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Schedules/KDE4/4.5 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Djarvie (talk | contribs)
m kdepim: KAlarm update
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(26 intermediate revisions by 14 users not shown)
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This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.5 release.
{{Moved To Community}}
See also:
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.5 Release Schedule]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.5 Release Goals]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.4 Feature Plan]]
<br> Legend:
*todo =&gt; not started yet
*in-progress =&gt; started, but not completed yet
*done =&gt; completed
= kdeaccessibility =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|text-to-speech|Merge kttsd and kttsmgr into one application that sits in the system tray|[email protected]|Jeremy Whiting}}
= kdeadmin  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|system-config-printer-kde|Restore feature parity with KDEPrint3 where possible.||Jonathan Riddell, John Layt}}
= kdeartwork  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
= kdebase-apps  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Improvements in session-management|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Improvements in tab-bar widget|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Konqueror|New Konqueror bookmarks using Akonadi and Nepomuk, awesome bar|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureInProgress|nspluginviewer|npruntime scripting support|[email protected]|Maks Orlovich}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Add speeddial/thumbnails-like start page|[email protected]|Germain Garand}}
{{FeatureDone|Konsole|Finish implementing tab context menu|[email protected]|Kurt Hindenburg}}
{{FeatureDone|Konsole|Allow setting tab profile from file on command-line|[email protected]|Kurt Hindenburg}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Konsole|Adds support for SHELL_SESSION_ID|[email protected]|Kurt Hindenburg}}
{{FeatureDone|Konsole|Modernize menu layout|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Konsole|Move to KTabWidget|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
{{FeatureInProgress|print-manager|New Print manager KCM and applet replacement, using C++|[email protected]|Daniel Nicoletti}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Drag and drop on tabs|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Make menus like "View Mode", "Additional Information" and "Sort By" available as toolbar buttons|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureTodo|Dolphin|Smooth scrolling|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureTodo|Dolphin|Faceted browsing|[email protected]|Peter Penz}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Make use of additional columns (Symbolic Link Destination, Path or URL) in KFileItemDelegate|[email protected]|Frank Reininghaus}}
{{FeatureDone|Dolphin|Show extended meta data also for files that are not indexed or in the case where Nepomuk is turned off.|[email protected]|Peter Penz}}
= kdebase-runtime  =
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|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|KWallet|Single Sign On using PAM|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave|Backend for LISa|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave|Backend for SMB|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave|Integrate with remote and zeroconf kioslaves|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Locale KCM|Add support for new KLocale and KCalendarSystem features (see kdelibs section) including AM/PM, etc.  Improvements to usability of existing money display options.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureDone|Locale KCM|Ability to select more Digit Sets (Bengali, Gujarati, Gurmukhi, Kannada, Khmer, Malayalam, Oriya, Tamil, Telugu and Thai).  Ability to set date formats to include Calendar Era.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureInProgress|network kioslave|Backend for UPnP|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave| Backend to discover bluetooth devices and they services |[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureInProgress|bluetooth kioslave|Backend to browse bluetooth devices|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureDone|Nepomuk|Monitor file system changes via inotify|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureTodo|KNotify|Route solid errors via knotify to the device notifier|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
= kdebase-workspace  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | Non-Plasma, Non-KWin
{{FeatureDone|KInfoCenter|Complete rewrite of KInfoCenter|[email protected]|David Hubner}}
{{FeatureDone|KInfoCenter|Add Export functionality into KInfoCenter|[email protected]|David Hubner}}
{{FeatureDone|DeviceInfo KCM|New DeviceInfo KCM for KInfoCenter|[email protected]|David Hubner}}
{{FeatureDone|Summary KCM|New Summary KCM for KInfoCenter|[email protected]|David Hubner}}   
{{FeatureTodo|Icons KCM|More configurable icon sizes|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}}
{{FeatureTodo|Fonts KCM|More configurable fonts|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}}
{{FeatureTodo|BlueDevil Wizard |Write a new Wizard to pair Bluetooth devices |[email protected]|Alex Fiestas}}
{{FeatureTodo|Bluetooth KCM|New KCM to manage all bluetooth configurations and devices|[email protected]|Rafael Fernandez}}
{{FeatureTodo|Screenedges|Screenedges handling outside of kwin/plasma|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Oxygen style|Move window using left-mouse button on windows' empty areas|[email protected]|Hugo Pereira Da Costa}}
{{FeatureDone|Oxygen configuration|Oxygen style and decoration standalone expert configuration tool|[email protected]|Hugo Pereira Da Costa}}
