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Projects/Oxygen/namingSpec/apps: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
I knew I had forgotten something.
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
I thought the quassel icon doesn't belong here, but it's not wrong at least.
(90 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.  
Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.  

'''Generic Application Names (in the spec):'''
'''Generic Application Names:'''

  accessories-character-map          OK
accessories-calculator            OK (KDE 3 name: kcalc)
  accessories-dictionary            OK
  accessories-character-map          OK (KDE 3 name: kcharselect)
  kaddressbook                      -> office-addressbook **
  accessories-dictionary            OK (KDE 3 name: kdict)
kcalc                              -> accessories-calculator
  internet-web-browser              OK *** (did not exist
kcall                              -> internet-telephony
                                        in this form in KDE 3)
  khelpcenter                        -> help-browser
  help-browser                       OK (KDE 3 name: khelpcenter)
  kmail                              -> internet-mail **
  internet-telephony                OK ** (KDE 3 name: kcall)
  kmenu                              -> places/start-here-kde
  internet-mail                      OK *** (KDE 3 name: kmail)
konsole                            -> utilities-terminal
korganizer                        -> office-calendar **
  ksnapshot                          -> accessories-screen-shot **
  ksnapshot                          -> accessories-screen-shot **
  kuickshow                          -> graphics-viewer-image **
  accessories-text-editor           OK (KDE 3 name: kwrite)
kwrite                            -> accessories-text-editor
  multimedia-volume-control          OK
  multimedia-volume-control          OK
  okular                            -> graphics-viewer-document **
  graphics-viewer-document           OK **
  preferences-desktop-accessibility  OK  
office-address-book                OK ** (KDE 3 name: kaddressbook)
  preferences-desktop-font          Needed
office-calendar                    OK *** (KDE 3 name: korganizer)
  preferences-desktop-keyboard      OK
preferences-contact-list          ?? (likely ok, but I don't
  preferences-desktop-locale        OK
                                        remember the use case)
  preferences-desktop-accessibility  OK (KDE 3 name: access)
preferences-desktop-color          OK ** (KDE 3 name: colors)
preferences-desktop-cryptography  OK **
preferences-desktop-default-applications OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
preferences-desktop-display        OK **
preferences-desktop-filetype-association OK **
                                      (KDE 3 name: filetypes)
  preferences-desktop-font          OK (KDE 3 name: font)
preferences-desktop-font-installer OK ** (in workspace/kcontrol/kfontinst)
                                      (KDE 3 name: kcmfontinst)
preferences-desktop-gaming        OK ** (KDE 3 name: devices/joystick)
preferences-desktop-icons          OK ** (KDE 3 name: icons)
  preferences-desktop-keyboard      OK (KDE 3 name: keyboard)
preferences-desktop-launch-feedback OK ** (KDE 3 name: actions/launch)
  preferences-desktop-locale        OK (KDE 3 name: locale)
preferences-desktop-mouse          OK * (KDE 3 name: devices/mouse)
  preferences-desktop-multimedia    Needed
  preferences-desktop-multimedia    Needed
  preferences-desktop-screensaver    Needed
preferences-desktop-notification  OK ** (KDE 3 name: knotify)
