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===Opening Day Presentations===
===Opening Day Presentations===
Plasma mobile: Developing on the Moblin SDK (Marco Martin)
Plasma netbook: road ahead - most important work still to be done (Marco Martin)

===Development Topics===
===Development Topics===

Revision as of 18:02, 26 January 2010

Tokamak 4 Oxygen 3 2010

The fourth Tokamak Plasma Meeting and the third Oxygen Gathering will take place in Nuremberg, Germany on February 19th to 26th.


We will be hosted by Novell in the openSUSE offices in Nuremberg. The community space includes a large meeting room with AV infrastructure, a cafe-style area and a hacking bar. And of course you benefit from being only metres away from the KDE SVN server.


Accommodation has been organised in the Berufsförderungswerk Nuernberg (Nuremberg Professional Training College) and the youth hostel in the historic Imperial Stables in Nuremberg's castle! Echoes of Nove Hrady...

Tokamak 4 Location Map shows where things are . Note that the accommodation for the first 2 nights (Friday and Saturday) is not the same as for the rest of the week.


Nuremberg is easily reachable by air or by train. The nearest airports for intercontinental flights are Frankfurt and Munich, and Nuremberg is served from other European hubs such as Paris Charles De Gaulle and Amsterdam. Nuremberg is only a few hours by train from most of the rest of central Europe.

You can reach the SUSE office in 6 minutes by tram from the rail station by taking the number 8 tram towards 'Thon' from the tram interchange in front of the railway station, follow the square 'Tram' signs. Alight at 'Maxfeldstr' as shown on the signs inside the tram and go to the SUSE office at Maxfeldstr. 5.

From the airport, a taxi will cost 10-14 EUR and takes about 10 minutes. Alternatively, take the U2 metro from outside Arrivals (any train), alight at 'Rennweg', leave the station by the south exit (in the direction of travel, go to the tram stop in the middle of the road on your right as you exit the metro, and get the number 8 tram towards 'Thon' as above.

Maps and ticket details coming soon.



Name Email Arrival Depart Cost Sponsor? Hotel? Food Work Airport Flights
Aaron Seigo [email protected] TBD TBD ~$1300? yes yes vegetarian Overall facilitation
Marco Martin [email protected] 19 26 93€ yes yes whatever whatever coding and else, Plasma mobile Nuremberg (NUE) In ABB8403 19:20 / Out ABB8403 08:35
Ivan Cukic [email protected] 19.2 26.2 approx €250 yes yes whatever nepomuk activities merging, libfavorite... Nuremberg (NUE) In LH3405, LH938 12:05 / Out LH943, LH3402 12:45
Artur de Souza [email protected] 19 26 ~1000 euros yes yes whatever coding, mobile, bug fixing, etc...
Nuno Pinheiro [email protected] 19 24 aprox 250€ yes yes whatever whatever artwork, mobile, planing, etc....
Chani [email protected] 19 (20:16) 26 (11:25) ~$1300 yes yes vegetarian activity management / js / random bugs In: train. Out: NUE Out: Delta 9500
Martin Gräßlin [email protected] 19. 21. 0 no yes KWin on embedded devices
Lukas Appelhans [email protected] 19. 21. ~150€ yes yes whatever Quicklaunch-Applet, KGet-Applets, Shaman/Aqpm-Applets, Raptor?
Frank Karlitschek [email protected] 19 26 50EUR yes yes whatever Social Desktop
Dario Freddi [email protected] 19 21 ~150€ yes yes whatever stuff that nobody wants to do, as usual
Riccardo Iaconelli [email protected] 19 21 TBD, I suppose ~150-200€ yes yes whatever plasmoids, art, ideas, fun :-)
Sebastian Kügler [email protected] 19th 26th ~100€ yes yes whatever Power- and networkmanagement, web integration, PIM stuff
Davide Bettio [email protected] TBD, probably 19th TBD, I don't know TBD, I suppose ~150-200€ yes yes whatever TBD
Will Stephenson [email protected] Local Local 0 no no whatever Keeping everyone else happy, networkmanagement N/A I can see the venue from my kitchen
Eugene Trounev [email protected] 19-11:15 26-11:50 $1,126.97 CAD yes yes no meat. fish, eggs, and milk are OK various artowrk (like wallpapers), designs and more Nuremberg(NUE) In AC9268/Out AC9195
Igor Trindade Oliveira [email protected] 19 26 ~800 euros yes yes whatever coding, animations, netbook etc...
Frederik Gladhorn [email protected] 19.2. 26.2. ~50 euros yes yes whatever opendesktop integration
Martin Zilz [email protected] TBD (20.?) TBD (24.?) ~150 euros no yes whatever arts, ux, freaky out of the box stuff
Luboš Luňák [email protected] 19 23 ~100 euros no yes whatever KWin
Alexis Menard [email protected] 19 26 Approved by Nokia -> 0 no yes whatever Plasma-Mobile and Qt Nuremberg(NUE)
Friedrich Kossebau [email protected] 19 26 max. 100 EUR yes yes whatever Plasmoids (one of): Timeline, Khalkhi (Porting to KDE4), Network devices
Adenilson Cavalcanti [email protected] 20 25 ~800 euros yes yes carnivorous coding, animations, etc
Richard Moore [email protected] 19 24 I'll pay for flight accommodation only yes yes please silky stuff, api review etc.
Sandro Andrade [email protected] 19 26 ~1000 euros yes yes preferably vegetarian plasmoids, data engines, and plasmate interest
Kevin Ottens [email protected] 19 26 ~200 euros yes yes no seafood mobile, api review, solid if times permit

Special Needs

  • Laptop/desktop for hacking with KDE trunk on it for: Lukas Appelhans
  • Helpful for hacking on the 3 Intel devices (not vital, but would preed thing up especially the ethernet adaptor):
    • usb hub (preferably powered)
    • usb-to-ethernet adaptor (unreliable drivers for the internal wifi)
    • extra storage/file transfer can be done with the ethernet adaptor of with microsd/thumbdrives
    • usb keyboards and mice would ease things a bit too since it supports them
  • For presentations a video camera would be nice, preferably with a remote microphone. (notmart will bring one, with internal microphone tough, with a remote one would be better)


We will be focusing on the KDE SC 4.5 release of Plasma, with a particular attention on feature completion, polishing and quality improvements across the code base. Activities and Plasma Mobile will also be topics of interest.

Oxygen, finishing it up for 4.5 plans for the future.

Opening Day Presentations

Plasma mobile: Developing on the Moblin SDK (Marco Martin) Plasma netbook: road ahead - most important work still to be done (Marco Martin)

Development Topics

  • ZUI replacement in plasma-desktop
  • Plasma Mobile
  • Plasma Media Center
  • Plasmate
  • Applet handles as plugins?
  • Moving the toolboxes out of libplasma
  • Plasma::Storage
  • Plasma wallpaper scripting
  • Focus and drag&drop issues
  • Store/load containment layouts
  • RTL
  • use of configChanged() in widgets
  • reusable widgets for groups of iconized items (like the entries in the taskbar)
  • guidelines (with code support) for consistent looking rows of different widgets (e.g. like with bars on the top of the screen, as known from mobiles' UI or the Mac UI)


Open Tokamak

On Saturday, we'll have an Open Day at Tokamak. Visitors are welcome to join us that day, and possibly for evening/night-time activities. On Saturday we'll also plan the presentations.