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= '''Central Stock Price Information'''  =
= '''Central Stock Price Information'''  =
''A proposal for Season of KDE 2010 by Brian Cappello''<br>
''Mentors: Cristian Onet and Alvaro Soliverez

==Use Cases==
== Use Cases ==
:*A plasmoid wants to display a watchlist of stock quotes.
:*A plasmoid wants to display some stock quotes stored in a watchlist.
:*An investor wants to chart an investment's performance starting from their first purchase.
:*Santosh Kumar wants to provide notification support for changes in stock prices.
:*A swing trader wants to chart two month's worth of hourly data.
:*An investor wants to chart an investment's yearly performance starting from their first purchase thirty-five years ago.
:*A mechanical systems trader writes a scripted backtesting algorithm, and they want to try out its performance on various sets of historical data.
:*An investor wants to do some fundamental research on a stock they're considering trading.
:*A day trader wants to chart today's 5-minute price action since the open.
:*A swing trader wants to chart two months worth of hourly data.
:*Another swing trader wants to chart 200 bars of daily data.
:*A student of the markets wants to "replay" the crash of '87 starting from 3 months prior and advancing one day at a time.
:*A mechanical systems trader writes a scripted trading algorithm, and they want to back-test its performance on various sets of historical data.

[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]

*'''"Always On" Backend:'''
::''The backend handles all quote retrieval/storage, and provides a public interface for client applications to query over DBus for whatever information they need. The backend also serves as a centralized place for consolidating various price-manipulation maths common to applications' needs.''

*'''"Master" UI:''' Some form/combination of plasmoid/application/kpart/kcm...
== Tentative Schedule: WIP/subject to change ==
=== May W4: ===
:*Continue research into DBus, asynchronous transfers, doctools, unit tests and cmake.
:*Get some DBus code working!
=== June W1: ===
:*Attempt to "finalize" class/object separation and interaction planning.
:*Preliminary DBus symbol management. Add/remove only, no watchlists yet.
:*Implement Yahoo historical data interpreter and runtime-only storage. (Concentrate on daily data. W/M/IntraDayHistory later.)
=== June W2: ===
:*Implement Yahoo intraday quotes support and runtime merging/storage into most-recent-index of daily historical data.
:*Get on-demand DBus intraday support working.
:*Figure out how best to store data to HDD. Possibly as flat-file CSVs and/or KConfig?
:*Get SymbolManager storage-to/from-disk working.
=== June W3: ===
:*Get intraday quotes monitoring working. Broadcast notification of updates to clients.
:*Implement IntraDay quotes test cases.
:*Get preliminary on-demand DBus CompanyInfo/Stats working (assume client knows what keys are available).
=== June W4: ===
:*CompanyInfo Test cases.
:*Begin to get HDD saving/loading historical data working (maybe merging/updating).
=== July W1: ===
:*Finish up historical data HDD stuffs, including daily, weekly, monthly, and merging/updating.
=== July W2: ===
:*Begin work on DBus interface for historical data. No IntraDayHistory support yet.
=== July W3: ===
:*Finish DBus interface for historical data, including time conversion and adjusted prices.
:*Finish/polish Previous-Close convenience function.
=== July W4: ===
:*Implement Historical Data and Previous-Close test cases.
:*Historical Data performance profiling and optimization.
=== August W1: ===
:*Add DBus WatchList support.
:*Watchlist test cases.
:*Polish CompanyInfo/Stats DBus interface, add support for querying, key-name lookup, etc.
=== August W2: ===
:*Saving/loading of CompanyInfo/Stats to disk.
:*Improve/update CompanyInfo test cases.
=== August W3: ===
:*Polish documentation, test cases, and further profiling.
=== August W4: ===
=== Time Permitting: ===
:*Expand CompanyInfo by parsing data from Yahoo's Key Statistics page.
:*Improved intraday real-time support by parsing data from finance.yahoo.com (or other source?)
:*User-controlled CSV export.
:*Add/finish support for IntraDayHistory.
:*IntraDayHistory test cases.
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]
== Planned Components ==
*'''Always-On/On-Demand Backend:''' A member of [[Projects/KdeFinance/Alkimia|Alkimia]]
::''The backend handles all quote retrieval/storage, and provides a public interface for client applications to query over DBus for whatever information they need. The backend also serves as a centralized place for consolidating various stock-price-manipulation maths common to financial applications' needs.''
*'''A "Master" Backend UI:''' Some form/combination of plasmoid/application/kpart/kcm...
::''Cumulative functionality should support something along the lines of:''
::''Cumulative functionality should support something along the lines of:''
:::*Viewing/browsing watchlists (and their respective symbols' intraday quotes). Probably as a modified version of [http://kde-look.org/content/show.php/Stock+Quote?content=90695 this plasmoid].
:::*Managing which symbols and watchlists the backend permanently stores data for.
:::*Managing which symbols and watchlists the backend permanently stores data for. Possibly as part of the plasmoid.
:::*Configuring the backend's default historical and intra-day data sources. (And maybe resource/performance settings.)
:::*Configuring the backend's default historical and intra-day data sources. (And maybe resource/performance settings.)
::::::YahooCSV: Download quotes from Yahoo! ''(Default - Intra-Day & Historical)''
::::::YahooCSV: Download quotes from Yahoo! ''(Default for Intra-Day & Historical)''
::::::Directory: Import/monitor quotes from a directory containing CSV files. ''(For users with paid-data services.)''
::::::Directory: Import/monitor quotes from a directory containing CSV files. ''(For users with paid-data services.)''
::::::YahooWEB: ''Time Permitting:'' Parse real-time data from the finance.yahoo.com website. ''(Intra-Day only)
::::::''Time Permitting:'' YahooWEB: Parse real-time data from the finance.yahoo.com website. ''(Intra-Day only)
:::*Exporting (specified) stored data to CSV.
:::*Exporting user specified data/information/statistics to CSV.