  preferences-desktop-theme          Needed
preferences-desktop-notification-bell OK ** (KDE 3 name: actions/bell)
  preferences-desktop-wallpaper      OK
preferences-desktop-printer        OK ** (KDE 3 name: printmgr)
  package-development                -> categories/applications-development
  preferences-desktop-screensaver    OK (KDE 3 name: kscreensaver)
  package-graphics                  -> categories/applications-graphics
preferences-desktop-sound          OK *** (KDE 3 name: kcmsound)
  package-multimedia                -> categories/applications-multimedia
preferences-desktop-text-to-speech OK ** (KDE 3 name: kttsd)
  package-network                   -> categories/applications-internet
  preferences-desktop-theme          OK (KDE 3 name: looknfeel)
  package-settings                  -> categories/preferences-other
preferences-desktop-user          OK ** (KDE 3 name: userconfig)
  package-system                     -> categories/applications-system
preferences-desktop-user-password  OK ** (KDE 3 name: password)
  package-utilities                  -> categories/applications-accessories
  preferences-desktop-wallpaper      OK (KDE 3 name: background)
  kwin                              -> preferences-system-windows **
  preferences-kcalc-constants        ?? also used by kmplot? (says Pino)
  system-file-manager                Needed
preferences-plugin                OK **
  system-software-update            Needed
  preferences-plugin-script          OK **
  utilities-system-monitor          OK
preferences-system-bluetooth      OK ** (KDE 3 name: kdebluetooth)
  ark                                -> utilities-file-archiver **
  preferences-system-login          OK ** (KDE 3 name: kdmconfig)
  preferences-system-network-sharing -> ...-share instead of sharing?
                                      that was the initial plan,
                                      check back what's better.
                                      apart from that:
                                    OK ** (only used the "share"
                                          overlay in KDE 3)
preferences-system-performance    OK ** (KDE 3 origin: launch)
  preferences-system-power-management OK ** (KDE 3 name: energy)
preferences-system-session-services OK ** (KDE 3 name: services)
  preferences-system-time            OK ** (KDE 3 name: date)
preferences-system-windows        OK *** (KDE 3 name: kwin)
  preferences-web-browser-adblock    OK ** (KDE 3 origin: filter)
preferences-web-browser-cache      OK ** (KDE 3 name: cache)
preferences-web-browser-cookies    OK ** (KDE 3 name: cookie)
preferences-web-browser-identification OK ** (KDE 3 name: agent)
  preferences-web-browser-stylesheets OK ** (KDE 3 name: stylesheet)
preferences-web-browser-shortcuts  OK ** (KDE 3 name: enhanced_browsing)
  system-file-manager                OK (KDE 3 name: kfm)
system-users                      OK *** (KDE 3 name - private
                                            to KUser: add_group)
  system-software-update            OK (KDE 3 name: kpackage)
system-diagnosis                  -> svn rm? probably not needed,
                                      pinheiro added it without any
                                      given use case (since 4.2)
utilities-file-archiver            OK ** (KDE 3 name: ark)
utilities-log-viewer              OK ** (KDE 3 name: ksystemlog)
  utilities-system-monitor          OK (KDE 3 name: ksysguard)
  utilities-terminal                OK (KDE 3 name: konsole)
* suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon
*** exists in the Tango icon set, but not in the spec

