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m Reverted edits by KennethMartinez (talk) to last revision by AnneW
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{{Template:I18n/Language Navigation Bar|Getting_Started/Build/KDE4/Prerequisites}}
{{warning|This page is yet to be reviewed for changes required by the migration to Git.  Information and commands on this page may no longer be valid and should be used with care. Please see the [[Development/Git|KDE Git hub page]] for more details. }}

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series=Getting Started|
series=Getting Started|

name=Building KDE4 From Source/Prerequisites|
name=Building KDE4 From Source/Requirements|

pre=[[../|KDE SVN Quickstart Guide]]|
pre=[[Getting_Started|Getting Started]]|

next=[[../|KDE SVN Quickstart Guide]]|

== Abstract ==
== Introduction ==

Some or all of these packages should be available for installation [[build requirements|from your distribution]]. For ease of installation and upgrading it is a good idea to install distribution packages if a recent enough version is provided. Software required to build KDE4 includes:
This page details the software requirements that need to be installed on your system before you can start building KDE Software. For most of these requirements it is preferable to use your distribution supplied packages, however in some case you will need to build some requirements yourself and this page will also explain how to do so.

* gcc and g++, preferably version 4.2 or higher
=== Required Steps ===
* svn, the subversion revision control client
* pkg-config
* development libraries and headers for X11, OpenGL (mesa-common-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev), libjpeg, libpng, libungif, [http://download.librdf.org/source/ librdf], libxml2 and libxslt
* the <tt>makeobj</tt> script, which is included in kdesdk. You can install it from kdesdk (kdesdk-scripts on Debian) or similar packages, or download at [http://websvn.kde.org/*checkout*/trunk/KDE/kdesdk/scripts/makeobj WebSVN]
* the [http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/shared-mime-info shared-mime-info package], is the freedesktop MIME standard now used in KDE
* the [http://oscaf.sourceforge.net/ shared-desktop-ontologies package] is required to build and run all Nepomuk semantic desktop/desktop search modules.
* [http://boost.org/ boost], used by kdebase; after build and/or install, in order to make cmake aware about its location (FindBoost),  add the boost directory (which contains the include subdirectory) to CMAKE_INCLUDE_PATH or set a environment variable called BOOST_ROOT that points to the boost directory.
* [http://docbook.org/schemas/4x.html DocBook XML DTDs (v4.2)] and [http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookXslStylesheets related XSL stylesheets], used by KDE help system; their packages are available in most distributions

== D-Bus ==
You need to have completed the following steps:
D-Bus is the messaging framework used to allow different programs on the system to communicate with each other. It is used by both Qt and KDE.
* Set up your [[../Environment|Build Environment]]
* Selected your [[../Recipes|Build Recipes]]

Get [http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus dbus] from your distribution, current stable release is version 1.4. Additionally you will also need dbus-glib. Be sure to also install the corresponding lib- and -devel packages.
== Definitions ==

D-Bus 1.4.0 or higher is highly recommended as it fixes a bug when multiple threads access the same session bus. D-Bus 1.2 series should work (aside from that issue) but you should upgrade as soon as feasible.
The Build Requirements for each Module will be documented in a common table format as follows:

== CMake ==
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
You need to have [http://cmake.org/ CMake] >=2.6.4 installed.  
|+ '''Build Requirements'''
You should be able to directly use the binary packages available on the [http://cmake.org/HTML/index.html CMake site]. There are also distribution specific packages available.
! width="20%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Requirement
! width="15%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Stable Requires
! width="15%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Unstable Requires
! width="10%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Devel Pkgs?
! width="40%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Details
| [http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Foobar Foobar]
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 2.0
| style="background-color:#66FF66" | >= 1.0
| Yes
| A library to enable KDE Software to foo your bar.

== Qt ==
The fields in this table are defined as follows:
Next we need to get Qt4. As at 2011-03-01 both KDE 4.6 and master require Qt 4.7.  Most distributions package a recent enough Qt to build KDE, although you may need to add an extra repository to do so.

