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From KDE TechBase
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Alisha (talk | contribs)
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::* '''搜尋引擎'''. Do not forget about your favorite search engine. One of the best search engines is Google. With Google you can also [http://groups.google.com/ search] the great bulk of Usenet news sites, which is also particularly helpful, especially for general programming and gcc-related questions.
::* '''搜尋引擎'''. Do not forget about your favorite search engine. One of the best search engines is Google. With Google you can also [http://groups.google.com/ search] the great bulk of Usenet news sites, which is also particularly helpful, especially for general programming and gcc-related questions.
::* '''在 KDE 郵件列表提問'''. If you still do not have an answer, try asking your question on one of the KDE mailing lists listed above.
::* '''在 KDE 郵件列表提問'''. If you still do not have an answer, try asking your question on one of the KDE mailing lists listed above.
::::* For questions relating to core development or third-party KDE development, unless you are particularly interested in [http://konqueror.kde.org/ Konqueror], KOffice, games or Java development, your main choice is [mailto:[email protected] kde-devel] [mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe (subscribe)].
::::* For questions relating to core development or third-party KDE development, unless you are particularly interested in [http://konqueror.kde.org/ Konqueror], [http://www.koffice.org/ KOffice], games or Java development, your main choice is [mailto:[email protected] kde-devel] [mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe (subscribe)].
::::* For questions relating to Konqueror development, your main choice is [mailto:[email protected] kfm-devel] [mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe (subscribe)]
::::* For questions relating to Konqueror development, your main choice is [mailto:[email protected] kfm-devel] [mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe (subscribe)]
::::* For questions relating to KOffice development, your main choice is [mailto:[email protected] koffice-devel] [mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe (subscribe)]
::::* For questions relating to KOffice development, your main choice is [mailto:[email protected] koffice-devel] [mailto:[email protected]?subject=subscribe (subscribe)]

Revision as of 02:47, 7 December 2009


這個頁面試圖提供KDE開發的不同方面,尤其是與程式設計有關的部分有一個總體的認識。KDE 計畫歡迎任何願意提供幫助的人

Template:Note (zh TW)




可能這是最好的獲知 KDE 正在開發著什麼的途徑。相關的文件可以在這裡獲得。
在你所感興趣的區域內收取 SVN 討論的通知。
KDE Commit-Digest
每週的 SVN 討論概述。
The Dot


開始為 KDE 寫程式,是取決於找到需要修補的東西,並想要修補它。你可能想查閱相關模塊的概述來幫助找到你在尋找的東西;一旦你修復了某些東西,你需要提交一個補丁。如果你多次地這麼做,你可能需要申請一個SVN賬戶,那麼你將可以直接地修補相關的東西。


KDE大部分是用C++寫成的。如果你不熟悉C++,你至少需要對它進行一些學習。有一些很好的關於C++的書,其中一本非常出色的教學叫做Bruce Eckel's "Thinking in C++",你可以自由而免費地下載它,同樣你也能將其打印成書面文件。在參與KDE之前,你不需要對它的所有東西都有個透徹的理解,但你至少需要懂得基本的語法和操作。


要想精通 KDE 程式設計,你應當了解 Qt。如果你不熟悉 Qt,你工作時應當參考包括 Qt 參考文件 在內的 Qt 相關指南。

如果你需要一個更有魅力的 Qt 介紹,或者希望瞭解一個不同角度的觀點,那麼你可能願意閱讀這份獨立 Qt 教學(當前離線閱讀需要book contract)。

如果您偏好閱讀傳統書籍來學習 Qt,可以看看Qt 相關的書籍。更多熟悉 Qt4 的建議可參考如何學習 Qt

對英文苦手嗎?在Qt 學習專區CuteQt 中有大量中文 Qt 教學提供您閱讀學習。


一系列關於 KDE 技術的資訊可以在教學中查閱。

你同樣可以在FAQs中找到關於KDE程式設計的有用資訊。這些資訊對KDE 4 來說可能同樣是有點過時了,然而其中的許多內容仍在被廣泛地應用著,甚至是在 KDE 之外。

你同樣可以閱讀KDE 程式設計書籍

最後,但絕不是次要的,KDE 與大量的類別(Application Programmer Interface,API)文件一起發布。 這些,同樣包括許多關於如何編寫與更新類別文件(the class documentation)的有用鏈接都在KDE API 參考手冊中呈現。你同樣能在自己擁有的機器上生成這些,或者使用一個經常更新的在線版本—— The English Breakfast Network




如果你有興趣幫助KDE解決問題,但又不知從何處著手,成為一個 KDE 品質保障小組(the KDE Quality Team)的一員可能正是你所期望的——更多資訊請查看品質保障小組的網站。注意,你不需要任何程式設計技術就可以參與。特別是 develpers regularly 推動的Junior Jobs,鼓勵新的貢獻。

當然,你能在不成為 KDE 品質保障小組成員的情況下參與除錯 —— 只需要在 KDE漏洞跟踪系統上創建一個你自己的賬戶,並且開始搜索和整理這些漏洞。再次強調,你並不必須擁有程式設計技術 —— 那隻是幫助程式設計師用一貫的手法在程式中複製漏洞而已。

Bugsquad嘗試跟踪 KDE 軟體中的漏洞,並且確保被確認的漏洞被開發者們注意到。在 Bugsquad 中你不需要任何的程式設計知識;事實上,如果你不會程式設計,這是一種回饋 KDE 社群的良好方法。


If your question concerns KDE development, your options are pretty much the same general user ones, with some modifications:

  • 閱讀開發者 FAQ. Many common developer questions have been answered in the KDE Developer FAQ
  • 搜尋或瀏覽 KDE 網站. A lot of questions can also be answered from the KDE websites, and the documentation included on it. You can search all the KDE websites on the homepage. In addition, you can browse the KDE TechBase website.
  • 搜尋郵件列表. A lot of questions have already been answered on the KDE mailing lists, particular the lists kde-devel, kde2-porting, kde-core-devel, kde-games-devel, kfm-devel and koffice-devel. You can search these lists either at lists.kde.org. You should always search for your answer before asking questions on the mailing lists. When you ask a question on a mailing list you are emailing thousands of people -- please do this only if the answer is not available through a simple search.
  • 搜尋引擎. Do not forget about your favorite search engine. One of the best search engines is Google. With Google you can also search the great bulk of Usenet news sites, which is also particularly helpful, especially for general programming and gcc-related questions.
  • 在 KDE 郵件列表提問. If you still do not have an answer, try asking your question on one of the KDE mailing lists listed above.

A full list of KDE mailing lists is available here and here.

Historical Sources

KDE Traffic
Summary of the development mailing lists. KDE Traffic ran for 76 issues, from 10 March 2001 until 16 April 2004. The KDE Commit-Digest (described above) is its logical successor.