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Projects/Edu/Artikulate/BuildAndInstall: Difference between revisions

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Cola (talk | contribs)
Review: typos & minor wording
Line 39: Line 39:
* set: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = debugfull
* set: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = debugfull
* set: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = $HOME/artikulate-install
* set: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = $HOME/artikulate-install
Then press "configure" to see if all necessary libraries are present. Maybe you must press configure twice to get all red warnings resolved. If nothing red remains, all dependencies are found. To generate the build files, press "Generate".
Then press "configure" to see if all necessary libraries are present. Maybe you must press configure twice to get all red warnings resolved. If nothing red remains, all dependencies are found. To generate the build files, press "Generate".

Revision as of 09:52, 4 December 2013

This text explains how to compile Artikulate from sources and what are the necessary steps to run it then.

Setting up Development / Compilation Step

The following general steps are mandatory:

  1. setup development environment for KDE applications
  2. get the Artikulate source code
  3. configure the build system
  4. compile Artikulate
  5. install Artikulate
  6. set KDEDIRS and set QML_IMPORT_PATH
  7. run Artikulate

We now explain these steps in details.

Artikulate Development Environment

Usually it is not necessary to compile kdelibs and Qt by yourself but to use development packages as contributed by your distribution. As those, Artikulate requires development packages of the following framewoks:

  • KDE >= 4.10
  • Qt >= 4.8 (but not Qt 5.x)
  • CMake >= 2.8.9
  • QtMobility with component QtMultimedia

Those package are usually provided by your distribution. Not that you also must install the development packages (often indicated by a trailing "-dev" in the package name).

Example: Development Packages on Debian

  • kde-sc-dev-latest
  • cmake
  • kdelibs5-dev
  • qtmobility-dev
  • libqtmultimediakit1

Get the Source Code

You can fetch the sources from the Artikulate Project Page by cloning the Git repository. Let's assume for further explanations that you copy the source to: "$HOME/artikulate-source" (replace $HOME by the path to your home directory.)

Configure Your Build-System

Next, we need folders for building and for installing Artikulate. For those we create the following folders:

  • $HOME/artikulate-build
  • $HOME/artikulate-install

Then we need to say the build-scripts that those folders exist. Very comfortable this can be done by using the program cmake-gui. Take care to set the following variables:

  • Source-directory is: $HOME/artkulate-source
  • Build-directory is: $HOME/artikulate-build
  • set: CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE = debugfull
  • set: CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX = $HOME/artikulate-install

Then press "configure" to see if all necessary libraries are present. Maybe you must press configure twice to get all red warnings resolved. If nothing red remains, all dependencies are found. To generate the build files, press "Generate".

Setup Execution Environment and Run Artikulate

It is necessary that the following variables are set when executing the application. This can either be done in your IDE (like KDevelop or QtCreator) or at the console with the export command, i.e.:

  1. export KDEDIRS=$HOME/artikulate-install:$KDEDIRS
  2. export QML_IMPORT_PATH=/usr/lib/kde4/imports:$HOME/artikulate/share/apps/artikulate/qml/

(the QML_IMPORT_PATH depends on your distribution, i.e., the first part could be for example also "/usr/lib64/kde4" or similar; you find the correct path by searching in your file system where the file structure .../imports/org/kde/plasma/core/ exists)

Finally, you can run the built Artikulate binaries in $HOME/artikulate-install/bin/artikulate.

Artikulate Course Data Repository

All course material for Artikulate can be found and edited in the following repository:

For licensing information please see:

You can contribute to this repository with a KDE Developer account. But also if you do not have a KDE Developer account (yet), we are happy to get contributions. For those cases, please write to the mailing list [1] and get in touch with us.

Using the Repository Directly in Artikulate

To work with the Artikulate editor directly at the Artikulate course material repository please create a local copy of it (git clone). Then start Artikulate and go to the dialog "Settings" (top-left tool button) and select the root folder of your local copy in that dialog as your course material repository. After restarting Artikulate the training mode as well as the editor mode operate only on the data from the repository.