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Plasma/Svg: fixed Plasma Theme link
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Line 1: Line 1:
{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Development/Tutorials/Plasma/GettingStarted}}


series=Plasma Tutorial|
series=[[Development/Tutorials/Plasma|Plasma Tutorial]]|

name=Creating your first Plasmoid|

pre=[http://mindview.net/Books/TICPP/ThinkingInCPP2e.html C++], [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/ Qt], [[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4|KDE4开发环境]]|
pre=[http://stackoverflow.com/questions/388242/the-definitive-c-book-guide-and-list C++], [http://www.trolltech.com/products/qt/ Qt], [[Getting_Started/Build|KDE4 development environment]]|


This tutorial needs KDE 4.2 (or newer) to build.
We are going to create a simple plasmoid in this tutorial. To keep things simple, we will only create a static plasmoid which will contain the following items:

* An SVG Image
本教程是基于KDE 4.2 (主干)的。
* Icon
* Some nice text
* 一个SVG图像
* 图标
* 一些文字


== 代码 ==
== The Code ==
=== .desktop文件 ===
=== The .desktop file ===
Every Plasmoid needs a .desktop file to tell plasma how it should be started and what name it carries.  

<code ini>
<syntaxhighlight lang="ini">
[Desktop Entry]
[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tutorial 1
Name=Tutorial 1
Line 37: Line 36:

X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Bas Grolleman
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Bas Grolleman

最重要的字段就是 '''X-KDE-Library''''''X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name''', 它们是Plasma和你那些类之间的"胶水",没有他们,什么都启动不了。对'''X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category''', 详见[[Projects/Plasma/PIG | PIG]].
The most important bits are the '''X-KDE-Library''' and '''X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name''', they are the "glue" between your class and plasma, without it, nothing will start.  For '''X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category''', refer to the [[Projects/Plasma/PIG | PIG]].

=== 头文件 ===
=== The header file ===
This is the example header file. Comments have been added in the code for clarity.

<code cppqt>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp-qt">
// Here we avoid loading the header multiple times
#ifndef Tutorial1_HEADER
#ifndef Tutorial1_HEADER
#define Tutorial1_HEADER
#define Tutorial1_HEADER
//添加Plasma Applet头文件
// We need the Plasma Applet headers
#include <KIcon>
#include <KIcon>
Line 66: Line 65:
class QSizeF;
class QSizeF;
//定义自己的Plasma Applet
// Define our plasma Applet
class PlasmaTutorial1 : public Plasma::Applet
class PlasmaTutorial1 : public Plasma::Applet
         // 构造函数/析构函数
         // Basic Create/Destroy
         PlasmaTutorial1(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
         PlasmaTutorial1(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
         // paintInterface:画出屏幕
         // The paintInterface procedure paints the applet to screen
         void paintInterface(QPainter *painter,
         void paintInterface(QPainter *p,
                 const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                 const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                 const QRect& contentsRect);
                 const QRect& contentsRect);
Line 85: Line 84:
         KIcon m_icon;
         KIcon m_icon;

==== QRectF boundingRect() ====
<tt>boundingRect()</tt> 函数告诉Plasma这Plasmoid的实际大小。我们要知道他在屏幕上有多大。

==== void paintInterface(QRectF contentsRect) ====
==== void paintInterface(QRectF contentsRect) ====
This can be considered the main function since it paints the plasmoid on to the screen. Here, you define how you want your plasmoid to look.
You should only paint in the boundaries defined by contentsRect and avoid using geometry(). When a plasmoid does not have a standard background, e.g. when it's disabled with a setBackgroundHints() call or it's in the panel, geometry() and boundingRect() behave the same; however, when the standard background is enabled (the usual case), the applet will have a margin where it should not be painted

=== 实际文件 ===
=== The actual work file ===
Here is the body of the function, again with a lot of comments in between.

<code cppqt>
<syntaxhighlight lang="cpp-qt">
#include "plasma-tutorial1.h"
#include "plasma-tutorial1.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QPainter>
Line 112: Line 107:
#include <plasma/svg.h>
#include <plasma/svg.h>
#include <plasma/theme.h>
#include <plasma/theme.h>
// 把.desktop文件与你的小程序相连的命令行
K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET(tutorial1, PlasmaTutorial1)

