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Schedules/KDE4/4.7 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Djarvie (talk | contribs)
m kdepim: KAlarm updates
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(22 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
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This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.7 release.
{{Moved To Community}}
See also:
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.7 Release Schedule]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.7 Release Goals]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.6 Feature Plan]] (previous major release)
<br> Legend:
*todo =&gt; not started yet
*in-progress =&gt; started, but not completed yet
*done =&gt; completed
= kdelibs  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
|Number grouping support
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|Narrow date name format support
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|Week Numbers support
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|Windows Backend
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|New date/time edit widgets from kdepim
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|Fast action searching
|[email protected]|Alex Fiestas}}
|Activity-specific Places
|[email protected]|Jeffery MacEachern}}
|Storing cookies in KWallet
|[email protected]|José Millán Soto}}
|WebIDL usage
|[email protected]|Maksim Orlovich}}
|Accessibility improvements
|[email protected]|Maksim Orlovich}}
|Query term class to query graph meta data
|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
|Preconfigurable plasmoids
|[email protected]|David Palacio}}
= kde-baseapps  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Dolphin|Support Fwd/Back Mouse Buttons|[email protected]|Sebastian Dörner}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Polish the default user interface to minimize visual clutter (see http://ppenz.blogspot.com/2011/03/menu-bars.html)|[email protected]|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Improve user interface for searching files and metadata|[email protected]|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureTodo|Settings|Improve proxy configuration dialog|[email protected]|Dawit Alemayehu}}
|Locale KCM
|Support for Number Grouping, Windows Backend, Country Subdivsions
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|npruntime support improvements
|[email protected]|Maksim Orlovich}}
|Popup menu for advanced queries on the metadata display
|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
= kde-runtime  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|kio_sftp|async download support|[email protected]|Andreas Schneider}}
|Locale definition files
|Migrate Country and Currency Codes to xml/po formats, re-arrange l10n files including settings and flags, add Subdivision code files.
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kio-upnp-ms|Merge from playground (https://projects.kde.org/projects/playground/base/kio-upnp-ms/) into kde-runtime|[email protected]|Nikhil Marathe}}
{{FeatureDone|network:/ kio-slave|port to Cagibi 0.2|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Nepomuk Datamanagement Service|Merge it into the master branch|[email protected]|Vishesh Handa & Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureTodo|Port Strigi Service to DMS|The Strigi Service needs to use the DMS API|[email protected]|Vishesh Handa & Sebastian Trueg}}
|KCM to manage the removable storages to index
|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
= kde-workspace  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|System Settings/keyboard|Allow a shortcut per keyboard layout (bug 224489)|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|System Settings/keyboard|Session management for keyboard layouts (bug 52095, 174948)|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|klipper|Support qrcode as well as datamatrix for mobile barcodes|[email protected]|Sune Vuorela}}
{{FeatureDone|weather|Support debian weather|[email protected]|Sune Vuorela}}
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | Plasma
|Plasma Clock/Calendar
|improve usability, settings, akonadi and holiday data.  See Plasma wiki.
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
|Plasma Desktop
|launch krunner when the user starts typing
|[email protected]|Vitor Boschi}}
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | KDM
|GRUB2 support for KDM (see http://ksmanis.wordpress.com/2011/04/21/hello-planet-and-grub2-support-for-kdm/)
|[email protected]|Konstantinos Smanis}}
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | KWin
{{FeatureDone|Compositor|OpenGL 2.x/OpenGL ES 2.0 compositing backend (see http://www.kdenews.org/2011/02/18/kwin-embraces-new-platforms-opengl-es-20-support)|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Compositor|New Shadow System (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/03/new-kwin-shadows/)|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Effects|Effect to render outlines|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Decorations|Do not require a decoration|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Core|Export most recently used windows to an X property|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|BoxSwitch Effect|Animated Selection (see http://blog.martin-graesslin.com/blog/2011/02/is-kwin-rocket-science/)|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libkwineffects|API cleanup|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libkwineffects|JavaScript bindings for writing Effects|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Mouse Emulation|Better accessibility support in mouse emulation|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|kwin|Add multi head support|[email protected]|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|DBusMenu in Windeco|[email protected]|Lionel Chauvin}}
{{FeatureDone|ksplashx|Add multi head support|[email protected]|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureTodo|krunner|Add multi head support|[email protected]|Alberto Mattea}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwinrules kcm|UI cleanup (see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101041/)|[email protected]|Thomas Lübking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwincompositing kcm|Rearm unsafe OpenGL precheck (see https://git.reviewboard.kde.org/r/101061/)|[email protected]|Thomas Lübking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|PresentWindows Effect|Better highlight indication & close button handling)|[email protected]|Thomas Lübking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|general|Remove jargon from user interface.  Remove all instances of Akonadi/Nepomuk related jargon from the desktop, replace with meaningful text where needed.|[email protected]|Will Stephenson}}
= kdeedu  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Bookmark Manager|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser, Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Extended QML Bindings|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Routing API|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Offline Address Search|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Support monav version 0.3|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Polish the Map Wizard: simpler UI, comprehensive validation of user input immediately on each page|[email protected]|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Reduce memory footprint of cached tiles|[email protected]|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Separate thread for tile loading and texture blending (not texture mapping at the moment) for more smooth browsing|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann, Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Tile loading "read ahead" when idle, prerequisite: threaded tile loading|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Multi threaded texture mapping|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann, Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Implement mouse cursor wrapping a la Okular or Gwenview|[email protected]|Bernhard Beschow}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Manipulate Gps track data|tgridel@freedotfr|Thibaut Gridel}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Cantor|Integrate the Qalculate backend|[email protected]|Matteo Agostinelli}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kalzium|Use KUnitConversion for all the Unit handling|etienne.rebetez@oberwallisch|Etienne Rebetez}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTurtle|Add getdirection command
