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Projects/Oxygen/namingSpec/actions: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
JRT (talk | contribs)
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
New color-picker-{white,grey,black} icons by johann_ol. Their purpose I don't know, but as the fallback is fine, nothing is lost having those.
(220 intermediate revisions by 5 users not shown)
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== Specification compliance of icon names ==
== Specification compliance of icon names ==

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification or Tango icon set.
Icon names without notes already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.

bookmark-new +           OK
address-book-new              OK
dialog-cancel             OK
appointment-new                OK (since 4.1)
dialog-close             OK
application-exit              OK (KDE 3 name: exit)
document-new             OK
arrow-down                    -> svn rm
document-open             OK
arrow-down-double              -> svn rm
document-open-recent     OK
arrow-left                    -> svn rm
document-print           OK
arrow-left-double              -> svn rm
document-print-preview   OK
arrow-right                    -> svn rm
document-properties       OK
arrow-right-double            -> svn rm
document-revert           OK
arrow-up                      -> svn rm
document-save             OK
arrow-up-double                -> svn rm
document-save-as         OK
archive-insert-directory      OK ** (KDE 3 name: ark_adddir)
edit-clear +              OK
archive-insert                OK * (KDE 3 name: ark_addfile)
edit-copy                 OK
archive-remove                OK * (KDE 3 name: ark_delete)
edit-cut                 OK
archive-extract                OK * (KDE 3 name: ark_extract)
edit-delete              OK
bookmark-new                  OK * (KDE 3 name: bookmark_add)
edit-find                OK
bookmark-new-list              -> bookmark-list-new **
edit-paste               OK
                                  (or rather bookmarks-new **?)
edit-redo                 OK
                                  (KDE 3 name: bookmark_list_add)
edit-undo                OK
bookmark-toolbar              ?? (use case: "Set as toolbar folder")
folder-new               OK
bookmarks-organize            OK ** (KDE 3 origin: bookmark)
format-indent-less       OK
call-start                    Needed (CVS version of the spec)
format-indent-more       OK
call-stop                      Needed (CVS version of the spec)
format-justify-fill       OK
character-set                  ?? (use case: choose character set
format-text-bold         OK
                                    in KWrite and Konqueror
format-text-italic       OK
chronometer                    ?? (use cases?)
format-text-strikethrough OK
color-picker                  OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
format-text-underline     OK
color-picker-white            [...whatever] (since 4.2)
go-bottom                OK
color-picker-grey              [...whatever] (since 4.2)
go-down                  OK
color-picker-black            [...whatever] (since 4.2)
go-first                  OK
configure                      OK **? (-> configure-other?)
go-home                  OK
configure-shortcuts           OK **
go-last                  OK
configure-toolbars            OK **
go-next                   OK
contact-new                    OK
go-previous              OK
dashboard-show                OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
go-top                   OK
dialog-cancel                 OK (KDE 3 name: button_cancel)
go-up                    OK
dialog-close                   OK (KDE 3 name: fileclose)
help-contents             OK
dialog-ok                      OK (KDE 3 names: button_ok, ok)
list-add                  OK
dialog-ok-apply                OK ** (KDE 3 name: apply)
list-remove              OK
document-decrypt              OK ** (KDE 3 name: decrypted)
mail-forward              OK
document-encrypt              OK ** (KDE 3 name: encrypted)
mail-message-new         OK
document-export                OK * (KDE 3 name: fileexport)
mail-reply-all           OK
document-import                OK * (KDE 3 name: fileimport)
mail-reply-sender         OK
document-new                   OK (KDE 3 name: filenew)
mail-send                 OK
document-open                 OK (KDE 3 name: fileopen)
media-eject               OK
document-open-recent           OK (did not exist in KDE 3)
media-playback-pause     OK
document-open-remote          OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
media-playback-start     OK
document-page-setup            Needed
media-playback-stop       OK
document-preview              OK * (did not exist in KDE 3)
media-seek-backward       OK
document-preview-archive      OK ** (KDE 3 name: ark_view)
media-seek-forward       OK
document-print                 OK (KDE 3 name: fileprint)
media-skip-backward       OK
document-print-preview         OK (KDE 3 name: filequickprint)
media-skip-forward       OK