'''Generic Tango icons in Oxygen:'''
'''Generic Tango icons in Oxygen:'''
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  krfb        -> preferences-desktop-remote-desktop
  krfb        -> preferences-desktop-remote-desktop
                (also used in GNOME under that name)

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  acroread                      ?? needs a spec type name for fallback
  acroread                      ?? newer Reader versions are named
                                   RFC: "viewer-document-acroread"
                                  differently (how again?), and
  arts                          -> svn rm - we won't need this
                                   use upper-case characters in
                                   in KDE 4, right?
                                  the name of the executable.
  akonadi                      OK, as it an independent app that
                                  doesn't make use of kdelibs and thus
                                  can't provide the icon by itself
                                   (since 4.1)
  basket                        -> move to wherever basket lives
  basket                        -> move to wherever basket lives
book                          ?? not an app, should not go to apps.
                                  also see actions/book(2)
cup                          ?? placeholder icon according to Nuno,
                                  should not go to apps.
  digikam                      -> move to extragear/graphics/digikam
  digikam                      -> move to extragear/graphics/digikam
  gwenview                      -> move to kdegraphics/gwenview
  fontforge                    OK
java                          OK
  k3b                          -> move to extragear/multimedia/k3b
  k3b                          -> move to extragear/multimedia/k3b
                                  as multimedia-disc-creator-k3b
  kaffeine                      -> move to extragear/kaffeine
  kaffeine                      -> move to extragear/kaffeine
                                  as multimedia-player-kaffeine
kalzium                      -> move to kdeedu/kalzium
kanagram                      -> move to kdeedu/kanagram
kate                          -> move to kdesdk/kate as
  kblogger                      -> move to wherever kblogger lives
  kblogger                      -> move to wherever kblogger lives
kbruch                        -> move to kdeedu/kbruch
  kbugbuster                    -> move to kdesdk/kbugbuster
  kbugbuster                    -> move to kdesdk/kbugbuster
  kchart                        -> move to koffice/kchart
  kchart                        -> move to koffice/kchart
kcmkwm                        -> svn rm
  kcolorchooser                -> move to kdegraphics/kcolorchooser
  kcolorchooser                -> move to kdegraphics/kcolorchooser
  kdeprint-printer              -> svn rm,
  kde                          OK (KDE 3 name: actions/about_kde)
                                  we already have devices/printer
KEduca                        -> keduca (right?), and move to
                                  wherever keduca lives
  kexi                          -> move to koffice/kexi
  kexi                          -> move to koffice/kexi
kfind                        ?? svn rm,
                                  replaced by actions/system-search
kgeography                    -> move to kdeedu/kgeography
kget                          -> move to kdenetwork/kget
khangman                      -> move to kdeedu/khangman
kiten                        -> move to kdeedu/kiten
  kjournal                      ?? does it still exist? if no, svn rm.
  kjournal                      ?? does it still exist? if no, svn rm.
                                   if yes, move to wherever it lives.
                                   if yes, move to wherever it lives.
KLatin                        -> klatin (right?), and move to
                                  wherever klatin lives
klettres                      -> move to kdeedu/klettres
  klipper                      -> move to kdebase/klipper
  klipper                      -> move to kdebase/klipper
  kmplayer                      -> move to extragear/multimedia/kmplayer
  kmplayer                      -> move to extragear/multimedia/kmplayer
                                  as multimedia-player-kmplayer
  knewsticker                  -> svn rm, doesn't even exist anymore
  KmPlot                        -> kmplot, and move to kdeedu/kmplot
                                  to the best of jpetso's knowledge
  knotes                        -> move to kdepim/knotes
  knotes                        -> move to kdepim/knotes
                                   (and to the notes plasmoid?)
                                   (and to the notes plasmoid?)
knotify                      ?? does it still exist? if no, svn rm.
                                  if yes, move to wherever it lives.
  kolf                          -> move to kdegames/kolf
  kolf                          -> move to kdegames/kolf
  konqueror                    -> move to kdebase/konqueror as
  konqueror                    OK
  kontact                      -> move to kdepim/kontact
  kontact                      -> move to kdepim/kontact
  konversation                  -> move to extragear/network/konversation
  konversation                  -> move to extragear/network/konversation
konv-message                  -> move to extragear/network/konversation,
                                  and rename it to konversation-message
kopete                        -> move to kdenetwork/kopete
KPercentage                  -> kpercentage, and move to
  krita                        -> move to koffice/krita
  krita                        -> move to koffice/krita
  kruler                        -> move to kdegraphics/kruler
  ksniffer                     -> move to playground/network/ksniffer
ksim-cpu                      ?? find out which apps use this icon
  ktip                          -> move to wherever ktip lives
                                  (or devices/cpu), and make it private
KSniffer                     -> ksniffer, and move to
  kstars                        -> move to kdeedu/kstars
kteatime                      -> move to kdetoys/kteatime
  ktorrent                      -> move to extragear/network/ktorrent
  ktorrent                      -> move to extragear/network/ktorrent
                                  once the KDE 4 port is finished
  kuickshow                    -> move to wherever kuickshow lives
  KVerbos                      -> kverbos, and move to
kverbos                       -> move to wherever kverbos lives
kwallet                      OK
KWordQuiz                    -> kwordquiz, and move to
  kword                        -> move to koffice/kword
  kword                        -> move to koffice/kword
  laptop-battery                ?? another battery icon? svn rm,
  nepomuk                      OK
                                  or replace devices/battery
oxygen                        OK
                                  with this one
  okteta                       -> move to kdeutils/okteta
  marble                       -> move to kdeedu/marble
                                  (since 4.1)
  none                          -> svn rm
  plasma                        OK
  plasmagik                    -> move to
  plasmagik                    -> move to
  system                        ?? another system icon? svn rm,
  quassel                      OK, as quassel has a hicolor icon in
                                   or replace devices/computer
                                   its own sources. Moving it upstream
                                   with this one
                                   would still be a good idea.
systemtray                    ?? needed? if so, for what?
                                   (since 4.2)
                                   this needs to go into kdebase
  strigi                        OK
                                  at least, or svn rm it altogether
  todolist                      ?? not an app, should not go to apps.
                                  probably rename it to task-list
                                  and move it to kdepim/korganizer.
  wine                          OK
  wine                          OK
  x                            OK utilities-x **
  xorg                          OK
* suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon

