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From KDE TechBase
Add initial page listing the KDE 4 release parties all over the world
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== Other Events ==
== Other Events ==
(World Map with Events)
[http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF&msa=0&msid=103852430929072245482.0004436f32d21086c105d Release Events]
(In lexicographical order)
=== Australia ===
==== Tasmania ====
; Hobart :
:Event: Coffeetime at Starbucks (there is only 1), Friday 11th January, 5:30pm
:Contact: 'Sif Contact just turn up :D
=== Brazil ===
; Aracaju : Evento: KDE4 - Encontro dos usuários KDE de Sergipe
:Localização: Shopping Jardins - Na nova praça de alimentação - Aracaju - SE - Brazil
:Dia: 18/01
:Quer ir, me contate: [email protected]
=== Costa Rica ===
; San Jose : Lanzamiento de KDE 4.0 por el grupo de usuarios de Linux de la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, GCL.
:Dia: 19/01/2008
=== Estonia ===
; Tallinn :Üritus: Väike kohvi, väike õlu, väike snäkk, väike KDE.
:Asukoht: Tallinn, [http://www.maurus.ee Mauruse Pubi] (Estonia Pst. 8).
:Aeg: 18.01.2008, 18:00 EET
:Kontakt: Suva ät linux punkt ee, viiskuusüksviisüheksaükskaheksaseitse.
:Viide: [http://pingviin.org/viewtopic.php?p=27359 Teema pingviini foorumis]
=== Latvia ===
; Riga :KDE4 release party.
:Vieta: Rīga, [http://maps.google.com/maps/ms?ie=UTF8&hl=lv&msa=0&msid=114472585292448035135.000443d78bbac0951016f&ll=56.950603,24.122994&spn=0.002428,0.007296&z=17&om=0 Kafejnīca A.Suns] (Elizabetes ielā 83/85).
:Laiks: 18.01.2008, 17:00 GMT
:Kontakti: atoms at tups dot lv
:Papildus informācija: [http://tups.lv/blog/2008/01/kde4-release-party/ Atoms bloga ieraksts]
=== France ===
; Toulouse :
:Adresse : Centre Culturel Bellegarde, 17, rue Bellegarde à Toulouse
:Dates : 25 janvier 20h (Discours d'A. Seigo retransmis en français, cocktail dînatoire)
:26 janvier 9:00 - 18:00 (Présentations bibliothèques KDE4 et Qt, Solid, traductions, éducatif)
:Contact : darktears31 AT gmail DOTcom
:Website : http://www.toulibre.org/KDE4

=== Germany ===
=== Germany ===

* Berlin (?)
; Berlin :
* Hamburg
:Event: Party at the KDAB Berlin office
* Stuttgart
:Address: Adalbertstr. 7/8, Kreuzberg. U Kottbusser Tor. ([http://maps.google.de/maps?f=q&hl=en&time=&date=&ttype=&q=Adalbertstra%C3%9Fe+7,+Kreuzberg+10999+Berlin,+Berlin,+Berlin,+Germany&sll=51.124213,10.546875&sspn=14.085092,34.189453&ie=UTF8&cd=2&geocode=0,52.500538,13.418768&z=16&iwloc=addr&om=1 Google maps instructions])
:Date: 18.1., 20.00
:Please let us know if you're coming: [email protected]
; Bonn :
:Event: Party in Netzladen (http://www.netzladen.org)
:Address: Wolfstr. 10
:Arrival: http://www.netzladen.org/home/anfahrt
:Date: 18.01., 19:00h
:Contact: danimo (at) kde.org
:Planning: [[Events/KDE4ReleaseParties/Bonn]] (add yourself!)
; Hamburg :
:Event: Party in the rooms of freiheit.com (http://www.freiheit.com/)
:Address: Straßenbahnring 22, Hoheluft-Ost
:Date: 18.01., 19:00h
:Contact: sven ( at) community-org.de
; Stuttgart :
:Event: Linux Day at the HdM Stuttgart (Stuttgart Media University)
:[http://www.hdm-stuttgart.de/aktuell/terminkalender/view_terminfooter?terminid=event20071211101808 Announcement]
:Live Stream: mms://stream.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/linuxday_jan08
:News, Chat and Live Coverage: http://www.linux-day.de
=== India ===
; Chennai :
:Event: KDE 4 Release party at  NRCFOSS, AU-KBC Research centre,MIT,chromepet .
:Add your name in wiki http://nrcfosshelpline.in/code/wiki/kde4releaseparty
; Mumbai :
:Event: KDE 4 Release party at Juhu Beach,Mumbai.
:We will meet up at Juhu beach for the release party, and head over to Mahesh Lunch Home for lunch.
:contact: pradeeptob [at symbol] gmail [dot symbol] com
=== Portugal ===
; Aveiro : UA KDE4.0 festa de apresentação
:Dia: 15/02

