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#REDIRECT [[Getting_Started/Build|Building KDE]]
series=Getting Started|
name=Building KDE4 From Source|
pre=[[../../Sources/Anonymous_SVN|Anonymous SVN Quickstart Guide]]|
next=[[../../Set_up_KDE_4_for_development|Starting a KDE4 Environment and Applications]]|
reading=[[../Unstable_Version/Mac OS X|Instructions for Mac OS X]]<br>[http://kdesvn-build.kde.org/ The KDE From Subversion Build Tool]<br>[[../../Increased_Productivity_in_KDE4_with_Scripts|Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts]]|
== Abstract ==
This tutorial shows one way to get KDE from trunk running. It consolidates info from several places, e.g.
[http://developer.kde.org/build/trunk.html the official KDE developer pages]. The official pages may be updated without this page being updated too, so check there if you have problems.
{{note|Throughout the tutorial the bash shell is used.
Expect a higher risk of build failure Monday when critical changes are implemented. [http://developer.kde.org/~dirk/dashboard/ Dashboard] reports unexpected breakages. You are encouraged to fix failing modules.
== Create a user account for KDE4 development ==
=== Option 1: Command Line ===
<code bash>
useradd kde-devel
mkdir /home/kde-devel
passwd kde-devel
chown kde-devel:kde-devel /home/kde-devel 2>/dev/null || \
chown kde-devel:users /home/kde-devel
=== Option 2: Using KControl ===
Instead of using the commands above, you can also use the User module in the KDE Control Center if you already have KDE3 installed.
=== Switching to the New User ===
Switch to the user kde-devel: (the dash also changes to the new home directory)
<code bash>
su - kde-devel
The rest of this tutorial assumes you are running as the <tt>kde-devel</tt> user.
== The kde-devel user's shell ==
On some systems a new user is configured by default to use /bin/sh. If this is not the case on your system, you can skip this section. Using /bin/sh can be very inconvenient to work with and you may want to change it to /bin/bash or another shell.
=== Option 1: As the kde-devel user ===
If you don't have root privileges and your system supports the changing of your own shell with the <tt>chsh</tt> application, then you could try to change your shell to /bin/bash by using <tt>chsh -s /bin/bash your-kde-devel-username</tt>.
=== Option 2: As the root user ===
If your system comes with the <tt>usermod</tt> application you can run the following command as root: <tt>usermod -s /bin/bash</tt>.
Another option is to use the <tt>vipw</tt> application as root to safely edit your /etc/passwd. Locate 'kde-devel' in the the file. Change '/bin/sh' at the end of the line to read '/bin/bash', save your changes and exit.
The new shell will be started automatically when you log in as the kde-devel user again.
== Prepare for software setup ==
Please look also in [[Getting Started/Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts]].
Copy the {{path|~/.bashrc}} from your normal user account to the new kde-devel account. Next, copy and paste the contents of [[Getting Started/Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts/.bashrc|.bashrc]] into {{path|~kde-devel/.bashrc}}.
This will provide access to commands such as <tt>cmakekde</tt> that are used in this tutorial as well as ensure that the proper paths are in place for Qt, KDE and CMake binaries.
Now either login again as the <tt>kde-devel</tt> user or activate the settings with:
<code bash>
source ~/.bashrc
== Set up D-Bus ==
Skip this if you have D-Bus <nowiki>>=</nowiki>0.93 installed.
=== The Recipe ===
<code bash>
wget http://dbus.freedesktop.org/releases/dbus/dbus-1.0.2.tar.gz
tar xvfz dbus-1.0.2.tar.gz
cd dbus-1.0.2/
./configure --disable-qt --disable-qt3 --prefix=$DBUSDIR \
--localstatedir=/var && make && make install
dbus-uuidgen --ensure
=== What's Happening ===
D-Bus source code is downloaded from freedesktop.org (line 1) and unpacked (line 2). After going into the newly created D-Bus directory (line 3), the build is set up using the supplied {{path|configure}} script (lines 4-5). Finally, using <tt>dbus-uuidgen</tt> D-Bus is set to start automatically when the desktop session starts (line 6).
== Set up CMake ==
Skip this if you have [http://cmake.org/ CMake] >=2.4.5 installed.
The default prefix is {{path|/usr/local}}, make sure {{path|/usr/local/bin}} is in your <tt>$PATH</tt>.