At some stage, KDE master may switch to relying on a development version of Qt, or may require patches to Qt for bug-fixes that have not yet been released by QtIn this case you may need to build your own copy of Qt and it is recommended that you use the KDE clone qt-kde when this happens.
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
| width="30%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | '''Requirement'''
| width="70%" | The project that KDE Software depends on, including a link to the Project home page.]
| style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | '''Stable Requires'''
| The version of the Project that the current Stable KDE Release requires.  The background color indicates if the requirement is optional (green) or mandatory (red).  Stable is currently KDE Release 4.6.
| style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | '''Unstable Requires'''
| The version of the Project that the current Unstable development version requiresThe background color indicates if the requirement is optional (green) or mandatory (red).  Unstable is currently targeting KDE Release 4.7.
| style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | '''Devel Pkgs?'''
| If installing from distribution packages, whether you also need to install the -devel packages.
| style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | '''Details'''
| More information about the Project and the requirement

== System Prerequisites ==
Please see the [https://projects.kde.org/projects/qt-kde qt-kde project page] for further details.  It is recommended to read [https://projects.kde.org/projects/qt-kde/repository/revisions/master/entry/README.kde-qt README.qt-kde file] for the necessary Qt configure options as well as currently known issues.

Note that you need to install Qt and Phonon from Qt and then later to install Phonon KDE from git at the same location. This will ensure you get sound in Qt-based applications as well as in KDE ones.
TODO: Complete updating this list

=== Easy Recipe ===
All of these packages should be installed from your distribution.  If you cannot meet these requirements from your distribution, it is recommended to either update to a more recent distribution or to build KDE in a virtual machine.
This recipe assumes you have set up the recommended KDE scripts, environment variables, and git configuration.

cd <your source directory>
Requirements as at 2011-03-02.
git clone kde:qt-kde
./configure ''[copy/paste configure line from README.kde-qt replacing <installdir> with $QTDIR]''

=== Full Recipe ===
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
This recipe assumes you are not using the recommended scripts and have properly set up your own environment.
|+ '''KDE Software Build Requirements'''
! width="20%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Requirement
! width="15%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Stable Requires
! width="15%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Unstable Requires
! width="10%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Devel Pkgs?
! width="40%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Details
| GCC / G++
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 4.2
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 4.2
| No
| [http://git-scm.com/ Git]
| style="background-color:#66FF66" |
| style="background-color:#66FF66" |
| No
| Revision control software, required for development builds.
| [http://subversion.apache.org/ Subversion]
| style="background-color:#66FF66" |
| style="background-color:#66FF66" |
| No
| Revision control software, required for development builds.
| [http://pkg-config.freedesktop.org/wiki/ pkg-config]
| >=
| >=
| No
| [http://cmake.org/HTML/index.html CMake]
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 2.6.4
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 2.6.4
| No
| Build configuration tool
| [http://www.freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/dbus DBus]
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 1.4.0
| style="background-color:#FF6666" | >= 1.4.0
| Yes
| Also dbus-glib
| [http://www.x.org/wiki/ X11]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://www.mesa3d.org/ Mesa]
| >=  
| >=  
| Yes
| mesa-common-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev
| [http://www.ijg.org/ libjpeg]
| >=  
| >=
| Yes
| [http://www.libpng.org/pub/png/libpng.html libpng]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://sourceforge.net/projects/giflib/ libungif]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://download.librdf.org/source/ librdf]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://bzip.org/ libbz2]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://xmlsoft.org/ libxml2]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://xmlsoft.org/xslt/ libxslt]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://boost.org/ Boost]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://www.mysql.com/ libmysqlclient]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://freedesktop.org/wiki/Software/shared-mime-info shared-mime-info]
| >=
| >=
| Yes
| [http://sourceforge.net/projects/oscaf/files/ Shared-Desktop-Ontologies]
| >=
| >=
| No
| [http://docbook.org/schemas/4x.html DocBook XML DTD's]
| >= 4.2
| >= 4.2
| No
| Required for the KDE documentation and help
| [http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/DocBookXslStylesheets DocBook XSl Stylesheets]
| >= 4.2
| >= 4.2
| No
| Required for the KDE documentation and help

cd <your source directory>
=== Hardware Libraries ===
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/qt-kde
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is required by KDE 4.5 and earlier for interfacing with your hardwareYour distribution supplied packages should be sufficient for this.   
cd qt-kde
  ./configure ''[copy/paste configure line from README.kde-qt''
make -j2 # use 'make -j(X+1)' where X is your number of processors, to compile faster
  make install

=== Troubleshooting ===
From KDE 4.6 onwards HAL has been deprecated in favor of uDisk, uPower and related projects, but all but the most recent distributions will still require HAL.