{{FeatureDone|Free Space Notifier Daemon|Small daemon that warns you when your home has almost no space left|[email protected]|Ivo Anjo}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Activities Daemons|Daemons to handle info about activities (kded daemon and a nepomuk service)|[email protected]|Ivan Cukic}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Systemsettings|driconf KCM|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureDone|PowerDevil|Display brightness OSD|[email protected]|Felix Geyer}}
{{FeatureDone|Keyboard|Merge keyboard hardware and layouts configuration UI|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|Keyboard|Allow adding layouts by language|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|Keyboard|Add keyboard layout indicator plasma applet|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|Keyboard|Allow configuring keyboard model without configuring layouts|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|Keyboard|Allow by-window switching and KDE shortcut without configuring layouts|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
{{FeatureDone|Keyboard|Rewrite keyboard layouts app into kded daemon|[email protected]|Andriy Rysin}}
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | Plasma
{{FeatureInProgress|systemtray/taskmanager|port the systray and tasks applet to windows|[email protected]|kde windows}}
{{FeatureInProgress|systemtray|monochrome statusnotifier based systray icons support|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|systemtray|sort icons by category|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|systemtray|put hidden icons in a popup menu|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureDone|tasks dataengine|export all informations needed to build an applet comparable to the current one|[email protected]|Matthieu Gallien}}
{{FeatureDone|notifications|split systemtray and notifications applet|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} 
{{FeatureInProgress|notifications|new look and behaviour for notifications|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureDone|notifications|support for remote applets for notifications|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureDone|netbook/SAL|use QStandardModels|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|netbook/SAL|support for drag and drop of items|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|netbook/SAL|package manager invocation from the toolbox|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|netbook/Workspace KCM|New default options for KWin: tabbox as present windows, that will be set as regular grid|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma/extenders|put extendergroups in scrollwidgets|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma/extenders|possibility to detach exteneritems as standalone windows|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libplasma/theme|more transparent dialogs when the blur effect is enabled|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|libplasma/desktop|Activity Manager UI|[email protected]|Chani}}
{{FeatureTodo|accounts applet|a plasma widget that is a central place to add accounts to social sites like identica and opendesktop, optimized for the netbook shell|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma|Improvements to Calendar/Clock widgets. Improved config ui. Allow multiple holidays on same day. Allow multiple Holiday Regions. Weekends. etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|folderview|"Open folder" icon to open folder into pop-up at request instead of automatically.|[email protected]|Bruno Bigras}}
{{FeatureTodo|folderview|Extend the configuration UI for nepomuksearch|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Extend Calendar DataEngine with Akonadi calendar incidents|Allows to query calendar events/todos from Akonadi in Plasma|gladhornKDEorg|Frederik Gladhorn}}
{{FeatureDone|calculator|Added optional libqalculate support in the calculator runner|[email protected]|Matteo Agostinelli}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KRunner|Add some advanced sorting to KRunner using Nepomuk|[email protected]|Lukas Appelhans}}
{{FeatureTodo|KRunner|Improve keyboard navigation & command history interaction|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
{{FeatureInProgress|device-notifier|Route all solid error notifications via knotify to the device notifier|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
{{FeatureInProgress|device-notifier|Detailed (HAL) error notifications in the device notifier|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Plasma::Theme|Themed CSS support|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}}
{{FeatureTodo|battery|Weighted charge information for multiple batteries|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}}
{{FeatureTodo|Plasma|Welcome plasmoid|[email protected]|Riccardo Iaconelli}}
{{FeatureInProgress|crystal|New desktop search widget|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}}
{{FeatureInProgress|networkmanagement|Network management Plasmoid|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}}
{{FeatureDone|quicklaunch|Improvements from Ingomar Wesp|[email protected]|Lukas Appelhans}}
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | KWin
{{FeatureDone|Tiling|Merge window tiling branch|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KWin|New flag to exclude windows from switchers|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|KCM Decoration|New decoration kcm with previews and GHNS|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Aurorae|Port Aurorae to GraphicsView and KDecoration|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Aurorae|Better themeing support|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Aurorae|Window tabbing support|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Aurorae|Decorations on window sides|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Aurorae|Autohiding decoration for maximized windows|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kwin|hide windows from other activities|[email protected]|Chani}}
