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User:Dipesh/Kross-Tutorial: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Pino (talk | contribs)
use {{qt}} when necessary, and the right <code> for the various code snippets
Dipesh (talk | contribs)
m Development/Tutorials/Kross-Tutorial moved to User:Dipesh/Kross-Tutorial: Needs quit a lot improvments
(10 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
Line 1: Line 1:
* [[Development/Languages/Kross|Kross Overview]]
* [http://kross.dipe.org Kross Homepage]

The purpose of this tutorial is to offer a step-by-step introduction how to integrate Kross into
The purpose of this tutorial is to offer a step-by-step introduction how to integrate Kross into your application. While you can integrate Kross also in non-kpartified applications, it's easier to do with the KPart system. This tutorial will assume that you have a kpart application and what we will do is to go step by step through the process of creating a KPart plugin that integrates into your application and provides all the scripting. The scripting functionality is strictly separated from the application. The plugin that implements scripting is optional and the application does not need to know any details about what the plugin does.
your application. While you can integrate Kross also in non-kpartified applications, it's easier
to do with the KPart system. This tutorial will assume that you have a kpart application and
what we will do is to go step by step through the process of creating a KPart plugin that integrates
into your application and provides all the scripting. The scripting functionality is strictly
separated from the application. The plugin that implements scripting is optional and the
application does not need to know any details about what the plugin does.

This tutorial needs kdelibs4 based on Qt 4.2. While Kross and the KDE Javascript backend are included
This tutorial needs kdelibs4 based on Qt 4.2. While Kross and the KDE Javascript backend are included in kdelibs4, it is needed to compile kdebindings to install the Ruby and Python support.
in kdelibs4, it is needed to compile the KOffice2 libraries to install the Ruby and Python
support (will be moved to kdebindings soon).

The whole sourcecode we will produce within this tutorial could also be downloaded as
The whole sourcecode we will produce within this tutorial could also be downloaded as [http://kross.dipe.org/kross2tutorial/kross2tutorial.tar.gz kross2tutorial.tar.gz] and contains all files needed to build a simple example that demonstrates how Kross could be used. Download and extract the tarball. Compile, install and run the kross2tutorialapp application and its kross2tutorial KPart plugin now with;
[http://kross.dipe.org/kross2tutorial/kross2tutorial.tar.gz kross2tutorial.tar.gz]
and contains all files needed to build a simple example that demonstrates how Kross could be used. Download and extract the tarball. Compile, install and run the kross2tutorialapp application and its kross2tutorial KPart plugin now with;
cd src && mkdir _build && cd _build
cd src && mkdir _build && cd _build
Line 26: Line 20:

