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Schedules/KDE4/4.4 Feature Plan: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Trueg (talk | contribs)
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(217 intermediate revisions by 57 users not shown)
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This is a list of planned features for the 4.4 release.
{{Moved To Community}}
See also:
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.4 Release Schedule]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.4 Release Goals]]
*[[Schedules/KDE4/4.3 Feature Plan]]
<br> Legend:
*todo =&gt; not started yet
*in-progress =&gt; started, but not completed yet
*done =&gt; completed
= kdeaccessibility  =
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= kdeadmin  =
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{{FeatureTodo|system-config-printer-kde|Restore feature parity with KDEPrint3 where possible.||Jonathan Riddell, John Layt}}
= kdeartwork  =
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= kdebase-apps  =
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{{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Improvements in session-management|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}} {{FeatureTodo|Konqueror|Improvements in tab-bar widget|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}} {{FeatureInProgress|Konqueror|New Konqueror bookmarks using Akonadi and Nepomuk, awesome bar|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}} {{FeatureInProgress|Konqueror|Sidebar cleanups; re-introducing the history module|[email protected]|David Faure}} {{FeatureInProgress|Dolphin|
Version control intergration|[email protected]|Peter Penz}} {{FeatureInProgress|Dolphin|
Improved search bar including search configuration|[email protected]|Peter Penz}} {{FeatureInProgress|Dolphin|
Refactoring of Information Panel. KMetaDataWidget and KMetaDataConfigurationDialog should be moved to kdelibs.|[email protected]|Peter Penz}}
= kdebase-runtime  =
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{{FeatureTodo|KWallet|Single Sign On using PAM|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}} {{FeatureTodo|smb kioslave|add kwallet support|[email protected]|Carlo Segato}} {{FeatureInProgress|thumbnail kioslave|Support for comic-book cover previews (.cbr, .cbz, .cbt files)|[email protected]|Harsh J}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Nepomuk|Integrate Filesystem service to handle mounting/unmounting of removable devices|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Nepomuk|Add nepomuk kio slave which handles all stating of Nepomuk resources|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
{{FeatureInProgress|Nepomuk|Port Nepomuk to Virtuoso: query service, strigi service|[email protected]|Sebastian Trueg}}
= kdebase-workspace  =
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! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | Non-Plasma, Non-KWin
{{FeatureTodo|Icons KCM|More configurable icon sizes|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}} {{FeatureTodo|Fonts KCM|More configurable fonts|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}} {{FeatureTodo|System Activity|Show CPU usage etc|[email protected]|John Tapsell}} {{FeatureInProgress|Date/Time KCM|Plasma themed clock|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}} {{FeatureInProgress|System Activity|Add scripting support|[email protected]|John Tapsell}} {{FeatureDone|Solid|RemoteControl Manager/Interface + Lirc backend|[email protected]|Michael Zanetti}} {{FeatureDone|System Activity|KAuth integration|[email protected]|John Tapsell}} {{FeatureDone|System Settings|Improve module appearance for Icons View and provide searching hints|[email protected]|Ben Cooksley}} {{FeatureInProgress|System Setitngs|Reorganize modules|[email protected]|Ben  Cooksley}}
! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | KRunner
{{FeatureDone|KRunner|Window management runner|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureTodo|KRunner|Single runner mode|[email protected]|Jacopo De Simoi}}
! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | Plasma - Priority Features
{{FeatureInProgress|netbook shell|a plasma shell and various containments/applets tailored for netbooks (tech preview status in 4.4)|[email protected]|Marco Martin}}
! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | Plasma