Line 123: Line 115:
     // 有缺省标准背景,免费
     // this will get us the standard applet background, for free!
     resize(200, 200);
     resize(200, 200);
Line 132: Line 124:
     if (hasFailedToLaunch()) {
     if (hasFailedToLaunch()) {
         // 清除工作
         // Do some cleanup here
     } else {
     } else {
         // 保存设置
         // Save settings
Line 141: Line 133:
     // A small demonstration of the setFailedToLaunch function
     if (m_icon.isNull()) {
     if (m_icon.isNull()) {
         setFailedToLaunch(true, "没地方说你好!");
         setFailedToLaunch(true, "No world to say hello");
Line 154: Line 146:
     // Now we draw the applet, starting with our svg
     m_svg.resize((int)contentsRect.width(), (int)contentsRect.height());
     m_svg.resize((int)contentsRect.width(), (int)contentsRect.height());
     m_svg.paint(p, (int)contentsRect.left(), (int)contentsRect.top());
     m_svg.paint(p, (int)contentsRect.left(), (int)contentsRect.top());
     // 放置图表和文字
     // We place the icon and text
     p->drawPixmap(7, 0, m_icon.pixmap((int)contentsRect.width(),(int)contentsRect.width()-14));
     p->drawPixmap(7, 0, m_icon.pixmap((int)contentsRect.width(),(int)contentsRect.width()-14));
Line 164: Line 156:
                 Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter,
                 Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter,
                 "Hello Plasmoid!");
// This is the command that links your applet to the .desktop file
K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET(tutorial1, PlasmaTutorial1)
#include "plasma-tutorial1.moc"
#include "plasma-tutorial1.moc"

==== K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET ( <name>, <class> ) ====
==== K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET ( <name>, <class> ) ====
这是个很小但是很重要的部分,它把你的小程序名字和路径跟.desktop文件中的连接起来。 如果你的小程序没有加载,那也许你的申明和.desktop文件有差异。
This is a small but very important part that links your classname to the applet name in the .desktop file. If your applet doesn't seem to get loaded, there may be a difference between this declaration and your .desktop file

K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET会加上"plasma_applet_", 在设置.desktop文件时要格外小心,不要有差错。
The K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET adds "plasma_applet_", please pay attention to this when setting up your .desktop file to avoid a name difference

==== Plasma/SVG ====
==== Plasma/Svg ====
As you can see in the example code we are using the {{class|Plasma::Svg}} object, there are some important things to note here.

我们使相对路径 '''widgets/background''',这样就会{{class|Plasma::Svg}}运用{运行(KDE应用就知道新的桌面文件了)。
First we're using a relative path '''widgets/background''' which causes {{class|Plasma::Svg}} to use {{class|Plasma::Theme}} to locate the SVG data. While {{class|Plasma::Svg}} does support loading arbitrary files when passed an absolute path, use relative paths from the theme as often as possible as it makes Plasma skinable and the individual plasmoids look like a combined whole instead of a group of separate unrelated applications. You can see a list of available image components on the [[Development/Tutorials/Plasma4/ThemeDetails|Plasma Theme page]].

各种模式, {{class|Plasma::Svg}}可以只画出SVG文件中的一部分,根据SVG文件中的一个元素。举例来说,如果打开主题自带的clock.svg文件,里面有好些东西,3个指针(小时,分,秒) 和表面(玻璃框)。SVG文件可以把所有的内容都放在一个文件里,这远比用五个单独文件一个个叠加要好得多,而且渲染一个SVG文件的性能远比从系统中读取多个文件要好得多。
In either mode, {{class|Plasma::Svg}} can be used to draw a subset of the SVG file by passing it an element id that appears in the SVG document. As a good example, if you open the clock.svg file that ships with the default theme, you will see that it has a background, 3 needles (hour, minute and seconds) and a foreground (the glass). Due to the ability to put all the elements in one file the SVG file shows a clock. This is much nicer for artists compared to editing 5 separate files that they have to imagine on top of each other, and much nicer for performance as only one SVG renderer and one file read from disk is necessary.

==== setBackgroundHints(DefaultBackground) ====
==== setBackgroundHints(DefaultBackground) ====
Since drawing a background is a common function there is a fast and easier way of doing it. By adding <tt>setBackgroundHints(DefaultBackground)</tt> to the code, the default Plasma background gets drawn behind your plasmoid. This not only saves you time and code, but creates a more consistent presentation for the user.

==== init()方法 ====
==== The init() method ====
In the constructor you only tell plasma about the background and configuration file if any. You also set the start size in the constructor. After that, plasma will take care of any resizing and you never have to worry about size. In the <tt>init()</tt> method you initialize everything that needs to be initialized such as reading config data for example.

