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Projects/KDE on Solaris/OpenSolaris: Difference between revisions

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KDE on OpenSolaris is like [[Projects/KDE on Solaris]] but with some extra setup steps. There are IPS packages available intermittently, when the KDE IPS package server is up (it's a VM at the end of a DSL line - see the archives of kde-[email protected] to find it). Using OSOL as a build platform is possible, but you'll need at least one Nevada machine as well.
{{warning|The KDE on Solaris project, also KDE on OpenSolaris, was active from around the year 2000 until nearly 2014, when the remaining team members ceased active development of the KDE packages. This page should be considered mostly of historical interest, although nothing stops anyone from trying to re-start KDE packaging on a descendant of Solaris such as IllumOS.}}

== Installing KDE4 IPS packages ==
KDE on OpenSolaris is like [[Projects/KDE on Solaris]] but with some extra setup steps. There are IPS packages available intermittently.

The current KDE4 IPS package server is the machine pkg in the domain bionicmutton.org; the IPS server runs on port 10000. This is a fairly standard IPS setup. The bionicmutton domain is Adriaan's and has been previously used to serve up SysV packages as well. The IPS server is in a VirtualBox at the end of a DSL line, so it's not necessarily up or fast. Eventually we will be moving to a more convention IPS repo like pending/ or contrib/.
'''Status:''' For an overview of current issues, see the [[Projects/KDE_on_Solaris/OpenSolaris/Status|KDE4 on OpenSolaris status page]].

First you need to set up a pkg authority to be able to get packages from bionicmutton at all. The first line creates the authority; the second fetches a catalog from it and the third checks that at least one of the packages can be found. Only the first is strictly necessary.
== Effortless building of KDE 4 ==

<code bash>pfexec pkg set-authority \
* Install current Solaris (S11.1; OpenIndiana might work too). <br>Make sure you have enough memory (>=2GB) and swap (~2GB).
    -O http://<host.domain>:10000/ bionicmutton
* Make sure your user ("test" in this case) has privileges to install software etc. <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"># usermod -P "Software Installation" test</syntaxhighlight>
pfexec pkg refresh bionicmutton
* Download the Solaris Studio 12.3 tarball from http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/server-storage/solarisstudio/downloads/index.html and export its location, e.g.
pkg search -r KDEgdm-integration</code>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">export SPRO=~/Downloads/SolarisStudio12.3-solaris-x86-bin.tar.bz2</syntaxhighlight>
* Install Mercurial, the version control system. You need this to keep up-to-date with the packaging information.<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">pfexec pkg install developer/versioning/mercurial text/gnu-sed file/gnu-coreutils</syntaxhighlight>
* Now fetch the repository containing the build information.<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">hg clone https://hg.code.sf.net/p/kdesolaris/code</syntaxhighlight>
* Set-up a configuration file. Usually it's enough to just
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">cd kdesolaris-code/specs/ ; cp tools/build/config.template tools/build/config </syntaxhighlight>
* Let a script install all the dependencies and the build environment. <syntaxhighlight lang="bash"> ./tools/install-be</syntaxhighlight>
* Go for a walk, sleep, enjoy the life, as pkg is quite slow and has a lot to do (~1 hour)<br>
* When it's finished, do: <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">bash</syntaxhighlight> so that the new .bashrc is used <br>
* Run <syntaxhighlight lang="bash">cd ~/src/kde4-specs-470/specs/; make KDEgdm-integration</syntaxhighlight> to start the build (build time may grow up to 24 hours on a decent machine).
* Logout and login to your brand new KDE4.x session
* Check [[Projects/KDE_on_Solaris/OpenSolaris/Status|KDE4 on OpenSolaris status page]] for workarounds for some known issues.

Remember that KDE includes setuid code. Remember that installing packages from untrusted and unsigned third parties is insecure. Remember that the KDE codebase is huge and not extensively tested on OpenSolaris yet. Consider whether you really want to install KDE4 on the machine you're working on. Then decide to do it anyway. You will need KDEbase-apps for things like Konqueror and Konsole, and KDEgdm-integration to be able to choose KDE as a session; other KDE packages may be installed as you need them (such as KDEpim, KDEgames, etc.). There is a KDEconsolidation package as well that pulls in everything we know of.
== Installing KDE4 IPS packages ==

<code bash>pfexec pkg install KDEbase-apps \
The current KDE4 IPS package server is at http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.6.0
This is a fairly standard IPS setup. The bionicmutton domain is Adriaan's and has been previously used to serve up SysV packages as well.
The URL is changing over time, always check the forum (http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/forum.jspa?forumID=187) or IRC (#kde4-solaris) for the latest news.