{{FeatureTodo|Effects|Move features from present windows to libkwineffects to make them available in desktop grid|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Effects|Add close window button to each window in present windows/desktop grid|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Window Tabbing/libtaskmanager|Announce window groups to be used for grouping in tasks applet|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KWin/plasma|New window type for Plasma dashboard|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
{{FeatureDone|Effects|New blur effect|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Effects|High quality scaling shader for the taskbar thumbnails|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureTodo|KWin|Hint for defining the window snap rect|[email protected]|Fredrik Höglund}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Effects|Glide effect for opening and closing windows|[email protected]|Iori Yagami}}
= kdebindings  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|C# bindings|Split the bindings into smaller assemblies, like qyoto-qtcore, qyoto-qtgui, etc..|[email protected]|Arno Rehn}}
{{FeatureInProgress|C# bindings|Auto-generate the assemblies from SMOKE libs|[email protected]|Arno Rehn}}
= kdeedu  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Display Comet Magnitudes whenever possible|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Information links in-place for each technical term|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Tool to suggest star-hopping techniques???|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Extend conjunction tool to have one object unspecified, but have a genre of objects specified instead|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Simulate Lunar Eclipses|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Simulate Satellites and Iridium Flares|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Social and Geographical Integration for KStars|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Marble widget for Geolocation tool|[email protected]|Médéric Boquien}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Better printed star charts|[email protected]|Jason Harris}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Better rendering of comets/asteroids|[email protected]|Jason Harris}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Texture mapping of the skymap???|[email protected]|Jason Harris}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kalzium|Port Kalzium to use QGV based periodic table widget|[email protected]|Marcus D. Hanwell}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Add proper support for GPX waypoints, tracks and routes display|[email protected]|Anders Lund}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Export map to MxN pixel bitmap|[email protected]|Inge Wallin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Map Contents translation|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Support OpenStreetMap Nominatim as search backend (MarbleRunner)|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Generalized Animations with GeoDataLookAt support|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Online-Routing|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|GPS improvements|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Maemo Support|[email protected]|Bastian Holst, Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|GeoGraphicsScene for Online Service Plugins|[email protected]|Bastian Holst}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Follow XDG Base Directory Specification|[email protected]|Bastian Holst}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Download region|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Implement sun locator blendings as derived classes of Marble::Blending|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Configurable texture layer blending|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Import geonames city data|[email protected]|Harshit Jain}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Bookmark support|[email protected]|Kumar Anik Varshney}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Various Marble speed improvements|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn, Ariya Hidayat}}
{{FeatureDone|Marble|Plugin to display APRS data|[email protected]|Wes Hardaker}}
{{FeatureDone|KAlgebra|Type checker for expressions to statically detect errors|[email protected]|Aleix Pol}}
{{FeatureDone|KAlgebra|Support for drawing implicit curves|[email protected]|Percy Camilo Triveño Aucahuasi}}
{{FeatureDone|Parley|Parley practice mode rewritten|gladhornKDEorg|Daniel Laidig, Frederik Gladhorn}}
{{FeatureDone|Parley|LaTeX support|laidig_kde.org|Daniel Laidig}}
{{FeatureTodo|Parley|Better support for entering synonyms|laidig_kde.org|Benjamin Schleinzer, Daniel Laidig}}
{{FeatureTodo|Cantor|import and polish Qalculate! backend|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureDone|KTurtle|Implement GHNS download support|[email protected]|Niels Slot}}
{{FeatureTodo|KTurtle|Implement GHNS upload support|[email protected]|Niels Slot}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Node beautification in SVG|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Threads for not blocking the UI|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Redesigned the UI for better usability|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Plugin System|[email protected]|Wagner Reck}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Small plugins as examples|[email protected]|Wagner Reck}}
{{FeatureDone|Rocs|Multiple Script support|[email protected]|Tomaz Canabrava}}
= kdegames  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Granatier|Arena Editor|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kajongg|New traditional Mahjongg for four players|[email protected]|Wolfang Rohdewald}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kajongg|Default voices for computer players|[email protected]|Wolfgang Rohdewald}}