|nielsslot@gmaildotcom|Niels Slot}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTurtle|Add modulo command
|nielsslot@gmaildotcom|Niels Slot}}
{{FeatureDone|Step|Copy-and-Paste of items|[email protected]|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureTodo|Step|Zoom on mouse wheel|[email protected]|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Step|Automatic expanding canvas|[email protected]|Sebastian Vöcking}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Auto - Handling of the Canvas|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Remove the thread for QtConcurrent on he core|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Polish the User Interface|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|New Plugin for Automaticaly Graph Generation|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Bugfixes in the List Plugin|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Speedup in the drawing code|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Rocs|Kalgebra backend|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Transform graph edges plugin|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Assign values to edges/nodes plugin|[email protected]|Andreas Cord-Landwehr}}
{{FeatureDone|Kalzium|Titration calculator|[email protected]|Luca Tringali}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KStars|SQLite Database of NGC Objects|[email protected]|Victor Carbune|}}
= kdepim  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Port to Akonadi|[email protected]|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureDone|KAlarm|Allow reminders after the main alarm|[email protected]|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureDone|KAlarm|Provide wake-from-suspend option for alarms|[email protected]|David Jarvie}}
|Add support for Holiday Types and Observance Types
|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureDone|Akonadi-contacts/kaddressbook|Show 2d barcodes of contact data|[email protected]|Sune Vuorela}}
|attachment:/ kio-slave
|Implement kio-slave to access (email) attachments in Akonadi
|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
= kdeplasma-addons =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|Adjustable Clock|Plasmoid for displaying date and time in very customizable way|[email protected]|Michał Dutkiewicz}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Comic Plasmoid|Support random comic strips|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|Comic Plasmoid|Support creation of comic Comic Book Archive files|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Comic Plasmoid|Highlight comics that have a new comic strip|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureTodo|Events Runner|Support parsing weekdays (e.g. "in next monday"|[email protected]|Alexey Noskov}}
= kdetoys  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|KTeaTime|Port to KStatusNotifierItem|[email protected]|Miha Čančula}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KTeaTime|New svg based status icons|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KTeaTime|Support categories|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTeaTime|Improved command line|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTeaTime|Tea runner|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTeaTime|Port to KConfigXT|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
= kdesdk  =
{| cellspa/cing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|Lokalize|Remote translation memories|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Lokalize|QA: translation checks against user-specified regex-based rules|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Integrate snowball stemmer for glossary|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Continue implementing XLIFF spec|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Segmentation [editing] functionality|[email protected] |Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Integrate with nepomuk (fast stats retrieval, tag cloud - incl sharing!)|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|loading compressed files and then saving them back in the original compression format (bug 65518)|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Properly support strings (various Unicode encodings) in structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add custom datatypes to structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add a general KPart adapter to Kasten, than finish port of Okteta KPart to Okteta Kasten|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add global toggle option for the offset display, hex or decimal|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Kate-like combined dialogs to query for actions on files|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add Kate-like search tool|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Okular like embedded notifications|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for import by drop, both url and data|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for memory mapping of files and 64-bit addressing|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for jobs like io, printing, string search or filter|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add view profiles, incl. editor/manager|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|copy again puts also a value or char variant of the data to clipboard|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Improve the titels of the changes to the bytearray to be more descriptive, best using ids to avoid text string|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Make all user interaction in the KastenCore managers plugin-based|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Merge row and column widgets into one|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks and other view settings for next load|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|QDockWidget based interface|[email protected]|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|KDE4 icon theme and eye candies|[email protected]|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureTodo|Umbrello|Replace the current code viewer with katepart|[email protected]|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureDone|Umbrello|Add a zoom widget in the statusbar|[email protected]|Emmanuel Lepage Vallee}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kate|Add a new search in files plugin|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
= kdegames =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|KBreakout|Level editor|[email protected]|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KBreakout|Load levelset option + 2 new levelsets|[email protected]|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureTodo|KBreakout|Port to QGraphicsView|[email protected]|Julian Helfferich}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KPat|Create new saved game format that stores undo/redo history|[email protected]|Parker Coates}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libtagaro|Move first version into the kdegames module|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|libtagaro|Use the new library: at least in Granatier and Kolf (to replace existing static source copies) and KDiamond|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Palapeli|Cleanup interface|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureDone|Palapeli|Reduce memory consumption for big puzzles|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureInProgress|all games|Add useful fullscreen mode + option to switch between fullscreen/window|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
= kdenetwork =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Working Mms plugin|[email protected]|Ernesto Rodriguez Ortiz}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Support for connection limit to servers|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
= kdegraphics =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|Okular|Directory support in Comic Book Generator|[email protected]|David Palacio}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okular|7zip support in Comic Book Generator|[email protected]|David Palacio}}
{{FeatureTodo|libksane|Enable gui less operation|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureTodo|libksane|Add a way to get scanner device list|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Gwenview|Compare mode|[email protected]|Aurélien Gâteau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Gwenview|Merge "Semantic Information" and "Meta Information" sidebar groups|[email protected]|Aurélien Gâteau}}

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.