After installing KDEgdm-integration, you should be able to log out and choose KDE as a session type from the login manager. Then you get a full KDE 4.1.3 desktop. On my machine with Radeon graphics it is very slow to start up and launch applications, but fairly fast after that. There is a discussion on performance tweaking on kde-discuss@opensolaris.org.
To add the kde ips repository:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">pfexec pkg set-publisher -p http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.6.0</syntaxhighlight>

Please report problems to [https://bugs.kde.org/wizard.cgi|the KDE bug tracker] with Operating System set to "Solaris". Please check for duplicates [https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&op_sys=Solaris&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=%255BBug+creation%255D&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0=] first.
Remember that KDE includes setuid code. Remember that installing packages from untrusted and unsigned third parties is insecure. Remember that the KDE codebase is huge and not extensively tested on OpenSolaris yet. Consider whether you really want to install KDE4 on the machine you're working on. Then decide to do it anyway. You will need KDEbase-apps for things like Konqueror and Konsole, and KDEgdm-integration to be able to choose KDE as a session; other KDE packages may be installed as you need them (such as KDEpim, KDEgames, etc.). There is a KDEconsolidation package as well that pulls in everything we know of.

== Building KDE4 on OpenSolaris ==
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">pfexec pkg install KDEgdm-integration</syntaxhighlight>

It is possible to build and install KDE4 on an OpenSolaris machine. It requires much more setup than on a Nevada or Solaris 10 system. You can skip at least some of the CBE setup, but you will have to install lots of other tools and headers. You need the Nevada machine (a VirtualBox will do) because you cannot install SunStudio 12 and patches on OpenSolaris; the available compiler on OpenSolaris (Sun Studio Express) '''does not work''' for KDE4.
After installing KDEgdm-integration, you should be able to log out and choose KDE as a session type from the login manager. Then you get a full KDE4 desktop. On my machine with Radeon graphics it is very slow to start up and launch applications, but fairly fast after that. There is a discussion on performance tweaking on [email protected].

=== Installing Tools ===
Please report problems to [https://bugs.kde.org/wizard.cgi|the KDE bug tracker] with Operating System set to "Solaris". Please check for duplicates [https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&op_sys=Solaris&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=%255BBug+creation%255D&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0=] first.

Set up SunStudio 12 ('''not Studio Express''') and patch it up as described on the [[Projects/KDE on Solaris]] page. Tar that up and then extract it on your OpenSolaris machine. This will give you /opt/SUNWspro. Leave that alone.
== Installing KDE4 IPS packages ==

You will also need to install more development tools with the following package installation command:
The current KDE4 IPS package server is at http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.5.3
<code bash>
This is a fairly standard IPS setup. The bionicmutton domain is Adriaan's and has been previously used to serve up SysV packages as well.
pfexec pkg install SUNWmercurial \
The URL is changing over time, always check the forum (http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/forum.jspa?forumID=187) or IRC (#kde4-solaris) for the latest news.
    SUNWgmake \
    SUNWcurl \
    SUNWgnu-automake-110 \
    SUNWaconf \

And now you need more bits and pieces. The easiest way I've found it to install Studio Express because it drags in whatever it is, and then uninstall Studio Express because you don't really want it.
To add the kde ips repository:
<code bash>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">pfexec pkg set-publisher -p http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.5.3</syntaxhighlight>
pfexec pkg install sunstudioexpress
pfexec pkg uninstall sunstudioexpress

=== Installing Headers ===
Remember that KDE includes setuid code. Remember that installing packages from untrusted and unsigned third parties is insecure. Remember that the KDE codebase is huge and not extensively tested on OpenSolaris yet. Consider whether you really want to install KDE4 on the machine you're working on. Then decide to do it anyway. You will need KDEbase-apps for things like Konqueror and Konsole, and KDEgdm-integration to be able to choose KDE as a session; other KDE packages may be installed as you need them (such as KDEpim, KDEgames, etc.). There is a KDEconsolidation package as well that pulls in everything we know of.