{{FeatureDone|KBounce|Difficulty levels|[email protected]|Andreas Scherf}}
{{FeatureDone|KBounce|Random images as background|[email protected]|Andreas Scherf}}
{{FeatureTodo|KBreakOut|Level Sets|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureTodo|KBreakOut|Sound|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}}
{{FeatureDone|KGoldrunner|Add the Demolition game (20 levels)|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}}
{{FeatureDone|Kigo|Load SGF games from command line and register to mimetype 'application/x-go-sgf'|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kigo|Fix KNewStuff provider issues|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kiriki|Hint|[email protected]|Luiz Romário Santana Rios}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kolf|Replace with Kolf 2 (help on coding and artwork desired)|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureDone|Konquest|Merge the patch by Sean D'Epagnier to implement many features like map editing|[email protected]|Pierre Ducroquet}}
{{FeatureDone|KPat|Add keyboard controls to allow playing without a mouse.|[email protected]|Parker Coates}}
{{FeatureDone|KPat|Create a new LibKCardGame from KPat's card scene logic. It is a private library for SC 4.5, but the intention is to make it generic, stable and friendly enough for use in other card games in a future release.|[email protected]|Parker Coates}}
{{FeatureTodo|KsirK|rewrite AI code or at least correct most problems related in bug #170777. Volunteers wanted!|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}}
{{FeatureTodo|KsirK|Boost playing over Jabber|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSquares|Re-write computer player, make it act faster and more intelligent|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSquares|Add more types of boards: hexagonal, triangular|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Import new engine|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Port game to new engine|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Adapt view to show information provided by engine|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Add new actions to GUI|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KTuberling|A new "fast switch" between playgrounds|[email protected]|Alex Fiestas}}
{{FeatureDone|Palapeli|[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id{{=}}233784 Optimize size of puzzle files in default collection] (temporarily fixed for this release cycle with an awful hack)|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|Palapeli|[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id{{=}}211859 Recieve new puzzles over KNewStuff]|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|Palapeli|[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id{{=}}211861 Introduce handicap as a means to configure difficulty]|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|Palapeli|[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id{{=}}211866 Implement puzzle piles to organize pieces]|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|Palapeli|[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id{{=}}212814 Quick piece grouping]|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|Palapeli|[https://bugs.kde.org/show_bug.cgi?id{{=}}213774 Add magnifying glass]|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureDone|Palapeli|Rewrite puzzle table mouse interaction stack|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureDone|Palapeli|Cleanup config dialog code|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
= kdegraphics  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|libkdcraw|Make color management options more flexible|[email protected]|Marcel Wiesweg}}
{{FeatureDone|libksane|Improve auto-selection|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureDone|libksane|Highlight scanned area|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureTodo|libksane|Add public API for available devices|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureDone|gwenview|Support for starting with multiple images|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureDone|gwenview|Add option to show image size and file size below thumbnails|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureDone|gwenview|Add option to disable video support|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureDone|gwenview|Avoid blocking UI when modifying or saving images|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureDone|gwenview|Wrap around when panning images|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Show Nepomuk info in image meta info|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Persistent changes|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureTodo|okular|Thumb creators via Okular Core|[email protected]|Harsh J}}
= kdelibs  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|katepart|loading compressed files and then saving them back in the original compression format (bug 65518)
|[email protected]|Christoph Cullmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|Add visual block mode and make the basic commands support it|ehambergαgmail.com|Erlend Hamberg}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|context dependent indenters|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|scripting configuration, esp. for indenters|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|list of available scripts and indenters|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|GHNS for scripts/indenters|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|easier writing of indenters, esp. by automatically reloading them when changed|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|extend list of available default styles for highlighting, remove hardcoded colors from existing XML files|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|improve AutoBrace plugin|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}}