For additional examples where Kross is used you may also like to look at;
For additional examples where Kross is used you may also like to look at;
* [[KSpread/Scripting]]
* [[Development/Tutorials/KWord Scripting|KWord Scripting]]
* [[Krita/Scripting]]
* [[Development/Tutorials/KSpread Scripting|KSpread Scripting]]
* [[KWord/Scripting]]
* [[Development/Tutorials/Krita Scripting|Krita Scripting]]
<!-- ################################################################################ //-->
The [http://kross.dipe.org Kross] scripting framework provides full
[http://www.python.org/ Python], [http://www.ruby-lang.org/ Ruby] and
[http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed KDE JavaScript] scripting support. The goal was
to limit the work needed on applications to have them fully scriptable and to provide a modular
way to transparently integrate additional interpreters and in that way extend your application
with a new scripting-backend without any new line of code and even without any recompile. To
achieve this internally Qt's introspection-functionality like signals, slots, properties,
enums, {{qt|QVariant}}, {{qt|QObject}}, {{qt|QMetaObject}}, {{qt|QMetaType}}, etc. are used to deal with functionality
at runtime.
===The Interpreter plugins===
Kross offers a plugin-interface to integrate interpreter backends like Python, Ruby and
KDE-Javascript. They are loaded on demand at runtime. Neither the application nor Kross
needs to know any details about the backends. This clear separation between the application
and scripting details enables at the one hand, to deal with scripting at an abstract level without
being bound to only one backend, and at the other hand makes it easy to integrate scripting
into an already existing application.
Currently Kross comes with support for 3 scripting backends;
  <li>The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/koffice/libs/kross/python/ Python plugin]
    implements access to the Python
    ([http://www.python.org/ home]
    [http://www.python.org/doc/ docs]) language.</li>
  <li>The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/koffice/libs/kross/ruby/ Ruby plugin]
    implements access to the Ruby
    ([http://www.ruby-lang.org/ home]
    [http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/documentation/ docs]) language.</li>
  <li>The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/kjs KDE JavaScript plugin]
    uses the in kdelibs4 included Kjs
    ([http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kjs/README?view=markup readme]
    [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kjs/ svn]) and KjsEmbed4
    ([http://xmelegance.org/kjsembed home]
    [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/kjsembed mailinglist]
    [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kjsembed/ svn])
  frameworks to provide access to the JavaScript language.</li>
Each interpreter plugin needs to implement two abstract classes;
  <li>The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/interpreter.h?view=markup Kross::Interpreter]
    class is a singleton controlled by the
    [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/manager.h?view=markup Kross::Manager]
    and could be used to setup the interpreter or do other things to share functionality between
    instances of the Script class.</li>
  <li>The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/script.h?view=markup Kross::Script]
    class handles exactly one script instance. An application is able to deal with multiple
    scripts at the same time where each of them has it's own instance of the Kross::Script
    class controlled by an instance of the more abstract
    [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/action.h?view=markup Kross::Action] class.</li>
===The Module plugins===
Modules are plugins which are loaded on demand, and expose application or library functionality to scripting backends.
Since Qt's introspection functionality is used, we are able to simply use {{qt|QObject}}s
and have them act as classes or objects within a scripting backend. Slots are member methods,
while properties and enumerations are member variables.
If your application offers [http://hal.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus DBus] support, it may appropriate to reuse existing
[http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qdbusabstractadaptor.html QDBusAbstractAdaptor]
implementations for scripting, as was done with
[http://wiki.koffice.org/index.php?title=KSpread/Scripting KSpread].
Let's take a look at the following code that implements such a module;
<code cppqt>
class MyObject : public QObject {
        Q_PROPERTY(QString name READ name WRITE setName)
        MyObject(QObject* parent = 0) : QObject(parent) {}
        virtual ~MyObject() {}
        QString name() const { return objectName(); }
        void setName(const QString& name) { return setObjectName(name); }
    public slots:
        QObject* create(const QString& name, QObject* parent = 0) {
            MyObject* obj = new MyObject(parent);
            return obj;
        QObject* parent() const { return parent(); }
        void setParent(QObject* parent) {
            emit parentChanged();
        void parentChanged();
extern "C" {