OpenSolaris ships without many of the headers you will need, instead packaging them separately (like the -devel packages in Linux, but with less-consistent naming). You will need at least the following:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">pfexec pkg install KDEgdm-integration</syntaxhighlight>
<code bash>pfexec pkg install SUNWhea \
    SUNWaudh \
    SUNWsfwhea \

=== Installing Other Dependencies ===
After installing KDEgdm-integration, you should be able to log out and choose KDE as a session type from the login manager. Then you get a full KDE4 desktop. On my machine with Radeon graphics it is very slow to start up and launch applications, but fairly fast after that. There is a discussion on performance tweaking on [email protected].

Although the build will warn you about them much later, you should install the following dependencies (which will also pull in headers) now.
Please report problems to [https://bugs.kde.org/wizard.cgi|the KDE bug tracker] with Operating System set to "Solaris". Please check for duplicates [https://bugs.kde.org/buglist.cgi?query_format=advanced&short_desc_type=allwordssubstr&short_desc=&long_desc_type=allwordssubstr&long_desc=&bug_file_loc_type=allwordssubstr&bug_file_loc=&keywords_type=allwords&keywords=&bug_status=UNCONFIRMED&bug_status=NEW&bug_status=ASSIGNED&bug_status=REOPENED&op_sys=Solaris&emailtype1=substring&email1=&emailtype2=substring&email2=&bugidtype=include&bug_id=&votes=&chfieldfrom=&chfieldto=Now&chfieldvalue=&cmdtype=doit&order=Reuse+same+sort+as+last+time&field0-0-0=%255BBug+creation%255D&type0-0-0=noop&value0-0-0=] first.
<code bash>
pfexec pkg install SUNWmysql5 \
    SUNWlibmng \
    SUNWgnu-gettext \
    SUNWgnu-libiconv \
    SUNWiconv-unicode \
    SUNWperl-xml-parser \
    SUNWGtk \
    SUNWicu \
=== Configuring Paths ===
For consistency, let's set up some standard directories in your home directory. Then we need to set up your build environment -- in this example by adding to your .bash_profile, but you may want to do that differently.
<code bash>
mkdir ~/src ~/bin ~/packages
cat >> ~/.bash_profile
export CC CXX MAKE
Don't worry that /opt/dtbld doesn't exist yet. We'll create it shortly. Note that we are adding the Studio12 paths to your environment and also ~/bin, which we will use to override some of the system path defaults.
=== Installing CBE Components ===
Next, we'll fetch sources for pkgtool and build it. The pkgtool program is used to build SysV packages and is part of the CBE (Common Build Environment). We won't be building all of the CBE, though.
<code bash>cd ~/src
wget http://ovh.dl.sourceforge.net/sourceforge/pkgbuild/pkgbuild-1.3.3.tar.bz2
gtar xvjf pkgbuild-1.3.3.tar.bz2
cd pkgbuild-1.3.3
./configure --prefix=/opt/dtbld
# Lots of output snipped
# Not much output snipped
pfexec make install
# More output snipped
pfexec chgrp bin /opt/dtbld/{bin,lib}
Check if /opt/dtbld/bin/pkgtool will run; for instance pkgtool --help should do the trick. You can remove ~/src/pkgbuild-1.3.3* now. You need to fix up the groups on bin and lib or the next installations will fail -- suspended for administrative reasons.
Next up we will install some other CBE components, using KDE's copy of their specfiles. We need to get the KDE specfile repository for this, though:
<code bash>cd ~/src
hg clone http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/hg/kde4-specs-dev
cd kde4-specs-dev/specs
gmake CBEcmake CBEyasm
This will build and install cmake 2.6.2 and yasm into /opt/dtbld. The cmake is newer than what CBE 1.7.0 will deliver; yasm is the same as CBE yasm.
=== Installing the Rest ===
You will need to put some symlinks into your ~/bin (or switch around your PATH, but I think using symlinks is safer). There is a target check-version that will check the versions of installed components and what's in your path and print out a report. Something like this:
<code bash>
$ make check-version
! $AUTOMAKE is unset and automake is not in your PATH.
!  Make sure an automake is available (CBEautomake).
! install is not GNU install; make sure GNU install
!  is in your path and can be called as "install"
! System will probably not compile properly.