{{FeatureTodo|libplasma|better text box look with new svg elements|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} {{FeatureTodo|libplasma|Allow display of multiple Holiday Regions in same Calendar widget|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureInProgress|knowledge base plasmoid|new plasmoid: Opendesktop.org knowledgebase client|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} {{FeatureInProgress|libplasma|Allow user to choose Calendar System to be displayed in Calendar widgets|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureInProgress|opendesktop plasmoid|show friends activity|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} {{FeatureDone|libplasma/kwin|slide animation for popups done by kwin|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} {{FeatureDone|System tray|Plasmoid support in the system tray|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} {{FeatureDone|System tray|config ui to decide between always shown, always hidden and auto hide for each systray item|[email protected]|Marco Martin}} {{FeatureInProgress|Plasma Addon|Wikipedia KRunner|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}} {{FeatureInProgress|Plasma Addon|Webslice Plasmoid, qgraphicswidget|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}} {{FeatureInProgress|Plasma Addon|Battery popup layout improvements|[email protected]|Sebastian Kügler}} {{FeatureInProgress|Plasma Mouse Plugins UI|Yet Another UI Redesign|[email protected]|Chani}} {{FeatureTodo|libplasma|Plasmoid Cloning - because having to set things up from scratch repeatedly gets old fast|[email protected]|Chani}} {{FeatureTodo|taskbar|"other desktops" group - I may not have time for this, feel free to take it|[email protected]|Chani}} {{FeatureInProgress|Plasma Weather Ion|New Weather Ion for the wetter.com data source provider|[email protected]|Thilo-Alexander Ginkel}}
! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | KWin - Core
{{FeatureInProgress|KWin|Window tabbing|[email protected]|Jorge Emilio Mata}} {{FeatureInProgress|KWin|Window tiling|[email protected]|Nikhil Marathe}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|Quick window maximization and tiling by dragging windows to the edge of the screen|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|Improved virtual desktop KCM|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|Improved window switcher (Alt+Tab)|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|SVG based window decoration theme engine (Aurorae)|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|Merged Ozone and Nitrogen window decorations into Oxygen|[email protected]|Hugo Pereira Da Costa}}
! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | KWin - Desktop Effects
{{FeatureDone|KWin|Mouse action support in Present Windows effect|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|New present windows mode to only display windows from a single application|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}} {{FeatureDone|KWin|Improved flip switch effect|[email protected]|Martin Gräßlin}}
! colspan="4" style="text-align: center;" | KDM
= kdebindings  =
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{{FeatureTodo|pykde4|Python 3 support for PyKDE4|[email protected]|Simon Edwards}} {{FeatureInProgress|qyoto|Create a new generator for the C# assemblies|[email protected]|Arno Rehn}} {{FeatureTodo|qyoto|Replace the current C# cmake macros with more sophisticated ones that also work on windows.|[email protected]|Arno Rehn}}
= kdeedu  =
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{{FeatureTodo|KStars|Display Comet Magnitudes whenever possible|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Information links in-place for each technical term|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Tool to suggest star-hopping techniques???|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Extend conjunction tool to have one object unspecified, but have a genre of objects specified instead|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Simulate Lunar Eclipses|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Simulate Satellites and Iridium Flares|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Social and Geographical Integration for KStars|[email protected]|Akarsh Simha}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Marble widget for Geolocation tool|[email protected]|Médéric Boquien}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Better printed star charts|[email protected]|Jason Harris}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Better rendering of comets/asteroids|[email protected]|Jason Harris}} {{FeatureTodo|KStars|Texture mapping of the skymap???|[email protected]|Jason Harris}} {{FeatureInProgress|Cantor|Import to kdeedu - currently in kdereview|[email protected]|Alexander Rieder}} {{FeatureInProgress|KAlgebra|Support for lists|[email protected]|Aleix Pol}} {{FeatureInProgress|Marble|Add "download region" feature|[email protected]|Jens-Michael Hoffmann}} {{FeatureInProgress|Parley|Rewritten practice|[email protected]|Daniel Laidig}} {{FeatureDone|KAlgebra|Improved MathML Presentation support|[email protected]|Aleix Pol}} {{FeatureDone|KAlgebra|Added 2D parametric function plotting|[email protected]|Aleix Pol}} {{FeatureDone|KAlgebra|Improved jump detections|[email protected]|Aleix Pol}} {{FeatureDone|KAlgebra|Made lambda expressions more usable|[email protected]|Aleix Pol}} {{FeatureDone|KStars|Improve Observing List Wizard|[email protected]|Prakash Mohan}} {{FeatureDone|KTurtle|Add F2 context help|[email protected]|Niels Slot}} {{FeatureDone|KTurtle|Add SVG export for the canvas|[email protected]|Niels Slot}} {{FeatureDone|KTurtle|Add HTML export of the code|[email protected]|Niels Slot}} {{FeatureDone|KTurtle|Add printing support for the canvas|[email protected]|Niels Slot}}
= kdegames  =
