
3->326: Tab at 22:   case attATTACHMENT:        // try to get attachment info
4->367: Tab at 16:   stream_ >> u;      // u <- checksum
a  b    c            d

This shows:

  • the name of the file which is under test.
  • the number of occurence(a), the line number(b), the position found(c) and the line itself(d).

The change script:

  • makes a substitution of any <TAB> with eight spaces,
  • The change works for the complete source, even within comments and strings,
  • That might be too much and changes the vertical alignment of the code.

Trim the lines

  • coding-style-check-Trim.sh
  • coding-style-change-Trim.sh

Download the scripts: Media:Trim.tar.gz

The output of the check script is:

check the file /home/guy-kde/Software/coding-style-check/trim.cpp
1->51: Space(s) at end of line (28):   QVariant m_matchData;

This shows:

  • the name of the file which is under test.
  • the number of occurence, the line number, the position found and the line itself.

The change script:

  • remove all trailing space(s).

Only single empty lines should be used

  • coding-style-check-Twice.sh
  • coding-style-change-Twice.sh

The output of the check script is:

check the file /home/guy-kde/projects/kdepimlibs/syndication/rss2/enclosure.cpp
1->25: next empty line found
2->26: next empty line found
3->30: next empty line found

This shows:

  • the name of the file which is under test.
  • the number of occurrences and the line numbers.

The change script:

  • removes all the next empty line(s).

First line, last line(s) may not be empty

Some of the sources have a first empty lines, some have one or more empty last line(s).

  • coding-style-check-First-Last.sh
  • coding-style-change-First-Last.sh

The output of the check script is:

check the file /home/guy-kde/Software/coding-style-check/trim.cpp
The first line is empty
The last line is empty

The change script:

  • removes the first line if empty, all the last empty line(s).