Line 157: Line 162:

  The icon used for the desktop's font preferences.
   The icon used for the desktop's multimedia preferences.
   The icon used for the desktop's multimedia preferences.

== To do for Oxygen - not in the spec ==
  The icon used for the desktop's screen saving preferences.

Icons that are not specified and do not currently exist as well, but are needed for KDE applications (and not blatantly obvious). Yes, I am aware that some of those are bad (if not outright evil) names. That comes from preferences-desktop-peripherals being classified in the "desktop" preferences subgroup, which is very wrong imho. We need to fix this in the spec (see the suggestions of the [[Projects/Oxygen/namingSpec/categories|categories]] page), but until then, I stay with specification conform names.  
  The icon used for the desktop's theme preferences.

   The icon used for the desktop's file management application.
preferences-desktop-effect **
  The icon for the "Desktop Effects" KCM. (New in KDE 4.)
preferences-desktop-panel **
  The icon for the "Panels" KCM.
  preferences-desktop-theme-style **
  The icon for the "Style" KCM (widget style, in "Appearance").
preferences-system-network-discovery **
   The icon for the "Service Discovery"
  (= DNSSD / Zeroconf / Bonjour / Rendezvous) KCM.
preferences-system-network-proxy ***
  The icon for the "Proxy" KCM. (Also exists in the Tango set.)
preferences-system-session ***
  The icon for the "Session Manager" KCM.
  (This icon also exists in the Tango set.)
preferences-system-splash **
  The icon for the "Splash Screen" KCM.
== Optional icons ==
We don't absolutely need those because they are covered by fallbacks: if these icons don't exist, they've got a sensible fallback.
  The icon for the "Multiple Monitors" (aka Xinerama) KCM.
  The icon for the "Size & Orientation" KCM.
  The icon for the "KHotKeys" KCM.
  The icon for the "Multiple Desktops"
  (a.k.a. virtual desktops) KCM.
  The icon for the "Taskbar" KCM.
  The icon for the "Password & User Account" KCM.
  The icon for the "Smartcards" KCM.
  (Was "identity" in KDE 3, and is really not necessary.)
  The icon for the "Solid" KCM. (New in KDE 4.)
  The icon for the "Connection Preferences" KCM.
  The icon for the "Windows Shares" KCM.
  The icon for the "Samba Status" KCM (in KInfoCenter).
  The icon for the "Window Effects" KCM. (New in KDE 4.)
  The icon for the "Window Decorations" KCM.
  The icon for the "Window-Specific Settings" KCM.
== Even more optional ==
Draw those only if you feel like wasting time for
little outcome. I haven't got KDE 4 compiled at the moment,
so I don't even know if those are visible at all.
  The icon for the KWin's "Focus" settings, which
  belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.
  The icon for the KWin's "Actions" settings, which
  belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.
  The icon for the KWin's "Moving" settings, which
  belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.
  The icon for the KWin's "Advanced" settings, which
  belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.

Line 184: Line 280:

   We already have this from the previous "kmail" icon.
   Used in KDE 4 instead of "kmail". (Done.)