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{{FeatureTodo|KBreakOut|Level Sets|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureTodo|KBreakOut|Sound|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureTodo|KDiamond|Intelligent animation pre-caching|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}} {{FeatureTodo|KDiamond|Refactor Board and Diamond classes|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}} {{FeatureTodo|Kolf|Replace with Kolf 2 (help on coding, artwork and level design desired) >>delayed to KDE 4.5<<|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}} {{FeatureTodo|KsirK|rewrite AI code or at least correct most problems related in bug #170777. Volunteers wanted!|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}} {{FeatureTodo|KsirK|Boost playing over Jabber|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}} {{FeatureTodo|KSquares|Re-write computer player, make it act faster and more intelligent|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}} {{FeatureTodo|KSquares|Add more types of boards: hexagonal, triangular|[email protected]|Eckhart Wörner}} {{FeatureInProgress|Gluon|release first gluon lib with one game. [http://gluon.tuxfamily.org/]|[email protected]|Sacha schutz}} {{FeatureInProgress|Granatier|New Bomberman like game for KDE 4|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}} {{FeatureInProgress|Granatier|Implement all Bonuses from the default theme|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}} {{FeatureDone|Granatier|Add support for a background|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}} {{FeatureTodo|Granatier|Sidebar with informations regarding the players, like bonuses, handicaps ...|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}} {{FeatureTodo|Granatier|Arena Editor|[email protected]|Mathias Kraus}} {{FeatureInProgress|KAtomic|Level Sets|[email protected]|Dmitry Suzdalev}} {{FeatureInProgress|KsirK|Polish the skin editor (doc, contextual help, ...)|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}} {{FeatureInProgress|Palapeli|New puzzle game for KDE 4|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}} {{FeatureDone|Bovo|Highlight the last move to be easier to spot|[email protected]|Pelladi Gabor}} {{FeatureDone|Bovo|Enable undo after the game has ended, to be able to correct a fatal mis-click|[email protected]|Pelladi Gabor}} {{FeatureDone|KBreakOut|Improved keyboard support|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureDone|KBreakOut|Fullscreen support|[email protected]|Fela Winkelmolen}} {{FeatureDone|KDiamond|Improve time display|[email protected]|Stefan Majewsky}} {{FeatureDone|KGoldrunner|Add Mazes game (37 levels), contributed by Steve Mann.|[email protected]|Ian Wadham}} {{FeatureDone|KsirK|Previous/Next in start new game as described in bug #170774|[email protected]|Gaël de Chalendar}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kigo|New Go game for KDE 4|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}} {{FeatureDone|Kigo|Fix smaller issues with KNS2|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}} {{FeatureDone|Kigo|Beautify the default theme|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kigo|Allow arbitrary jumps in the undo/redo history|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kigo|Improve final score visuals|[email protected]|Sascha Peilicke}}
= kdegraphics  =
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{{FeatureTodo|libkexiv2|Store metadata in libexiv2 containers, do not lossily encode to QByteArray. Bug 183171|[email protected]|Marcel Wiesweg}} {{FeatureTodo|libkdcraw|Make color management options more flexible|[email protected]|Marcel Wiesweg}} {{FeatureDone|libksane|Add basic twain support on Windows|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}} {{FeatureDone|libksane|External API for specifying preview resolution|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}} {{FeatureInProgress|libksane|External API for handling selections|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}} {{FeatureTodo|libksane|Improve auto-selection|[email protected]|K&aring;re S&auml;rs}} {{FeatureInProgress|gwenview|Rework start page|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}} {{FeatureInProgress|gwenview|Implement picture importer|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}} {{FeatureInProgress|gwenview|New save-as behavior (go to saved as document)|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}} {{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Show Nepomuk info in image meta info|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}} {{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Persistent changes|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}} {{FeatureTodo|gwenview|Folder thumbnails|[email protected]|Aurelien Gateau}}
= kdelibs  =
