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= Satellite Map Theme based on the Sentinel 2 Mission =
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== Introduction/Motivation ==
== Sentinels Scientific Data Hub ==
=== Registering at the SciHub ===
Go to the
[https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/self-registration Registration website of the SciHub]  and enter your name, username, password, e-Mail and country. As a domain you can choose "Land" and "Research" for the usage.
Once you press the "Register" button you will receive an e-Mail which allows you to finalize your registration in the SciHub system by pressing the included link.
=== Looking for data ===
Go to the [https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/#/home SciHub website] and press the Login Button to enter it.
On the right side you can press the layers button to choose between the Hybrid, Road (OpenStreetMap) and Satellite map (Blue Marble/LandSat) for orientation.
Now we are ready to query some actual Sentinel data. In order to limit our query to useful entries we recommend these adjustments: Press the menu button on the left of the query line edit to enter the Advanced Search
* Check "Mission: Sentinel-2"
* Enter "[0 TO 10]" in the cloud coverage Section
Press the menu button again. The button will turn into a filter icon. Then enter a country name (e.g. Germany). As a result of the query you will get a list of entries. You can browse through the pages. The thumb nails give you an idea about the quality of the photographic images. You can press the "eye" button to get an enlarged version of the thumbnail and to get more information.
* images that contain an area that hasn't been included in the map theme yet
* images that ideally have no cloud cover
* images that were taken in bright light.
Once you've made a choice we suggest that you write down:
* the id of the entry (which you can retrieve by pressing the "eye" icon for the entry and copy the id from the title line.
* and the download url
Good examples are:
id:    S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160508T220612_R008_V20160508T104027_20160508T104027
url:  https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/odata/v1/Products('4658007a-76a0-455c-bb9a-d9e789b5e1e3')/$value
id:    S2A_OPER_PRD_MSIL1C_PDMC_20160508T221741_R008_V20160508T104027_20160508T104027
url:  https://scihub.copernicus.eu/dhus/odata/v1/Products('0ded3149-d971-4524-ab80-536ffc1cbb55')/$value
Now click the download link to download the tile. The download will amount to 4-7GB on average. Even if the download gets aborted in the browser it should be possible to continue the download later on.
=== Sources ===
=== Conversion / Reprojection===
=== Tiling ===
=== Deployment on the server ===

Latest revision as of 04:55, 26 October 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.