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Development/Tutorials/First program: Difference between revisions

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Tstaerk (talk | contribs)
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Tstaerk (talk | contribs)
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=Your first program=
=Your first program=
Your first program shall greet the world with a friendly "hello world", what else ? For that, we will use a KMessageBox. To get more information about the KMessageBox-Class, type "kde: kmessagebox" in your konqueror and it will redirect you to http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/cvs-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKMessageBox.html
Your first program shall greet the world with a friendly "hello world", what else ? For that, we will use a KMessageBox. To get more information about the KMessageBox-Class, type "kde: kmessagebox" in your konqueror and it will redirect you to http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/cvs-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKMessageBox.html
<highlightSyntax language="cpp">
  #include <QString>
  #include <QString>
  #include <kapplication.h>
  #include <kapplication.h>
Line 18: Line 18:
If you set up your environment as in KDE3To4, you can compile this code with
If you set up your environment as in KDE3To4, you can compile this code with

Revision as of 20:17, 31 August 2006

Your first program

Your first program shall greet the world with a friendly "hello world", what else ? For that, we will use a KMessageBox. To get more information about the KMessageBox-Class, type "kde: kmessagebox" in your konqueror and it will redirect you to http://developer.kde.org/documentation/library/cvs-api/kdelibs-apidocs/kdeui/html/classKMessageBox.html <highlightSyntax language="cpp">

#include <QString>
#include <kapplication.h>
#include <kaboutdata.h>
#include <kmessagebox.h>
#include <kcmdlineargs.h> 

int main (int argc, char *argv[])
  KAboutData aboutData( "test", "test",
      "1.0", "test", KAboutData::License_GPL,
      "(c) 2006" );
  KCmdLineArgs::init( argc, argv, &aboutData );
  KApplication khello;
  KGuiItem kgi(QString("Hello"),QString(),QString("this is a tooltip"),QString("this is whatsthis"));

</highlightSyntax> If you set up your environment as in KDE3To4, you can compile this code with

gcc hello.cpp -o hello -I/home/kde-devel/qt-unstable/include/Qt  -I/home/kde-devel/qt-unstable/include/Qt-Core \
-I/home/kde-devel/qt-unstable/include -I/home/kde-devel/kde/include  -L/home/kde-devel/kde/lib \
-L/home/kde-devel/qt-unstable/lib -lkdeui -lkdecore -ldl      

and then run it with ./hello