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Schedules/KDE4/4.8 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
kde-baseapps: Mark feature as postponed (for Articles about 4.8)
kdesdk: Set status of Dolphin's Mercurial Plugin to DONE
Line 272: Line 272:
! Contact  
! Contact  
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|Add Flags Datatype to structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|Add Flags Datatype to structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureInProgress|dolphin-plugins|Mercurial plugin for Dolphin|[email protected]|Vishesh Yadav}}
{{FeatureDone|dolphin-plugins|Mercurial plugin for Dolphin|[email protected]|Vishesh Yadav}}
{{FeatureDone|KCachegrind|Upgrade interface to Callgrind (use callgrind_control instead of writing a command file, for > VG 3.7.x)|[email protected]|Josef Weidendorfer}}  
{{FeatureDone|KCachegrind|Upgrade interface to Callgrind (use callgrind_control instead of writing a command file, for > VG 3.7.x)|[email protected]|Josef Weidendorfer}}  
{{FeatureDone|Umbrello|Add code import wizard|[email protected]|Andi Fischer}}
{{FeatureDone|Umbrello|Add code import wizard|[email protected]|Andi Fischer}}

Revision as of 22:15, 15 January 2012

This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.8 release.

See also:


  • todo => not started yet
  • in-progress => started, but not completed yet
  • done => completed


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Kate Part Line modification system Dominik Haumann <[email protected]>
DONE Kate Part Modeline Editor Dominik Haumann <[email protected]>
DONE Kate Part Reliable code folding Adrian Lungu <[email protected]>
DONE Kate Part Improved vi input mode Svyatoslav Kuzmich <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KIO PreviewJob supports URLs Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kdeui KSecretsService API addition Valentin Rusu <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kdeui/util Connect KWallet class to KSecretsService client API Valentin Rusu <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS kcookiejar New domain specific cookie policy based on patch provided in bug#54300 Dawit A. <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS ksecretsserviced KSecretsService daemon implementing the freedesktop.org secrets API. KDE applications will want to use the related kdelibs API (see below) Valentin Rusu <[email protected]>

