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== General ==
Date: June 24th - 27th 2009
Date: June 24th - 27th 2009

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* Conference
* Conference
KDE wants to be present at both of these, having its own booth (staff needed) as well as trying to get its own conference track (speakers needed).
KDE wants to be present at both of these, having its own booth (staff needed) as well as trying to get its own conference track (speakers needed).
=== General ===

== Accommodation ==
== Accommodation ==

Revision as of 16:16, 13 May 2009


Date: June 24th - 27th 2009

Location: ICC, Berlin, Germany

URL: http://www.linuxtag.org/2009/

This page is meant to organize all around this year's LinuxTag in Berlin. The event - from KDE's point of view - is split into two main areas:

  • Booth
  • Conference

KDE wants to be present at both of these, having its own booth (staff needed) as well as trying to get its own conference track (speakers needed).


KDE will take care for the booking of a hotel, so all KDE folks can stay and spend their evenings together.

Booth Staff

In case you can and want to join the KDE team, enter your data below, for the days add "X" for "accommodation needed", "F" for "full day", "M" for "morning" and "A" for afternoon. Make sure you send an email to Luca Gugelmann (luca.gugelmann#gmail...) so that you get an exhibitor pass which allows you to enter the building before opening hours.

Name EMail 23rd 24th 25th 26th 27th Comments
Luca Gugelmann luca.gugelmann#gmail AX FX FX FX F
Claudia Rauch rauch at kde dot org AX FX FX FX FX
Casper van Donderen casper.vandonderen#gmail AX FX FX FX F
Chani? chani at kde dot org undecided
Eckhart Wörner ewoerner at kde dot org AX FX FX FX F
Jos Poortvliet jospoortvliet on kde server F M talk on saturday 15:00
Dominik Haumann AX? FX FX FX F



  • Frank Karlitschek
  • Sebastian Kügler
  • Till Adam
  • Frederik Gladhorn
  • Will Stephenson
  • Jos Poortvliet (already submitted)
  • Sven Krohlas


  • Volker Krause
  • Matthias Ettrich
  • Sebastian Sauer

Developer briefing

One half of the KDE track shall be dedicated to the application of new KDE 4 technologies in applications (i.e. how to use phonon to create a MM app, akonadi to add pim inormation into your foo-app, ...)

User magazine

The second part is heavily user-centered, with merely short demo-sessions showing the new capabilities of KDE 4 applications rather than real 45min talks. The short-talks should treat typical user-use-cases like "managing my personal information (alongside email , calendar, im & contacts, maybe also social networks, ...) or "how can i manage my digital photos (again plug cam in, download, edit, manage, flickr, ...).