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| {{warning|This page currently just describes build with msvc-compiler. If you need qt for mingw please use the installer instead}} | | {{Moved To Community|Windows/Imported From TechBase/Build/{{#titleparts:{{PAGENAME}}||4}}}} |
| {{warning|Currently you need qt-copy from kde svn to successful compile kdelibs! Maybe a current snapshot from 4.3 also works fine.}}
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| # '''Get the Qt4 source code'''
| |
| #* Trolltech customers: get it from Trolltech. After running the exe file, the sources will be unpacked into a selected directory.
| |
| #* Open Source developers: check out ''qt-copy'' from http://websvn.kde.org/trunk/qt-copy/ with your favorite svn client. Then patch the source code with KDE's own patches first: <tt>cd qt-copy; bash apply_patches</tt>.
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| # '''Compile Qt4''' | |
| #* Trolltech customers: just start <tt>configure.exe</tt> and perform the installation.
| |
| #* Open Source developers: Get from unofficial (but legal) Qt4 patches for MSVC>=7.x from [http://sourceforge.net/project/showfiles.php?group_id=49109&package_id=165202 http://sourceforge.net/projects/qtwin/]. Make sure to use the once for qt-copy! Note that Trolltech does not provide support for these compilers, so '''do not post any question about this patch to the Trolltech's mailing list'''. The files are stored in the [http://qtwin.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/qtwin/qt-4/trunk/qtwin_patch Sourceforge SVN repository].
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| #** Unpack the file in the main Qt4 directory and apply the patches to Qt4: call <tt>installpatch4x.bat</tt> in the DOS window, or just run this batch file.
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| #** Configure Qt4: You will need openssl support - so make sure it's enabled!
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| Also make sure that configure.exe find openssl headers and libs:
| |
| <pre>
| |
| qconfigure {PLATFORM} -openssl -I "<path to openssl headers>" \
| |
| -L "<path to openssl libs>" -qdbus -I "<path to windbus headers>" \
| |
| -L "<path to windbus libs>"
| |
| </pre>
| |
| <tt>{PLATFORM}</tt> can be <tt>msvc.net</tt> for msvc .NET (2003) or <tt>msvc2005</tt> for msvc 2005.
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| This is needed to simplify path names in the future if you did not use the commercial <tt>configure.exe</tt> GUI installer:
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| <pre>
| |
| set QTDIR={your qt installation directory}
| |
| </pre>
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| | |
| '''Note:''' this (QTDIR) and the subsequent environment variables described below on this page could be set globally in the "System" applet, Advanced->Environment Variables. Optionally, if you want to have multiple configurations (e.g. Qt3 and Qt4) on the same machine and account, you can enter appropriate ''set'' commands into a single .bat file, e.g. <tt>environment.bat</tt> which you can then execute once in a new ''cmd'' shell.
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| See also alternative instructions at [http://qtnode.net/wiki?title=Qt4_with_Visual_Studio qtnode.net].
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This page is now on the community wiki.