== Backend Functionality ==
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]

:*Maintain a '''master list of all watchlists.'''
== Planned Backend Functionality ==
:*Maintain a '''master list of all symbols''' to be watched. Filters out watchlist-duplicates and includes symbols which aren't a member of any watchlist.
=== '''Internals''' ===
:*Maintain/store a '''master list of all watchlists.'''
:*Maintain/store a '''master list of all symbols''' to be watched. Filters out watchlist-duplicates and includes symbols which aren't a member of any watchlist.
:*Maintain a '''local/offline store of downloaded data:'''
:*Maintain a '''local/offline store of downloaded data:'''
:#Company info and statistics. ''(Used for offline mode/throughout the day. Company stats change frequently enough and are reasonably cheap (fast) to download so we update this once daily, if possible.)''
:#Company info and statistics. ''(Used for offline mode/throughout the day. Company stats change frequently enough and are reasonably cheap (fast) to download so we update this once daily, if possible.)''
:#Accumulate sampled Intra-Day data as Minutely data.
:#Accumulate sampled Intra-Day data as Minutely data.
:#Maintain Daily, Weekly, and Monthly data.
:#Store and keep up-to-date "primary" data: Minutely, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Time Periods
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]
=== '''Public DBus Interfaces''' ===
==== '''Management of stored symbols and watchlists''' ====
''These are primary functions.''
===== '''Symbol Management''' =====
:*''Add/Remove Symbols''
::::*Action: Add or Remove
::::*Bool Success
:*''Modify a watchlist's symbols''
::::*Action: Add or Remove
::::*Bool Success
===== '''Watchlist Management''' =====
:*''Get Watchlists''
::::*List of all watchlist names
:*''Get Watchlist Symbols''
::::*Watchlist name
::::*List of the watchlist's symbols
:*''Add/Remove Watchlists''
::::*Action: Add or Remove
::::*Bool Success

'''Public DBus Interfaces:'''
:*''Lower Priority: Merge Watchlists''
:*'''Management of stored symbols and watchlists'''  
:::Clients can add/request-to-remove symbols to/from the database.
::::*First Watchlist
:::Clients can add/retrieve/request-to-modify global watchlists and use them locally.
::::*Second Watchlist
::::*Action: Merge or New
::::::Merge: First into second, delete first. [Mirroring 'mv' command.]
::::::New: Create a new watchlist, preserve originals.
::::::*''If Reqd:'' New Watchlist's Name
::::*Bool Success

:*'''Intra-Day Quotes / Most-Recent Daily Close''' (if after market hours)
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]
==== '''Intra-Day/Most-Recent-Close Quote''' ====
:''This is a convenience function.''
::::*''Optional'': Select:
::::*''Optional'': Prices or Percents
::::::Absolute: the real values ''(Default)''
::::::Prices: the real prices ''(Default)''
::::::Percent: Percent change from previous close
::::::Percents: Percent changes from previous close

:::Output: SingleBarStruct: Contains a KDateTime, the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and, if applicable, Open Interest (eg for futures). ''Time Permitting & Optional'': and Beta.
::::*struct: Contains a KDateTime, the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and, if applicable, Open Interest (eg for futures). ''Optional'': and Beta.