!  hit ^C now to abort compilation.
It's a good idea to listen to what check-version prints, because it will save you from mysterious compile failures much later. To solve typical problems, we add symlinks in ~/bin as follows:
<code bash>
cd ~/bin
ln -s `which automake-1.10` automake
ln -s `which aclocal-1.10` aclocal
ln -s `which ginstall` install
ln -s `which gmake` make
for i in autoconf autoheader autom4te autoreconf
    ln -s `which $i` $i
=== Configuring the Build ===
All of the build action happens in ~/src/kde4-specs-dev/specs, and packages and other build things happen in ~/packages; the latter is configurable through pkgtool's ~/.pkgtoolrc and the former is where you checked out the sources. You still need to configure the build to make it an OpenSolaris build instead of a regular one; the difference is:
- A regular build builds '''all''' of the dependencies in /opt/foss, including many duplicates of packages already installed on the system.
- An OSOL build uses as many of the installed system packages as is feasible.
To configure for OSOL, do the following:
<code bash>
cd ~/src/kde4-specs-dev/specs
cat > Makefile.config
PKGTOOL_ARGS=--without-64 --with-osol
This suppresses 64-bit builds (of limited use if your interest is only KDE, which is going to be built in 32-bit mode anyway) and changes the dependencies to OSOL style. For documentation on what can go in Makefile.config, see the Makefile.
Now do a test build of a single package, to see if things work a little:
<code bash>
make FOSShier
=== Building KDE in Four Big Steps ===
To break down the build into a few somewhat manageable steps, we distinguish
Qt, KDEgdm-integration, BOOST and KDEconsolidation. Build them in turn:
<code bash>
cd ~/src/kde4-specs-dev/specs
make FOSSqt
make KDEgdm-integration
make FOSSboost
make KDEconsolidation
Those will pull in the dependencies they need one-by-one. It can take a long time to download and build it all; count on about a day on a modern desktop. Look in Makefile.templates for other interesting targets.
== Creating KDE4 IPS packages ==
If you want to create your own IPS packages (in order to test them before contributing them to OpenSolaris contrib repo eventually, maybe), you will need to follow a series of steps:
=== Enabling your own IPS repo ===
You will need a IPS repository running in your machine up & running:
<code bash>
pfexec svccfg -s pkg/server "setprop pkg/port=10000"
pfexec svcadm refresh pkg/server
pfexec svcadm enable pkg/server
Once you have your own IPS repo listening in localhost, you will need to recognize it as a valid authority from where to install packages:
<code bash>
pfexec pkg set-authority -O http://localhost:10000 localrepo
You can check that it's configured properly if it appears as a valid IPS repo:
<code bash>
pkg authority
# Some other repos
localrepo                          http://localhost:10000/
=== Creating the IPS packages and commiting them to the repo ===
To create the IPS packages, you can use the ips-$PACKAGE target of make, using the following format (for the case of FOSShier):
<code bash>
make ips-FOSShier
One tool you can use to find out what the direct or indirect dependencies are
for a package is 'show-missing' which is a target in tools/Makefile.admin:
<code bash>
make -f tools/Makefile.admin show-missing TARGET=KDElibs
== Troubleshooting ==
=== OSOL System Issues ===
Swap - If the build dies claiming fbe is out of free space, it is likely that your swap is too small.  About 1 Gb should be fine, but 2 Gb is recommended.  To set your swap size to 2 Gb, execute the following as root, replacing 'rpool/swap' with the location of your swap partition, given by 'zfs list':
<code bash>
zfs set volsize=2G rpool/swap
Reboot afterward, as the change may not register immediately with the kernel.

Latest revision as of 20:47, 28 July 2015

The KDE on Solaris project, also KDE on OpenSolaris, was active from around the year 2000 until nearly 2014, when the remaining team members ceased active development of the KDE packages. This page should be considered mostly of historical interest, although nothing stops anyone from trying to re-start KDE packaging on a descendant of Solaris such as IllumOS.

