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Marble/ProxyConnection: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Mansona (talk | contribs)
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Ochurlaud (talk | contribs)
(No difference)

Latest revision as of 21:01, 10 March 2016


For all of you who are trapped behind a proxy connection at school or at work and could not connect to the marble repository for downloading new maps, help is now on it way.

Marble now supports two types of proxy connection: Http and Socks5.

Http Proxy

There is currently a bug that is not allowing people to connect via a Http proxy, we hope to have this problem fixed soon.

Socks5 Proxy

If your Network Provider has given you access to a Socks5 proxy you can fill in the details in

Settings > Configure Marble Desktop Globe > Cache & Proxy

or in

Settings > Settings > Cache and Proxy

if you are using the Qt Only version.

If you do not have access to a Socks5 proxy there is a Very easy way to set one up for yourself. You will need to have a SSH account on a server that is directly connected to the internet.

Socks5 for Linux

As long as you have the SSH command installed ( which you probably do ) you can setup a Socks5 proxy using the command

ssh -D port_number [email protected]

where port_number is any port number ( eg 9999 ) that the proxy will be open on your local machine.

with this set up successfully you can enter the proxy host in the Marble Settings as localhost and the port as the port_number you specified.

This will be an Non-Authenticated Proxy so make sure the Authentication Checkbox is not Checked.

Socks for Windows

To setup a Socks5 proxy on Windows you will probably have to use the Putty SSH client.

More information will be added here at a later stage or on request.