==== hasFailedToLaunch() ====
==== hasFailedToLaunch() ====
如果因为某些原因,小程序没能正常启动 (类库每家在,硬件不支持等..),这个方法就会返回真。用这个方法可以在推出前清理现场。
If for some reason, the applet fails to get up on its feet (the library couldn't be loaded, necessary hardware support wasn't found, etc..) this method returns true. Using this function gives your application a chance to cleanup before quiting.

==== setFailedToLaunch(bool, QString) ====
==== setFailedToLaunch(bool, QString) ====
When your application is unable to start, this function allows you to inform Plasma and give an optional reason why. Plasma will then draw a standardized error interface to inform the user of the situation and your applet will not be called upon to do any drawing on its own from that point forward. If your plasmoid becomes more complex and depends on multiple factors this is the nicest way to cleanup.

==== dataUpdated ====
==== dataUpdated(const QString &source, const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &data) ====
If you would like to connect to any of Plasma's DataEngines, you can implement the dataUpdated method in your Plasmoid. When a DataEngine is connected directly to your Applet subclass, dataUpdated will be called when the DataEngine sends you updated data.

==== 确定小程序的大小和位置:geometry()和contentsRect() ====
==== Determine the applet size and geometry: geometry() and contentsRect() ====
如果在小程序里要知道当前的大小和位置,调用contentsRect()和contentsRect().size()。避免使用geometry()和size(),因为他们没有把背景边框计算在内。同样要避免使用小程序的绝对值,如避免用QPoint(0, 0)表示左上角,可以用contentsRect().topLeft()
If you need to know, in your applet code, what the applet size and geometry is, call contentsRect() and contentsRect().size(). Avoid calling geometry() and size() because they don't take into account the margin's size set by the applets default background.
Also avoid using absolute numbers to position items in the applet like QPoint(0, 0) to indicate the top-left point of your applet, instead use contentsRect().topLeft().

=== 全部联编,CMakeLists.txt文件 ===
=== Building it all, the CMakeLists.txt ===
Finally, to put everything together you need to build everything. To tell cmake what needs to go where there is the CMakeLists.txt file.  

For more details on CMake please read [[Development/Tutorials/CMake]]

<code bash>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
# Project Needs a name ofcourse

# Find the required Libaries
find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)
Line 224: Line 219:

# We add our source code here
set(tutorial1_SRCS plasma-tutorial1.cpp)
set(tutorial1_SRCS plasma-tutorial1.cpp)

# 确保所有文件都个就其位
# Now make sure all files get to the right place
kde4_add_plugin(plasma_applet_tutorial1 ${tutorial1_SRCS})
kde4_add_plugin(plasma_applet_tutorial1 ${tutorial1_SRCS})
Line 237: Line 232:
install(FILES plasma-applet-tutorial1.desktop
install(FILES plasma-applet-tutorial1.desktop

== 测试小程序 ==
== Testing the Applet ==
如果你的开发环境和你的测试环境不一致,,运行cmake时要加上 -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/usr/lib/kde4/ (或用你的$KDEDIR替换掉)。然后执行。成功的话,这个小程序就可以用"sudo make install"安装运行了,或
If your current Development Environment differs from the Test Installation, you have to run cmake with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`. Then run make. If succesfull the applet can be installed by running sudo make install
* cp ./lib/plasma_applet_tutorial1.so $KDEDIR/lib/kde4  
* cp ./plasma-applet-tutorial1.desktop $KDEDIR/share/kde4/services/

* cp ./lib/plasma_applet_tutorial1.so $KDEDIR/lib
and run kbuildsycoca4 (so that KDE apps will know about the new desktop files).
* cp ./plaand run kbuildsycoca4 a-applet-tutorial1.desktop $KDEDIR/share/kde4/services/
In order to test your Applet you can use the '''plasmoidviewer''' program:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
kbuildsycoca4 #Needed once to let KDE know there is a new plugin
<code bash>
plasmoidviewer applet_name
plasmoidviewer applet_name
You can even view your Applet in a small desktop using plasmoidviewer:
<code bash>
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
plasmoidviewer -c desktop applet_name
plasmoidviewer -c desktop applet_name
Where '''applet_name''' is the value specified into .desktop for the '''X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name''' key.
Otherwise you can restart plasma, so the Applet will be displayed in the Applet Browser:
<syntaxhighlight lang="bash">
kquitapp plasma-desktop

If that doesn't work you will have to restart your KDE session by logging out and back in. Or try to set export KDEDIRS=/usr/local:'kde4-config --prefix' and run kbuildsycoca4 again

== Wow that was fun! ==
kquitapp plasma # in trunk (KDE4.3): kquitapp plasma-desktop
plasma          # in trunk (KDE4.3): plasma-desktop

