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Line 54: Line 54:
cd tools/vectorosm-tilecreator
cd tools/vectorosm-tilecreator
./marble-vectorosm-tilecreator http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/california-latest.osm.pbf
./marble-vectorosm-tilecreator http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/california-latest.osm.pbf
  [========================================>]  100%  0.0/0.0 MB  Downloading california-latest.osm.pbf
  [========================================>]  100%  734.4/734.4 MB  Downloading california-latest.osm.pbf
  [========================================>]  100%  0.0/0.0 MB  Downloading california.poly
  [========================================>]  100%  0.0/0.0 MB  Downloading california.poly
  [========================================>]  100%  osm cache tiles complete.
  [========================================>]  100%  osm cache tiles complete.

Revision as of 13:26, 19 November 2016

OSM Vector Tiles

Creating tiles from a pbf file

As an example we'd like to render tiles for tile level 13, 15 and 17 of San Francisco. First you need the osm.pbf file for that region. In our case we get it from:


where we locate the link to the pbf file as http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/california-latest.osm.pbf

Creating the tools - osmconvert and marble-vectorosm-tilecreator

Now we need the tools for conversion and filtering the pbf file into tiles. In order to compile the tools you should have zlib installed on your system (e.g. via sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev). Then run:

cd /tmp
wget http://m.m.i24.cc/osmconvert.c
gcc -O3 -o osmconvert osmconvert.c -lz
sudo mv osmconvert /usr/local/bin

if that works, running

osmconvert -h

should output usage instructions.

Please compile Marble from source code as well as described in https://marble.kde.org/sources.php and make sure to compile the development version (master branch). Pass the option -DBUILD_MARBLE_TOOLS=TRUE to cmake in order to compile all Marble tools.

Running the VectorTileCreator

Now our tool is needed. In a shell, go to the marble build directory and then

cd tools/vectorosm-tilecreator

now running

./marble-vectorosm-tilecreator -h

should give usage instructions.

The tile cutter tool works as follows: You call it with a link to an osm .pbf file as parameter.

The tool will generate tiles for zoom levels 11, 13, 15 and 17 by default. You can overwrite that using the -z switch, e.g. -z 13 15.

Full Example

If you follow the steps above, the final tile creation run after installing the required tools will look like this:

cd ~/marble/build/
cd tools/vectorosm-tilecreator
./marble-vectorosm-tilecreator http://download.geofabrik.de/north-america/us/california-latest.osm.pbf
 [========================================>]  100%  734.4/734.4 MB  Downloading california-latest.osm.pbf
 [========================================>]  100%  0.0/0.0 MB  Downloading california.poly
 [========================================>]  100%  osm cache tiles complete.
 [========================================>]  100%  landmass cache tiles complete.                    
 [========================================>]  100%  Vector OSM tiles complete.