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#REDIRECT [[Getting_Started/Build|Building KDE]]
series=Getting Started|
name=Building KDE4 From Source|
pre=[[../../Sources/Anonymous_SVN|Anonymous SVN Quickstart Guide]]|
next=[[../../Set_up_KDE_4_for_development|Set up KDE 4 for development]]|
reading=[http://kdesvn-build.kde.org/ kdesvn-build: The KDE From Subversion Build Tool]<br>[[../../Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts|Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts]]<br>[[Development/Tutorials/CMake |Introduction to CMake]]<br>[[../KDE4/FreeBSD|FreeBSD notes]]<br>[[../KDE4/Mac OS X|Instructions for Mac OS X]]|
== Abstract ==
This tutorial shows one way to get KDE from trunk running on Linux/BSD systems. Throughout the tutorial the bash shell is used. If you are interested in building KDE on other systems such as Solaris, MacOS or Microsoft Windows, please visit the [[../|Build]] page and see the links at the bottom for the respective operating systems.
{{warning|Expect a higher risk of build failure '''on Mondays''' when critical changes are implemented. [http://developer.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard/ Dashboard] reports unexpected breakages. You are encouraged to fix failing modules.
== Required Software ==
The following must be installed first before you can successfully complete this tutorial:
* gcc and g++ from the gcc project, preferably version 4.1 or higher
* svn, the subversion revision control client
* pkg-config
* development libraries and headers for X11, OpenGL (mesa-common-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev), libjpeg, libpng, libungif, [http://clucene.sourceforge.net/index.php/Downloads libclucene], [http://download.librdf.org/source/ librdf], libxml2 and libxslt
* the <tt>makeobj</tt> script, which is part of kdesdk. You can install it as part of kdesdk (kdesdk-scripts on Debian) or similar package, or just download it itself from [http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/makeobj WebSVN]
* the [http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/shared-mime-info shared-mime-info package], which is the freedesktop MIME standard KDE is using now
You may also want to have the following installed:
* bash
=== Kubuntu ===
In Kubuntu 7.04 (Feisty) the build dependencies you need are:
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install build-essential cdbs debhelper cmake libungif4-dev libxml2-dev libxslt1-dev libbz2-dev libclucene-dev
you can also miss out installing Qt 4.3, CMake 2.4.6 and DBus with
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install libqt4-dev-kdecopy libdbus-1-dev cmake
and for apidox
<code bash>
sudo apt-get install graphviz
=== SuSE ===
In SuSE, you can install packages using:
<code bash>
yast2 -i <packagename>
Some of the packages you need are:
xorg-x11-devel, libxml2-devel, kdesdk3
CMake binary packages for openSUSE are available from [http://software.opensuse.org/download/devel:/tools:/building/ openSUSE build service].
== Create a user account for KDE4 development ==
Some people like to have a separate user account for KDE 4 (for instance an old bug deleted files by mistake), and the instructions below were written with that approach.
However it is much more efficient to do everything with a single user account, see [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts|Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts]]
for more details.
You can still follow the instructions below, but don't put the environment variables in your <tt>.bashrc</tt>, put them in a separate file that you source to switch to the KDE 4 environment.
=== Option 1: Command Line ===
<code bash>
useradd -m kde-devel
<code bash>
useradd kde-devel
mkdir /home/kde-devel
passwd kde-devel
chown kde-devel:kde-devel /home/kde-devel 2>/dev/null || \
chown kde-devel:users /home/kde-devel
=== Option 2: Using KControl ===
Instead of using the commands above, you can also use the User module in the KDE Control Center if you already have KDE3 installed.
=== Setting up the environment ===
Copy the {{path|~/.bashrc}} from your normal user account to the new kde-devel account. Next, copy and paste the contents of the [[Getting Started/Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts/.bashrc|example .bashrc]] into {{path|~kde-devel/.bashrc}}. Be sure to comment out the line <tt>alias make=makeobj</tt> if you do not have the <tt>[[Getting Started/Build/KDE4#Required Software|makeobj]]</tt> command available.
This will provide access to commands such as <tt>cmakekde</tt> that are used in this tutorial as well as ensure that the proper paths are in place for Qt, KDE and CMake binaries.
For more information, please read the [[Getting Started/Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts]] tutorial.
=== Switching to the New User ===
Switch to the user kde-devel: (don't forget the dash)
<code bash>
su - kde-devel
The rest of this tutorial assumes you are running as the <tt>kde-devel</tt> user.