:*'''Previous Day''' (convenience function)
==== '''Previous Day's Close Quote''' ====
:''This is a convenience function.''
::::*''Optional'': Select:
::::*''Optional'': Prices or Percents
::::::Absolute: the real values ''(Default)''
::::::Prices: the real prices ''(Default)''
::::::Percent: Percent change from previous close (eg two closes ago)
::::::Percents: Percent changes from previous close (eg two closes ago)

:::Output: SingleBarStruct: Contains a KDateTime, the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and, if applicable, Open Interest (eg for futures). ''Time Permitting & Optional'': and Beta.
::::*struct: Contains a KDateTime, the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and, if applicable, Open Interest (eg for futures). ''Optional'': and Beta.

:*'''Company Information, Key Statistics and Fundamentals'''
===='''Company Information, Key Statistics and Fundamentals''' ====
:''This is a primary function.''
::::*Parameters (keys)
::::*Parameters (keys)
::::::''Initially most (all?) parameters [http://www.etraderzone.com/free-scripts/50-yahoo-stock-quotes.html easily available] from Yahoo will be supported. Time permitting, more information sources can be added (such as parsing parameter values from Yahoo's [http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=NOK+Key+Statistics Key Statistics] webpage).
::::::''Initially most (all applicable) parameters [http://www.etraderzone.com/free-scripts/50-yahoo-stock-quotes.html easily downloadable] from Yahoo will be supported. Time permitting, more information sources can be added (such as parsing parameter values from Yahoo's [http://finance.yahoo.com/q/ks?s=NOK+Key+Statistics Key Statistics] webpage).

::::::''Time Permitting: There should probably be a way to query what keys are available, as well as key-lookup by human-readable names.''
::::::''Time Permitting: There should probably be a way to query at runtime what keys are available, as well as key-lookup by human-readable names.''

:::'''Output:''' ''Must be able to accommodate both strings and numbers.''
::::*A container object holding the requested parameters' key-value pairs.
::::*A container object holding the requested parameters' key-value pairs.

:*'''Historical Quotes'''  
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]
==== '''Historical Quotes''' ====
:''This is a primary function.''
::::*Amount/duration of historical data:
::::*Amount/duration of historical data:
:::::::''Optional:'' Specify an end date. ''(Defaults to the most recent close.)''
:::::::''Optional:'' Specify an end date. ''(Defaults to the most recent close.)''
:::::::Specify a duration (relative to the end date) by providing one of the following:
:::::::Specify a duration (relative to the end date) by providing one of the following:
:::::::::A start date.
:::::::::*A start date.
:::::::::A length of elapsed time units, independent of the requested time period.
:::::::::*An elapsed quantity and unit of time, independent of the (optionally) requested time period.
:::::::::Or directly as a number of bars.
:::::::::*Or directly as a number of bars.
::::*''Optional:'' Time Period: ''Specify by providing'':
::::*''Optional:'' Time Period: ''Specify by providing'':
:::::::''Optional:'' A major time unit. (Minutely, Daily ''(Default)'', Weekly, or Monthly)  
:::::::''Optional:'' A major time unit. (Daily ''(Default)'', Weekly, or Monthly)  
:::::::''Optional:'' A multiplier. ''Default = 1''
:::::::''Optional:'' A multiplier. ''Default = 1''
::::*''Optional:'' Type of historical data:
::::*''Optional:'' Adjusted or Absolute Prices
:::::::Adjusted: ''(Default)'' Prices adjusted for splits and dividends.
:::::::Adjusted: ''(Default)'' Prices adjusted for splits and dividends.
:::::::Absolute: Raw price data. ''(Provided by default if the requested symbol has no splits or dividends.)''
:::::::Absolute: Raw price data. ''(Provided by default if the requested symbol has no splits or dividends.)''
Line 84: Line 205:
:::::::''The number of "hidden" bars (older than the start date) to return. Used by technical analysis indicators so their results will be complete for the requested length of "shown" price data.''
:::::::''The number of "hidden" bars (older than the start date) to return. Used by technical analysis indicators so their results will be complete for the requested length of "shown" price data.''

