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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Development/Architecture/KDE4/Plasma}}

Plasma é o nome do novo escritorio que se proxecta para substituir a KDesktop en KDE4. Poderíase pensar que é a unión de [http://netdragon.sf.net SuperKaramba] e KDesktop, mais é máis. É un concepto completamente novo de funcionalidade e beleza.
Plasma is the name of the new desktop which replaced KDesktop in KDE4. You may think that it is a union of [http://netdragon.sf.net SuperKaramba] and KDesktop, but it's more. It's a whole concept of functionality and beauty.

A súa creación baséase na [http://doc.trolltech.com/graphicsview.html Infraestrutura de Visualización Gráfica] de Qt que se introduciu con Qt 4.2.
Its implementation is based on the Qt Graphics View Framework introduced in Qt 4.2.

Desde o punto de vista dos programadores, hai varias clases en libplasma que desenvolven funcións básicas.
From a developer point of view there are some classes in libplasma who play central roles.

* '''Corona''': extende [http://doc.trolltech.com/qgraphicsscene.html QGraphicsScene] e fornece funcións para engadir aplicacionciñas e temas de karamba.
* '''Corona''': extends {{qt|QGraphicsScene}} and provides functionality for adding applets and karamba themes.
* '''Widget''': extende [http://doc.trolltech.com/qgraphicsitem.html QGraphicsItem] e funciona como simples elementos no escritorio. Existen varios incorporados a libplasma, como iconas ou botóns.
* '''Widget''': extends {{qt|QGraphicsItem}} and works as simple elements in the desktop. There are some built-in in libplasma as icons or buttons.
* '''Applet''': extende Widget e desenvolve funcións sofisticadas como a exhibición de rss, un reloxio ou o seguimento do sistema.
* '''Applet''': extends Widget and implements sophisticated functionality as rss display, a clock or system monitoring.
* '''DataEngine''': O uso normal dun DataEngine consiste en fornecer datos para que os mostre unha aplicacionciña. Isto permite que os elementos da interface do usuario mostren todo tipo de datos.
* '''DataEngine''': The common use of a DataEngine is to provide data to an applet for display. This allows a user interface elements to show all sorts of data.

===Para ler máis===
===Further reading===
* [http://plasma.kde.org Sitio web de Plasma]
* [http://community.kde.org/Plasma Plasma community page]
* [http://plasma.kde.org Plasma homepage]
* [http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdebase-workspace-apidocs/libs/plasma/html/index.html API]
* [http://api.kde.org/4.0-api/kdebase-workspace-apidocs/libs/plasma/html/index.html API]
* [http://techbase.kde.org/Projects/Plasma Páxina de Plasma en techbase]

Latest revision as of 12:33, 9 February 2018

Plasma is the name of the new desktop which replaced KDesktop in KDE4. You may think that it is a union of SuperKaramba and KDesktop, but it's more. It's a whole concept of functionality and beauty.

Its implementation is based on the Qt Graphics View Framework introduced in Qt 4.2.

From a developer point of view there are some classes in libplasma who play central roles.

  • Corona: extends QGraphicsScene and provides functionality for adding applets and karamba themes.
  • Widget: extends QGraphicsItem and works as simple elements in the desktop. There are some built-in in libplasma as icons or buttons.
  • Applet: extends Widget and implements sophisticated functionality as rss display, a clock or system monitoring.
  • DataEngine: The common use of a DataEngine is to provide data to an applet for display. This allows a user interface elements to show all sorts of data.

Further reading