== The development user's shell ==
On some systems a new user is configured by default to use {{path|/bin/sh}}. If this is not the case on your system, you can skip this section. Using {{path|/bin/sh}} can be very inconvenient to work with and you may want to change it to {{path|/bin/bash}} or another shell.
=== Option 1: As the kde-devel user ===
If you don't have root privileges and your system supports the changing of your own shell with the <tt>chsh</tt> application, then you could try to change your shell to {{path|/bin/bash}} by using:
<code bash>
chsh -s /bin/bash kde-devel
=== Option 2: As the root user ===
If your system comes with the <tt>usermod</tt> application you can run the following command as root: <tt>usermod -s /bin/bash</tt>.
Another option is to use the <tt>vipw</tt> application as root to safely edit your {{path|/etc/passwd}}. Locate 'kde-devel' in the the file. Change '{{path|/bin/sh}}' at the end of the line to read '{{path|/bin/bash}}', save your changes and exit.
The new shell will be started automatically when you log in as the kde-devel user again.
== D-Bus ==
QtDBus and KDE are known to work with D-Bus versions 0.62, as well as 0.92 and upwards. Versions 0.60 and 0.61 may work too but are not tested. Versions 0.90 and 0.91 are known not to work. We recommend using post-1.0 release versions (at least 0.94), so consider upgrading if you haven't done so.
You may skip this section if you have a recent D-Bus version or if you don't want to upgrade.
Before running these steps in the recipe, make sure your X11 headers and libraries are available. The configure script run on line 5 should output:
Building X11 code:        yes
=== The Recipe ===
{{tip|Make sure you did set up your environment correctly as described [[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Setting_up_the_environment|above]]. This is necessary for the <tt>cs</tt> and <tt>cb</tt> functions to work.}}
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
wget http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus/dbus-1.0.2.tar.gz
tar -xvzf dbus-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd dbus-1.0.2/
./configure --prefix=$DBUSDIR --localstatedir=$KDEDIR/var
make install
dbus-uuidgen --ensure
=== What's Happening ===
After changing into the source directory (line 1), D-Bus source code is downloaded from freedesktop.org (line 2) and unpacked (line 3). After going into the newly created D-Bus directory (line 4), the build is set up using the supplied {{path|configure}} script (line 5). After building (line 6) and installing (line 7) D-Bus, we use the <tt>dbus-uuidgen</tt> tool to install a machine identification file that allows the bus to start automatically when the desktop session starts (line 8).
Note that you need write access to {{path|/var}} for the last two steps. If your system does not have the sudo command, you can use the <tt>su</tt> command instead, e.g. <tt>su -c "make install"</tt>.
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you get the error '''makeobj: command not found''' you are lacking the command <tt>[[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Required_Software|makeobj]]</tt>.
== CMake ==
Skip this if you have [http://cmake.org/ CMake] >=2.4.5 installed.
You should be able to directly use the binary packages available on the [http://www.cmake.org/HTML/Download.html CMake site]. There are also distribution specific packages available.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.4/cmake-2.4.6.tar.gz
tar zxf cmake-2.4.6.tar.gz
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
sudo make install
=== What's Happening ===
First, we go back to the <tt>kde-devel</tt> user's source directory (line 1), get the CMake sources (line 2) and unpack them (line 3). We create a directory to build CMake in (line 4) and go into it (line 5). We then run the CMake boostrap script to set up the CMake build (line 6), then make (line 7) and install it (line 8) using the root user.
If your system does not have the <tt>sudo</tt> command, you can instead do <tt>su -c "make install"</tt>.
== Qt ==
Next we need to get the Qt4 that is in KDE's source repository. KDE is guaranteed to build against any Qt 4.3. Qt 4.2 and earlier are not supported and will not work. That is still an unreleased version, so your distribution probably doesn't have packages for it. You should use the copy in the KDE Subversion servers.
=== The Recipe ===
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/qt-copy
cd qt-copy
./configure -qt-gif -no-exceptions -debug -fast \
  -prefix $QTDIR -qdbus -pch -nomake examples \
  -nomake demos
make sub-src sub-tools
# make install: only if QTDIR is not the current directory!
make install
=== What's Happening ===
We switch back to the <tt>kde-devel</tt> user's home directory (line 1) and download the source code using subversion (svn) from KDE's repository (line 2). After changing into the resulting {{path|qt-copy}} directory (line 3), we run a script that manages the patches that come with <tt>qt-copy</tt> (line 4).
