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Reusable QML components: Difference between revisions

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Avnee (talk | contribs)
Adding ListDialog screenshot
Avnee (talk | contribs)
Adding popup and quit dialog
(One intermediate revision by the same user not shown)
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A list dialog provides a dialog box with a list of items to choose from. Basically, a dialog that prompts for one element out of a list of elements.
A list dialog provides a dialog box with a list of items to choose from. Basically, a dialog that prompts for one element out of a list of elements.
''Fig: ListDialog for selecting Difficulty Level''

===Basic Structure of List dialog===
===Basic Structure of List dialog===
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We've used the <tt>onModelChanged</tt> event handler to dynamically assign the height of the ListView. This is useful when the model of the dialog is changed. The height of the dialog ListView is recalculated with the help of this event handler.
We've used the <tt>onModelChanged</tt> event handler to dynamically assign the height of the ListView. This is useful when the model of the dialog is changed. The height of the dialog ListView is recalculated with the help of this event handler.

Line 170: Line 173:
*To hide the dialog use: newgameDialog.hideDialog = true
*To hide the dialog use: newgameDialog.hideDialog = true
Example of ListDialog as appearing in KDiamond for Difficulty Level
''Fig: Screenshot of ListDailog in KDiamond''
A popup is used to show small info or notifications to the user.
Below is the basic structure for the popup. It is fairly simple and contains a Text component with the container rectangles.
<tt>popUpMessage</tt> would be the message to be displayed to the user.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
    id: popUpContainer
color: "transparent"
        id: popUp
            id: popUpMessage
We expose the text in the <tt>popUpMessage</tt> component by using a property alias.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
property alias popUpMessage: popUpMessage.text
We add animations by using PropertyAnimation - <tt>showPopUp</tt> and <tt>hidePopUp</tt>.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript">
  PropertyAnimation { id: showPopUp; target: popUp; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.Linear}
  PropertyAnimation { id: hidePopUp; target: popUp; property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.Linear}
To display the Popup component we need to create a <tt>PopUp</tt> element in main.qml and provide it with <tt>popUpMessage</tt>.
For e.g. below how we can display a popup when the game is paused.
''Fig: Screenshot of pause game popup in KDiamond'' <br>
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
// Pause game pop up
id: pausedPopUp
popUpMessage: "Game paused!"
</syntaxhighlight> <br>
* To show pop up use: pausedPopUp.showPopUp = true <br>
* To hide pop up use: pausedPopUp.hidePopUp = true
==Quit Dialog==
Quit Dialog is a component which is a used to ask for confirmation before exiting an application or a game.
''Fig: Quit Dialog'' <br>
The basic structure of quit dialog, given below, includes a rectangle dialog consisting of Text element for dialog title, another Text element for quit message. In addition to these, there are two buttons used - Yes button and No button. Both of these buttons contain Text area <tt>button_yes_text</tt> and <tt>button_no_text</tt> and MouseArea.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
id: quitDialog
        id: dialog
            id: title
        // Quit dialog text
            id: dialogDesc
// Yes button
            Text {
                id: button_yes_text
        // No button
            Text {
                id: button_no_text
</syntaxhighlight> <br>
We make all the text on the quit dialog like - dialog text, yes button text and no button text - to be set from outside the component. We use property alias for this.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
  property alias quitMessage: dialogDesc.text
  property alias yesButtonText: button_yes_text.text
  property alias noButtonText: button_no_text.text
</syntaxhighlight> <br>
Since we wish to give the developer using this dialog ability to implement his own logic when one of the buttons is clicked, we implement two signals -  yes_clicked and no_clicked which are emitted when the button is clicked.
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
signal yes_clicked
signal no_clicked
/* Yes button */
width: 100
height: 50
color: "teal"
anchors.top: dialogDesc.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 20
anchors.left: parent.left
anchors.leftMargin: 30
Text {
id: button_yes_text
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 14
font.bold: true
color: "white"
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
/* No button */
width: 100
height: 50
color: "teal"
anchors.left: yes_button.right
anchors.leftMargin: 20
anchors.top: dialogDesc.bottom
anchors.topMargin: 20
Text {
id: button_no_text
anchors.centerIn: parent
font.pixelSize: 14
font.bold: true
color: "white"
anchors.fill: parent
onClicked: {
We also implement the animations by using PropertyAnimation - <tt>showDialog</tt> and <tt>hideDialog</tt> - similar to List Dialog and popup.
You can use the quit dialog component in the following way,
<syntaxhighlight lang="javascript" line>
id: quitDialog
width: parent.width
height: parent.height
quitMessage: "Are you sure you want to exit KDiamond?"
yesButtonText: "Yes"
noButtonText: "No"
onYes_clicked: Qt.quit();
onNo_clicked: {
// Put your logic here, below is my logic from Kdiamond QML version
// Dismiss the quit dialog
hideDialog= true;
// Resume the game
''Fig: Using quit dialog in KDiamond''<br>
Note: All the above components are used in the KDiamond QML version. You can access its latest code [http://quickgit.kde.org/index.php?p=scratch%2Fnathani%2Fgsoc2012-kdiamond.git&a=summary here].