::::*A container object holding the input parameters used to produce the data, as well as the data itself, stored as a list of SingleBarStructs. ''(Or however, containing the same outputs - Need to look into what would be most convienient for MVC-based clients such as KDChart as used by KMyMoney.)''
::::*A container object holding the input parameters used to produce the data, as well as the data itself (containing the same information as Intra-Day structs). ''Need to look into what would be the most convenient storage method for MVC-based clients such as KDChart as used by KMyMoney, but that's still flexible enough to be non-MVC-friendly.''
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]
== Future Backend Possibilities ==

== Backend Dreams for the Future ==
''Time Permitting / Low Priority:''  
''Time Permitting:''
#Support for calculating relative price/performance between multiple data sets.
#Support for calculating "custom Market Indexes" from watchlists.
#Support for browsing/querying sectors and industries, as well as tracking their performance using (1) and (2).
#[Maybe] Technical Analysis Indicators: Essentially this would be providing a Qt-like API wrapped around [http://ta-lib.org/index.html TA-Lib]'s [http://ta-lib.org/d_api/d_api.html#Abstraction Abstract] runtime [http://ta-lib.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ta-lib/trunk/ta-lib/c/include/ta_abstract.h?view=markup interface]. TA-Lib requires data to be stored in STD c++ arrays, as well as requiring the frequent reuse of non-cheaply-calculated data, so from a convenience/performance standpoint it probably makes the most sense to try to centralize indicator support inside Alkimia. ''However, TA-Lib isn't exactly available for most (all?) distributions, let alone included by default, so that's definitely a big reason to avoid said integration. [Then again, aside from [http://qtstalker.sourceforge.net/ Qtstalker], I don't know of any even remotely-active *Linux* projects using it so... what incentive have they had?]''
#[Depends on TA-Lib] Manual calculation of Beta with controllable inputs. ''This ability is probably most wanted by large private investors, portfolio analysts, and institutions/banks, and is especially applicable for those involved in international/emerging markets who do not want to base their calculations off American markets, as Yahoo's provided Beta (is assumed to) do.''

#Support for calculating relative price/performance between multiple data sets.
#Support for calculating "custom Market Indexes" from watchlists.
#Support for storing/browsing/querying sectors and industries, as well as tracking their performance using (1) and (2).
#Improved support for options, futures, and FOREX.
#[Maybe] Technical Analysis Indicator Support: Essentially this would be providing a Qt-like API wrapped around [http://ta-lib.org/index.html TA-Lib]'s [http://ta-lib.org/d_api/d_api.html#Abstraction Abstract Interface]. Interface documentation [http://ta-lib.svn.sourceforge.net/viewvc/ta-lib/trunk/ta-lib/c/include/ta_abstract.h?view=markup here]. ''If this were to be done, it would be as an optional plugin, detected at runtime.''
#[Depends on TA-Lib] Manual calculation of Beta with controllable inputs for the time period and the "volatility base market." ''This ability is probably most applicable for large private investors, portfolio analysts, and institutions/banks, and is particularly relevant for those invested in international/emerging markets who do not want to base their volatility calculations off of American markets, as Yahoo's provided Beta [http://www.investopedia.com/articles/financial-theory/09/calculating-beta.asp is assumed] to do.''

[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# Jump to Top]
[http://techbase.kde.org/User:Bpeller# [Jump to Top]]

Latest revision as of 08:36, 28 May 2010

Central Stock Price Information

A proposal for Season of KDE 2010 by Brian Cappello
Mentors: Cristian Onet and Alvaro Soliverez

Use Cases

  • A plasmoid wants to display some stock quotes stored in a watchlist.
  • Santosh Kumar wants to provide notification support for changes in stock prices.
  • An investor wants to chart an investment's yearly performance starting from their first purchase thirty-five years ago.
  • An investor wants to do some fundamental research on a stock they're considering trading.
  • A day trader wants to chart today's 5-minute price action since the open.
  • A swing trader wants to chart two months worth of hourly data.
  • Another swing trader wants to chart 200 bars of daily data.
  • A student of the markets wants to "replay" the crash of '87 starting from 3 months prior and advancing one day at a time.
  • A mechanical systems trader writes a scripted trading algorithm, and they want to back-test its performance on various sets of historical data.