KDE on OpenSolaris is like Projects/KDE on Solaris but with some extra setup steps. There are IPS packages available intermittently.

Status: For an overview of current issues, see the KDE4 on OpenSolaris status page.

Effortless building of KDE 4

export SPRO=~/Downloads/SolarisStudio12.3-solaris-x86-bin.tar.bz2
  • Install Mercurial, the version control system. You need this to keep up-to-date with the packaging information.
    pfexec pkg install developer/versioning/mercurial text/gnu-sed file/gnu-coreutils
  • Now fetch the repository containing the build information.
    hg clone https://hg.code.sf.net/p/kdesolaris/code
  • Set-up a configuration file. Usually it's enough to just
cd kdesolaris-code/specs/ ; cp tools/build/config.template tools/build/config
  • Let a script install all the dependencies and the build environment.
  • Go for a walk, sleep, enjoy the life, as pkg is quite slow and has a lot to do (~1 hour)
  • When it's finished, do:
    so that the new .bashrc is used
  • Run
    cd ~/src/kde4-specs-470/specs/; make KDEgdm-integration
    to start the build (build time may grow up to 24 hours on a decent machine).
  • Logout and login to your brand new KDE4.x session
  • Check KDE4 on OpenSolaris status page for workarounds for some known issues.

Installing KDE4 IPS packages

The current KDE4 IPS package server is at http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.6.0 This is a fairly standard IPS setup. The bionicmutton domain is Adriaan's and has been previously used to serve up SysV packages as well. The URL is changing over time, always check the forum (http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/forum.jspa?forumID=187) or IRC (#kde4-solaris) for the latest news.

To add the kde ips repository:

pfexec pkg set-publisher -p http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.6.0

Remember that KDE includes setuid code. Remember that installing packages from untrusted and unsigned third parties is insecure. Remember that the KDE codebase is huge and not extensively tested on OpenSolaris yet. Consider whether you really want to install KDE4 on the machine you're working on. Then decide to do it anyway. You will need KDEbase-apps for things like Konqueror and Konsole, and KDEgdm-integration to be able to choose KDE as a session; other KDE packages may be installed as you need them (such as KDEpim, KDEgames, etc.). There is a KDEconsolidation package as well that pulls in everything we know of.

pfexec pkg install KDEgdm-integration

After installing KDEgdm-integration, you should be able to log out and choose KDE as a session type from the login manager. Then you get a full KDE4 desktop. On my machine with Radeon graphics it is very slow to start up and launch applications, but fairly fast after that. There is a discussion on performance tweaking on [email protected].

Please report problems to KDE bug tracker with Operating System set to "Solaris". Please check for duplicates [1] first.

Installing KDE4 IPS packages

The current KDE4 IPS package server is at http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.5.3 This is a fairly standard IPS setup. The bionicmutton domain is Adriaan's and has been previously used to serve up SysV packages as well. The URL is changing over time, always check the forum (http://www.opensolaris.org/jive/forum.jspa?forumID=187) or IRC (#kde4-solaris) for the latest news.

To add the kde ips repository:

pfexec pkg set-publisher -p http://solaris.bionicmutton.org/pkg/4.5.3

Remember that KDE includes setuid code. Remember that installing packages from untrusted and unsigned third parties is insecure. Remember that the KDE codebase is huge and not extensively tested on OpenSolaris yet. Consider whether you really want to install KDE4 on the machine you're working on. Then decide to do it anyway. You will need KDEbase-apps for things like Konqueror and Konsole, and KDEgdm-integration to be able to choose KDE as a session; other KDE packages may be installed as you need them (such as KDEpim, KDEgames, etc.). There is a KDEconsolidation package as well that pulls in everything we know of.

pfexec pkg install KDEgdm-integration

After installing KDEgdm-integration, you should be able to log out and choose KDE as a session type from the login manager. Then you get a full KDE4 desktop. On my machine with Radeon graphics it is very slow to start up and launch applications, but fairly fast after that. There is a discussion on performance tweaking on [email protected].

Please report problems to KDE bug tracker with Operating System set to "Solaris". Please check for duplicates [2] first.