    QObject* krossmodule() { return new MyObject(); }
Then we just need to have our myobject.h and myobject.cpp files, filled with the content
above, defined in the CMakeLists.txt file. The library needs to be named "krossmodule..." where
the "..." is then the name the module is accessible as. For our example we use
"krossmodulemyobjectmod" and therefore we are able to access the module if installed
as "myobjectmod". The example does not depend on Kross, so you may like to replace
${KROSS_INCLUDES} with whatever else your module depends on.
'''TODO: Make the following block less wide, pre tends to come across best at, say 60 chars max'''
: It may be wise to insert whatever CMake uses for line continuations if you want to break lines in this sort of example. --[[User:Argonel|Argonel]] 06:06, 19 January 2007 (CET)
include_directories(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${KROSS_INCLUDES})
set(krossmodulemyobjectmod_PART_SRCS myobject.cpp)
kde4_add_plugin(krossmodulemyobjectmod ${krossmodulemyobjectmod_PART_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(krossmodulemyobjectmod ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KROSSCORE_LIBS})
install(TARGETS krossmodulemyobjectmod DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR})
The following Python sample code accesses then the module at runtime and uses the QObject,
calls it's slots and properties and connects a signal with a python function (e.g. save as
file named "myobjecttest.py" and execute with "kross ./myobjecttest.py");
<code python>
#!/usr/bin/env kross
import Kross
m = Kross.module("myobjectmod")
m.name = "MyObjectModuleName"
obj1 = m.create("OtherObjectName")
def myCallbackFunc(args):
    print "The parent of obj1 changed"
obj1.connect("parentChanged()", myCallbackFunc)
print "obj1.name=%s m.name=%s" % (obj1.name, obj1.parent().name)
===Manager, GuiClient, Action===
The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/manager.h?view=markup Kross::Manager]
class is a singleton that provides access to the interpreters, to actions and to the modules.
The Kross::Manager is available within scripting code as module named "Kross". Following Python
script uses the Kross module to create a new Kross::Action instance, fills it with JavaScript
code and executes that JavaScript code.
<code javascript>
#!/usr/bin/env kross
import Kross
jsaction = Kross.action("MyKjsScript")
jsaction.setCode( "println(\"Hello world from Kjs\");" )
The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/guiclient.h?view=markup Kross::GuiClient]
class implements KXMLGUIClient to provide GUI functionality, handling of XML configuration files
on a more abstract level and offers some predefined actions that could be optionally used in
your application.
The [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/action.h?view=markup Kross::Action]
class offers an abstract container to deal with scripts like a single standalone scriptfile.
Each action holds a reference to the by the matching
[http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/interpreter.h?view=markup Kross::Interpreter]
instance created by [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/KDE/kdelibs/kross/core/script.h?view=markup Kross::Script]
instance. Following Python script accesses the Kross module and the self variable which is
our Kross::Action instance that provides the context for the running Python script.
<code python>
#!/usr/bin/env kross
import Kross
print "Kross.objectName=%s" % Kross.objectName()
print "Kross.interpreters=%s" % Kross.interpreters()
print "self.objectName=%s" % self.objectName()
print "self.text=%s" % self.text
print "self.enabled=%s" % self.enabled
print "self.currentPath=%s" % self.currentPath()
print "self.interpreter=%s" % self.interpreter()
print "self.description=%s" % self.description()
print "self.code=%s" % self.code()
===DBus and Kross===
With the [http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qtdbus.html QtDBus module] Qt provides a library that a Qt/KDE application is able to use to make Inter-Process Communication using the [http://dbus.freedesktop.org D-BUS protocol].
The QtDBus module uses the Qt Signals and Slots mechanism. Applications that like to provide parts of there functionality to the DBus world are able to do so by implementing classes that inherit from the [http://doc.trolltech.com/4.2/qdbusabstractadaptor.html QDBusAbstractAdaptor] class.
Kross is able to reuse such by an application provided bindings. So, once your application supports dbus, Kross is able to reuse those already existing code and offers transparent access to the scripting-backends to them. How does this differ from e.g. the python-dbus package? Well, first method-calls don't go through the dbus-socket and then it's not dbus-related at all except, that we are able to reuse what your application offers anyway: a clean interface to the outside world. But that's not all, we are not limited to what's possible with dbus. We are also able to exchange instance-pointers to QObject or QWidget instances.
For an example you may like to take a look at how it was done in the KSpread [http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/koffice/kspread/plugins/scripting/ScriptingModule.cpp?view=markup ScriptingModule] class.