Line 191: Line 287:
   For a possible generic browser icon. *Very* optional though,
   For a possible generic browser icon. *Very* optional though,
   as we already have a branded Konqueror icon.
   as we already have a branded Konqueror icon. (Done.)

   We already have this from the previous "korganizer" icon.
   We already have this from the previous "korganizer" icon.

Line 202: Line 299:

   Go Phonon go.
   Go Phonon go. (Done.)

   We do have proxy settings in KDE 3, this might make sense.
   We do have proxy settings in KDE 3, this might make sense.

  The icon for the session management settings.
   I really don't get why those are "system" items, those are
   KWin settings. (Done.)
  quite obviously desktop items, right? Well, whatever.
  We already have the latter one from the previous "kwin" icon.

Line 218: Line 316:
   Seems to fit KUser or Guidance's "User Management" module.
   Seems to fit KUser or Guidance's "User Management" module.

Latest revision as of 12:34, 13 January 2009

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.

Generic Application Names:

 accessories-calculator             OK (KDE 3 name: kcalc)
 accessories-character-map          OK (KDE 3 name: kcharselect)
 accessories-dictionary             OK (KDE 3 name: kdict)
 internet-web-browser               OK *** (did not exist
                                        in this form in KDE 3)
 help-browser                       OK (KDE 3 name: khelpcenter)
 internet-telephony                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: kcall)
 internet-mail                      OK *** (KDE 3 name: kmail)
 ksnapshot                          -> accessories-screen-shot **
 accessories-text-editor            OK (KDE 3 name: kwrite)
 multimedia-volume-control          OK
 graphics-viewer-document           OK **
 office-address-book                OK ** (KDE 3 name: kaddressbook)
 office-calendar                    OK *** (KDE 3 name: korganizer)
 preferences-contact-list           ?? (likely ok, but I don't
                                        remember the use case)
 preferences-desktop-accessibility  OK (KDE 3 name: access)
 preferences-desktop-color          OK ** (KDE 3 name: colors)
 preferences-desktop-cryptography   OK ** 
 preferences-desktop-default-applications OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
 preferences-desktop-display        OK **
 preferences-desktop-filetype-association OK **
                                       (KDE 3 name: filetypes)
 preferences-desktop-font           OK (KDE 3 name: font)
 preferences-desktop-font-installer OK ** (in workspace/kcontrol/kfontinst)
                                       (KDE 3 name: kcmfontinst)
 preferences-desktop-gaming         OK ** (KDE 3 name: devices/joystick)
 preferences-desktop-icons          OK ** (KDE 3 name: icons)
 preferences-desktop-keyboard       OK (KDE 3 name: keyboard)
 preferences-desktop-launch-feedback OK ** (KDE 3 name: actions/launch)
 preferences-desktop-locale         OK (KDE 3 name: locale)
 preferences-desktop-mouse          OK * (KDE 3 name: devices/mouse)
 preferences-desktop-multimedia     Needed
 preferences-desktop-notification   OK ** (KDE 3 name: knotify)
 preferences-desktop-notification-bell OK ** (KDE 3 name: actions/bell)
 preferences-desktop-printer        OK ** (KDE 3 name: printmgr)
 preferences-desktop-screensaver    OK (KDE 3 name: kscreensaver)
 preferences-desktop-sound          OK *** (KDE 3 name: kcmsound)
 preferences-desktop-text-to-speech OK ** (KDE 3 name: kttsd)
 preferences-desktop-theme          OK (KDE 3 name: looknfeel)
 preferences-desktop-user           OK ** (KDE 3 name: userconfig)
 preferences-desktop-user-password  OK ** (KDE 3 name: password)
 preferences-desktop-wallpaper      OK (KDE 3 name: background)
 preferences-kcalc-constants        ?? also used by kmplot? (says Pino)
 preferences-plugin                 OK **
 preferences-plugin-script          OK **
 preferences-system-bluetooth       OK ** (KDE 3 name: kdebluetooth)
 preferences-system-login           OK ** (KDE 3 name: kdmconfig)
 preferences-system-network-sharing -> ...-share instead of sharing?
                                       that was the initial plan,
                                       check back what's better.
                                       apart from that:
                                    OK ** (only used the "share"
                                           overlay in KDE 3)
 preferences-system-performance     OK ** (KDE 3 origin: launch)
 preferences-system-power-management OK ** (KDE 3 name: energy)
 preferences-system-session-services OK ** (KDE 3 name: services)
 preferences-system-time            OK ** (KDE 3 name: date)
 preferences-system-windows         OK *** (KDE 3 name: kwin)
 preferences-web-browser-adblock    OK ** (KDE 3 origin: filter)
 preferences-web-browser-cache      OK ** (KDE 3 name: cache)
 preferences-web-browser-cookies    OK ** (KDE 3 name: cookie)
 preferences-web-browser-identification OK ** (KDE 3 name: agent)
 preferences-web-browser-stylesheets OK ** (KDE 3 name: stylesheet)
 preferences-web-browser-shortcuts  OK ** (KDE 3 name: enhanced_browsing)
 system-file-manager                OK (KDE 3 name: kfm)
 system-users                       OK *** (KDE 3 name - private
                                            to KUser: add_group)
 system-software-update             OK (KDE 3 name: kpackage)
 system-diagnosis                   -> svn rm? probably not needed,
                                       pinheiro added it without any
                                       given use case (since 4.2)
 utilities-file-archiver            OK ** (KDE 3 name: ark)
 utilities-log-viewer               OK ** (KDE 3 name: ksystemlog)
 utilities-system-monitor           OK (KDE 3 name: ksysguard)
 utilities-terminal                 OK (KDE 3 name: konsole)
* suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
   it's not really suited to be a standard icon
*** exists in the Tango icon set, but not in the spec