Latest revision as of 17:00, 19 August 2012


This article would explain some reusable QML components - how they are implemented and their usage. If you wish to write some reusable QML components then you might be interested to read my approach to implement them. However, if you just want to use the components in your QML apps / games - you can just read the usage part of the components. These components were originally written by me as a part of KDiamond QML version game.

List dialog

A list dialog provides a dialog box with a list of items to choose from. Basically, a dialog that prompts for one element out of a list of elements.

Fig: ListDialog for selecting Difficulty Level

Basic Structure of List dialog

Here is the basic skeleton for list dialog. We have the listdialog Rectangle as the main container / parent and dialog Rectangle as a child. listdialog Rectangle would provide a semi-transparent background for the dialog. The dialog Rectangle contains the ListView - which would be used for displaying the list of elements in the dialog.

    id: listdialog
        id: dialog

            id: dialoglist

	  Text {
            id: dialogtitle


            id: dialogline


listdialog also implement a MouseArea for dismissing the dialog when clicked. Essentially, the MouseArea would just contain a line of code to turn the opacity of the dialog to 0, so that it is not visible and thus dismissed. Dialog animations /transitions can be added in this mouse area as well.

dialogtitle is a text element which would act as the tile of the dialog. We would like this text to be dynamically assigned, hence we would need to expose the text property of dialogtitle through our component. This can be done by using property alias for dialogtitle.text

property alias dialogtitle: dialogtitle.text

ListView for List dialog

The ListView in our dialog would require a model and a delegate. Since we are designing the dialog as a reusable component - we would like to allow the model to be supplied from outside the component. So we expose the model of the ListView by setting a property alias for it.

property alias dialogModel: dialoglist.model

We then define the delegate for our ListView. This delegate would define how each list item would look on the ListView. After adding our delegate our ListView would look like below,

	id: dialoglist
	width: parent.width
	spacing: margin
	interactive: false
	anchors.top: dialogline.bottom
	anchors.topMargin: margin
	model: mymodel
	onModelChanged: {
		dialoglist.height = dialoglist.model.count*(listitem_height+spacing)

	delegate: Rectangle{
		id: listitem
		width: parent.width - 50
		height: listitem_height
		radius: 10
		anchors.horizontalCenter: parent.horizontalCenter
		color: "teal"

			Text {
				id: listitemText
				text: name
				anchors.centerIn: parent
				font.pixelSize: 14
				color: "white"

We've used the onModelChanged event handler to dynamically assign the height of the ListView. This is useful when the model of the dialog is changed. The height of the dialog ListView is recalculated with the help of this event handler.

After this, the ascestetics have been taken care of. However, we still need to add a MouseArea to the delegate (list item) - we need to then emit a signal describing which item has been clicked. For this we would implement a clicked signal in the component,

signal clicked (string item_string, int index)

The clicked signal would emit both - the item index as well as them item string. The MouseArea would look something like this,

	id: delegateMouseArea
	anchors.fill: parent
	onClicked: {
		listdialog.clicked(name, index)

Animating the dialog

To animate the list dialog when it appears and is dismissed, we use PropertyAnimation. PropertyAnimation provides a way to animate changes to a property's value. Here, we would like to animate the "opacity" property of the listdialog hence, we have used two PropertyAnimations.

   PropertyAnimation { id: showDialog; target: listdialog; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.InQuad}
   PropertyAnimation { id: hideDialog; target: listdialog; property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.OutQuad}

The above two animations can be sumarized as below,

  • showDialog which will change the opacity from 0 to 1 in an InQuad pattern
  • hideDialog which will change the opacity from 1 to 0 in an OutQuad pattern

The duration for each animation is 500 milliseconds. Also, we need to expose these animations to show and hide the dialog with animations. We do this by adding alias for both the animations.running state.

property alias showDialog: showDialog.running
property alias hideDialog: hideDialog.running

Usage for List dialog

Using the List dialog is really simple. After adding the component to your project, you can add a list dialog in your main.qml by the following piece of code. You can define a simple list model to go with your list dialog, as I have done below.