如果还不行的话,重启KDE会话。或者设置"export KDEDIRS=/usr/local:'kde4-config --prefix'"再重新运行kbuildsycoca4。
Now that you made your first C++ Plasmoid, if you would like to continue down the path of enlightenment, check out: [[Development/Tutorials/Plasma/GettingStarted..Some_More]]

Latest revision as of 10:12, 22 December 2014

Creating your first Plasmoid
Tutorial Series   Plasma Tutorial
Previous   C++, Qt, KDE4 development environment
What's Next   Development/Tutorials/Plasma/GettingStarted..Some_More
Further Reading   CMake


This tutorial needs KDE 4.2 (or newer) to build. We are going to create a simple plasmoid in this tutorial. To keep things simple, we will only create a static plasmoid which will contain the following items:

  • An SVG Image
  • Icon
  • Some nice text

The Code

The .desktop file

Every Plasmoid needs a .desktop file to tell plasma how it should be started and what name it carries.


[Desktop Entry]
Name=Tutorial 1
Comment=Plasma Tutorial 1

X-KDE-PluginInfo-Author=Bas Grolleman
X-KDE-PluginInfo-Email=[email protected]

The most important bits are the X-KDE-Library and X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name, they are the "glue" between your class and plasma, without it, nothing will start. For X-KDE-PluginInfo-Category, refer to the PIG.

The header file

This is the example header file. Comments have been added in the code for clarity.


// Here we avoid loading the header multiple times
#ifndef Tutorial1_HEADER
#define Tutorial1_HEADER
// We need the Plasma Applet headers
#include <KIcon>
#include <Plasma/Applet>
#include <Plasma/Svg>
class QSizeF;
// Define our plasma Applet
class PlasmaTutorial1 : public Plasma::Applet
        // Basic Create/Destroy
        PlasmaTutorial1(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args);
        // The paintInterface procedure paints the applet to screen
        void paintInterface(QPainter *p,
                const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option,
                const QRect& contentsRect);
	void init();

        Plasma::Svg m_svg;
        KIcon m_icon;


void paintInterface(QRectF contentsRect)

This can be considered the main function since it paints the plasmoid on to the screen. Here, you define how you want your plasmoid to look. You should only paint in the boundaries defined by contentsRect and avoid using geometry(). When a plasmoid does not have a standard background, e.g. when it's disabled with a setBackgroundHints() call or it's in the panel, geometry() and boundingRect() behave the same; however, when the standard background is enabled (the usual case), the applet will have a margin where it should not be painted

The actual work file

Here is the body of the function, again with a lot of comments in between.


#include "plasma-tutorial1.h"
#include <QPainter>
#include <QFontMetrics>
#include <QSizeF>
#include <plasma/svg.h>
#include <plasma/theme.h>

PlasmaTutorial1::PlasmaTutorial1(QObject *parent, const QVariantList &args)
    : Plasma::Applet(parent, args),
    // this will get us the standard applet background, for free!
    resize(200, 200);

    if (hasFailedToLaunch()) {
        // Do some cleanup here
    } else {
        // Save settings

void PlasmaTutorial1::init()
    // A small demonstration of the setFailedToLaunch function
    if (m_icon.isNull()) {
        setFailedToLaunch(true, "No world to say hello");
void PlasmaTutorial1::paintInterface(QPainter *p,
        const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, const QRect &contentsRect)
    // Now we draw the applet, starting with our svg
    m_svg.resize((int)contentsRect.width(), (int)contentsRect.height());
    m_svg.paint(p, (int)contentsRect.left(), (int)contentsRect.top());
    // We place the icon and text
    p->drawPixmap(7, 0, m_icon.pixmap((int)contentsRect.width(),(int)contentsRect.width()-14));
                Qt::AlignBottom | Qt::AlignHCenter,
                "Hello Plasmoid!");

// This is the command that links your applet to the .desktop file
K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET(tutorial1, PlasmaTutorial1)
#include "plasma-tutorial1.moc"

K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET ( <name>, <class> )

This is a small but very important part that links your classname to the applet name in the .desktop file. If your applet doesn't seem to get loaded, there may be a difference between this declaration and your .desktop file

The K_EXPORT_PLASMA_APPLET adds "plasma_applet_", please pay attention to this when setting up your .desktop file to avoid a name difference


As you can see in the example code we are using the Plasma::Svg object, there are some important things to note here.