Generic Tango icons in Oxygen:

 krfb        -> preferences-desktop-remote-desktop
                (also used in GNOME under that name)

Other application icons:

Most other application icons should go to their home modules instead of residing in kdelibs - this not only makes for a better overview but also reduces disk space in case not all modules are installed. And, of course, prevents icons being misused for wrong usages.

 acroread                      ?? newer Reader versions are named
                                  differently (how again?), and
                                  use upper-case characters in
                                  the name of the executable.
 akonadi                       OK, as it an independent app that
                                  doesn't make use of kdelibs and thus
                                  can't provide the icon by itself
                                  (since 4.1)
 basket                        -> move to wherever basket lives
 digikam                       -> move to extragear/graphics/digikam
 fontforge                     OK
 java                          OK
 k3b                           -> move to extragear/multimedia/k3b
 kaffeine                      -> move to extragear/kaffeine
 kblogger                      -> move to wherever kblogger lives
 kbugbuster                    -> move to kdesdk/kbugbuster
 kchart                        -> move to koffice/kchart
 kcolorchooser                 -> move to kdegraphics/kcolorchooser
 kde                           OK (KDE 3 name: actions/about_kde)
 kexi                          -> move to koffice/kexi
 kjournal                      ?? does it still exist? if no, svn rm.
                                  if yes, move to wherever it lives.
 klipper                       -> move to kdebase/klipper
 kmplayer                      -> move to extragear/multimedia/kmplayer
 knewsticker                   -> svn rm, doesn't even exist anymore
                                  to the best of jpetso's knowledge
 knotes                        -> move to kdepim/knotes
                                  (and to the notes plasmoid?)
 kolf                          -> move to kdegames/kolf
 konqueror                     OK
 kontact                       -> move to kdepim/kontact
 konversation                  -> move to extragear/network/konversation
 krita                         -> move to koffice/krita
 ksniffer                      -> move to playground/network/ksniffer
 ktip                          -> move to wherever ktip lives
 ktorrent                      -> move to extragear/network/ktorrent
 kuickshow                     -> move to wherever kuickshow lives
 kverbos                       -> move to wherever kverbos lives
 kwallet                       OK
 kword                         -> move to koffice/kword
 nepomuk                       OK
 oxygen                        OK
 okteta                        -> move to kdeutils/okteta
                                  (since 4.1)
 plasma                        OK
 plasmagik                     -> move to
 quassel                       OK, as quassel has a hicolor icon in
                                  its own sources. Moving it upstream
                                  would still be a good idea.
                                  (since 4.2)
 strigi                        OK
 wine                          OK
 xorg                          OK

To do for Oxygen

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's apps/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification.