[Jump to Top]

Tentative Schedule: WIP/subject to change

May W4:

  • Continue research into DBus, asynchronous transfers, doctools, unit tests and cmake.
  • Get some DBus code working!

June W1:

  • Attempt to "finalize" class/object separation and interaction planning.
  • Preliminary DBus symbol management. Add/remove only, no watchlists yet.
  • Implement Yahoo historical data interpreter and runtime-only storage. (Concentrate on daily data. W/M/IntraDayHistory later.)

June W2:

  • Implement Yahoo intraday quotes support and runtime merging/storage into most-recent-index of daily historical data.
  • Get on-demand DBus intraday support working.
  • Figure out how best to store data to HDD. Possibly as flat-file CSVs and/or KConfig?
  • Get SymbolManager storage-to/from-disk working.

June W3:

  • Get intraday quotes monitoring working. Broadcast notification of updates to clients.
  • Implement IntraDay quotes test cases.
  • Get preliminary on-demand DBus CompanyInfo/Stats working (assume client knows what keys are available).

June W4:

  • CompanyInfo Test cases.
  • Begin to get HDD saving/loading historical data working (maybe merging/updating).

July W1:

  • Finish up historical data HDD stuffs, including daily, weekly, monthly, and merging/updating.

July W2:

  • Begin work on DBus interface for historical data. No IntraDayHistory support yet.

July W3:

  • Finish DBus interface for historical data, including time conversion and adjusted prices.
  • Finish/polish Previous-Close convenience function.

July W4:

  • Implement Historical Data and Previous-Close test cases.
  • Historical Data performance profiling and optimization.

August W1:

  • Add DBus WatchList support.
  • Watchlist test cases.
  • Polish CompanyInfo/Stats DBus interface, add support for querying, key-name lookup, etc.

August W2:

  • Saving/loading of CompanyInfo/Stats to disk.
  • Improve/update CompanyInfo test cases.

August W3:

  • Polish documentation, test cases, and further profiling.

August W4:

  • Buffer

Time Permitting:

  • Expand CompanyInfo by parsing data from Yahoo's Key Statistics page.
  • Improved intraday real-time support by parsing data from finance.yahoo.com (or other source?)
  • User-controlled CSV export.
  • Add/finish support for IntraDayHistory.
  • IntraDayHistory test cases.

[Jump to Top]

Planned Components

  • Always-On/On-Demand Backend: A member of Alkimia
The backend handles all quote retrieval/storage, and provides a public interface for client applications to query over DBus for whatever information they need. The backend also serves as a centralized place for consolidating various stock-price-manipulation maths common to financial applications' needs.
  • A "Master" Backend UI: Some form/combination of plasmoid/application/kpart/kcm...
Cumulative functionality should support something along the lines of:
  • Managing which symbols and watchlists the backend permanently stores data for.
  • Configuring the backend's default historical and intra-day data sources. (And maybe resource/performance settings.)
YahooCSV: Download quotes from Yahoo! (Default for Intra-Day & Historical)
Directory: Import/monitor quotes from a directory containing CSV files. (For users with paid-data services.)
Time Permitting: YahooWEB: Parse real-time data from the finance.yahoo.com website. (Intra-Day only)
  • Exporting user specified data/information/statistics to CSV.

[Jump to Top]

Planned Backend Functionality


  • Maintain/store a master list of all watchlists.
  • Maintain/store a master list of all symbols to be watched. Filters out watchlist-duplicates and includes symbols which aren't a member of any watchlist.
  • Maintain a local/offline store of downloaded data:
  1. Company info and statistics. (Used for offline mode/throughout the day. Company stats change frequently enough and are reasonably cheap (fast) to download so we update this once daily, if possible.)
  2. Accumulate sampled Intra-Day data as Minutely data.
  3. Store and keep up-to-date "primary" data: Minutely, Daily, Weekly, and Monthly Time Periods

[Jump to Top]

Public DBus Interfaces

Management of stored symbols and watchlists

These are primary functions.

