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Getting Started/Using Project Neon to contribute to KDE: Difference between revisions

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Contact the Team: not sure code /code is the right way to handle this!
Zachus2 (talk | contribs)
which Neon ? confusing !
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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Getting_Started/Using_Project_Neon_to_contribute_to_KDE}}
Project Neon (the '''other''' "Neon" , that is ) has been deprecated. However, KDE Neon is now in [https://community.kde.org/Incubator/Projects/Neon incubation], producing git builds of KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 on top of an Ubuntu base (15.10 currently; the LTS when it is released). See the new [http://neon.kde.org.uk/ website] for use and download information. Check in #kde-neon in IRC, the [https://mail.kde.org/mailman/listinfo/neon mail list] or the [https://forum.kde.org/viewforum.php?f=309 forum] for more information.
[https://launchpad.net/project-neon Project Neon] is a nightly build of the latest KDE trunk. It is an easy way for new contributors to KDE to get started without having to build the entire KDE-SVN tree and maintain the checkout. Additionally, dependencies are automatically handled and updated. This is suitable for new developers, translators, usability designers, documenters, promoters, bug triagers etc. This process makes the steps detailed on [[Getting_Started/Build|this page]].
However, for developers, it may at some point become necessary to build more components from SVN as you become more involved in the project. The [[Getting_Started/Build/kdesvn-build|kdesrc-build]] script is an easy way to build all or parts of KDE SVN.
== Requirements ==
Project neon always requires the latest stable Kubuntu release or development release. Previous versions of Kubuntu are not supported.
== Installing Project Neon ==
To use Project Neon, add the following PPA (Personal Package Archive) to your <tt>sources.list</tt> using your preferred method:
<code bash>
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:neon/ppa
<code bash>
# Project neon nightly KDE4 build
deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/neon/ppa/ubuntu maverick main
#above repository is PGP signed, refer to below link for getting PGP key
After that, you can simply install the nightly package of whichever modules you want to work on. The Packages are named project-neon-<git/svn module name>.
You can install all of the packages or just the ones you are interested in, depending on what you want to use them for. For example if you want to install the KDE Workspace with the extra plasmoids, you would install the <tt>project-neon-kdeplasma-addons</tt> and <tt>project-neon-session</tt> so you get KDM support for Project Neon.
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install project-neon-kdeplasma-addons project-neon-session
If you are only interested in application development in another module, you can install just the module package.
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install project-neon-kdepim project-neon-common
That command will also install the <tt>kdelibs</tt>, <tt>kdepimlibs</tt> and other dependencies too. In your regular (stable) KDE session you can then run the nightly version of your chosen application after setting up the environment.
<code bash>
. /opt/project-neon/share/project-neon/environment.rc
Instead of sourcing the settings by hand every time, you could add this to your .bashrc:
<code bash>
switchtonightly ()
  . /opt/project-neon/share/project-neon/environment.rc
or use <tt>neon-env</tt> (see below), but you can't run non-Project Neon apps when you use neon-env.
You'll need to close the terminal session for the settings to be undone.
This will correctly use the nightly version of libraries instead of using the stable versions, so no other changes are necessary to your library path etc.
Note that settings for applications that you run from project neon do not conflict with your regular application settings and data. <tt>.project-neon-kde/</tt> is used instead of <tt>.kde/</tt>
== Using Project Neon for development ==
If you are joining one of the development teams in KDE, you will need a real SVN/GIT checkout in order to contribute your code back to the project and create patches easily.
Some extra tools are provided for this purpose in the package <tt>project-neon-utils</tt>:
NOTE: both neon-cmake and neonmake require neon-env to be run first!
<tt>neon-env</tt> -
sets up the necessary environment settings for project neon builds and opens a subshell.
<tt>neon-cmake</tt> -
cmake wrapper with neon environment settings for cmake, same synopsis as cmake and passes arguments to cmake
<tt>neonmake</tt> -
convenience script which will create a build folder, configure the source, build it and install it in /opt/project-neon/ so you can test your changes.
<tt>neon-clean</tt> -
This script will reset all changes you did to /opt/project-neon after installing the packages. Since this script reinstalls the packages it might require a working internet connection.