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{{FeatureTodo|katepart|Add interface to access highlighting information, port html-export plugin|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}} {{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add new astronomical calculation support classes to be used in kdelibs to build new astronomically based calendar systems, and in kdepim to build new version of libkholiday.|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureTodo|KCalendarSystem|Add new calendar systems: Indian Civil (Saka), Ethiopean, Chinese, Pure Julian, Pure Gregorian, etc.|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureTodo|kdecore|Group policy (Windows) backend for KAuth|[email protected]|Dario Freddi}} {{FeatureTodo|KDEPrint|If no file printing support in Qt4.5, migrate FilePrinter class from Okular to enable file printing for all apps via QPrinter.  To be discussed on k-c-d first.|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureTodo|KDEPrint|Add framework for standard actions for 'Send to...' for e-mail, fax, etc by printing to PDF/PS.|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureTodo|kdeui|Implement caps-lock warning for password entry widgets|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}} {{FeatureTodo|KLocale|Investigate adding Currency Code and currency minor units support based on ISO 4217 (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/ISO_4217).|[email protected]|John Layt}} {{FeatureTodo|Khtml|Improvements in kwallet integration|[email protected]|Eduardo Robles Elvira}} {{FeatureInProgress|kfile|Move KMetaDataWidget and KMetaDataConfigurationDialog from Dolphin to kfile|[email protected]|Peter Penz}} {{FeatureDone|katepart|Add mapping support for the vi input mode's normal mode|ehambergαgmail.com|Erlend Hamberg}} {{FeatureInProgress|katepart|Improve TemplateInterface, i.e. snippet support|[email protected]|Milian Wolff}} {{FeatureInProgress|kdecore|Move event-filter installation out of KApplication and into a new class|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}} {{FeatureInProgress|kdecore|Polkit-1 backend for KAuth|[email protected]|Dario Freddi}} {{FeatureInProgress|kdeui|Support floating point font sizes|[email protected]|Christoph Feck}} {{FeatureInProgress|kdeui|Finish the time chooser widget|[email protected]|Michael Leupold}} {{FeatureInProgress|kio|Limit number of connections per host (per application), add job priorities|[email protected]|Andreas Hartmetz}} {{FeatureInProgress|kio|Support for automatically renaming conflicting files during copy and move operations|[email protected]|Todd}} {{FeatureInProgress|webkit|Move KDE integration of QtWebKit into kdelibs (but not KPart!)|[email protected]|Urs Wolfer}} {{FeatureInProgress|buildsystem|Modular build of KDE modules|[email protected]|Alexander Neundorf}} {{FeatureDone|katepart|Enable command line scripting again|[email protected]|Dominik Haumann}} {{FeatureDone|katepart|Support byte-order mark in unicode files|[email protected]|Joseph Wenninger}} {{FeatureInProgress|katepart|Improve katepart Vim mode.|[email protected]|Alejandro Castaño}}
= kdemultimedia  =
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{{FeatureTodo|KMix|Nicer OSD (icon, mute state)|[email protected]|Christian Esken}} {{FeatureTodo|KMix|Amend Keyboard Shortcuts|[email protected]|Christian Esken}} {{FeatureInProgress|KMix|Allow arbitrary ordering of controls|[email protected]|Christian Esken}} {{FeatureInProgress|KMix|Add WhatsThis help on controls (Bug 70042)|[email protected]|Christian Esken}}
= kdenetwork  =
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! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Kopete|UPnp Support|[email protected]|Matt Rogers}} {{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Jabber Jingle video support|[email protected]|Detlev Casanova}} {{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Jabber Jingle ICE support|[email protected]|Detlev Casanova}} {{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Add support for urls to Bonjour plugin|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Kopete|Rich text support for ICQ|[email protected]|Roman Jarosz}} {{FeatureInProgress|KGet|Support for verifying signed files|[email protected]|Matthias Fuchs}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kopete|Contacts plasmoid|[email protected]|Dennis Nienhüser}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kopete|Telepathy protocol plugin|[email protected]|George Goldberg}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kopete|Telepathy Tubes Desktop Sharing plugin|[email protected]|George Goldberg}} {{FeatureInProgress|Kopete|Akonadi Logger(modify the history plugin)|[email protected]|Kaushik Saurabh}} {{FeatureInProgress|Krdc|Telepathy Tubes support||Abner Silva}} {{FeatureInProgress|Krfb|Telepathy Tubes support|[email protected]|George Goldberg}} {{FeatureInProgress|Krfb|Core restructuring|[email protected]|George Goldberg}} {{FeatureInProgress|Telepathy|Account Management KCM|[email protected]|George Goldberg}} {{FeatureInProgress|Telepathy|Mission Control launcher KDED|[email protected]|George Goldberg}} {{FeatureDone|Kopete|Create avatars from a webcam device |[email protected] |Alex Fiestas}} {{FeatureDone|Krdc|Redesigned workflow to create a new connection|[email protected]|Urs Wolfer}} {{FeatureDone|Krdc|Full Screen Switching|[email protected]|Tony Murray}}
= kdepim  =
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! Contact
