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Schedules/KDE4/4.2 Changelog: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(14 intermediate revisions by 7 users not shown)
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{{Moved To Community}}
* policykit (probably beta2)
* Use knotify in kwrited
* option for full path in breadcrumb mode
* VI input mode in kwrite and kate
* PowerDevil
* kephal for better xrandr-support.
* Add ConsoleKit support to kdm
(see also plasma changelog)
* KRunner: Noun-Verb support
* Konqueror history runner
* Kate sessions runner
* Recent Documents runner
* Notifications and jobs in systemtray
* panel->desktop dragging
* Improved Battery applet for Powerdevil
* Wallpaper plugins
* Python support
* Ruby support
* Plasma Popup Tips
* Taskbar grouping
* Weather Plasmoid
* Plasma On Screensaver
* Add New Widgets: Pluggable widget browser
* Activity<->Virtual Desktop Affinity (no UI)
* Panel Autohide
* Keyboard Shortcut Config UI
* Save icon positioning in folderview
* Quicklaunch Plasmoid
* drop indicator in panel
* make the panel controller a bit more usable
* nicely draw the desktop toolbox when it's moved because of a panel
* Various widgets (TODO)
* Panel form factor support in the folderview applet, twitter, news, ...
* Improved folderview configuration
* Keyboard status applet
* Move maximized windows between Xinerama screens
* Support for decoration shadows
* Compositing enabled by default
* Compositing self-check
* Global animation speed setting
* Motion dynamics
* Improved UI for selecting window/desktop switcher
* UI for assigning effects to screen edges
* Cube/cylinder/sphere effect
* Magic lamp minimize effect
* Animation in box switch effect
* Mouse interaction for cover switch Effect
* Thumbnail bar in the cover switch effect
* Improved snow effect
* Improved desktop grid
* New present window layout modes
* Invert only selected windows
* Unredirecting of fullscreen windows (flicker-- w/ bad video drivers)
* KGet: support mms:// protocol??mms
* Kate: snippets plugin ported, ctags plugin, build plugin improved
* perldoc kioslave
* Lokalize: MDI interface improvements
* Gwenview: support for animated gif and mng
* Okular: support fax documents
* Konqueror: bookmarks page (+kioslave)
* Dolphin: previews in tooltips, zoom slider in statusbar
* KAlgebra: new parser / lexer, import for MathML presentation markup
* KBruch: UI improvements and merge of KPercentage functionality
* Python bindings to Marble widget classes
* KStars: Display millions of stars, many more
* KTurtle: color picker, command line, export image
* Parley: UI improvements
==Admin / Utils / Network==
* system-config-printer-kde and printer-applet
* Improved support for LDAP (Microsoft Active Directory) in KRDC
* improved per host settings in KRDC
* Okteta: various UI improvements
* Ark: service menu and password support
* Ksnapshot: recording of window title, multiscreen improvements
* Akregator: basic support for enclosures
* KJots: Importing notes from knowit
* KMail: Nicer attachment view
* KMail: New message list
* KNotes: Zeroconf support for sending notes on LAN
* Kontact: new planner summary
* Kontact: Drag and drop in free/busy view
* Dragging jewels and untimes games in kdiamond
* Ksirk: jabber-based netgame finding, scrolling improvements, skins via GHNS, skins editor
* KGoldRunner: new levels
* KBlocks: sounds support
* New game: Killbots
* New game: Bomber
==Libraries & development platform==
* Phonon: VideoWidget snapshot function
* KHTML: Early domain name resolution (prefetch)
* KHTML: embedded search/find-as-you-type bar
* CMake: Reduced library link interface
* Eigen (how's that interesting?
* PyKDE: KCM and oder plugins support
* Various improvements in the Kross Ruby and Python engines
* New Kross engine: Falcon
* fish and sftp support on Windows
* kpackagekit?
* QTScript improvements (which? mail@dipe.org)
* SVG support in KHTML (Vyacheslav Tokarev <tsjoker@gmail.com>)
* Support for CSS3 border-* properties (Fredrik Höglund and Maksim Orlovich <fredrik@kde.org>)
* support of Video/Audio elements (Germain Garand <germain@ebooksfrance.org>)
* kdeui: Rich text builders for KTextEdit, including BBCode, html, plain text markup, mediawiki and markdown output (Stephen Kelly <steveire@gmail.com>)
* NX support in krdc David Gross <gdavid.devel@gmail.com>

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.