<!-- ################################################################################ //-->
<!-- ################################################################################ //-->
Line 254: Line 66:
find_package(Perl REQUIRED)
find_package(Perl REQUIRED)

add_subdirectory( plugin )
add_subdirectory( plugin )

set(kross2tutorialapp_SRCS mainwindow.cpp main.cpp)
  mainwindow.cpp main.cpp)
kde4_add_executable(kross2tutorialapp ${kross2tutorialapp_SRCS})
target_link_libraries(kross2tutorialapp ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS} kparts krosscore )
  kparts krosscore )

The [http://kross.dipe.org/kross2tutorial/src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt] file;
The [http://kross.dipe.org/kross2tutorial/src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt] file;
include_directories( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR} ${KROSS_INCLUDES} )
set(krossmoduletutorial_PART_SRCS module.cpp part.cpp)
kde4_add_plugin(krossmoduletutorial ${krossmoduletutorial_PART_SRCS})
  module.cpp part.cpp)
target_link_libraries(krossmoduletutorial ${KDE4_KDECORE_LIBS} ${KDE4_KROSSCORE_LIBS} kparts )
install(TARGETS krossmoduletutorial DESTINATION ${PLUGIN_INSTALL_DIR})
install( FILES krossmoduletutorial.desktop DESTINATION ${SERVICES_INSTALL_DIR})
  kparts )
install(TARGETS krossmoduletutorial
install(FILES krossmoduletutorial.desktop

Line 282: Line 108:
<code cppqt>
<code cppqt>
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
int main(int argc, char **argv) {
    KAboutData about();
  KAboutData about();
    KCmdLineArgs::init(argc, argv, &about);
    KApplication app();
  KApplication app();
    MainWindow *mainWin = new MainWindow();
  MainWindow *mainWin = new MainWindow();
    return app.exec();
  return app.exec();
Line 296: Line 122:
top-level KParts::MainWindow implementation.
top-level KParts::MainWindow implementation.
<code cppqt>
<code cppqt>
class MainWindow : public KParts::MainWindow {
class MainWindow
    : public KParts::MainWindow
        MainWindow() : KParts::MainWindow() {
            KLibFactory* factory = KLibLoader::self()->factory("krossmoduletutorial");
            KParts::ReadWritePart* part = dynamic_cast<KParts::ReadWritePart*>( factory->create(this) );
            part->openUrl( KUrl("file:///home/myuser/myscript.py") );
      : KParts::MainWindow()
        virtual ~MainWindow() {}
      KLibFactory* factory =
      KParts::ReadWritePart* part =
          ( factory->create(this) );
    virtual ~MainWindow() {}
Line 316: Line 151:
a KParts::ReadWritePart.
a KParts::ReadWritePart.
<code cppqt>
<code cppqt>
class Part : public KParts::ReadWritePart {
class Part
  : public KParts::ReadWritePart
        Part(QWidget* widget, QObject* parent, const QStringList&)
            : KParts::ReadWritePart(parent)
            , m_guiclient( new Kross::GUIClient(this, this) )
    Part(QWidget*, QObject* parent,
            , m_action(0) {}
      const QStringList&)
        virtual ~Part() { delete m_action; }
      : KParts::ReadWritePart(parent)
        virtual bool openFile() {
      , m_guiclient(
            delete m_action;
          new Kross::GUIClient(this,this))
            m_action = new Kross::Action(m_file);
      , m_action(0) {}
    virtual ~Part() { delete m_action; }
    virtual bool openFile() {
        virtual bool saveFile() { return false; } // not implemented yet
      delete m_action;
      m_action = new Kross::Action(m_file);
        Kross::GUIClient* m_guiclient;
        QPointer &lt; Kross::Action &gt; m_action;
    virtual bool saveFile() {return false;}
    Kross::GUIClient* m_guiclient;
    Kross::Action* m_action;
Line 341: Line 180:
<code cppqt>
<code cppqt>
class Module : public QObject {
class Module : public QObject {
        Module(Part* part = 0) : QObject(part), m_widget(0) {}
    Module(Part* part=0)
        virtual ~Module() {}
      : QObject(part), m_widget(0) {}
    public slots:
    virtual ~Module() {}
        QWidget* widget() {
  public slots:
            if( ! m_widget ) {
    QWidget* widget() {
                Part* part = dynamic_cast<Part*>( parent() );
      if(m_widget) return m_widget;
                m_widget = new QWidget( part ? part->widget() : 0 );
      Part* part =  
                m_widget->setLayout( new QVBoxLayout(m_widget) );
                if( part && part->widget() && part->widget()->layout() )
      m_widget = new QWidget(
        part ? part->widget() : 0 );
        new QVBoxLayout(m_widget) );
            return m_widget;
      QWidget* w =
        part ? part->widget() : 0;
      if(w && w->layout())
        QPointer &lt; QWidget &gt; m_widget;
      return m_widget;
    QWidget* m_widget;

