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Schedules/KDE4/4.5 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

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Afiestas (talk | contribs)
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(240 intermediate revisions by 86 users not shown)
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This is a list of planned features for the SC 4.5 release.
{{Moved To Community}}
See also:
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.5 Release Schedule]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.5 Release Goals]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.4 Feature Plan]]
<br> Legend:
*todo =&gt; not started yet
*in-progress =&gt; started, but not completed yet
*done =&gt; completed
= kdeadmin  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|system-config-printer-kde|Restore feature parity with KDEPrint3 where possible.||Jonathan Riddell, John Layt}}
= kdeartwork  =
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! Project
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! Contact
= kdebase-apps  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Improvements in session-management|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Improvements in tab-bar widget|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Konqueror|New Konqueror bookmarks using Akonadi and Nepomuk, awesome bar|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
= kdebase-runtime  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|KWallet|Single Sign On using PAM|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave|Backend for LISa|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave|Backend for SMB|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|network kioslave|Integrate with remote and zeroconf kioslaves|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Locale KCM|Add support for new KLocale features (see kdelibs section) including Digit Groups, AM/PM, etc.  Improvements to usability of existing money display options.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureInProgress|network kioslave|Backend for UPnP|[email protected]|Friedrich Kossebau}}
{{FeatureInProgress|network kioslave| Backend to discover bluetooth devices and they services |[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureTodo|bluetooth kioslave|Backend to browse bluetooth devices|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
= kdebase-workspace  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | Non-Plasma, Non-KWin
{{FeatureTodo|Icons KCM|More configurable icon sizes|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}}
{{FeatureTodo|Fonts KCM|More configurable fonts|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}}
{{FeatureTodo|Solid|Improve SolidBluetooth stack, make it more stable and robust (test+fixes only)|[email protected]|Alex Fiestas}}
! style="text-align: center;" colspan="4" | Plasma
{{FeatureTodo|systemtray|visual connection between notifications and new protocol systray icons|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} 
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma/desktop|Activity Manager UI|[email protected]|Chani}}
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma|Plasmoid Cloning - because having to set things up from scratch repeatedly gets old fast|[email protected]|Chani}}
{{FeatureTodo|taskbar|"other desktops" group - I may not have time for this, feel free to take it|[email protected]|Chani}}
{{FeatureTodo|accounts applet|a plasma widget that is a central place to add accounts to social sites like identica and opendesktop, optimized for the netbook shell|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma|Improvements to Calendar/Clock widgets. Improved config ui. Allow multiple holidays on same day. Allow multiple Holiday Regions. Weekends. etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
= kdeedu  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Display Comet Magnitudes whenever possible|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Information links in-place for each technical term|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Tool to suggest star-hopping techniques???|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Extend conjunction tool to have one object unspecified, but have a genre of objects specified instead|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Simulate Lunar Eclipses|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Simulate Satellites and Iridium Flares|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Social and Geographical Integration for KStars|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Marble widget for Geolocation tool|[email protected]|Médéric Boquien}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Better printed star charts|[email protected]|Jason Harris}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Better rendering of comets/asteroids|[email protected]|Jason Harris}}
{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Texture mapping of the skymap???|[email protected]|Jason Harris}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Add proper support for GPX waypoints, tracks and routes display|[email protected]|Anders Lund}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Export map to MxN pixel bitmap|[email protected]|Inge Wallin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Marble|Map Contents translation|[email protected]|Torsten Rahn}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kalzium|Port Kalzium to use QGV based periodic table widget|[email protected]|Marcus D. Hanwell}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Generalized Animations with GeoDataLookAt support|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Online-Routing|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}}
= kdegames  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|KBreakOut|Level Sets|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureTodo|KBreakOut|Sound|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureTodo|KDiamond|Refactor Board and Diamond classes|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kolf|Replace with Kolf 2 (help on coding, artwork and level design desired) >>delayed to KDE 4.5<<|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}}
{{FeatureTodo|KsirK|rewrite AI code or at least correct most problems related in bug #170777. Volunteers wanted!|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}}
{{FeatureTodo|KsirK|Boost playing over Jabber|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSquares|Re-write computer player, make it act faster and more intelligent|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSquares|Add more types of boards: hexagonal, triangular|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Import new engine|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Port game to new engine|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Adapt view to show information provided by engine|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|KSudoku|Add new actions to GUI|[email protected]|Johannes Bergmeier}}
{{FeatureTodo|Granatier|Arena Editor|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Kajongg|New traditional Mahjongg for four players|[email protected]|Wolfang Rohdewald}}
{{FeatureDone|Kigo|Load SGF games from command line and register to mimetype 'application/x-go-sgf'|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
= kdegraphics  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|libkdcraw|Make color management options more flexible|[email protected]|Marcel Wiesweg}}
{{FeatureTodo|libksane|Improve auto-selection|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}}
{{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Show Nepomuk info in image meta info|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
{{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Persistent changes|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
= kdelibs  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|katepart|Add visual block mode and make the basic commands support it|ehambergαgmail.com|Erlend Hamberg}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|API to integrate KStatusNotifierItem and KNotification: both as class api and DBus specification API|[email protected]|Davide Bettio}}