If ./configure produces errors about missing headers, run the following command before trying again: <code>QTDIR=`pwd` bin/syncqt</code>
=== Distributions ===

Make sure <tt>which qmake</tt> delivers something out of $QTDIR, e.g. /home/kde-devel/qt-kde/bin/qmake
Many distributions provide shortcut meta-packages or install commands to simplify installing all the KDE requirements. Check the [[Getting_Started/Build/Distributions|Distributions page]] first to see if your distribution provides a simple way to install the requirements.

If you get "error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory", install the devel package of <tt>xorg</tt> (the actual name may vary between operating systems, for example it is <tt>xorg-dev</tt> on Ubuntu based systems such as Kubuntu).
== Shared-Desktop-Ontologies ==
If you get an error in the configure step about missing defines, check the value of <tt>$QMAKESPEC</tt>.  Some distributions set this to point directly to the system-installed Qt.  If <tt>unset QMAKESPEC</tt> solves the problem, you probably want to add it to the <tt>~/.bashrc</tt> script.
If you get an error ".pch/debug-shared/QtCore", this is because Qt-4.3 enables precompiled headers if your gcc supports it, but for some reason it doesn't work for you. If you use distcc, configure qt with -no-pch. If you use icecream, update to the latest icecream from svn trunk.
Try running any Qt program, like {{program|assistant}}.
=== Generating local API documentation ===
It's nice to have the Qt documentation locally for nice integration with [[Getting_Started/Set_up_KDE_4_for_development#KDevelop|KDevelop]], and doing this is really quite easy (also shown in {{path|README.kde-qt}}):
cd $KDE_SRC/qt-kde
make docs
make install
Note that it is necessary to do this only once, even if you rebuild Qt later.
== HAL ==
HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is required by KDE for interfacing with your hardware.  Your distribution supplied packages should be sufficient for this.  From KDE 4.6 onwards HAL has been deprecated in favor of uDisk and related projects, but all but the most recent distributions will still require HAL.
Some very old distributions may require you to compile a newer HAL, but this is likely to require many other packages to be upgraded and you are probably better off upgrading your distribution instead.
== kdesupport dependencies ==
The kdesupport module contains a number of KDE developed and supported packages that the main KDE modules depend upon.  Your distribution packages may be sufficient for these requirements when building a KDE stable branch, but master will most probably require the latest versions to be built from source.
The modules are listed in a rough dependency order.
Most kdesupport packages have now migrated to Git as separate modules, although some are still left in svn.

All the Git modules can be built using one of the the following recipes.
The Ontologies are a shared resource required for the semantic desktop.

==== Easy Recipe ====
{| border="1" cellpadding="5" cellspacing="0"
|+ '''KDE Software Build Requirements'''
! width="20%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Requirement
! width="15%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Stable Requires
! width="15%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Unstable Requires
! width="10%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Devel Pkgs?
! width="40%" style="background-color:#EFEFEF;" | Details
| [http://sourceforge.net/projects/oscaf/ Shared-Desktop-Ontologies]
| >=
| >= 0.7
| No

cd <your source root directory>
Your distribution packages should be sufficient for this package but some older distributions may not have them so you may need to build them yourself using either the Easy Recipe or Full Recipe.
git clone kde:<module>.git
cd automoc

