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User:Tstaerk: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Tstaerk (talk | contribs)
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Tstaerk (talk | contribs)
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= My sites =
* http://www.staerk.de/thorsten
* http://www.linuxintro.org
= My bookmarks =
* [[Talk:Development/Tutorials/D-Bus/Introduction]]
* [[Talk:Development/Tutorials/D-Bus/Introduction]]
* http://cia.vc/stats/author/tstaerk
* http://cia.vc/stats/author/tstaerk

Latest revision as of 08:05, 3 November 2012

My sites

My bookmarks

open a new repo


legacy svn

I need to use

svn co svn+ssh://[email protected]/home/kde/trunk/

What I have done


make a non-debug-release => cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release . && make && make install

On suse, install into /usr/lib64 instead of /usr/lib => libsuffix, see http://bugs.scribus.net/view.php?id=6010


Here's how I draw a mindmap of this wiki:

Download all pages

wget http://developernew.kde.org/Special:Allpages
cat >spider<<EOF
require HTML::LinkExtor;
\$p = HTML::LinkExtor->new(\&parse, "");
sub parse {
    my(\$tag, %links) = @_;
    my (\$att, \$url) = @{[%links]};
    print "\$url\n";
chmod 777 spider
./spider Special\:Allpages | \
grep "^/" | \
grep -v ":" | \
grep -v "?" | \
while read a
  do wget "http://developernew.kde.org$a"
for file in $(ls --ignore="*:*")
do ./spider $file | \
  grep "^/" | \
  grep -v ":" | \
  grep -v "?" | \
  grep -v "Main_Page" | \
  grep -v "Getting_Started$" | \
  grep -v "/Contribute$" | \
  grep -v "^/Projects$" | \
  grep -v "^/Development$" | \
  grep -v "^/Policies$" | \
  grep -v "^/Projects$" | \
  grep -v "^/Projects/NamingTheWiki$" | \
  grep -v "^/Schedules$" | \
  grep -v "^/favicon.ico$" | \
  grep -v "/opensearch_desc.php$" | \
  grep -v "^/$" | \
  grep -v ".png$" | \
  grep -v "^/Development/Tutorials$" | \
  sed "s;^/.*/;;" | \
  while read file2
  do echo "\"$file\" -> \"$file2\"" 
done >datei
echo "# to create a ps file use 'dot -Tps -o graph.ps graph.dot' (dot it part of the graphviz package)" > graph.dot
echo "digraph \"Wikimap\" { " >> graph.dot
cat datei >>graph.dot
echo "}" >> graph.dot

dot -Tps -o graph.ps graph.dot

Eclipse as IDE