{{FeatureInProgress|katepart/ktexteditor|defaultvalues, regular expressions, mirroring master, scripting of templates|jowenn(you_know)kde(here_too)org|Joseph Wenninger}}
{{FeatureInProgress|ktexteditor plugin|InsaneHTML_LE (zencoding like selector input (light edition)|jowenn(you_know)kde(here_too)org|Joseph Wenninger}}
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|replace smart cursor/ranges API|[email protected]|Christoph Cullmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|API to integrate KStatusNotifierItem and KNotification: both as class api and DBus specification API|[email protected]|Davide Bettio}}
{{FeatureDone|KCalendarSystem|Add support for Date Difference calculations.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureDone|KCalendarSystem|Add support for era based calendar systems.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureDone|KCalendarSystem|Add new calendar systems: Japanese Era, Thai, Taiwanese.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureDone|KCalendarSystem|Add support for Unicode format strings for Qt and cross-platform compatability (for output only, not input).|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add new astronomical calculation support classes to be used in kdelibs to build new astronomically based calendar systems, and in kdepim to build new version of libkholiday.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add new calendar systems: Bahai'i, Chinese, Buddhist, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add support for traditional/USA week numbering.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdecore|Group policy (Windows) backend for KAuth|[email protected]|Dario Freddi}}
{{FeatureTodo|KDEPrint|Add framework for standard actions for 'Send to...' for e-mail, fax, etc by printing to PDF/PS.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Implement caps-lock warning for password entry widgets|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement support for number grouping other than thousands using LC_NUMERIC and LC_MONETARY formats, e.g. India 00 00 000 and China 0000 0000.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Add configuration for AM/PM symbols.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Full POSIX compliant format support for date, time, numbers and money.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement more 'named' date/time formats, e.g. ISO, UnixTimestamp, RFC3339, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Add Full date format in addition to existing short and long.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Add default colour to optionally display negative numbers.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement separate backends for each supported platform/desktop to use platform localisation in place of KDE locale.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement support for additional Country Code standards: ISO Alpha 3, ISO Numeric 3, FIPS-10.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement support for Country Code sub-regions, i.e. States/Provinces/etc. Needed for new KHolidays.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Improvements to KDatePicker/KDateTable for feature parity with Plasma Calendar widget, i.e. holiday support, select calendar system, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|DBus interface in StatusNotifierItem to connect it with freedesktop notifications instances|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|khtml|Improvements in kwallet integration|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureInProgress|khtml|Basic audio/video tag support|[email protected]|Michael Howell and Germain Garand}}
{{FeatureInProgress|khtml|DOM3 XPath/XPath1 support|[email protected]|Maks Orlovich}}
{{FeatureDone|khtml|Selectors API1|[email protected]|Maks Orlovich}}
{{FeatureTodo|khtml and kparts|More general KPart scripting interfaces|[email protected]|Maks Orlovich}}
{{FeatureTodo|khtml|Implement more of DOM3's CSSOM View module|[email protected]|Germain Garand}}
{{FeatureInProgress|khtml|Implement missing parts of DOM3's Background and Borders module|[email protected]|Germain Garand}}
{{FeatureTodo|khtml|add new form widgets defined in HTML5 draft|[email protected]|Germain Garand}}
{{FeatureDone|KNewStuff|Improved Download Dialog, multiple previews, better integration of details, changelog is displayed|gladhornKDEorg|Frederik Gladhorn}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KNewStuff|Icon view mode|gladhornKDEorg|Reza Shah, Frederik Gladhorn}}
{{FeatureDone|KNewStuff|Upload dialog rewritten: It now supports updating of old uploads, previews, most data that can be entered on the website and allows direct login to the account|gladhornKDEorg|Frederik Gladhorn}}
{{FeatureTodo|KNewStuff|Support more than one payload|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Social About Dialog|[email protected]|Téo Mrnjavac}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Generic find bar widget|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
{{FeatureTodo|kio|SSL client certificate support|[email protected]|Andreas Hartmetz}}
{{FeatureTodo|kio|SSL root certificate list GUI + backend|[email protected]|Andreas Hartmetz}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Add "apply to all" checkbox in renamedialog and allow for automatic renaming|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Port renamedialog to KFileMetaDataWidget|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Don't select extension in renamedialog|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Better listing of applications in file "open with" context menu|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Context menu entry to open all files in their default applications|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Add support for additional columns (e.g., smybolic link destination) in KFileItemDelegate|[email protected]|Frank Reininghaus}}