<!-- ################################################################################ //-->
<!-- ################################################################################ //-->

Line 378: Line 221:
import KrossModuleTutorial
import KrossModuleTutorial
forms = Kross.module("forms")
forms = Kross.module("forms")
mainwidget = KrossModuleTutorial.widget()
w = KrossModuleTutorial.widget()
label = forms.createWidget(mainwidget, "QLabel")
l = forms.createWidget(w,"QLabel")
label.wordWrap = True
l.wordWrap = True
label.text = "The labels text."
l.text = "The labels text."
btn = forms.createWidget(mainwidget, "QPushButton")
b = forms.createWidget(w,"QPushButton")
def buttonClicked():
def buttonClicked():
    global forms
  global forms
    forms.showMessageBox("Information", "Caption", "the message text")
btn.connect("clicked()", buttonClicked)
    "Caption", "the message text")
btn.text = "Show messagebox"
b.connect("clicked()", buttonClicked)
b.text = "Show messagebox"

Line 396: Line 240:
#!/usr/bin/env kross
#!/usr/bin/env kross
class TkTest:
class TkTest:
    def __init__(self):
  def __init__(self):
        import Tkinter
    import Tkinter
        self.root = Tkinter.Tk()
    self.root = Tkinter.Tk()
        self.mainframe = Tkinter.Frame(self.root)
    self.mainframe =
        self.button1 = Tkinter.Button(self.mainframe, text="Button1", command=self.callback1)
    self.button1 = Tkinter.Button(
    def callback1(self):
        import tkMessageBox
        tkMessageBox.showinfo("Callback1", "Callback1 called.")
  def callback1(self):
    import tkMessageBox
      "Callback1", "Callback1 called.")
Line 420: Line 269:
require 'KrossModuleTutorial'
require 'KrossModuleTutorial'
forms = Kross.module("forms")
forms = Kross.module("forms")
mainwidget = KrossModuleTutorial.widget()
w = KrossModuleTutorial.widget()
label = forms.createWidget(mainwidget, "QLabel")
l = forms.createWidget(w,"QLabel")
label.wordWrap = true
l.wordWrap = true
label.text = "This is the labels text."
l.text = "Some labels text"

Line 431: Line 280:
<code javascript>
<code javascript>
#!/usr/bin/env kross
#!/usr/bin/env kross
mainwidget = KrossModuleTutorial.widget()
w = KrossModuleTutorial.widget()
var frame = new Widget("QFrame", mainwidget);
var f = new Widget("QFrame", w);
frame.frameShape = frame.StyledPanel;
f.frameShape = f.StyledPanel;
frame.frameShadow = frame.Sunken;
f.frameShadow = f.Sunken;
frame.lineWidth = 4;
f.lineWidth = 4;

Latest revision as of 07:32, 13 August 2007

This section needs improvements: Please help us to

cleanup confusing sections and fix sections which contain a todo


The purpose of this tutorial is to offer a step-by-step introduction how to integrate Kross into your application. While you can integrate Kross also in non-kpartified applications, it's easier to do with the KPart system. This tutorial will assume that you have a kpart application and what we will do is to go step by step through the process of creating a KPart plugin that integrates into your application and provides all the scripting. The scripting functionality is strictly separated from the application. The plugin that implements scripting is optional and the application does not need to know any details about what the plugin does.

This tutorial needs kdelibs4 based on Qt 4.2. While Kross and the KDE Javascript backend are included in kdelibs4, it is needed to compile kdebindings to install the Ruby and Python support.

The whole sourcecode we will produce within this tutorial could also be downloaded as kross2tutorial.tar.gz and contains all files needed to build a simple example that demonstrates how Kross could be used. Download and extract the tarball. Compile, install and run the kross2tutorialapp application and its kross2tutorial KPart plugin now with;

cd src && mkdir _build && cd _build
cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix` ..
sudo make install

For additional examples where Kross is used you may also like to look at;

The application

This section deals with the question how to integrate Kross into a KPart-application to be able to extend your application with scripting.