First we're using a relative path widgets/background which causes Plasma::Svg to use Plasma::Theme to locate the SVG data. While Plasma::Svg does support loading arbitrary files when passed an absolute path, use relative paths from the theme as often as possible as it makes Plasma skinable and the individual plasmoids look like a combined whole instead of a group of separate unrelated applications. You can see a list of available image components on the Plasma Theme page.

In either mode, Plasma::Svg can be used to draw a subset of the SVG file by passing it an element id that appears in the SVG document. As a good example, if you open the clock.svg file that ships with the default theme, you will see that it has a background, 3 needles (hour, minute and seconds) and a foreground (the glass). Due to the ability to put all the elements in one file the SVG file shows a clock. This is much nicer for artists compared to editing 5 separate files that they have to imagine on top of each other, and much nicer for performance as only one SVG renderer and one file read from disk is necessary.


Since drawing a background is a common function there is a fast and easier way of doing it. By adding setBackgroundHints(DefaultBackground) to the code, the default Plasma background gets drawn behind your plasmoid. This not only saves you time and code, but creates a more consistent presentation for the user.

The init() method

In the constructor you only tell plasma about the background and configuration file if any. You also set the start size in the constructor. After that, plasma will take care of any resizing and you never have to worry about size. In the init() method you initialize everything that needs to be initialized such as reading config data for example.


If for some reason, the applet fails to get up on its feet (the library couldn't be loaded, necessary hardware support wasn't found, etc..) this method returns true. Using this function gives your application a chance to cleanup before quiting.

setFailedToLaunch(bool, QString)

When your application is unable to start, this function allows you to inform Plasma and give an optional reason why. Plasma will then draw a standardized error interface to inform the user of the situation and your applet will not be called upon to do any drawing on its own from that point forward. If your plasmoid becomes more complex and depends on multiple factors this is the nicest way to cleanup.

dataUpdated(const QString &source, const Plasma::DataEngine::Data &data)

If you would like to connect to any of Plasma's DataEngines, you can implement the dataUpdated method in your Plasmoid. When a DataEngine is connected directly to your Applet subclass, dataUpdated will be called when the DataEngine sends you updated data.

Determine the applet size and geometry: geometry() and contentsRect()

If you need to know, in your applet code, what the applet size and geometry is, call contentsRect() and contentsRect().size(). Avoid calling geometry() and size() because they don't take into account the margin's size set by the applets default background. Also avoid using absolute numbers to position items in the applet like QPoint(0, 0) to indicate the top-left point of your applet, instead use contentsRect().topLeft().

Building it all, the CMakeLists.txt

Finally, to put everything together you need to build everything. To tell cmake what needs to go where there is the CMakeLists.txt file.

For more details on CMake please read Development/Tutorials/CMake

# Project Needs a name ofcourse

# Find the required Libaries
find_package(KDE4 REQUIRED)

add_definitions (${QT_DEFINITIONS} ${KDE4_DEFINITIONS})

# We add our source code here
set(tutorial1_SRCS plasma-tutorial1.cpp)

# Now make sure all files get to the right place
kde4_add_plugin(plasma_applet_tutorial1 ${tutorial1_SRCS})
                      ${KDE4_PLASMA_LIBS} ${KDE4_KDEUI_LIBS})

install(TARGETS plasma_applet_tutorial1

install(FILES plasma-applet-tutorial1.desktop

Testing the Applet

If your current Development Environment differs from the Test Installation, you have to run cmake with -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=`kde4-config --prefix`. Then run make. If succesfull the applet can be installed by running sudo make install or

  • cp ./lib/plasma_applet_tutorial1.so $KDEDIR/lib/kde4
  • cp ./plasma-applet-tutorial1.desktop $KDEDIR/share/kde4/services/

and run kbuildsycoca4 (so that KDE apps will know about the new desktop files). In order to test your Applet you can use the plasmoidviewer program:

kbuildsycoca4 #Needed once to let KDE know there is a new plugin
plasmoidviewer applet_name

You can even view your Applet in a small desktop using plasmoidviewer:

plasmoidviewer -c desktop applet_name

Where applet_name is the value specified into .desktop for the X-KDE-PluginInfo-Name key.

Otherwise you can restart plasma, so the Applet will be displayed in the Applet Browser:

kquitapp plasma-desktop

If that doesn't work you will have to restart your KDE session by logging out and back in. Or try to set export KDEDIRS=/usr/local:'kde4-config --prefix' and run kbuildsycoca4 again

Wow that was fun!

Now that you made your first C++ Plasmoid, if you would like to continue down the path of enlightenment, check out: Development/Tutorials/Plasma/GettingStarted..Some_More