{{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add new astronomical calculation support classes to be used in kdelibs to build new astronomically based calendar systems, and in kdepim to build new version of libkholiday.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add new calendar systems: Bahaii, Coptic, Ethiopean, Chinese, Japanese, Buddhist, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdecore|Group policy (Windows) backend for KAuth|[email protected]|Dario Freddi}}
{{FeatureTodo|KDEPrint|If no file printing support in Qt4.5, migrate FilePrinter class from Okular to enable file printing for all apps via QPrinter.  To be discussed on k-c-d first.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KDEPrint|Add framework for standard actions for 'Send to...' for e-mail, fax, etc by printing to PDF/PS.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Implement caps-lock warning for password entry widgets|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}}
{{FeatureTodo|kio|Better file information in file conflict dialog|[email protected]|Todd}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement support for number grouping other than thousands using LC_NUMERIC and LC_MONETARY formats, e.g. India 00 00 000 and China 0000 0000.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Add configuration for AM/PM symbols.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Full POSIX compliant format support for date, time, numbers and money.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement more 'named' date/time formats, e.g. ISO, UnixTimestamp, RFC3339, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}  
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Add Full date format in addition to existing short and long.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Add default colour to optionally display negative numbers.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement separate backends for each supported platform/desktop to use platform localisation in place of KDE locale.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement support for additional Country Code standards: ISO Alpha 3, ISO Numeric 3, FIPS-10.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Implement support for Country Code sub-regions, i.e. States/Provinces/etc. Needed for new KHolidays.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Improvements to KDatePicker/KDateTable for feature parity with Plasma Calendar widget, i.e. holiday support, select calendar system, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}}
{{FeatureTodo|kdeui|DBus interface in StatusNotifierItem to connect it with freedesktop notifications instances|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
{{FeatureTodo|Khtml|Improvements in kwallet integration|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}}
{{FeatureTodo|Khtml|Basic audio/video tag support|[email protected]|Michael Howell and Germain Garand}}
{{FeatureTodo|Khtml|Implement more of DOM3's CSSOM View module|[email protected]|Germain Garand}}
= kdemultimedia  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|JuK|Remove Qt/KDE3 support lib requirements -- will move to KDE 4.5 feature plan|[email protected]|Michael Pyne}}
{{FeatureTodo|JuK|Allow setting covers directly from URLs supported by KIO - drag/drop already allows this however -- will move to KDE 4.5 feature plan|mpyne.org|Michael Pyne}}
= kdenetwork  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|UPnp Support|[email protected]|Matt Rogers}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Jabber Jingle video support|[email protected]|Detlev Casanova}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Jabber Jingle ICE support|[email protected]|Detlev Casanova}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Add support for urls to Bonjour plugin|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Rich text support for ICQ|[email protected]|Roman Jarosz}}
{{FeatureTodo|Krdc|Connection status screen and reconnect|[email protected]|Tony Murray}}
{{FeatureDone|Krdc|Much improved new connection screen: more info, sortable, interactive, and better use of space|[email protected]|Tony Murray}}
= kdeplasma-addons  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|knowledgebase|port knowledgebase plasmoid to new engine|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureTodo|knowledgebase|Add categories|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}}
{{FeatureDone|Bookmarks widget|New|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
= kdesdk  =
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Integrate snowball stemmer for glossary|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Continue implementing XLIFF spec|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Segmentation [editing] functionality|[email protected] |Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Remote translation memories|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Integrate with nepomuk (fast stats retrieval, tag cloud - incl sharing!)|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}}
{{FeatureTodo|Kate|Replace old snippet plugin through TNG plugin|jowenn(you_know)kde(here_too)org|Joseph Wenninger}}
= kdeutils  =
{| cellspacing="0" cellpadding="5" border="1" style="border: 1px solid gray; border-collapse: collapse; text-align: left; width: 100%;" class="sortable"
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! Status
! Project
! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add an options dialog (maybe)|[email protected]|Harald Hvaal}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Support for custom options from the compression interface (eg. a slider for selecting compression level for rar files)|[email protected]|Harald Hvaal}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add feedback for the latest operation in the status bar|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add feedback for the latest operation in the status bar|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Try multiple plugins for each archive type before failing|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Make the internal previewer optional|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}}
{{FeatureTodo|KGpg|Make keyserver actions possible to use on multiple keyservers at once|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add Kate-like search tool|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for import by drop, both url and data|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|copy again puts also a value or char variant of the data to clipboard|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for memory mapping of files and 64-bit addressing|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for jobs like io, printing, string search or filter|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Okular like embedded notifications|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks and other view settings for next load|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add global toggle option for the offset display, hex or decimal|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Kate-like combined dialogs to query for actions on files|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Improve the titels of the changes to the bytearray to be more descriptive, best using ids to avoid text string|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Merge row and column widgets into one|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Refactor mouse input to controllers for the bytearray widget|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add a general KPart adapter to Kasten, than finish port of Okteta KPart to Okteta Kasten|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Make all user interaction in the KastenCore managers plugin-based|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureTodo|printer-applet|Restore feature parity with KDEPrint3 where possible.||Jonathon Riddell, John Layt}}
{{FeatureInProgress|kdelirc/kremotecontrol|Transition from KDELirc to KRemoteControl|[email protected]|Michael Zanetti}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|new export formats: S-Record, Intel Hex, Base32, Ascii85, Uuencoding, Xxencoding|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
{{FeatureDone|Okteta|add QIODevice for AbstractByteArrayModel and make mimetype detection use this instead of only filename |[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
= Other  =
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! Project
! Description
! Contact

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.