For testing purposes we first create a simple KPart application. If you already have an application you may like to skip this section and continue with the KPart Plugin.

Relevant files within the kross2tutorial.tar.gz are;

The CMake build system

The src/CMakeLists.txt file;


find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
find_package(Perl REQUIRED)

add_subdirectory( plugin )

  mainwindow.cpp main.cpp)
  kparts krosscore )

The src/plugin/CMakeLists.txt file;

  module.cpp part.cpp)
  kparts )
install(TARGETS krossmoduletutorial
install(FILES krossmoduletutorial.desktop

The KApplication

The main function (main.cpp) creates the KApplication and shows the MainWindow. int main(int argc, char **argv) {

 KAboutData about();
 KApplication app();
 MainWindow *mainWin = new MainWindow();
 return app.exec();


The KPart main window

The MainWindow class (mainwindow.h mainwindow.cpp) contains the top-level KParts::MainWindow implementation. class MainWindow

   : public KParts::MainWindow


     : KParts::MainWindow()
     KLibFactory* factory =
     KParts::ReadWritePart* part =
         ( factory->create(this) );
   virtual ~MainWindow() {}


The plugin

The KPart plugin

The Part class (part.h part.cpp) implements a KParts::ReadWritePart. class Part

 : public KParts::ReadWritePart


   Part(QWidget*, QObject* parent,
     const QStringList&)
     : KParts::ReadWritePart(parent)
     , m_guiclient(
         new Kross::GUIClient(this,this))
     , m_action(0) {}
   virtual ~Part() { delete m_action; }
   virtual bool openFile() {
     delete m_action;
     m_action = new Kross::Action(m_file);
   virtual bool saveFile() {return false;}
   Kross::GUIClient* m_guiclient;
   Kross::Action* m_action;


The Module

The Module class (module.h module.cpp) implements the "KrossModuleTutorial" module. class Module : public QObject {

   Module(Part* part=0)
     : QObject(part), m_widget(0) {}
   virtual ~Module() {}
 public slots:
   QWidget* widget() {
     if(m_widget) return m_widget;
     Part* part = 
     m_widget = new QWidget(
       part ? part->widget() : 0 );
       new QVBoxLayout(m_widget) );
     QWidget* w = 
       part ? part->widget() : 0;
     if(w && w->layout())
     return m_widget;
   QWidget* m_widget;



Following sample scripts are also included in the kross2tutorial.tar.gz and should be executed using the "kross2tutorialapp" application.

Python forms script

The sample_forms.py Python script demonstrates usage of into an application embedded Kross forms.

  1. !/usr/bin/env kross

import Kross import KrossModuleTutorial forms = Kross.module("forms") w = KrossModuleTutorial.widget() l = forms.createWidget(w,"QLabel") l.wordWrap = True l.text = "The labels text." b = forms.createWidget(w,"QPushButton") def buttonClicked():

 global forms
   "Caption", "the message text")

b.connect("clicked()", buttonClicked) b.text = "Show messagebox"

Python Tkinter script

The sample_tkinter.py Python script uses the Tkinter to show a modal dialog.

  1. !/usr/bin/env kross

class TkTest:

 def __init__(self):
   import Tkinter
   self.root = Tkinter.Tk()
   self.mainframe =
   self.button1 = Tkinter.Button(
 def callback1(self):
   import tkMessageBox
     "Callback1", "Callback1 called.")


Ruby forms script

The sample_forms.rb Ruby script uses the Kross forms module to create and embedded a QLabel instance.

  1. !/usr/bin/env kross

require 'Kross' require 'KrossModuleTutorial' forms = Kross.module("forms") w = KrossModuleTutorial.widget() l = forms.createWidget(w,"QLabel") l.wordWrap = true l.text = "Some labels text"

JavaScript with KjsEmbed script

The sample_kjsembed.js JavaScript script creates and embeddes a QFrame using KjsEmbed.

  1. !/usr/bin/env kross

w = KrossModuleTutorial.widget() var f = new Widget("QFrame", w); f.frameShape = f.StyledPanel; f.frameShadow = f.Sunken; f.lineWidth = 4; f.show();