==== Full Recipe ====
To obtain the source you can either download a tarball from the website or use the following git command:
cd <your source root directory>
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/<module>.git
cd <your build root directory, or the module source dir>
mkdir <your module build dir>
cd <your module build dir>
cmake <path to your module source dir>
        \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull
make install
===Automoc ===
Automoc is a tool to automate Qt moc file creation. 
Please see the [http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/automoc Automoc project page] for details.
Automoc '''MUST''' be built first as other kdesupport modules depend on it.
Easy:  git clone kde:automoc.git
Full:  git clone git://anongit.kde.org/automoc.git
===Attica ===
Attica is a library for accessing the Open Collaboration Services.
Please see the [http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/attica Attica project page] for details.
Easy:  git clone kde:attica.git
Full:  git clone git://anongit.kde.org/attica.git
===Polkit Qt===
Polkit Qt is a library for accessing the PolKit authorization framework.
Please see the [http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/polkit-qt-1 Polkit Qt project page] for details.
It is recommended to have '''polkit >= 0.98''' installed on your system, however Polkit-Qt-1 will build with any polkit-1 version.
Easy:  git clone kde:polkit-qt-1.git
Full:  git clone git://anongit.kde.org/polkit-qt-1.git
Soprano is a library for storing RDF data for the Nepomuk semantic desktop.
Please see the [http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/soprano Soprano project page] for details.
Soprano must be built '''BEFORE''' Akonadi.
Easy:  git clone kde:soprano.git
Full:  git clone git://anongit.kde.org/soprano.git
=== Akonadi ===
Soprano is a library for caching PIM data.
Please see the [http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/akonadi Akonadi project page] for details.
Akonadi must be built '''AFTER''' Soprano.
Easy:  git clone kde:akonadi.git
Full:  git clone git://anongit.kde.org/akonadi.git
Cagibi is a cache/proxy daemon for SSDP, the discovery part of UPnP.
Please see the [http://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/cagibi Cagibi project page] for details.
Easy:  git clone kde:cagibi.git
Full:  git clone git://anongit.kde.org/cagibi.git
=== Phonon ===
Phonon is a sound system abstraction layer.  This is usually packaged with Qt,  but the Phonon version from Qt is not recent enough for KDE sound to work so you will need to build the required version yourself.
Please see the [https://projects.kde.org/projects/kdesupport/phonon Phonon project page] for details.
You need to install this Phonon in the same location as Phonon from Qt i.e. in $QTDIR and '''NOT''' in $KDEDIR.
==== Easy Recipe ====
cd <your source root directory>
git clone kde:phonon.git
cd phonon
cmake $KDE_SRC/phonon
      \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull
make install
Note that make install may require root access.
==== Full Recipe ====
cd <your source root directory>
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon.git
cd <your build root directory, or the module source dir>
mkdir <your module build dir>
cd <your module build dir>
cmake <path to your module source dir>
      \ -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=debugfull
make install
==== Backend ====
Building the main Phonon module is sufficient for building KDE.  If you also want to play sound then you need to build a backend.  Choose a suitable backend from those available below:
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-directshow.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-gstreamer.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-mmf.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-quicktime.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-waveout.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-xine.git
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you get an error like
designer: symbol lookup error: /path/to/kde/lib/kde4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_xine.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12PulseSupport11getInstanceEv
while running Qt Designer you need to:
rm $QTDIR/lib/libphonon.so.4
== kdesupport svn dependencies ==
{{warning|Don't forget to read the [[Getting_Started/Build/KDE4#Setting_up_the_environment|Setting Up The Environment]] section first.}}
There are several libraries that KDE applications rely on in the kdesupport module. This includes Strigi and Soprano for file metadata and search, QImageBlitz for image manipulation needed in kdebase, eigen for visual effects in applications such as Kalzium, taglib for music players and qca for some cryptographic needs.