Symbol Management
  • Add/Remove Symbols
  • Symbol
  • Action: Add or Remove
  • Bool Success
  • Modify a watchlist's symbols
  • Symbol
  • Watchlist
  • Action: Add or Remove
  • Bool Success
Watchlist Management
  • Get Watchlists
  • List of all watchlist names
  • Get Watchlist Symbols
  • Watchlist name
  • List of the watchlist's symbols
  • Add/Remove Watchlists
  • Watchlist
  • Action: Add or Remove
  • Bool Success
  • Lower Priority: Merge Watchlists
  • First Watchlist
  • Second Watchlist
  • Action: Merge or New
Merge: First into second, delete first. [Mirroring 'mv' command.]
New: Create a new watchlist, preserve originals.
  • If Reqd: New Watchlist's Name
  • Bool Success

[Jump to Top]

Intra-Day/Most-Recent-Close Quote

This is a convenience function.
  • Symbol
  • Optional: Prices or Percents
Prices: the real prices (Default)
Percents: Percent changes from previous close
  • struct: Contains a KDateTime, the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and, if applicable, Open Interest (eg for futures). Optional: and Beta.

Previous Day's Close Quote

This is a convenience function.
  • Symbol
  • Optional: Prices or Percents
Prices: the real prices (Default)
Percents: Percent changes from previous close (eg two closes ago)
  • struct: Contains a KDateTime, the Open, High, Low, Close, Volume, and, if applicable, Open Interest (eg for futures). Optional: and Beta.

Company Information, Key Statistics and Fundamentals

This is a primary function.
  • Symbol
  • Parameters (keys)
Initially most (all applicable) parameters easily downloadable from Yahoo will be supported. Time permitting, more information sources can be added (such as parsing parameter values from Yahoo's Key Statistics webpage).
Time Permitting: There should probably be a way to query at runtime what keys are available, as well as key-lookup by human-readable names.
Output: Must be able to accommodate both strings and numbers.
  • A container object holding the requested parameters' key-value pairs.

[Jump to Top]

Historical Quotes

This is a primary function.
  • Symbol
  • Amount/duration of historical data:
Optional: Specify an end date. (Defaults to the most recent close.)
Specify a duration (relative to the end date) by providing one of the following:
  • A start date.
  • An elapsed quantity and unit of time, independent of the (optionally) requested time period.
  • Or directly as a number of bars.
  • Optional: Time Period: Specify by providing:
Optional: A major time unit. (Daily (Default), Weekly, or Monthly)
Optional: A multiplier. Default = 1
  • Optional: Adjusted or Absolute Prices
Adjusted: (Default) Prices adjusted for splits and dividends.
Absolute: Raw price data. (Provided by default if the requested symbol has no splits or dividends.)
  • Optional: A maximum lookback. Default = 0
The number of "hidden" bars (older than the start date) to return. Used by technical analysis indicators so their results will be complete for the requested length of "shown" price data.
  • A container object holding the input parameters used to produce the data, as well as the data itself (containing the same information as Intra-Day structs). Need to look into what would be the most convenient storage method for MVC-based clients such as KDChart as used by KMyMoney, but that's still flexible enough to be non-MVC-friendly.

[Jump to Top]

Future Backend Possibilities

Time Permitting / Low Priority:

  1. Support for calculating relative price/performance between multiple data sets.
  2. Support for calculating "custom Market Indexes" from watchlists.
  3. Support for storing/browsing/querying sectors and industries, as well as tracking their performance using (1) and (2).
  4. Improved support for options, futures, and FOREX.
  5. [Maybe] Technical Analysis Indicator Support: Essentially this would be providing a Qt-like API wrapped around TA-Lib's Abstract Interface. Interface documentation here. If this were to be done, it would be as an optional plugin, detected at runtime.
  6. [Depends on TA-Lib] Manual calculation of Beta with controllable inputs for the time period and the "volatility base market." This ability is probably most applicable for large private investors, portfolio analysts, and institutions/banks, and is particularly relevant for those invested in international/emerging markets who do not want to base their volatility calculations off of American markets, as Yahoo's provided Beta is assumed to do.

[Jump to Top]