IN PROGRESS DrKonqi Better duplicate detection Matthias Fuchs <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KIO Thumbnails webthumbnails plugin Sebastian Kügler <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS DrKonqi Scripting support Matthias Fuchs <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Plasma Plasma QML QtComponents Marco Martin <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO KWin Activity switcher Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
TO DO Plasma Activity UI improvements Will Stephenson <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Take over screensaver/locking management from KRunner Alex Merry <[email protected]>
DONE KCM make mouse cursor size configurable (http://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101701/) Lukas Sommer <[email protected]>
DONE powerdevil Remove Desktop Effects Management Dario Freddi <[email protected]>
DONE powerdevil Allow static profiles only Dario Freddi <[email protected]>
DONE powerdevil Allow activity interaction Dario Freddi <[email protected]>
DONE Plasma Add MPRIS2 support to nowplaying Alex Merry <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Plasma Allow task grouping on the taskbar to work together with kwin window tabbing Anton Kreuzkamp <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Plasma Merge the QML version of the device notifier Marco Martin <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Plasma Merge the QML version of the battery applet Marco Martin <[email protected]>
DONE KWin QML based Window switcher (Tabbox) Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Texture Rectangle ARB support in Shaders Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin No Compositor restart on screen change Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Initial Wayland support Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]>
DONE KWin Support for thumbnails in QML Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]>
DONE KWin Add AnimationEffect class Thomas Lübking <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Option to prefer the mouse position over the focus chain Thomas Lübking <[email protected]>
DONE KWin More cleanup in the window rules kcm Thomas Lübking <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Trade 1 frame lag for deterministic framerate Thomas Lübking <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Improved resizing of windows with thin or no borders Fredrik Höglund <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Move Workspace's compositing functionality to own class Compositor Arthur Arlt <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KWin Introduce class DecorationPaintRedirector for decoration handling when Compositing is active Arthur Arlt <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Screenlocker New Screenlocker and daemon Martin Gräßlin <[email protected]>
DONE Plasma Merge IconTask's taskmanager changes Craig Drummond <[email protected]>
DONE KCM Allow flag and label in keyboard layout indicator Andriy Rysin <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KSplash QML based ksplash Marco Martin/Ivan Čukić <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Dolphin Implement new view-engine for Dolphin 2.0 (see http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2011/08/introducing-dolphin-20.html and http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2012/01/dolphin-20-status-update.html) Peter Penz <[email protected]>
TO DO Dolphin Implement support for back/forward mouse buttons (Postponed to 4.9) Sebastian Dörner <[email protected]>
DONE Kate Search & Replace in files plugin Kåre Särs <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kate Make GDB target selection behave like the build plugin Kåre Särs <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kate Add convenience options for remote debugging Kåre Särs <[email protected]>
DONE Settings Improve proxy configuration dialog Dawit Alemayehu <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS KTouch New organisation of keyboard and lecture files according to languages Rüthemann Peter <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KTouch New organisation of menu system: Training, Statistic, Settings Rüthemann Peter <[email protected]>
TO DO KTouch End of lecture statistics Rüthemann Peter <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs Alignment Actions to minimize crossing graph edges Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
TO DO Rocs Project Files to combine graphs and algorithms Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs Context menu for graph scene Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs Resurrect import-/export-features Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
DONE Rocs User Interface Cleanup Andreas Cord-Landwehr <[email protected]>
DONE Cantor Add Qalculate backend Matteo Agostinelli <[email protected]>
DONE Cantor Add Scilab backend Filipe Saraiva <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Marble Runner plugins for Parsing files Thibaut Gridel <tgridel@freedotfr>
DONE Marble (GSoC) OSM file rendering Konstantin Oblaukhov <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Marble Graphics Scene (Performance of Vector Drawing) Konstantin Oblaukhov <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Gps Info Plugin Thibaut Gridel <tgridel@freedotfr>
DONE Marble Improve LatLonEdit to allow input as Radian and DM Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Marble Marble Touch (GSoC, Marble on MeeGo/N9) Daniel Marth, Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Routing API Dennis Nienhüser <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Marble Adjustable Map Orientation (Rotation in Screen Plane) Bernhard Beschow <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Speedometer Plugin Bernhard Beschow <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Plasma Runner for geo coords and Marble bookmarks Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Make bookmark editor support editing the lonlat coordinates Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
DONE Marble Fix GeoDataCoordinates parsing from a QString Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>
DONE Marble OsmNominatim improved display Thibaut Gridel <tgridel@freedorfr>
TO DO Marble Create New Marble About Dialog Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble Add Float Item Management Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
TO DO Marble New Search Torsten Rahn <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Marble Make API more QML-friendly Bernhard Beschow <[email protected]>
DONE KTurtle Add modulo command Niels Slot <nielsslot@gmaildotcom>
DONE KGeography Merge stuff from the cherry_field branch Albert Astals Cid <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Libkdegames Improve graphics performance in all games by standardizing on the use of Qt Raster Graphics. Stefan Majewsky <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Add a new generator and solver to KSudoku, based on published algorithms. This will provide a full range of puzzle difficulties, rather than mainly easy puzzles, and will address bug 217925 and its duplicates 228614 and 237262 (now nearly two years old). Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Re-implement the puzzle-symmetry feature. Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KSudoku Re-order the puzzle types on the welcome screen. Use KDE Games Difficulty combo-box instead of a slider. Save user's choices of puzzle between sessions. Do minor tidy-ups of the user interface. Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KGoldrunner Add the championship level "Gold Rush" game, with Traditional rules, contributed by Gabriel Miltschitzky. Ian Wadham <[email protected]>
DONE KGoldrunner Add the championship level "Jail Break" game, with KGoldrunner rules, contributed by Gabriel Miltschitzky. Ian Wadham <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Okular Reset Form Action support Albert Astals Cid <[email protected]>
DONE Okular Viewer Mode & Interface. Michel Ludwig <[email protected]>
DONE Okular Table selection tool improvements Albert Astals Cid <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Gwenview Animated image transitions Aurélien Gâteau <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO JuK MPRIS2 support Alex Merry <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS KGet Better interaction for torrents if they are seeding and other downloads stopped because of that Matthias Fuchs <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS KGet Class that handles deleting files Matthias Fuchs <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS Kopete Akonadi History Plugin Kaushik Saurabh <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
TO DO attachment:/ kio-slave Implement kio-slave to access (email) attachments in Akonadi Friedrich W. H. Kossebau <[email protected]>

IN PROGRESS KAlarm Port to Akonadi David Jarvie <[email protected]>

TO DO sieve: implement wizard Implement wizard to help user to create sieve script Montel Laurent <[email protected]>

DONE HTML Replies Give messagecomposer (especially for KMail) the ability to compose replies in HTML Torgny Nyblom <[email protected]>

IN PROGRESS KMail import KMail1 setup import instead of migration Kevin Krammer <[email protected]>

IN PROGRESS Agent control workspace integration Monitoring and control of Akonadi agents through Plasma workspace facilitites Kevin Krammer <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
IN PROGRESS Kimpanel Port kimpanel to DataEngine based one Xuetian Weng <[email protected]>
DONE IconTasks Import IconTasks Craig Drummond <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE Okteta Add Flags Datatype to structures tool Alex Richardson <[email protected]>
DONE dolphin-plugins Mercurial plugin for Dolphin Vishesh Yadav <[email protected]>
DONE KCachegrind Upgrade interface to Callgrind (use callgrind_control instead of writing a command file, for > VG 3.7.x) Josef Weidendorfer <[email protected]>
DONE Umbrello Add code import wizard Andi Fischer <[email protected]>


Status Project Description Contact
DONE ark Allow Ark to be used as a KPart again Raphael Kubo da Costa <[email protected]>
IN PROGRESS ksecrets A suite of tools related to the KSecretsService infrastructure Valentin Rusu <[email protected]>