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This page present only how to build Marble on windows. There will be an other howto about using libmarblewidget in a application build for windows.
{{ Moved To Community }}
#Marble project uses CMake to manage the building process depending of your needs : operating system, build options.. So, first of all, you need to download the latest [http://www.cmake.org/cmake/resources/software.html CMake binary for windows]. Install it and don't forget during the installation to check "define cmake path in environment variables" or something like that.
#Marble is a Qt dependent application ("No way!?" "Way!!"&nbsp;:) ) so you also need Qt. Download the latest [http://qt.nokia.com/downloads Qt sdk] for windows and install it.<br>
#You have to add mingw's path and qmake's path in the environment variable. (use C:\Qt\20xx.xx.x\MinGW\bin and C:\Qt\20xx.xx.x\qt\bin )(follow those [http://www.computerhope.com/issues/ch000549.htm instructions] if needed). To check that cmake.exe, gcc.exe and qmake.exe are in your&nbsp;%PATH%&nbsp;:
##open a commandline-window (start-&gt;run program-&gt;cmd)
##run "cmake" , it should give you a help message and show you what compilation options it found
##run "gcc -v" , it should give you version info
##run "qmake" , it should give you help output
##(Hint: make sure not to add the directory&nbsp;%QT-installation-dir%/bin but rather&nbsp;%QT-installation-dir%/qt/bin, there are for some reason incompatible dll's that might lead to crashes)
##If one of those command are not known then something is wrong.
#Then check out marble's svn : <code bash>svn co svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdeedu/marble</code>
#now you can compile marble :
##open the cmd-window
##cd to the marble dir
##create a build directory (mkdir build)
##<code bash>cd build</code>
##<code bash>cmake -G "MinGW Makefiles" -DQTONLY=ON -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..</code> (add  -DWITH_DESIGNER_PLUGIN=ON if you want the MarbleWidget Plugin )
##<code bash>mingw32-make</code>
##<code bash>mingw32-make install</code>
#Now if all went well you should find marble.exe in Program Files>marble> directory.
Test it... Yeah!
Tested with CMake 2.8.1, Qt sdk 2010.02.1 (&nbsp;Qt 4.6.2&nbsp;; Qt Creator 1.3.1&nbsp;; MinGW 3.15&nbsp;; GCC4.4.0 ) and rev. 1128605 of marble

Latest revision as of 17:39, 25 October 2016

This page is now on the community wiki.