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User:Chani/Plans/ConstraintsList: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Adding a few
More additions
Line 45: Line 45:
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| analog-clock
| analog-clock
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| battery
| battery
| U
| U
| O
| O
| U
| O
| calendar
| calendar
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| currentappcontrol
| currentappcontrol
Line 75: Line 75:
| U
| U
| R
| R
| U
| R (could be made O?)
| digital-clock
| digital-clock
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| icon
| icon
| U
| U
| R
| R
| U
| R
| kickoff
| kickoff
Line 99: Line 99:
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| pager
| pager
| U
| U
| U
| U
| 4 (Can do nasty things; should check hasAuth in Pager::createnenu())
| 4 (Can do _nasty_ things; should check hasAuth in Pager::createMenu())
Line 117: Line 117:
| R
| R
| R
| R
| R
| R
| searchbox
| searchbox
Line 129: Line 129:
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| systemtray
| systemtray
| 4
| 4
| 4
Line 141: Line 141:
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| U
| trash
| trash
| U
| U
| R
| R
| U
| R
| webbrowser
| webbrowser
| 3
| 3
| 3
Line 167: Line 167:
| 4
| 4
| 4

Revision as of 03:46, 2 February 2010

This is a table of plasmoids vs. security constraints. they need to be checked before release, because we can't actually force c++ code to follow them.

the table's a bit ugly, but functional; if you're good with wiki syntax feel free to make it prettier. :)

the meaning of cells in this table:

  • R: Required
  • O: Optional
  • U: Unused
  • 1: couldn't check (crash or similar)
  • 2: too much effort (like, non-applet class needs to access Applet::hasAuthorization)
  • 3: way too much effort (webkit, urgh)
  • 4: low priority (doesn't belong on screensaver)

after checking a plasmoid+feature, X-Plasma-Requires-<feature> in the plasmoid's .desktop should be set to one of Required, Optional or Unused.

  • Required: the plasmoid cannot do without this feature
  • Unused: the plasmoid doesn't use this feature at all
  • Optional: it has made optional in the code using hasAuthorization() (see the comic or picture-frame for examples)

tips on checking for features:

  • anything in the config dialog doesn't count
  • FileDialog can just be grepped for - I'm not aware of anything that a plasmoid is likely to use that could expose it indirectly.
  • LaunchApp can usually be checked by grepping for KRun. there are exceptions, though - battery uses KToolInvocation::kdeinitExec.
  • it's always good to play with the actual plasmoid a bit if you can't remember every single feature it has.

TODO: a few of the 'required' entries for 4.4 could be made optional with a little work (weather, for example). we just don't really have the time.

Plasmoid 4.3 4.3 4.4 4.4
FileDialog LaunchApp FileDialog LaunchApp
activitybar U U U U
analog-clock U U U U
battery U O U O
calendar U U U U
currentappcontrol 4
devicenotifier U R U R (could be made O?)
digital-clock U U U U
icon U R U R
kickoff U R U R
lock_logout U U U U
pager U U 4 (Can do _nasty_ things; should check hasAuth in Pager::createMenu())
panelspacer 4
quicklaunch R R R R
searchbox 4
system-monitor U U U U
systemtray 4 4
tasks U U U U
trash U R U R
webbrowser 3 3
windowlist 4
folderview 4 4
bball U U U U
binary-clock U U U U
blackboard U U
bubblemon U U U U
calculator U U U U
charselect U U U U
comic O O O O
dict U U U U
eyes U U U U
fifteenPuzzle U U U U
fileWatcher U U U U
frame U O U O
fuzzy-clock U U U U
incomingmsg U U U U
knowledgebase U R
kolourpicker U U U U
konqprofiles U R U R
konsoleprofiles U R U R
lancelot U R U R
leavenote 3 3
life U U U U
luna U U U U
magnifique 3 U U
mediaplayer R U R U
microblog 3 3
news 3 3
notes U U
nowplaying U U U U
opendesktop 2
opendesktop-activities 4? U U
paste 4 4
pastebin U U U R
plasmaboard 4
previewer R R R R
rememberthemilk U U U U
rssnow 2
showdashboard 4 4
showdesktop 4 4
systemloadviewer U U U U
timer U U U U
unitconverter U U U U
weather 1 U R
weatherstation 1 U R