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Development/Tutorials/Debugging: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Bram85 (talk | contribs)
Link to moved article, for creating good backtraces
Ochurlaud (talk | contribs)
Replaced content with "{{Moved To Community | Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging }}"
(6 intermediate revisions by 6 users not shown)
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Debugging KDE applications can be done on different levels. Most applications "talk" invisibly through debug statements while they are running. Looking at this information mostly gives you enough info to find out what went wrong. For further details, read the dedicated article about [[/Using Error Messages|error messages]].
{{Moved To Community | Guidelines_and_HOWTOs/Debugging }}
On a different level we have post-mortem debugging. This is used ''after'' an application died, probably because of a programming error. The drkonqi dialog allows you to create a '''backtrace''', and possibly find out where it went wrong.
There are debuggers like gdb which can do a lot more than just find out where it went wrong. You should read the man page of gdb to find out more, and possibly download 'kdbg', 'ddd', or 'inspire' which make gdb a lot simpler to use. Read [[/Debugging with GDB|Debugging with GDB]] for a detailed tutorial.
== Related Pages ==
* [[/Shared Memory Usage in KDE|Shared Memory Usage in KDE]]
* [[/Using Error Messages|Using error messages (kDebug)]]
* [[/Debugging with GDB|Debugging with GDB]]
* [[Development/FAQs/Debugging_FAQ|Debugging FAQ]]
* [[/How to create useful crash reports|How to create useful crash reports]]
* For information on debugging tool such as valgrind and [http://kdbg.org/ KDbg], visit the [[../../Tools|tools pages]].

Latest revision as of 09:09, 5 August 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.