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Schedules/KDE4/4.11 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Ianw (talk | contribs)
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(68 intermediate revisions by 35 users not shown)
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This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.11 release.
{{Moved To Community}}
See also:
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.11 Release Schedule]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.10 Feature Plan]] (previous major release)
<br> Legend:
*to do =&gt; not started yet
*in-progress =&gt; started, but not completed yet
*done =&gt; completed
= kdelibs =
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! Status
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! Description
! Contact
= kde-runtime =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|kio-mtp|KIO-Slave for MTP|[email protected]|Philipp Schmidt}}
{{FeatureInProgress|nepomuk filemetadatawidget|Nepomuk Metadata Widget|[email protected]|Vishesh Handa}}
{{FeatureInProgress|nepomukcontroller-qml|QML version of the current Nepomuk controller. |[email protected]|Jörg Ehrichs}}
= kde-workspace =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
<!-- The following section of entries has been auto generated by ChangelogGenerator. Do not edit!
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|windows that are moved to another desktop should be treated as sticky windows ({{bug |213847}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Fix fullscreen state handling: NETWM says it's bound to focus and not stacking order, also see bug #224600 ({{bug |296076}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Medium focus stealing prevention should also prevent focus stealing when the timestamp on the active window is uncertain ({{bug |304746}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Usability issue: "Attach as tab to" menu can be empty ({{bug |306451}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Import Scripted Effect from All Effets Tab ({{bug |296772}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Window Tab support for QML based Aurorae ({{bug |299138}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Get rid of  "Display borders on maximized windows" setting ({{bug |299245}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Break NETWM to allow inner xinerama struts ({{bug |299247}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Cube animation on border approach should not be used unless the electric borders are actually in use and the config should be disabled, align or hint the electric border configuration ({{bug |299901}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Make ShaderManager act as a real stack ({{bug |300349}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|clientPopup: "'More actions' and "Attach as tab to"  lack mnemonics ({{bug |302833}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Make KWin compile with C++11 ({{bug |303313}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Copy all useful Client properties to Deleted ({{bug |303916}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Display content of resizing/moving windows: KDE-Help shows obsolete instructions ({{bug |305297}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Mouse action support for sending window to different activity ({{bug |305758}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Windows list icon does not show up in "Walk Through Desktop List" ({{bug |306187}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Game mode ({{bug |306448}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Common animation settings for effects of same type ({{bug |308991}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureTodo|kwin|Use Resize Area in Aurorae ({{bug |308992}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|Configurable quick tile area config GUI ({{bug |308993}})|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|Remove legacy window decorations ({{bug |299144}}, Review 104281)|[email protected]}}
{{FeatureInProgress|plasma workspace|Port Task Manager applets to QML|[email protected]|Eike Hein (Sho_)}}
{{FeatureInProgress|plasma workspace|refresh Air Plasma theme|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|plasma workspace|Port Kickoff to qml|[email protected]|Greg T}}
{{FeatureTodo|systemsettings|Replace krandr KCM by libkscreen-based one|[email protected]|Dan Vrátil}}
{{FeatureInProgress|plasma workspace|Port rssnow to qml|[email protected]|Giorgos Tsiapaliokas}}
{{FeatureInProgress|various|KActivities/SLC support for most our applications|[email protected]|Ivan Čukić}}
{{FeatureInProgress|plasma workspace|first desktop SLC applet release|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|plasma workspace|Top-rated documents for Task Manager|[email protected]|Ivan Čukić}}
{{FeatureInProgress|window manager|Rework and optimize vertex specification|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|window manager|Dynamic shader generation|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|window manager|Partial port to xcb|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|window manager|New launch feedback effect|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|activities|Encrypted activities|[email protected]|Ivan Čukić}}
{{FeatureInProgress|powerdevil|Improve profile error handling (DPMS)|[email protected]|Kai Uwe Broulik}}
{{FeatureTodo|plasma workspace|Social Feed|[email protected]|Martin Klapetek}}
{{FeatureDone|kmenuedit|Ability to sort entries in the sub-menus ({{bug |108419}})|[email protected]|Julien Borderie}}
{{FeatureDone|kmenuedit|Add move up/down buttons ({{bug |61537}})|[email protected]|Julien Borderie}}
{{FeatureDone|plasma notifications|Add button to notifications that allow configuring them|[email protected]|Kai Uwe Broulik}}
{{FeatureDone|plasma batterymonitor|Improve situtation with multiple batteries (show battery names, dont just sum up _all_ the percentages etc)|[email protected]|Kai Uwe Broulik}}
{{FeatureInProgress|powerdevil|Implement notifications for non-internal batteries (aka "Your mouse is running low")|[email protected]|Kai Uwe Broulik}}
= kde-baseapps =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|FolderView|Split into PopupApplet and Containment|[email protected]|Ignat Semenov}}
{{FeatureTodo|FolderView|Port to QML|[email protected]|Ignat Semenov}}