Strigi itself has a few dependencies as well: you will need the libraries and headers for libz, libbz2, openssl (libcrypto or libssl), libclucene (>=0.9.16a but watch out: version 0.9.17 does '''not''' work), and either libxml2 or libexpat.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more]]
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/kdesupport/
cd kdesupport
=== What's Happening ===
We change to the base source directory (line 1). We download the sources in kdesupport using subversion (line 2), go into the new {{path|~/kde/src/kdesupport}} directory (line 3), and commence the build (line 4). This will leave us in the kdesupport build directory after the build is completed.
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you get
  cmakekde: command not found
then you have to go manually into the kdesupport directory in ~ and execute the command cmakekde. if this still doesn't work, then something is wrong with your bashrc.
If you get
CMake Error: This project requires some variables to be set,
and cmake can not find them.
Please set the following variables:
you should install the development package for libxml2.
If you get
CMake Error: Could NOT find REDLAND
then you need librdf from the Redland.
If your distribution does not provide the librdf package, you can download the source there: [http://download.librdf.org/source/ http://download.librdf.org/source/] and build it.
(Gentoo users: The ebuild for librdf is named dev-libs/redland)
If you get
Fetching external item into 'kdesupport/admin'
Error validating server certificate for 'https://...'
see [[Getting_Started/Sources/Using_Subversion_with_KDE|Using Subversion with KDE]]
If you get
FILE cannot create directory: /usr/lib[64]/qt4/plugins/crypto. Maybe need administrative privileges.
make: *** [install] Error 255
take a second look in the .bashrc file described above, are paths correct?  ($QTDIR and $PATH are used to get the QT installation path)
Alternatively, you may see this error if you decided to use a distribution installed version of qt4 and skipped the Qt install above.  Either install qt-kde as describe above, or "sudo make install". If you use "sudo make install", make sure that you change the ownership back to your user for some of the ~/kde subdirectories that were effected by using sudo (ie. "<tt>sudo chown -R kde-devel:kde-devel ~/kde</tt>").
If you get a message related to
  target libQtTest.so not found
you may need to recompile qt-kde. This time you should take out
  -nomake demos -nomake examples
from the configure command, so that Qt generates library QtTest.
If you get
      CMake Error: Qt qmake not found!
      1) uncomment Qt section in .bashrc script (QTDIR, QT_PLUGINS_DIR,     
            PKG_CONFIG_PATH variable settings).
      2) source ~/.bashrc
      3) cd && cd qt-kde
      4) make confclean
      5) repeat steps for installing Qt (from ./configure line).
      6) retry building kdesupport
If you get
      "CMake Error: Could NOT find BZip2"
      sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev
      urpmi libbzip2_1-devel
If you get
      message that MySql support cannot be enabled
      you need to install corresponding devel package. (libmysqlclient-devel  for SuSe 11.1)
== Phonon ==
You need to build it as Phonon from Qt is not enough for KDE sound to work.
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more]]
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon.git
cd phonon
make install
'''Note''' that you need to install this Phonon in the same location than Phonon from Qt i.e. in $QTDIR.
Building the main Phonon module is sufficient for building KDE.  If you also want to play sound then you need to build a backend.  Choose a suitable backend from those available below:
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-directshow.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-gstreamer.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-mmf.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-quicktime.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-waveout.git
git clone git://anongit.kde.org/phonon-xine.git
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you get an error like
designer: symbol lookup error: /path/to/kde/lib/kde4/plugins/phonon_backend/phonon_xine.so: undefined symbol: _ZN6Phonon12PulseSupport11getInstanceEv
while running Qt Designer you need to:
rm $QTDIR/lib/libphonon.so.4
== DBusMenu ==
Since the 26th April 2010, DBusMenu is a new dependency for kdebase. You can either get it from
as a tarball (latest is libdbusmenu-qt-0.6.3.tar.bz2)
or from its it repository
=== The Recipe ===
<!--'cs' and 'cb' are NOT typos!-->
cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more]]
git clone git://gitorious.org/dbusmenu/dbusmenu-qt.git dbusmenu
cd dbusmenu
mkdir build
cd build
make install
=== Troubleshooting ===
You need json to build the tests.
If your version is not correct, you will lose the context menu for the systray icons.
== Shared-Desktop-Ontologies ==
Website: http://sourceforge.net/projects/oscaf/files/

