Projects/Oxygen/namingSpec/actions: Difference between revisions

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== Specification compliance of icon names ==
== Specification compliance of icon names ==

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the icon naming specification or Tango icon set.
Icon names without notes already exist in the icon naming specification or Tango icon set.


Revision as of 06:19, 9 July 2007

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without notes already exist in the icon naming specification or Tango icon set.

bookmark-new +            OK
dialog-cancel             OK
dialog-close              OK
document-new              OK
document-open             OK
document-open-recent      OK
document-print            OK
document-print-preview    OK
document-properties       OK
document-revert           OK
document-save             OK
document-save-as          OK
edit-clear +              OK
edit-copy                 OK
edit-cut                  OK
edit-delete               OK
edit-find                 OK
edit-paste                OK
edit-redo                 OK
edit-undo                 OK
folder-new                OK
format-indent-less        OK
format-indent-more        OK
format-justify-fill       OK
format-text-bold          OK
format-text-italic        OK
format-text-strikethrough OK
format-text-underline     OK
go-bottom                 OK
go-down                   OK
go-first                  OK
go-home                   OK
go-last                   OK
go-next                   OK
go-previous               OK
go-top                    OK
go-up                     OK
help-contents             OK
list-add                  OK
list-remove               OK
mail-forward              OK
mail-message-new          OK
mail-reply-all            OK
mail-reply-sender         OK
mail-send                 OK
media-eject               OK
media-playback-pause      OK
media-playback-start      OK
media-playback-stop       OK
media-seek-backward       OK
media-seek-forward        OK
media-skip-backward       OK
media-skip-forward        OK
object-rotate-left        OK
object-rotate-right       OK
process-stop +            OK
system-lock-screen        OK
system-log-out            OK
system-run                OK
system-search             OK
tab-new +                 OK
tools-check-spelling      OK
view-fullscreen           OK
view-refresh              OK
view-restore              OK
window-close              OK
window-new                OK
zoom-best-fit             OK
zoom-in                   OK
zoom-original             OK
zoom-out                  OK

 *  suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 +  included with the Tango icon theme, but not in the current spec.
 ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon

To do for Oxygen

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's actions/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification


Summary of the suggested changes and additions

The ones marked with * and should therefore go into the icon naming specification, presented here in a shorter list for a better overview. Including a suggested short description text like needed for inclusion in the spec.
