Projects/AboutData: Difference between revisions

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Revision as of 00:46, 11 March 2010

Requirements analysis




Replicated data manually synchronized

Information about a program or plugin is found/used in many places:

  • "About" dialog
  • desktop file
  • application launcher (e.g. KickOff, Lancelot, KRunner)
  • Plugin selector
  • manual
  • homepage
  • software package/stores
  • bugzilla

On a change of some property all of these places have to be updated/synchronized manually. This at least is needed for the release of a new version of a program, but also once in a while on the change of the homepage, logo or the subtitle.

Data not easily found

Packagers reported they have to dig up the data they need for the package descriptions, like from somewhere in the code (KAboutData) or files like AUTHORS/README, as there is no official place. Same is true for the project coordinator or others who want to know who is the current official maintainer of a program/plugin. Or the website maintainers who want to update the data on a new release.

Wrong data

Packagers also often might happen to be no experts in the area of the program, so end up guessing most of the description.

Inconsistent data

Due to the original data not easily found/available it might get recreated. So the program's website might have a different description than the package of the distribution, and the application launcher might have yet another one. Or the homepage given in the package description is outdated, same for the icon/logo. This might happen because the package still can be built with these outdated data, and most packagers have better to do than actively pull information about changed metadata (as there exist no official way to report such changes downstream).

More work done than needed

If the website has a different text for the description of a program than used in the code (KAboutData), it needs to be translated another time. These translations might not even be done, due to lack of infrastructure and menpower.

Automated checks on the metadata impossible

If the metadata is available only implicitely in the code (KAboutData), automated tests like a check for an increased version number for a new release or for if there is an existing maintainer are hard to do.

Little support in IDEs

IDEs like KDevelop or QtCreator might want to integrate the internal project data with the official metadata of the software developed. Besides the initial code creation from a template the project's metadata used by the IDE and in the actual code has to be synchronized by the users.


Wouldn't it be nice if all the data synchronisation was done automatically? From a single source? With consistent data? And consistent translations everywhere?

Not a goal

Functional requirements

Non-functional & other requirements

Context model

Top-level architecture



Ideas, Links