<tt>neonbuild</tt> -
pbuilder/pdebuild wrapper to rebuild a neon package in a chroot. Takes the same options as pbuilder. If no pbuidler action is given pdebuild is run instead.
You can change the cmake and make options used by setting these variables in ~/.neonrc:
<tt>NEON_CMAKE_OPTS=""</tt> Here you can add additional cmake options that should be used together with the default neon options.
<tt>NEON_CMAKE_OVERRIDE=""</tt> If you set this variable cmake will ignore the default neon options and only use the ones in NEON_CMAKE_OVERRIDE.
<tt>NEON_MAKE_OVERRIDE=""</tt> If you set this variable make in neonmake will only use your options. By default make uses '-j CPUs+1'
Debugging Symbols:
The debugging symbols for every package are in it's corresponding -dbg package, so to install the debugging symbols for kdelibs you can use
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install project-neon-kdelibs-dbg
If you are already using a nightly package of the module you want to develop for, you should remove that, and checkout the development version. For example:
<code bash>
# Remove the packaged nightly version
sudo apt-get purge project-neon-kdepim
# Add below Project Neon source code repository to sources.list if you didn't use add-apt-repository
deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/neon/ppa/ubuntu maverick main
# Get the dependencies for building kdepim
sudo apt-get build-dep project-neon-kdepim
cd ~
# You may choose to do your development in a different folder.
cd Development
# Gets the latest version of the kdepim module.
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/kdepim
cd kdepim
# Set up neon environment
# Shortcut provided by Project Neon to make the module
# and install it to the prefix /opt/project-neon/
Note that you should usually checkout a module from KDE, not an application. Most modules contain libraries shared within the module and which are necessary to build the applications in the module.
Also note that when using apt-get build-dep it will always get all build-depends, so watch out that it doesn't install a component you want to build yourself as that would overwrite your changes should you install the packages after installing your build.
== Using Project Neon for translation ==
The Project Neon nightly packages include English language strings only. Translated packages are not available. However, if you are translating KDE applications, you can install the translations from KDE SVN in your normal workflow.
<code bash>
cd ~
cd Translations
# The -N switch checks out only the top level directory from svn.
svn co -N svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/l10n-kde4
cd l10n-kde4
# scripts necessary to build translations.
svn up scripts
# Get the German translations
svn up de
# Generate the build files for the German language pack - if you get a message
# that revpath couldn't be found you need to install the xutils-dev package
./scripts/autogen.sh de
cd de
After building the translations it is possible to either change the language in system settings, or run applications in another language using the environment variable <tt>KDE_LANG</tt>.
<code bash>
switchtonightly # or neon-env
KDE_LANG=de kmail
exit the shell to reset the settings.
== Using Project Neon for documentation ==
The Project Neon nightly source packages include the official KDE User Documentation in English.
TODO: How to build user docs from SVN.
== Using Project Neon for promotion ==
If you are creating screenshots or screencasts of the latest version of KDE, project Neon is a simple and fast way of getting a default KDE4 session.
The KDE Promotion team recommends using the default background, theme, icons etc when preparing official promotional materials (unless the feature you are showing is related to configuring KDE artwork). Project Neon uses the default artwork that comes with KDE4, so it is useful for creating promo materials.
Here is a shortcut to get all available modules from the PPA:
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install project-neon-all
The application [http://ariya.blogspot.com/2008/06/creating-fancy-screenshots-with.html screenie] is provided since Kubuntu 8.10 as <tt>screenie-qt</tt>.
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install screenie-qt
== Contact the Team ==
You can reach the Project Neon team on IRC in  
<code>#project-neon on irc.freenode.net</code>
by mail at <code>[email protected]</code>
or you can ask a question on [https://answers.launchpad.net/project-neon launchpad]
If you think there is a bug in our packaging of the provided software you can file a bug on [https://bugs.launchpad.net/project-neon launchpad]
[https://wiki.kubuntu.org/Kubuntu/ProjectNeon Team page in the Kubuntu Wiki]

Latest revision as of 11:11, 11 March 2019

Project Neon (the other "Neon" , that is ) has been deprecated. However, KDE Neon is now in incubation, producing git builds of KDE Frameworks 5 and Plasma 5 on top of an Ubuntu base (15.10 currently; the LTS when it is released). See the new website for use and download information. Check in #kde-neon in IRC, the mail list or the forum for more information.