{{FeatureDone|kfile|Scroll wheel support for breadcrumb bar|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kfile|Show all sub-folders in breadcrumb bar|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kfile|Middle-click on subfolder in the breadcrumb bar to open in a new tab|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kfile|Easier access to protocols in breadcrumb bar|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureTodo|kfile|Show sub-sub-folders (and so on) in breadcrumb bar|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureDone|kdecore|Generic shared-memory cache|[email protected]|Michael Pyne}}
{{FeatureDone|kdeui|Redesigned icon cache|[email protected]|Michael Pyne}}
{{FeatureDone|kdeui|Support alpha channel in KColor classes|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}}
{{FeatureDone|nepomuk|Redesigned Nepomuk::TagWidget which can now actually be used by applications|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureDone|kio|Remember downloads via Nepomuk|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureDone|solid|Broadcast mount/unmount messages across processes|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
{{FeatureTodo|solid|Add parent matching to predicate parsing|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
{{FeatureDone|kdeui|Add the KRecursiveFilterProxyModel to kdeui/itemviews|[email protected]|Stephen Kelly}}
= kdemultimedia  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|Video Thumbnailer|Add ffmpegthumbnailer for faster video thumbnailing|[email protected]|Andreas Scherf}}
= kdenetwork  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|UPnp Support|[email protected]|Matt Rogers}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Jabber Jingle video support|[email protected]|Detlev Casanova}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Jabber Jingle ICE support|[email protected]|Detlev Casanova}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Add support for urls to Bonjour plugin|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Rich text support for ICQ|[email protected]|Roman Jarosz}}
{{FeatureDone|Kopete|Extended video controls|fschaefer.oss(at)googlemail.com|Frank Schaefer}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Akonadi History Plugin|[email protected]|Kaushik Saurabh}}
{{FeatureTodo|Krdc|Connection status and reconnect screen|[email protected]|Tony Murray}}
{{FeatureDone|Krdc|Much improved new connection screen: more info, sortable, interactive, and better use of space|[email protected]|Tony Murray}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Use plasma notifications to show the progress|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|KGet|Refaktor Torrent-Plugin to base on the newly created libktorrent from extragear|[email protected]|Lukas Appelhans}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Better error handling|[email protected]|Lukas Appelhans}}
= kdepim  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Port to Akonadi|[email protected]|David Jarvie}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KMail|Port to Akonadi|[email protected]|Thomas McGuire}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KOrganizer|Port to Akonadi|[email protected]|Frank Osterfeld, Sebastian Sauer}}
{{FeatureInProgress|KJots|Port to Akonadi|[email protected]|Stephen Kelly}}
{{FeatureTodo|KHolidays|Add support for holiday types and day-off types.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureDone|KHolidays|Add support for alternative calendar systems to enable new holiday files for countries such as Iran and Israel, support for regional level files to enable new holiday files for all the Australian states and UK regions, improved metadata such as file language, support for advanced holiday calculations such as substitute days, and an improved API for more efficient queries.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
= kdeplasma-addons  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|knowledgebase|port knowledgebase plasmoid to new engine|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureTodo|knowledgebase|Add categories|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureDone|Bookmarks widget|New|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureDone|Mandelbrot Wallpaper|Performance improvements|[email protected]|Benoit Jacob}}
{{FeatureDone|Mandelbrot Wallpaper|Rendering improvements (through dithering, extra iterations, and better/simpler formulas)|[email protected]|Benoit Jacob}}
{{FeatureDone|Mandelbrot Wallpaper|Allow to import/export parameters and to export to PNG images|[email protected]|Benoit Jacob}}
{{FeatureDone|Comic Applet|Add option to show "text", "icons" or both "text and icons" for tabs|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|Comic Applet|Prefetch next and previous comic strip (thx to Miha Cancula)|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}}
{{FeatureDone|Character Runner|New|[email protected]|Anton Kreuzkamp}}
{{FeatureDone|KDE Observatory|Performance improvements, new data engine|[email protected]|Sandro Andrade}}
{{FeatureDone|Plasmaboard|Completly rework the current onscreen keyboard and add key layouts for tablets and mids. Better performance, better useability, less memory usage. See: http://btux1984.wordpress.com/ |[email protected]|Björn Ruberg}}
= kdesdk  =
{| cellspa/cing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureDone|Lokalize|Cache filestats to improve initial project scam time|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureDone|Lokalize|Support GNU PO file layout better by paying attention to the language specified in the PO file header (not the project-wide one)|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureDone|Lokalize|Rewrite glossary engine to use QDom|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureDone|Lokalize|Return simple [but reliable] project creation back|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kate|Replace old snippet plugin through TNG plugin and enhance the usability of the new plugin|jowenn(you_know)kde(here_too)org|Joseph Wenninger}}