Once the patches have been applied, we then set up the build using the <tt>configure</tt> script (line 5-7). The various command line options used are explained in the {{path|qt-copy/README.qt-copy}} file. Finally, we build the minimal requirements for KDE (line 8) and install (line 9-10) Qt. If you want all the example and demo applications, you can either build them individually or simply do a <tt>make</tt> from the {{path|qt-copy}} directory.
Note that the installation does not require root as it installs Qt locally into {{path|$QTDIR}}. Anyway, installation is only needed if {{path|$QTDIR}} differs from {{path|$HOME/qt-copy}}, which is not the case if you have exactly followed the instructions.
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you get "error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory", install the devel package of <tt>xorg</tt> (the actual name may vary between operating systems, for example it is <tt>xorg-dev</tt> on Ubuntu based systems such as Kubuntu).
If you get an error in the configure step about missing defines, check the value of <tt>$QMAKESPEC</tt>.  Some distributions set this to point directly to the system-installed Qt.  If <tt>unset QMAKESPEC</tt> solves the problem, you probably want to add it to the <tt>~/.bashrc</tt> script.
If you get an error ".pch/debug-shared/QtCore", this is because Qt-4.3 enables precompiled headers if your gcc supports it, but for some reason it doesn't work for you. If you use distcc, configure qt with -no-pch. If you use icecream, update to the latest icecream from svn trunk.
Try running any Qt program, like {{program|assistant}}. If it crashes in QSpanData::adjustSpanMethods, then your problem is the oxygen style. Try removing {{path|lib/kde4/plugins/styles/kstyle-oxygen.so}} and {{path|lib/kde4/plugins/styles/oxygen.so}} if they exist in the KDE install prefix.
== Strigi ==
{{warning|If you have jumped to this section without reading [[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Setting_up_the_environment|Setting Up The Environment]], '''the recipes provided will not work'''.
The recipes are not in error; <tt>cs</tt> and <tt>cb</tt> are not typos. Your environment '''needs''' to be set up correctly for these instructions to work for you.}}
The code for getting file metadata now relies on Strigi. To install Strigi you need the libraries and headers for libz, libbz2, openssl (libcrypto or libssl), libclucene (=0.9.16; version 0.9.17 does '''not''' work), and either libxml2 or libexpat.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/strigi
cd strigi
=== What's Happening ===
We change to the base source directory (line 1). We download the sources for Strigi using subversion (line 2), go into the new {{path|~/src/strigi}} directory (line 3), and commence the build (line 4). This will leave us in the strigi build directory after the build is completed.
==== TroubleShooting ====
If you get
CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
and cmake can not find them.
Please set the following variables:
you should install the development package for libxml2.
== Soprano ==
{{warning|If you have jumped to this section without reading [[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Setting_up_the_environment|Setting Up The Environment]], '''the recipes provided will not work'''.
The recipes are not in error; <tt>cs</tt> and <tt>cb</tt> are not typos. Your environment '''needs''' to be set up correctly for these instructions to work for you.}}
The code for getting file kmetadata relies on Soprano. To install Soprano you need the libraries and headers for librdf.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/soprano
cd soprano
=== What's Happening ===
We change to the base source directory (line 1). We download the sources for Soprano using subversion (line 2), go into the new {{path|~/src/soprano}} directory (line 3), and commence the build (line 4). This will leave us in the soprano build directory after the build is completed.
==== TroubleShooting ====
If you get
CMake Error: Could NOT find REDLAND
then you need librdf from the Redland.
If your distribution does not provide the librdf package, you can download the source there: [http://download.librdf.org/source/ http://download.librdf.org/source/] and build it.
== kdelibs ==
With Qt4 and Strigi built, we can now move on to building KDE's base libraries. If you use the aforementioned [[Getting Started/Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts/.bashrc|.bashrc]] this is where those new functions come in handy.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
mkdir KDE && cd KDE
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdelibs
cd kdelibs
=== What's Happening ===
We change to the base source directory (line 1) then make and go into the KDE directory (line 2). We download the sources for kdelibs using subversion (line 3), go into the new {{path|~/src/KDE/kdelibs}} directory (line 4), and commence the build (line 5). This will leave us in the <tt>kdelibs</tt> build directory after the build is completed.
{{tip|There might be missing dependencies on your system! They are easily overlooked in the output of <tt>cmakekde</tt>.
You might want to do a <tt>cmake ~/src/KDE/MODULE_NAME</tt> prior to compiling any kde modules (like kdelibs, kdepimlibs etc.)}}
=== Additional KDE-specific CMake modules ===
There are additional CMake modules in {{path|kdelibs/cmake/modules/}} that are necessary for building KDE4 applications. These will be installed for you when  kdelibs itself is installed.