document-print-frame          OK ** (KDE 3 name: frameprint)
object-rotate-left       OK
document-properties           OK (KDE 3 names:
object-rotate-right       OK
                                    documentinfo, edit)
process-stop +            OK
document-revert               OK (KDE 3 name: revert)
system-lock-screen       OK
document-save                 OK (KDE 3 name: filesave)
system-log-out           OK
document-save-as               OK (KDE 3 name: filesaveas)
system-run                OK
document-save-all              OK * (KDE 3 name: save_all)
system-search             OK
document-send                  Needed (CVS version of the spec)
tab-new +                 OK
document-sign                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: signature)
tools-check-spelling     OK
draw-brush                    OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
view-fullscreen          OK
draw-eraser                    OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
view-refresh             OK
draw-freehand                  OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
view-restore              OK
draw-text                      OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
window-close             OK
edit-bomb                      ?? (since 4.1)
window-new               OK
edit-clear                    OK (Note: Only in CVS,
zoom-best-fit             OK
                                    not yet in 0.8 of the spec.)
zoom-in                  OK
                                  (KDE 3 name: editclear)
zoom-original            OK
edit-clear-list                OK ** (KDE 3 origin: view_remove)
zoom-out                 OK
edit-clear-history            OK ** (KDE 3 name: history_clear)
edit-clear-locationbar-ltr    OK ** (KDE 3 name: locationbar_erase)
edit-clear-locationbar-rtl    OK ** (KDE 3 name: clear_left)
edit-copy                     OK (KDE 3 name: editcopy)
edit-cut                       OK (KDE 3 name: editcut)
edit-delete                    OK * (KDE 3 name: editdelete)
edit-delete-shred              OK ** (KDE 3 name: editshred)
edit-delete-mail               OK ** (KDE 3 name: mail_delete)
edit-find                      OK (KDE 3 name: find)
edit-find-replace              Needed (KDE 3 name: apps/kfilereplace)
edit-find-mail                OK ** (KDE 3 name: mail_find)
edit-find-user                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: search_user)
edit-link                      OK ** (16x16 only, please fix)
                                  (KDE 3 origin: www)
edit-paste                     OK (KDE 3 name: editpaste)
edit-redo                     OK (KDE 3 name: redo)
edit-rename                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: editinput)
edit-select-all                OK (KDE 3 name: ark_selectall)
edit-undo                     OK (KDE 3 name: undo)
feed-subscribe                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: rss_tag)
flag(-black,blue,...)          ?? (eeevil!) (use cases?)
folder-new                     OK (KDE 3 name: folder_new)
fork                          ?? (use cases?)
format-fill-color              OK **
format-font-size-less          OK **
format-font-size-more          OK **
format-indent-less             OK
format-indent-more             OK
format-justify-center          OK
format-justify-left            OK
format-justify-right          OK
format-justify-fill           OK
format-line-spacing-double    OK **
format-line-spacing-normal    OK **
format-line-spacing-triple    OK **
format-list-ordered            OK **
format-list-unordered          OK **
format-stroke-color            OK **
format-text-bold               OK
format-text-color              ?? (since 4.2) (maybe ok, maybe rather
                                    format-stroke-color-text? oh well.)
format-text-italic             OK
format-text-strikethrough     OK
format-text-underline         OK
format-text-direction-ltr      OK
format-text-direction-rtl      OK
format-text-subscript          OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
format-text-superscript        OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
games-config-background        ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
games-config-board            ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
games-config-custom            ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
games-config-tiles            ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
games-config-options          ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
games-config-theme            ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
games-difficult                ??
games-endturn                  ??
games-highscores              ??
games-hint                    -> help-hint-game
games-solve                    ??
get-hot-new-stuff              probably OK **, even if highly
                                non-standard. is pretty unique
                                and used as an action icon
                                (with no associated executable).