{{FeatureTodo|Dolphin|Implement files quick preview feature (named Klook)  |[email protected]|Evgeniy Auzhin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kate|As-you-type search for the search plugin|[email protected]|Kåre Särs}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kate|Session name API for plugins + automatic ctags database naming|[email protected]|Kåre Särs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kate|Add optional document "minimap" to the Symbols view plugin|[email protected]|Kåre Särs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kate|Vim Mode Macro support|[email protected]|Simon St James}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté plugin now supports Python2 or Python3 as a build-time option|[email protected]|Shaheed Haque}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté GID plugin now supports autocompletion based on the contents of the ID file|[email protected]|Shaheed Haque}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Many generic functions and generic classes, likely the more outstanding are the autocompletations. Now you can create a code completion model with very few lines from Python
|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté python utils plugin. Utils to Python: Checker Parse, Checker Pep8, Checker Pyflakes, Snippets|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté javascript utils plugin. Utils to JavaScript: Autocomplete, Autocomplete jQuery, Checker JSLint, Pretty JSON, Snippets|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté XML pretty plugin. A simple XML pretty printer. XML formatter which a good indents|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté Django utils plugin. Utils to Django: Snippets, and template utils|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Pâté Python autocomplete plugin.|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|[http://kate-editor.org/2013/04/23/a-rich-python-console-and-more-in-kate-editor/ Integration of the python_autocomplete and python_console_ipython plugins with the project plugin] .|[email protected]|Pablo Martín}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konsole|Improve the search filter bar|[email protected]|Francesco Cecconi}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konsole|Add the --separate cmdline option for running in new process|[email protected]|Jekyll Wu}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konsole|Make the d&d popup menu optional|[email protected]|Jekyll Wu}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Settings for WebKit Part|[email protected]|Allan Sandfeld}}
= kdeedu  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Have support for "repeatX" in the projection classes|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Satellite Map NG|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Mars & Venus satellite plugin|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn / Gerhard Holtkamp}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Solar Eclipse Plugin|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn / Gerhard Holtkamp}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Help Menu polishing / Support page inclusion|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Toolbar polishing/refactoring|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Solar Eclipse Plugin|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Worldwide hillshading|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Extended library API (no MarbleWidget dependency for tasks like parsing, routing)|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Marble Touch on Plasma Active|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Foursquare plugin|[email protected]|Utku Aydın}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Marble Touch on Android (including SOK branch merge)|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Support for loading geolocated photos (e.g. in a Gallery activity in Marble Touch)|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Layer Management (by the user: Toggle layer visibility; maybe move layers from legend and layers in menus to one central place/tab)|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|OSM vector rendering (GSOC branch merge)|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Dock Widgets|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Stars Constellations|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|KML I/O Improvements|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Basic KML Editor|[email protected]|Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|WebKit Powered Info Dialog|[email protected]|Various Artists}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|WebKit Powered Info Dialog|[email protected]|Various Artists}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|License Information Info Box|[email protected]|Various Artists}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Navigation Tool Redesign|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn, Mohammed Nafees}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Zoom to content of geo file after loading (at least on start-up)|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Geo files thumbnailer|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Geo files metadata extractor|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Data Structure Backend wise iconsets and preconfigurations for types|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Printing and image export of graphs.|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Data Structure Snapshot and Recovery.|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Visual Graph Editor Handling: copy&paste, data structure focus, property display|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|In-Program documentation for scripting API|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Scripting API cleanup|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Statistics module: scripts may add statistics data during algorithm executions|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Text-only interface for Rocs aka Cantor backend|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureTodo|Rocs|Worksheet Integration|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Cantor|Python backend|[email protected]|Filipe Saraiva}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kig|Geogebra Support|[email protected]|David E. Narváez}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kig|CAS Backend|[email protected]|David E. Narváez}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KAlgebra|Matrix support|[email protected]|Aleix Pol Gonzalez}}
