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DBus-based IPC has been intregrated nicely in the Qt framework. Qt also provides [[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusabstractadaptor.html|Adaptors]] and [[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusabstractinterface.html|Interfaces]] to communicate with remote objects, so you don't have to manually construct [[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusmessage.html|QDBusMessages]].
DBus-based IPC has been intregrated nicely in the Qt framework. Qt also provides [http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusabstractadaptor.html Adaptors] and [http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusabstractinterface.html Interfaces] to communicate with remote objects, so you don't have to manually construct [http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusmessage.html QDBusMessages].
These Adaptors and Interfaces are very similar to the Stubs and Proxies used in other RPC mechanisms like [[http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Object_Request_Broker_Architecture|Corba]] and [[http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/basic/rmi/index.jsp|RMI]].
These Adaptors and Interfaces are very similar to the Stubs and Proxies used in other RPC mechanisms like [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Common_Object_Request_Broker_Architecture Corba] and [http://java.sun.com/javase/technologies/core/basic/rmi/index.jsp RMI].

So, Qt provides a way to talk to objects in a different process and it contains Adaptors and Interfaces to do so in a nice, object-oriented way.
So, Qt provides a way to talk to objects in a different process and it contains Adaptors and Interfaces to do so in a nice, object-oriented way.
Line 254: Line 254:
This is done by using the QDBusArgument stream operators, so you will
This is done by using the QDBusArgument stream operators, so you will
need to implement those operators for your custom types, as explained
need to implement those operators for your custom types, as explained
[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.6/qdbusargument.html#details here].

For the Message type from the example, these operators are very simple,
For the Message type from the example, these operators are very simple,

Revision as of 16:27, 22 April 2010

Development/Tutorials/D-Bus/Intermediate D-Bus

Using Custom Types with DBus
Tutorial Series   D-Bus
Previous   Creating Interfaces
What's Next   Creating Interfaces
Further Reading   n/a

DBus-based IPC has been intregrated nicely in the Qt framework. Qt also provides Adaptors and Interfaces to communicate with remote objects, so you don't have to manually construct QDBusMessages. These Adaptors and Interfaces are very similar to the Stubs and Proxies used in other RPC mechanisms like Corba and RMI.

So, Qt provides a way to talk to objects in a different process and it contains Adaptors and Interfaces to do so in a nice, object-oriented way. A number of types can be marshaled and unmarshaled by default, (QString, QPoint, QRect, etc.), so you can just use those in DBus-enabled classes without extra effort.

However, using a custom type is somewhat more complicated, as you need to tell Qt how to handle it. That is what this tutorial is about.

An example was created to go along with this HOWTO. It is a very basic chat application that communicates through the session DBus.

Write a class

Write the class you would like to publish, complete with signals, slots and properties, using custom types as you go along.

The class being published in the example is the following:

{{{#!highlight cpp class Chat : public QObject {

   Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "demo.Chat")
   Q_PROPERTY( QStringList users READ users)


   void userAdded(const QString& user);
   void userRemoved(const QString& user);
   void messageSent(const Message &message);

public slots:

   void addUser(const QString &user);
   void removeUser(const QString &user);
   void sendMessage(const Message &message);


   Chat(QObject* parent = 0);
   virtual ~Chat();
   QStringList users() const;


   QStringList m_users;

}; }}}

It contains simple user management and provides the means to send a message. The Message class is the custom type in the example. It contains only a user and a text message. There is no reason why the methods in the Chat class couldn't just take 2 QString parameters, but then Qt would be able to do everything automatically and we need something irregular for this howto.

To show that Qt supports a lot of types right out of the box, a QStringList was used. This will become clear further on.


The Q_CLASSINFO declaration provides a means to specify an interface name that will be take into account by the xml tools.

Typically, the company name is included in the name, resulting in declarations like: {{{ Q_CLASSINFO("D-Bus Interface", "com.firm.department.product.interface") }}}

Generate XML

Generate the xml description of the class using the qdbuscpp2xml tool provided by Qt.

If you run qdbuscpp2xml on the Chat.hpp file in the example, you will get the following output: {{{#!highlight xml <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd"> <node>

 <interface name="demo.Chat">
   <property name="users" type="as" access="read"/>
   <signal name="userAdded">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="out"/>
   <signal name="userRemoved">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="out"/>
   <method name="addUser">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="in"/>
   <method name="removeUser">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="in"/>

</node> }}}

Note that this xml file contains all methods from the Chat class using standard Qt types. If you were to generate Adaptor and Interface classes based on this xml, you would be able to add and remove users, get the list of users and receive the userAdded and userRemoved signals. Even the QStringList type is handled automatically.

The methods dealing with the Message type, however, are not available. To generate an Adaptor and an Interface capable of dealing with the Message type, you need to modify the XML.