===The Recipe===
  git clone git://oscaf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/oscaf/shared-desktop-ontologies
  cs # [[Getting_Started/Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts/.bashrc|'cs' is a bash function, click here to learn more]]
svn co https://oscaf.svn.sourceforge.net/svnroot/oscaf/trunk/ontologies
cd ontologies
mkdir build
cd build
make install

== Next Step ==
== Next Step ==
Once all requirements have been installed it is time to install [[../#kdelibs|kdelibs]]
Once all requirements have been installed it is time to install [[Getting_Started/Build/Qt|Qt]]

Latest revision as of 15:53, 31 July 2012

This page is yet to be reviewed for changes required by the migration to Git. Information and commands on this page may no longer be valid and should be used with care. Please see the KDE Git hub page for more details.

Building KDE4 From Source/Requirements
Tutorial Series   Getting Started
Previous   Getting Started
What's Next   Qt
Further Reading   n/a


This page details the software requirements that need to be installed on your system before you can start building KDE Software. For most of these requirements it is preferable to use your distribution supplied packages, however in some case you will need to build some requirements yourself and this page will also explain how to do so.

Required Steps

You need to have completed the following steps:

  • Set up your [[../Environment|Build Environment]]
  • Selected your [[../Recipes|Build Recipes]]


The Build Requirements for each Module will be documented in a common table format as follows:

Build Requirements
Requirement Stable Requires Unstable Requires Devel Pkgs? Details
Foobar >= 2.0 >= 1.0 Yes A library to enable KDE Software to foo your bar.

The fields in this table are defined as follows:

Requirement The project that KDE Software depends on, including a link to the Project home page.]
Stable Requires The version of the Project that the current Stable KDE Release requires. The background color indicates if the requirement is optional (green) or mandatory (red). Stable is currently KDE Release 4.6.
Unstable Requires The version of the Project that the current Unstable development version requires. The background color indicates if the requirement is optional (green) or mandatory (red). Unstable is currently targeting KDE Release 4.7.
Devel Pkgs? If installing from distribution packages, whether you also need to install the -devel packages.
Details More information about the Project and the requirement

System Prerequisites

TODO: Complete updating this list

All of these packages should be installed from your distribution. If you cannot meet these requirements from your distribution, it is recommended to either update to a more recent distribution or to build KDE in a virtual machine.

Requirements as at 2011-03-02.

KDE Software Build Requirements
Requirement Stable Requires Unstable Requires Devel Pkgs? Details
GCC / G++ >= 4.2 >= 4.2 No
Git No Revision control software, required for development builds.
Subversion No Revision control software, required for development builds.
pkg-config >= >= No
CMake >= 2.6.4 >= 2.6.4 No Build configuration tool
DBus >= 1.4.0 >= 1.4.0 Yes Also dbus-glib
X11 >= >= Yes
Mesa >= >= Yes mesa-common-dev and libglu1-mesa-dev
libjpeg >= >= Yes
libpng >= >= Yes
libungif >= >= Yes
librdf >= >= Yes
libbz2 >= >= Yes
libxml2 >= >= Yes
libxslt >= >= Yes
Boost >= >= Yes
libmysqlclient >= >= Yes
shared-mime-info >= >= Yes
Shared-Desktop-Ontologies >= >= No
DocBook XML DTD's >= 4.2 >= 4.2 No Required for the KDE documentation and help
DocBook XSl Stylesheets >= 4.2 >= 4.2 No Required for the KDE documentation and help

Hardware Libraries

HAL (Hardware Abstraction Layer) is required by KDE 4.5 and earlier for interfacing with your hardware. Your distribution supplied packages should be sufficient for this.

From KDE 4.6 onwards HAL has been deprecated in favor of uDisk, uPower and related projects, but all but the most recent distributions will still require HAL.


Many distributions provide shortcut meta-packages or install commands to simplify installing all the KDE requirements. Check the Distributions page first to see if your distribution provides a simple way to install the requirements.


The Ontologies are a shared resource required for the semantic desktop.

KDE Software Build Requirements
Requirement Stable Requires Unstable Requires Devel Pkgs? Details
Shared-Desktop-Ontologies >= >= 0.7 No

Your distribution packages should be sufficient for this package but some older distributions may not have them so you may need to build them yourself using either the Easy Recipe or Full Recipe.

To obtain the source you can either download a tarball from the website or use the following git command:

git clone git://oscaf.git.sourceforge.net/gitroot/oscaf/shared-desktop-ontologies

Next Step

Once all requirements have been installed it is time to install Qt