Latest revision as of 18:26, 18 January 2008

KDE 4 Release Parties

Main Event in Mountain View

January 17–19, 2008, on the Google Campus in Mountain View, California.

More info on the main event.

Other Events

(World Map with Events)

Release Events

(In lexicographical order)



Event: Coffeetime at Starbucks (there is only 1), Friday 11th January, 5:30pm
Contact: 'Sif Contact just turn up :D


Evento: KDE4 - Encontro dos usuários KDE de Sergipe
Localização: Shopping Jardins - Na nova praça de alimentação - Aracaju - SE - Brazil
Dia: 18/01
Quer ir, me contate: [email protected]

Costa Rica

San Jose
Lanzamiento de KDE 4.0 por el grupo de usuarios de Linux de la Universidad Latina de Costa Rica, GCL.
Dia: 19/01/2008
contacto: [email protected]


Üritus: Väike kohvi, väike õlu, väike snäkk, väike KDE.
Asukoht: Tallinn, Mauruse Pubi (Estonia Pst. 8).
Aeg: 18.01.2008, 18:00 EET
Kontakt: Suva ät linux punkt ee, viiskuusüksviisüheksaükskaheksaseitse.
Viide: Teema pingviini foorumis


KDE4 release party.
Vieta: Rīga, Kafejnīca A.Suns (Elizabetes ielā 83/85).
Laiks: 18.01.2008, 17:00 GMT
Kontakti: atoms at tups dot lv
Papildus informācija: Atoms bloga ieraksts


Adresse : Centre Culturel Bellegarde, 17, rue Bellegarde à Toulouse
Dates : 25 janvier 20h (Discours d'A. Seigo retransmis en français, cocktail dînatoire)
26 janvier 9:00 - 18:00 (Présentations bibliothèques KDE4 et Qt, Solid, traductions, éducatif)
Contact : darktears31 AT gmail DOTcom
Website : http://www.toulibre.org/KDE4


Event: Party at the KDAB Berlin office
Address: Adalbertstr. 7/8, Kreuzberg. U Kottbusser Tor. (Google maps instructions)
Date: 18.1., 20.00
Please let us know if you're coming: [email protected]
Contact: [email protected], [email protected]
Event: Party in Netzladen (http://www.netzladen.org)
Address: Wolfstr. 10
Arrival: http://www.netzladen.org/home/anfahrt
Date: 18.01., 19:00h
Contact: danimo (at) kde.org
Planning: Events/KDE4ReleaseParties/Bonn (add yourself!)
Event: Party in the rooms of freiheit.com (http://www.freiheit.com/)
Address: Straßenbahnring 22, Hoheluft-Ost
Date: 18.01., 19:00h
Contact: sven ( at) community-org.de
Event: Linux Day at the HdM Stuttgart (Stuttgart Media University)
Live Stream: mms://stream.mi.hdm-stuttgart.de/linuxday_jan08
Contact: [email protected]
News, Chat and Live Coverage: http://www.linux-day.de


Event: KDE 4 Release party at NRCFOSS, AU-KBC Research centre,MIT,chromepet .
Add your name in wiki http://nrcfosshelpline.in/code/wiki/kde4releaseparty
contact:[email protected]
Event: KDE 4 Release party at Juhu Beach,Mumbai.
We will meet up at Juhu beach for the release party, and head over to Mahesh Lunch Home for lunch.
contact: pradeeptob [at symbol] gmail [dot symbol] com


UA KDE4.0 festa de apresentação
Dia: 15/02
contacto: [email protected]