{{{#!wiki tip Tip

You may want to generate the Adaptor and Interface using only the automatically generated xml. It might be helpful to compare them to the versions we will generate further on. }}}

Edit the XML

The qdbusxml2cpp tool needs to be told about the custom types, so you need to add some type information to the XML.

This is done by specifying annotations: {{{#!highlight xml <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="*customType*"/> }}}

The syntax differs slightly depending on wheter you're using it in a signal/method or in a property (the {{{.In0}}} is omitted for properties), but it is fairly straightforward. The following is an example dealing with the QRect type (it has no relation with the example): {{{#!highlight xml <property name="rectangle" type="(iiii)" access="readwrite">

 <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName" value="QRect"/>


<signal name="rectangleChanged">

 <arg name="rect" type="(iiii)" direction="out"/>
 <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="QRect"/>


<method name="changeRectangle">

 <arg name="message" type="(iiii)" direction="in"/>
 <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="QRect"/>

</method> }}}

Don't worry too much about what type to specify; any type that is somewhat too complex to get marshaled/unmarshaled by default handlers will be processed using the custom type, so it really doesn't matter what type you use. You could even use {{{"(iiii)"}}} for everything.

If any of your methods returns a complex result, you need to add an annotation for com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.Out0 as well.

{{{#!wiki note Note

The XML above uses QRects. QRect is supported by default, so the code above would be generated for you by qdbuscpp2xml. }}}

The complete interface used for the Chat interface in the example is as follows: {{{#!highlight xml <!DOCTYPE node PUBLIC "-//freedesktop//DTD D-BUS Object Introspection 1.0//EN" "http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/dbus/1.0/introspect.dtd"> <node>

 <interface name="demo.Chat">
   <property name="users" type="as" access="read"/>
   <signal name="userAdded">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="out"/>
   <signal name="userRemoved">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="out"/>
   <signal name="messageSent">
     <arg name="message" type="a(ii)" direction="out"/>
     <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="Message"/>
   <method name="addUser">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="in"/>
   <method name="removeUser">
     <arg name="user" type="s" direction="in"/>
   <method name="sendMessage">
     <arg name="message" type="a(ii)" direction="in"/>
     <annotation name="com.trolltech.QtDBus.QtTypeName.In0" value="Message"/>

</node> }}}

Generate Adaptor and Interface classes

Now that the XML contains all the information qdbusxml2cpp needs, it's time to generate the Adaptor and Interface classes.

Since custom types are involved, you will need to specify some extra includes, so the Adaptor and Interface classes can find all the type information.

For the DBusChat example, the Adaptor and Interface classes were created by calling {{{ qdbusxml2cpp Chat.xml -i Message.hpp -a ChatAdaptor qdbusxml2cpp Chat.xml -i Message.hpp -p ChatInterface }}}

Qt Meta object magic

Even though we now have an Adaptor to wrap an object and an Interface to talk to it, you will not be able to compile them as some extra things are necessary for the Qt Meta object system to be able to process the custom type.

Register the type

Declare the type as a Qt meta type by adding a {{{ Q_DECLARE_METATYPE }}} statement to the header file containing your custom type definition.

Add qRegisterMetaType and qDBusRegisterMetaType calls to enable the framework to work with the custom type.

In the example's Message class, a static method is included to do this: {{{#!highlight cpp void Message::registerMetaType() {


} }}}

{{{{#!wiki important Important

You need to register the type both in the application publishing the object and in the application using it, since both applications need to be able to handle the custom type.

Also take care to register the custom types before calling methods on the Adaptor/Interface that need them.

Qt will show error output if you are using types it cannot (yet) handle, but you should be aware of it nonetheless. }}}}

Provide QDBusArgument streaming operators

When a DBus call is executed that uses a custom type, the Qt framework will need to marshal (serialize) or unmarshal (unserialize) the instance.

This is done by using the QDBusArgument stream operators, so you will need to implement those operators for your custom types, as explained here.

For the Message type from the example, these operators are very simple, since it only contains 2 strings: {{{#!highlight cpp QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const Message& message) {

   argument << message.m_user;
   argument << message.m_text;
   return argument;


const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, Message &message) {

   argument >> message.m_user;
   argument >> message.m_text;
   return argument;

} }}} QDBusArgument provides functions to handle much more complex types as well.

Use the adaptor and interface classes

You are now ready to start using the Adaptor and Interface classes and have your custom type handled automatically.

Publishing an object using an Adaptor

To publish an object, you should instantiate an Adaptor for it and then register the object with the DBus you are using.

This is the code that publishes a Chat object in the DBusChat example: {{{#!highlight cpp Chat* pChat = new Chat(&a); ChatAdaptor* pChatAdaptor = new ChatAdaptor(pChat);

if (!connection.registerService(CHAT_SERVICE)) {

   qFatal("Could not register service!");


if (!connection.registerObject(CHAT_PATH, pChat)) {

   qFatal("Could not register Chat object!");

} }}}

The ChatAdaptor instance will process any incoming DBus requests for the Chat object. When a method is invoked, it will call the matching slot on the Chat object. When the Chat object emits a signal, the ChatAdaptor will transmit it across DBus.