// Model for new game dialog
	id: newgameModel
		name: "Timed game"
		name: "Untimed game"

	id: newgameDialog
	dialogtitle: "New Game"
	dialogModel: newgameModel
	opacity: 0
	onClicked: {		
		// Put your logic here! Below is my logic from KDiamond QML version.
		/* New game started */

		// Dismiss new game dialog
		newgameDialog.hideDialog= true;

		// Hide pop ups if any

  • To show the dialog use: newgameDialog.showDialog = true
  • To hide the dialog use: newgameDialog.hideDialog = true

Fig: Screenshot of ListDailog in KDiamond


A popup is used to show small info or notifications to the user.


Below is the basic structure for the popup. It is fairly simple and contains a Text component with the container rectangles. popUpMessage would be the message to be displayed to the user.

    id: popUpContainer
	color: "transparent"

        id: popUp
            id: popUpMessage

We expose the text in the popUpMessage component by using a property alias.

property alias popUpMessage: popUpMessage.text

We add animations by using PropertyAnimation - showPopUp and hidePopUp.

   PropertyAnimation { id: showPopUp; target: popUp; property: "opacity"; to: 1; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.Linear}
   PropertyAnimation { id: hidePopUp; target: popUp; property: "opacity"; to: 0; duration: 500; easing.type: Easing.Linear}


To display the Popup component we need to create a PopUp element in main.qml and provide it with popUpMessage.

For e.g. below how we can display a popup when the game is paused.

Fig: Screenshot of pause game popup in KDiamond

// Pause game pop up
	id: pausedPopUp
	popUpMessage: "Game paused!"

  • To show pop up use: pausedPopUp.showPopUp = true
  • To hide pop up use: pausedPopUp.hidePopUp = true

Quit Dialog

Quit Dialog is a component which is a used to ask for confirmation before exiting an application or a game.

Fig: Quit Dialog


The basic structure of quit dialog, given below, includes a rectangle dialog consisting of Text element for dialog title, another Text element for quit message. In addition to these, there are two buttons used - Yes button and No button. Both of these buttons contain Text area button_yes_text and button_no_text and MouseArea.

id: quitDialog

        id: dialog
            id: title

        // Quit dialog text
            id: dialogDesc

	// Yes button

            Text {
                id: button_yes_text

        // No button

            Text {
                id: button_no_text

We make all the text on the quit dialog like - dialog text, yes button text and no button text - to be set from outside the component. We use property alias for this.

  property alias quitMessage: dialogDesc.text
  property alias yesButtonText: button_yes_text.text
  property alias noButtonText: button_no_text.text

Since we wish to give the developer using this dialog ability to implement his own logic when one of the buttons is clicked, we implement two signals - yes_clicked and no_clicked which are emitted when the button is clicked.

signal yes_clicked
signal no_clicked

/* Yes button */
	width: 100
	height: 50
	color: "teal"
	anchors.top: dialogDesc.bottom
	anchors.topMargin: 20
	anchors.left: parent.left
	anchors.leftMargin: 30

	Text {
		id: button_yes_text
		anchors.centerIn: parent
		font.pixelSize: 14
		font.bold: true
		color: "white"

		anchors.fill: parent
		onClicked: {

/* No button */
	width: 100
	height: 50
	color: "teal"
	anchors.left: yes_button.right
	anchors.leftMargin: 20
	anchors.top: dialogDesc.bottom
	anchors.topMargin: 20

	Text {
		id: button_no_text
		anchors.centerIn: parent
		font.pixelSize: 14
		font.bold: true
		color: "white"

		anchors.fill: parent
		onClicked: {

We also implement the animations by using PropertyAnimation - showDialog and hideDialog - similar to List Dialog and popup.


You can use the quit dialog component in the following way,

	id: quitDialog
	width: parent.width
	height: parent.height
	quitMessage: "Are you sure you want to exit KDiamond?"
	yesButtonText: "Yes"
	noButtonText: "No"
	onYes_clicked: Qt.quit();
	onNo_clicked: {
		// Put your logic here, below is my logic from Kdiamond QML version
		// Dismiss the quit dialog
		hideDialog= true;

		// Resume the game

Fig: Using quit dialog in KDiamond

Note: All the above components are used in the KDiamond QML version. You can access its latest code here.