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you have problems compiling kdelibs, first make sure the software in the [[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Required_Software|Required Software]] section above is installed and works. Other possible hints include:
* If the <tt>cmakekde</tt> command fails stating that CMake requires an out of source build directory, remove {{path|~/src/KDE/kdelibs/CMakeCache.txt}}, and try again.
If <tt>cmakekde</tt> still gives the same error then try this
-DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull \
make install
* If you received an error stating "Please create a separate build directory and run 'cmake path_to_kdelibs [options]' there.", then you need to change to your build directory before running cmakekde. (e.g <tt>cs KDE/kdelibs && cb && cmakekde</tt>)
* If Qt wasn't found or the wrong version of Qt was found, make sure that the qmake from the Qt you need is the first qmake in the path.
* If the problems persist, try the CMake make-option <tt>--keep-going</tt>.
* Here you need the libungif library, otherwise you will get an error message like "<tt>Could NOT find GIF</tt>".
* Qt-4.3 upgrade: if you get a link error in kjsembed talking about QScriptEngine, edit CMakeCache.txt in kdelibs and remove the lines that talk about QT_QTUITOOLS_LIBRARY, then type make again (that static library has a new dependency, and the cmake code that adds it needs to run).
* if you get <code>CMake Error: KDE Requires Qt to be built with SSL support
</code>, install openssl-devel, and re-compile QT.
== kdepimlibs ==
After <tt>kdelibs</tt>, but before ''kdebase'', you need to build and install ''kdepimlibs''.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs KDE # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs
cd kdepimlibs
=== What's Happening ===
We go into the KDE source directory (line 1), download the source code for kdepimlibs using subversion (line 2) and then go into the new {{path|~/src/KDE/kdepimlibs}} directory (line 3). We then commence the build (line 4). This will leave us in the <tt>kdepimlibs</tt> build directory after the build is completed.
== kdebase ==
You may need kdebase for some kioslaves.
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs KDE # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase
cd kdebase
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you have troubles compiling kdebase:
* Make sure you have the <tt>libxss headers</tt> installed. (Usually you got undefined references on xscreensaver objects if you haven't those headers)
* <tt>which meinproc</tt> has to deliver {{path|/home/kde-devel/kde/bin/meinproc}}
* if cmakekde can not find the path of kdepimlibs, edit the file {{path|$KDE_BUILD/kdebase/CMakeCache.txt}} and manually set <tt>KDEPIMLIBS_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=$KDE_BUILD/kdepimlibs</tt>
* if you get an error saying "Please set the following variables: X11_XTest_LIB (ADVANCED)", install the devel package of <tt>Xtst</tt>. On some systems, this is packaged separately from <tt>xext</tt> and called <tt>x11proto-xext-dev</tt> or <tt>libxtst-dev</tt>. You may also need to remove the CMakeCache.txt file in the build dir after installing the package.
* the same for "X11_Xinerama_LIB (ADVANCED)" where you will need the devel package for <tt>xinerama</tt>.
* if you get the error "Please set the following variables: FONTCONFIG_INCLUDE_DIR, FONTCONFIG_LIBRARIES (ADVANCED)", then you need to install libfontconfig
* if you get the error "CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set, and cmake can not find them. Please set the following variables: KMETADATA_LIBRARIES", you need to install soprano from kdesupport and to rebuild kdelibs
== Generating local API documentation ==
Although the API documentation for KDE is available online at [http://api.kde.org api.kde.org], it is sometimes useful to have it on your own disk, for example when you want to use [[Getting_Started/Set_up_KDE_4_for_development#KDevelop|KDevelop]] for browsing the documentation or when you are not able to be online all the time.
Be aware that generating the API documentation can take several hours and takes almost half a gigabyte of diskspace.
The generation is handled by a script in {{path|kdelibs/doc/api}}, you need <tt>doxygen</tt> to be able to run it.
To build the API documentation for kdelibs, type the following:
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs KDE # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|cs is not a typo]]
mkdir apidox
cd apidox
../kdelibs/doc/api/doxygen.sh ../kdelibs/
== Success! ==
You are now ready to start building other svn modules in the same fashion as you built kdebase, running and testing KDE4 or writing your own patches and applications.
See the [[Getting Started/Set up KDE 4 for development|Set up KDE 4 for development]] tutorial for how to start KDE 4 applications and how to use KDevelop to work on them.
[[Category:Build KDE]]

Latest revision as of 16:34, 20 March 2011