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Aseigo (talk | contribs)
No edit summary
Line 284: Line 284:
* Widgets Explorer - What it was, would, is, should, and will be (annieC)
* Widgets Explorer - What it was, would, is, should, and will be (annieC)
* Qt: Sneak peek in 4.6 with QGraphicsMagnifyEffect.
* Qt: Sneak peek in 4.6 with QGraphicsMagnifyEffect.
* Qt Anchor Layout (4.6): Artur (MoRpHeUz)

=== Development Topics ===
=== Development Topics ===

Revision as of 14:58, 25 August 2009

Here you'll find details about the Tokamak3 Plasma meeting in Switzerland.

Disclaimer: This page is work in progress atm!!!

Plasma Meeting Tokamak 3 2009

The third Tokamak Plasma Meeting will take place in Randa, Switzerland on August 28 to September 5, 2009.


The meeting will take place in a Chalet in Randa. Randa is a small village in the middle of the Alpes surround by more the 30 mountains higher than 4000 meters. It's near to Zermatt, a very famous summer and winter tourist place.

There will be several rooms, hardware, wireless and wired LAN and a phenomenal surrounding. See here for some pictures of the house and the panorama.


The Chalet has the following rooms:

  • Dining room (size: large)
  • Kitchen (size: small)
  • Living room (size: medium)
  • 3 Bed rooms (size: medium)
  • 2 Rest rooms (size: small)
  • Basement and garage
  • Hallway and stairs

I intend to accommodate up to 10 people in the Chalet. 3 to 4 (depending on your preferences) in two bed rooms. 2 to 3 people in the living room and me and another organizer in the parents bed room. There is a double bed in one bed room (and a special bag couch ;-) and two singles beds in the other bed room. For the rest I'll try (no I will ;-) to organize mattresses.

For additional people I'll either organize an appartement 1 minute away or an appartement further away or some hotel rooms. Depends on your preference below (see and fill the table).

And there is still the possibility for a tent ;-). But, and that's very important in general, take warm clothes with you. We are on 1440 meters over sea!


I'll organize this as well for sure. And some Raclette.


I'll organize a wired LAN and a wireless one. The house has a decent DSL internet connection but I'll see what else I can organize.

Furthermore there should be some icecc infrastructure and special hardware to play with.

In Switzerland we have our own connectors. Please don't forget to bring some adapters. I'll organize some myself.


Randa and Switzerland is in the middle of Europe and as this reachable from several directions. There are three possible airports:

  • Zurich, Switzerland
  • Geneva, Switzerland
  • Milano Malpensa, Italy

From these airports you'll take the trains to reach Randa (which takes approx. 3 hours). Information about the train schedules can be found on the webpage of the Swiss federal railways SFR.

Airport Zurich -> Randa

By train via Zurich and Visp (change the train there). Duration: 3 hours and something.

Airport Geneva -> Randa

By train via Visp (change the train there). Duration: 3 and a half hours.

Airport Milano Malpensa -> Randa

By train via Visp (change the train there). Duration: atm unknown. Still investigating.

Special train from Visp

The track from Visp to Randa is frequented by a very famous train: the Glacier Express which is known as slowest fast train of the world ;-).


And don't forget your walking shoes. What about a Plasma BoF near a glacier ;-).


