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Schedules/KDE4/4.0 Release Roadmap: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Winterz (talk | contribs)
move the start of the release cycle forward two months
Neverendingo (talk | contribs)
add move to community notice
(8 intermediate revisions by 4 users not shown)
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= KDE 4.0 Release Roadmap =
{{Moved To Community}}
== Milestone: Subsystem Freeze ==
'''Date:''' 2 April 2007
* After this date forward, no major KDE subsystem can be committed to kdelibs.
* The location of all classes are fixed within kdelibs.
* Trunk is expected to contain KDE4 code only now. This effectively means that all scripts processing translations for KDE3 in trunk will cease.
* Extragear applications that want to release based on KDE3 are expected to move to /branches/stable and work from there.
* The buildsystem requirements are fixed; i.e, must not require a version of cmake greater than 2.4.5.
* Qt 4.3 is required from here until release.
* '''31 March - 2 April''' is ''Big Changes 3-Day Weekend'' to make the final set of big changes.
== Milestone: kdelibs Hackathon Week ==
'''Start:''' 15 Apr 2007 (estimated)  '''End:''' 21 Apr 2007  '''Duration:''' 1 week
* kdelibs polishing and fine-tuning.
* Developer meeting (possible, planning TBD).
* Full API review of Phonon and Solid (Oslo meeting)
== Milestone: kdelibs Soft API Freeze ==
'''Date:''' 1 May 2007
* The kdelibs API is frozen. This means that the classes and interfaces are not allowed to change, except with permission of the core developers.
* To make an API change, post a kdelibs API exception request to the kde-core-devel mailinglist with an explanation and the code. If there are no objections after a week, the change can be committed.
''NOTE:'' all affected modules must continue to compile and work as expected.
== Milestone: Alpha Release Tagged ==
'''Date:''' 3 May 2007
The Alpha will be source only -- without translations.
== Milestone: New Application Freeze and Usability and Accessibility Review ==
'''Date:''' 8 May 2007
* ''All'' applications expected to be released with KDE 4.0 must:
** use the new cmake buildsystem
** compile with Qt4.3 and {{module|kdelibs 4.0}}. (Using Q3Support and/or kde3support is ok, though not desired)
** have a handbook (that at least describes what the application does)
* New applications must be committed into {{module|kdereview}} for review
* Resurrected applications must be committed back into their KDE main module
* Start Application Usability and Accessibility Review continuing until the start of the Beta Cycle
== Milestone: Module Freeze ==
'''Date:''' 1 June 2007
* Any new application from {{module|kdereview}} must be in place in its KDE main module.
* The KDE main modules are frozen for new applications.
* The main module maintainers must indicate if they will follow the release schedule or will divert and not be released together with KDE 4.0.
== Milestone: Artwork Freeze ==
'''Start:''' 13 June 2007 (tentative)
* Last chance to commit a new (excluding oxygen) style or theme into kdeartwork.
* The work does not need to be 100% complete at this time, but it must be nearing completion so it can be reviewed and beta-tested.
== Milestone: Alpha2 Release ==
'''Date:''' 27 June 2007
* The Alpha2 Release will be source only -- without translations.
* The tagging will occur on this date, with the actual release occurring soon after.
== Milestone: Core Library API Freeze ==
'''Date:''' 24 July 2007
* The core library APIs are frozen solid.  The core libraries include those in the kdesupport, kdelibs, and kdepimlibs modules.
== Milestone: Beta Cycle ==
'''Start:''' 25 July 2007
'''End:''' 26 November 2007
'''Duration:''' 4 months (estimated)
* From this date forward, a Beta Release will be published every month until most grave bugs are resolved. The actual release of the Betas will occur soon after the tagging.
* Starting after the second Beta (30 August):
** application feature freeze commences: focus shifts to stabilizing the applications, fixing bugs, and improving art and documentation.
== Milestone: Release Candidate Cycle ==
'''Start:''' 21 November 2007
'''End:''' 19 December 2007
'''Duration:''' 4 weeks (estimated)
* From this date forward, a Release Candidate will be released every two weeks until *all* grave bugs are resolved.
* After the first Release Candidate there is a total release freeze. This means only regressions (breakage caused due to the KDE4 port) or grave bugs can be fixed, but nothing else.
* With the first Release Candidate, a list of languages which will be included with the KDE 4.0 release will be made available, based on the usual rules.
== Milestone: KDE 4.0 Released ==
'''Date:''' 23 October 2007
*This date is based on an estimated 2 Beta's and 2 Release Candidates.

Latest revision as of 10:57, 16 March 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.