   The icon used for the desktop's multimedia preferences.

To do for Oxygen - not in the spec

Icons that are not specified and do not currently exist as well, but are needed for KDE applications (and not blatantly obvious). Yes, I am aware that some of those are bad (if not outright evil) names. That comes from preferences-desktop-peripherals being classified in the "desktop" preferences subgroup, which is very wrong imho. We need to fix this in the spec (see the suggestions of the categories page), but until then, I stay with specification conform names.

 preferences-desktop-effect **
   The icon for the "Desktop Effects" KCM. (New in KDE 4.)

 preferences-desktop-panel **
   The icon for the "Panels" KCM.

 preferences-desktop-theme-style **
   The icon for the "Style" KCM (widget style, in "Appearance").

 preferences-system-network-discovery **
   The icon for the "Service Discovery"
   (= DNSSD / Zeroconf / Bonjour / Rendezvous) KCM.

 preferences-system-network-proxy ***
   The icon for the "Proxy" KCM. (Also exists in the Tango set.)

 preferences-system-session ***
   The icon for the "Session Manager" KCM.
   (This icon also exists in the Tango set.)

 preferences-system-splash **
   The icon for the "Splash Screen" KCM.

Optional icons

We don't absolutely need those because they are covered by fallbacks: if these icons don't exist, they've got a sensible fallback.

   The icon for the "Multiple Monitors" (aka Xinerama) KCM.

   The icon for the "Size & Orientation" KCM.

   The icon for the "KHotKeys" KCM.

   The icon for the "Multiple Desktops"
   (a.k.a. virtual desktops) KCM.

   The icon for the "Taskbar" KCM.

   The icon for the "Password & User Account" KCM.

   The icon for the "Smartcards" KCM.
   (Was "identity" in KDE 3, and is really not necessary.)

   The icon for the "Solid" KCM. (New in KDE 4.)

   The icon for the "Connection Preferences" KCM.

   The icon for the "Windows Shares" KCM.

   The icon for the "Samba Status" KCM (in KInfoCenter).

   The icon for the "Window Effects" KCM. (New in KDE 4.)

   The icon for the "Window Decorations" KCM.

   The icon for the "Window-Specific Settings" KCM.

Even more optional

Draw those only if you feel like wasting time for little outcome. I haven't got KDE 4 compiled at the moment, so I don't even know if those are visible at all.

   The icon for the KWin's "Focus" settings, which
   belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.

   The icon for the KWin's "Actions" settings, which
   belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.

   The icon for the KWin's "Moving" settings, which
   belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.

   The icon for the KWin's "Advanced" settings, which
   belong to the "Window Behaviour" KCM.

Icons in Tango, but not in the spec

We don't need to have those, but if we do they should be named this way:

   For a possible generic instant messager icon.
   *Very* optional though, as we already have branded
   Kopete and Konversation icons.

   Used in KDE 4 instead of "kmail". (Done.)

   Instead of "knode".

   For a possible generic browser icon. *Very* optional though,
   as we already have a branded Konqueror icon. (Done.)

   We already have this from the previous "korganizer" icon.

   Tango does this as preferences-desktop-accessibility
   plus an emblem-style gear icon at the lower right.
   Hardly necessary to have.

   Go Phonon go. (Done.)

   We do have proxy settings in KDE 3, this might make sense.

   The icon for the session management settings.

   KWin settings. (Done.)

   Adept, Yast, Pirut, Smart, or whatever else is out there.

   Seems to fit KUser or Guidance's "User Management" module.