Name Email Arrival Depart Cost Sponsor? Sleep Food Work Airport Flights
Mario Fux foxman@lugo.ch 20090828 20090906 0EUR no n nothing special Organization None
Aaron Seigo aseigo at kde dot org ~20090828 ~20090906 ~$1500 CAD yes whatever vegetarian Getting the party started, and rocking the code Zurich
Davide Bettio davide.bettio@kdemail.net 20090828 20090905 (I will be away the 2nd of Sept) up to 100 EUR yes whatever I don't eat fish and cheese By train
Rob Scheepmaker r.scheepmaker@student.utwente.nl 20090828 20090904 120 EUR yes n vegetarian Most likely plasma remote widgets integration and notifications and jobs improvements Basel easyjet 1044, 1043
Chani chani at kde dot org 20090828 11:20 lh5052 20090906 09:35 lh3741 $1368.54 CAD yes vegetarian ZUI, javascript, randomness ZRH lufthansa 9615, 9641, 5052; 3741, 474, ac195
Marco Martin notmart at gmail dot com ~20090828 ~20090906 ~100EUR yes whatever whatever netbook, systray, zui, whatever By train
Artur Souza (MoRpHeUz) asouza AT kde.org ~20090828 ~20090906 ~1000 EUR (but 80% of this is fine and I can pay the other 20%) :( yes whatever whatever netbook stuff Geneva TAP - TP0152/TP0944
Martin Gräßlin kde AT martin MINUS graesslin DOT com 20090828 20090831 (perhaps longer) ~140 EUR yes whatever whatever kwin/plasma integration By train
Ivan Čukić ivan DOT cukic AT gmail DOT com 20090828 11:20 lh5052 20090906 12:20 lx1416 ~350 EUR yes whatever (I have a sleeping bag) whatever D-Bus interface Zurich LH 3409, LH 5052; LX 1416
Alexis Menard (darktears) menard AT kde.org ~20090828 ~20090903 ~0 EUR (Nokia) no whatever whatever Jokiing with amiginho, go to the party with aaron. Hack on QGraphicsView and help people with animations, declarative ui...
Riccardo Iaconelli riccardo@kde.org 20090828 20090906 >100 EUR yes whatever whatever Inspiration depending :-) By train
Sebastian Kügler sebas@kde.org 20090828 20090906 ~250 EUR yes 2 whatever web integration, akonadi By train
Ana Cecília Martins Barbosa anaceciliamb@gmail.com ~20090828 ~20090906 ~1000 EUR yes whatever whatever widgets explorer Geneva TAP - TP0152/TP0944
Diego Casella ([Po]lentino) polentino911@gmail.com ~20090828 ~20090905 (but still not sure at all) ~190 EUR yes whatever whatever Improving PlasMate by train
Ilya Cassina imc@bawab.ch 20090904 20090905 0.- no vegetarian n cooking & watch over shoulders :) by train (from neuchatel)

Accomodation possibilites:

  • 1 = single room
  • 2 = double room
  • x = several people in the same room
  • a = small appartement
  • t = tent
  • u = under the roof
  • n = no preference


Day 1 Presentations

  • Introduction & State of the Plasma: Aaron Seigo
  • Netbook: Artur (MoRpHeUz) and Marco (notmart)
  • Interfacing with interfaces: Ivan
  • Networkmanagement Progress (sebas)
  • Widgets Explorer - What it was, would, is, should, and will be (annieC)
  • Qt: Sneak peek in 4.6 with QGraphicsMagnifyEffect.
  • Qt Anchor Layout (4.6): Artur (MoRpHeUz)

Development Topics

  • ZUI: harmonizing activities and virtual desktops (or lack thereof ;)
  • Netbook
    • UI for search and launch containment
    • Issues with kwin (full screen for example)
    • User experience: social containment ?
    • Special plasmoids regarding user experience
    • Fix of existing plasmoids
    • Newspaper scrolling and other potential performance issues on netbooks
    • Is the zui any good in this context?
    • Kwin integration: how to do the fullscreen windows? windeco or (better?) a set of custom rules?
    • Background settings: config ui different->what about plugins?
    • netbook session: make the netbook shell somehow an option at kdm
  • Deeper integration of the web
  • Systemtray
    • what we still need?
    • roadmap to push the lib out of experimental
    • and freedesktop spec submission
    • Ubuntu Message Indicator: overlap of targets? sharable? not?
  • Kwin and Plasma
  • Panel and focus
  • plasma-desktop in large deployments


Even if Switzerland is quite expensive and Zermatt more than ever I want to show you this special village at night guided by some friends. I don't know if we find a karaoke bar ;-).

Special things

A friend of mine is right now building his new house and as he's an eletrical engineer he wants to automate his house. I told him about Plasma and he's very interested about the interface. He tries to be there these days so what about the first automated house controlled by or with Plasma?!?

As you can ski in Zermatt even in the summer ...

BTW: Thanks SebastianTrueg for the template ;-).