{{FeatureInProgress|Akregator|Port to use KNotificationItem|[email protected]|Teemu Rytilahti}} {{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Implement Akonadi support|djarvie @ kde.org|David Jarvie}} {{FeatureInProgress|KAlarm|Provide audio-only alarms|djarvie @ kde.org|David Jarvie}}
= kdepimlibs  =
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= kdeplasma-addons  =
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= kdesdk  =
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{{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Integrate snowball stemmer for glossary|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}} {{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Continue implementing XLIFF spec|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}} {{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Segmentation [editing] functionality|[email protected] |Nick Shaforostoff}} {{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Remote translation memories|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}} {{FeatureTodo|Lokalize|Integrate with nepomuk (fast stats retrieval, tag cloud - incl sharing!)|[email protected]|Nick Shaforostoff}} {{FeatureDone|Kate|Add common vim commands like :wq, :new, :bp/bn, etc.|ehambergαgmail.com|Erlend Hamberg}}
= kdeutils  =
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! Description
! Contact
{{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add an options dialog (maybe)|[email protected]|Harald Hvaal}} {{FeatureTodo|Ark|Support for custom options from the compression interface (eg. a slider for selecting compression level for rar files)|[email protected]|Harald Hvaal}} {{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add feedback for the latest operation in the status bar|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}} {{FeatureTodo|Ark|Add feedback for the latest operation in the status bar|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}} {{FeatureTodo|Ark|Try multiple plugins for each archive type before failing|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}} {{FeatureTodo|Ark|Make the internal previewer optional|[email protected]|Raphael Kubo da Costa}} {{FeatureTodo|KGpg|Make keyserver actions possible to use on multiple keyservers at once|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}} {{FeatureTodo|KGpg|Add &quot;caff&quot; mode for keysigning|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}} {{FeatureTodo|KGpg|Allow searching for trust path in keyring|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}} {{FeatureTodo|KGpg|Add improved key import result window (with useful summary, filtering, reasonable default size etc.)|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}} {{FeatureTodo|KGpg|Make generating a key a KJob so it get's better notification support|[email protected]|Rolf Eike Beer}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add editing capability to Decoding table |[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add Kate-like search tool|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for import by drop, both url and data|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|copy again puts also a value or char variant of the data to clipboard|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for memory mapping of files|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add further export formats like s-record and intel 16|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add support for jobs like io, printing, string search or filter|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add Okular like embedded notifications|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Store bookmarks and other view settings for next load|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|Add global toggle option for the offset display, hex or decimal|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|Okteta|add QIODevice for AbstractByteArrayModel and make mimetype detection use this instead of only filename |[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureTodo|printer-applet|Restore feature parity with KDEPrint3 where possible.||Jonathon Riddell, John Layt}} {{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Make dialogs for Goto, Search & Replace embedded|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureInProgress|Okteta|Add tool to view decoding of complex structures|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureDone|kdelirc|Communicate to lirc through solid|[email protected]|Michael Zanetti}} {{FeatureInProgress|kdelirc|Integrate solid backend into kdelirc frontend|[email protected]|Frank Scheffold}} {{FeatureTodo|kdelirc|Cycle mode function|[email protected]|Frank Scheffold}} {{FeatureTodo|kdelirc|Add a try button in configurations|[email protected]|Michael Zanetti}} {{FeatureDone|Okteta|Rename libkakao to Kasten and make the Okteta KPart use it|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}} {{FeatureDone|Okteta|Add embedded dialog to set selection range|[email protected]|Friedrich W. H. Kossebau}}
= Other  =
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! Contact

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.