= kdegames=
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Make computer think-times shorter and responses faster|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Provide five skill levels (previously three)|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Provide board size up to 15x15 (previously 10x10)|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Add multi-move undo and redo (previously one move only)|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Improve the algorithm for computer opponent Newton|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Make computer think-times shorter and responses faster|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Make a new toolbar layout with a general-purpose stop-start button|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Add optional pauses after computer moves or animation steps, to help new players understand how the game works|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJumpingCube|Major internal restructure and rewrite: involving separation of model, view, control and AI classes, new classes for Game and AI_Box and executing AI code on a separate thread|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
= kdegraphics=
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|libkipi|[http://www.google-melange.com/gsoc/proposal/review/google/gsoc2012/dodonvictor/10002 Porting libkipi to KDE-XML GUI]|[email protected]|Victor Dodon}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kolourpaint|WebP image format plugin|[email protected]|Martin Koller}}
= kdemultimedia =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|Juk|[http://community.kde.org/Juk#Porting_plan Port Juk away from kde3support]|[email protected]|Martin Sandsmark}}
{{FeatureDone|Juk|Add support for [http://www.opus-codec.org/ Ogg Opus audio editing/playback] (requires TagLib and Phonon also support)|[email protected]|Michael Pyne}}
= kdenetwork=
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Metalink/HTTP Support|[email protected]|Aish Raj Dahal}}
= kdepim  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Facebook resource|Include it in default install|[email protected]|Martin Klapetek}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Akregator2|Merge in kdepim|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Knode|Merge in KMail|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureInProgress|BackupMail|Extend backup to all kdepim apps|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Sieve|Rewrite dialogbox|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libs|Move folderview to kdepimlibs/akonadi|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kolab-resource|Make Kolab 3.0 option available|[email protected]|Christian Mollekopf}}
{{FeatureInProgress|SendLaterAgent|Agent for allow to send later mails|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureInProgress|PimActivity|Create a library to support activity in pim apps|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureDone|headerthemeeditor|Program to edit kmail header theme based on Grantlee|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureDone|Sieve|Add support for autogenerate sieve script|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureDone|Blogilo|Use new widget component based on qtwebkit for html editor|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
{{FeatureDone|ImportWizard|Allow to import settings/data for trojita and improve all others importer|[email protected]|Montel Laurent}}
= kdeplasma-addons =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|Microblog|replace with QML version|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}}
{{FeatureTodo|StackFolder|Add applet for quick browse the stack of folders|[email protected]|Ural Mullabaev}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Eyes|replace with QML version|[email protected]|Davide Bettio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|FifteenPuzzle|replace with QML version|[email protected]|Davide Bettio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Luna|replace with QML version|[email protected]|Davide Bettio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Timer|replace with QML version|[email protected]|Davide Bettio}}
= kdesdk  =
{| cellspa/cing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add a general KPart adapter to Kasten, than finish port of Okteta KPart to Okteta Kasten|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add global toggle option for the offset display, hex or decimal|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Kate-like combined dialogs to query for actions on files|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add Kate-like search tool|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Okular like embedded notifications|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for import by drop, both url and data|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for memory mapping of files and 64-bit addressing|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for jobs like io, printing, string search or filter|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|copy again puts also a value or char variant of the data to clipboard|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Improve the titels of the changes to the bytearray to be more descriptive, best using ids to avoid text string|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Make all user interaction in the KastenCore managers plugin-based|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Merge row and column widgets into one|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks and other view settings for next load|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add custom datatypes to structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Add tagged unions to structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Add array indices to structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello| widget resize and diagram auto resize feature |[email protected]|Ralf Habacker}}
{{FeatureTodo|Umbrello|add spline based association lines to avoid autolayout widget/line overlapping (needs volunteers)|[email protected]|Ralf Habacker}}
= kdeutils=
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|KWallet|UI Refactoring|[email protected]|Valentin Rusu}}
= kdetoys =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|KTeaTime|Bring back the system tray progress indicator known from KTeaTime 4.6.5 and earlier ({{bug |279222}})|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.