Talking to a remote object using an Interface

To talk to a remote object, you need only instantiate the matching Interface and pass the correct service name and object path.

In the DBusChat example, a connection is made with a remote Chat object like this: {{{#!highlight cpp demo::Chat chatInterface(CHAT_SERVICE, CHAT_PATH, connection); }}}

Using the remote object in your application

Once you have an instance of the Interface class, you should be able to interact with the remote object like you would with any other QObject.

The ChatWindow class in the DBusChat example, for instance, adds a user simply by calling {{{#!highlight cpp m_chatInterface.addUser(m_userName); }}}

Furthermore, ChatWindow is able to respond to signals emitted by the Chat object by connecting to its Interface class just like with any other QObject: {{{#!highlight cpp connect(&m_chatInterface, SIGNAL(userAdded(QString)), SLOT(chat_userAdded(QString))); connect(&m_chatInterface, SIGNAL(userRemoved(QString)), SLOT(chat_userRemoved(QString))); connect(&m_chatInterface, SIGNAL(messageSent(Message)), SLOT(chat_messageSent(Message))); }}}



We're not too wild about having to do some of this stuff manually, but using the Adaptors and Interfaces is much more convenient than writing code that manually constructs dbus calls and processes the replies.

One might hope qdbuscpp2xml and qdbusxml2cpp will be extended to support custom types by analyzing an entire code tree instead of just the header files passed to them, so they would be able to recognize the custom types and add methods/signals/properties to the XML accordingly.

Alternatively, a feature could be added to Qt Creator to support the kind of solution presented here in a automated fashion. Since Qt Creator already needs to be aware of custom types used in a project, this might be more feasible (or at least easier) than modifying the qdbus tools.

Adventurous serialization of enumerations

If you happen to use a lot of enumerations and you need them to be exported across DBus, you will likely end up with QDBusArgument stream operators for every enumeration. A basic implementation could simply cast the enum to and from an int, resulting in code looking like this: {{{#!highlight cpp QDBusArgument &operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const EnumerationType& source) {

   argument << static_cast<int>(source);
   return argument;


const QDBusArgument &operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, EnumerationType &dest) {

   int a;
   argument >> a;
   dest = static_cast<EnumerationType>(a);
   return argument;

} }}}

You will notice that this code will be much the same for all enumerations. The only part that will differ is the "EnumerationType".

Thankfully, C++ knows how to handle templates, so we should be able to write just the one template-based implementation. However, we need that one implementation to handle only enumeration types, not the other custom types we want to send across DBus. Otherwise, any custom type would be cast from and to an integer value, which is probably not what you want for all types, especially not for complex ones.

This is where the [library] comes to our aid. With some magic, it supports conditionals within template definitions.

That way, we can provide QDBusArgument marshaling and unmarshalling implementations that will be used only in situations when such a conditional is true.

This is what the marshaling and unmarshaling code actually looks like: {{{#!highlight cpp template<typename T, typename TEnum> class QDBusEnumMarshal;

template<typename T> class QDBusEnumMarshal<T, boost::true_type> { public: static QDBusArgument& marshal(QDBusArgument &argument, const T& source) { argument.beginStructure(); argument << static_cast<int>(source); argument.endStructure(); return argument; }

static const QDBusArgument& unmarshal(const QDBusArgument &argument, T &source) { int a; argument.beginStructure(); argument >> a; argument.endStructure();

source = static_cast<T>(a);

return argument; } } }}}

The marshal implementation can now be called by invoking: {{{#!highlight cpp QDBusEnumMarshal<T, typename boost::is_enum<T>::type>::marshal(argument, source); }}} with T being the type we want to marshal

Some further glue code is needed to link the implementation to the QDbusArgument stream operators: {{{#!highlight cpp template<typename T> QDBusArgument& operator<<(QDBusArgument &argument, const T& source) {

   return QDBusEnumMarshal<T, typename boost::is_enum<T>::type>::marshal(argument, source);


template<typename T> const QDBusArgument& operator>>(const QDBusArgument &argument, T &source) {

   return QDBusEnumMarshal<T, typename boost::is_enum<T>::type>::unmarshal(argument, source);

} }}}

Put all that in a header file and include it where you declare the enumerations that need to pass across DBus. The compiler is now able to find the streaming operators all on its own.

You do still need to declare the enumeration as a metatype and register it with the Qt meta object system though.

{{{#!wiki note Note

You only need a boost header file to do this (boost/type_traits/is_enum.hpp, to be exact). There is no need to have the entire library installed, which is rather nice on an embedded platform, since the boost library takes up quite a bit of space. }}}