{{FeatureDone|Kate|Port the old XML completion plugin (xmltools)|[email protected]|Tomáš Trnka}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Umbrello|Add a code importing wizzard|[email protected]|Andi Fischer}}
= kdeutils  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add an options dialog (maybe)|[email protected]|Harald Hvaal}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Simplify Kerfuffle's API (jobs, interfaces etc) and try to make it stable|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Support for custom options from the compression interface (eg. a slider for selecting compression level for rar files)|[email protected]|Harald Hvaal}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add feedback for the latest operation in the status bar|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Try multiple plugins for each archive type before failing|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Make the internal previewer optional|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add a "Preview with..." context menu item|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Make Kerfuffle really thread-safe (and use threads in less places)|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Get rid of the Observer code in Kerfuffle|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Make error reporting work as expected in Kerfuffle|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add Kate-like search tool|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for import by drop, both url and data|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|copy again puts also a value or char variant of the data to clipboard|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for memory mapping of files and 64-bit addressing|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for jobs like io, printing, string search or filter|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Okular like embedded notifications|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks and other view settings for next load|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add global toggle option for the offset display, hex or decimal|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Kate-like combined dialogs to query for actions on files|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Improve the titels of the changes to the bytearray to be more descriptive, best using ids to avoid text string|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Merge row and column widgets into one|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add a general KPart adapter to Kasten, than finish port of Okteta KPart to Okteta Kasten|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Make all user interaction in the KastenCore managers plugin-based|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add view profiles, incl. editor/manager|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|printer-applet|Restore feature parity with KDEPrint3 where possible.||Jonathon Riddell, John Layt}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Allow writing structure definitions in JavaScript|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Add possibility to set count of bytes per line/group|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureDone|kdelirc/kremotecontrol|Transition from KDELirc to KRemoteControl|[email protected]|Michael Zanetti}}
{{FeatureDone|KGpg|Add &quot;caff&quot; mode for keysigning|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|Add KNewStuff support to the structures tool|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|Allow pinning structure beginning to a specific offset|[email protected]|Alex Richardson}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|new export formats: S-Record, Intel Hex, Base32, Ascii85, Uuencoding, Xxencoding|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|add QIODevice for AbstractByteArrayModel and make mimetype detection use this instead of only filename |[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|Refactor mouse input to controllers for the bytearray widget|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
= kdetoys  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|kteatime|Port to KStatusNotifierItem|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kteatime|Port to KConfigXT|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kteatime|Support categories|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kteatime|Improved indicator icon painting|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|kteatime|Fork multiple instances for multiple timers|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|kteatime|Tea runner|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|kteatime|Improved command line|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|amor|Do some refactoring in amor|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|amor|Improve theme support|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|amor|Implement KNewStuff support|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|amor|Revamp configure dialog|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}} {{FeatureTodo|amor|Sound support|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|amor|Add KStatusNotifierItem support|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureInProgress|ktux|Do some refactoring in ktux|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
{{FeatureTodo|ktux|Revamp configure dialog|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}} {{FeatureTodo|ktux|Sound support|[email protected]|Stefan Böhmann}}
= Other  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
|- style="background: rgb(236, 236, 236) none repeat scroll 0% 0%; -moz-background-clip: border; -moz-background-origin: padding; -moz-background-inline-policy: continuous; white-space: nowrap;"
! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.