<code bash>
cd ..
wget http://www.cmake.org/files/v2.4/cmake-2.4.5.tar.gz
tar zxf cmake-2.4.5.tar.gz
mkdir cmake-build
cd cmake-build
sudo make install
== Set up Qt ==
<code bash>
cd ..
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/qt-copy
cd ~/qt-copy && ./apply_patches && \
./configure -qt-gif -no-exceptions -debug -fast \
-prefix $QTDIR -qdbus && make && make install
{{tip|If you get "error: X11/Xlib.h: No such file or directory", install the devel package of <tt>xorg</tt> (the actual name may vary between operating systems, for example xorg-devel on ubuntu).}}
== Set up kdelibs ==
If you use the aforementioned [[Getting Started/Increased Productivity in KDE4 with Scripts/.bashrc|.bashrc]] this is were those new functions come in handy:
<code bash>
mkdir KDE && cd KDE
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdelibs
cd kdelibs
=== Additional KDE-specific CMake modules ===
There are additional CMake modules in {{path|kdelibs/cmake/modules/}} that are necessary for building KDE4 applications. These will be installed for you when  kdelibs itself is installed.
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you have problems compiling kdelibs, first make sure the following commands can be executed: gcc, g++, pkg-config.
{{tip|If you get "Could NOT find GIF", install the devel package of <tt>libungif</tt> (the actual name may vary between operating systems).}}{{tip|In order to avoid compilation problems, GCC should be at least of version 4.1. The minimum supported compiler is not yet determined at the time of writing this.}}{{tip|If you received an error stating "Please create a separate build directory and run 'cmake path_to_kdelibs [options]' there." then you need to change to your build directory before running cmakekde.  (e.g cs kdelibs && cb && cmakekde)}}
If the problems persist, try the make-option <tt>--keep-going</tt>
== Set up kdepimlibs ==
Before ''kdebase'' you need to install ''kdepimlibs''
<code bash>
cs KDE
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdepimlibs
cd kdepimlibs
== Set up kdebase ==
You may need kdebase for some kioslaves.
<code bash>
cs KDE
svn checkout svn://anonsvn.kde.org/home/kde/trunk/KDE/kdebase
cd kdebase
=== Troubleshooting ===
If you have troubles compiling kdebase:
* Make sure you have the <tt>libxss headers</tt> installed. (Usually you got undefined references on xscreensaver objects if you haven't those headers)
* <tt>which meinproc</tt> has to deliver {{path|/home/kde-devel/kde/bin/meinproc}}
* if cmakekde cannot find the path of kdepimlibs, edit the file /home/kde-devel/kdebase-build/CMakeCache.txt and manually set KDEPIMLIBS_INCLUDE_DIR:PATH=/home/kde-devel/kdepimlibs-build
* if you get an error saying "Please set the following variables: X11_XTest_LIB (ADVANCED)", install the devel package of <tt>Xtst</tt>. On some systems, this is packaged separately from <tt>xext</tt> and called <tt>x11proto-xext-dev</tt> or <tt>libxtst-dev</tt>. You may also need to remove the CMakeCache.txt file in the build dir after installing the package.
* the same for "X11_Xinerama_LIB (ADVANCED)" where you will need the devel package for <tt>xinerama</tt>.
== Generating local API documentation ==
Although the API documentation for KDE is available online at [http://api.kde.org api.kde.org], it is sometimes useful to have it on your own disk, for example when you want to use KDevelop for browsing the documentation or when you are not able to be online all the time.
Be aware that generating the API documentation can take several hours and takes almost half a gigabyte of diskspace.
The generation is handled by a script in kdelibs/doc/api, you need ''doxygen'' to be able to run it.
To build the API documentation for kdelibs, type the following:
<code bash>
mkdir apidox
cd apidox
../kdelibs/doc/api/doxygen.sh ../kdelibs/
== Success! ==
You are now ready to start building other svn modules in the same fashion as you built kdebase, running and testing KDE4 or writing your own patches and applications.
See the [[Getting Started/Set up KDE 4 for development|Starting a KDE4 Environment and Applications]] tutorial for how to start working on your new KDE4 installation.
== Additional notes ==
* [[Development/Tutorials/CMake |Introduction to CMake]]
[[Category:Build KDE]]

Latest revision as of 16:34, 20 March 2011