go-bottom                     OK (KDE 3 name: bottom)
go-down                        OK (KDE 3 name: down)
go-down-search                 OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
go-first                      OK (KDE 3 name: start)
go-first-view                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: start/2leftarrow)
go-first-view-page            OK ** (KDE 3 name: start/2leftarrow)
go-home                       OK (KDE 3 name: gohome)
go-jump                        OK (KDE 3 name: goto)
go-jump-locationbar            OK ** (KDE 3 name: key_enter)
go-jump-today                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: today)
go-last                        OK (KDE 3 name: finish)
go-last-view                   OK ** (KDE 3 name: finish/2rightarrow)
go-last-view-page              OK ** (KDE 3 name: finish/2rightarrow)
go-next                        OK (KDE 3 name: forward)
go-next-view                   OK ** (KDE 3 name: forward/1rightarrow)
go-next-view-page              OK ** (KDE 3 name: forward/1rightarrow)
go-previous                    OK (KDE 3 name: back)
go-previous-view               OK ** (KDE 3 name: back/1leftarrow)
go-previous-view-page          OK ** (KDE 3 name: back/1leftarrow)
go-top                         OK (KDE 3 name: top)
go-up                          OK (KDE 3 name: up)
go-up-search                  OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
help-about                     OK
help-contents                 OK (KDE 3 name: contents, or contents2)
help-contextual                OK * (KDE 3 name: contexthelp)
help-faq                      Needed (but not used in KDE currently)
help-hint                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: idea)
insert-horizontal-rule        OK **
insert-image                  OK
insert-link                    OK
insert-table                  OK *
insert-text                    OK
insert-object                  Needed
list-add                      OK (KDE 3 names: add, edit_add)
list-add-font                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: newfont)
list-add-user                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: add_user)
list-remove                   OK (KDE 3 name: remove, edit_remove)
list-remove-user               -> edit-delete-user? or OK **
                                  (KDE 3 name: delete_user)
mail-flag                      ?? (use cases?)
mail-forward                   OK (KDE 3 name: mail_forward)
mail-mark-important            OK
mail-mark-notjunk             OK (KDE 3 names: mail_ham, kmmsg_ham)
mail-mark-junk                OK
mail-mark-read                OK
mail-mark-unread              OK
mail-message-new               OK (KDE 3 names: mail_new, mail_new3,
                                    mail_post_to, mail_post_to3)
mail-queue                    OK ** (use case: "Send later")
                                  (KDE 3 name: queue)
mail-receive                  OK * (KDE 3 name: mail_get)
mail-reply-all                 OK (KDE 3 name: mail_replyall)
mail-reply-sender             OK (did not exist in KDE 3)
mail-reply-list                OK ** (KDE 3 name: mail_replylist)
mail-send                     OK (KDE 3 name: mail_send)
mail-send-receive              Needed (did not exist in KDE 3)
media-eject                   OK
media-playback-pause           OK
media-playback-start           OK
media-playback-stop           OK
media-record                  OK
media-seek-backward           OK
media-seek-forward             OK
media-skip-backward           OK
media-skip-forward             OK
network-connect                OK ** (KDE 3 name: connect_established)
network-disconnect            OK ** (KDE 3 name: connect_no)
news-subscribe                OK **
news-unsubscribe              OK **
object-flip-horizontal        OK
object-flip-vertical          OK
object-rotate-left             OK (KDE 3 name: rotate_ccw)
object-rotate-right           OK (KDE 3 name: rotate_cw)
object-group                  OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
object-ungroup                OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
object-order-back              OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
object-order-front            OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
object-order-lower            OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
object-order-raise            OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
page-zoom                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: viewmag)
player-time                    ?? (view-media-player-time?)
                                  (use cases?)
player-volume                  ?? (view-media-player-volume?)
                                  (use cases?)
process-stop                   OK (KDE 3 name: stop)
                                  (Note: Only in CVS,
                                    not yet in 0.8 of the spec.)
project-open                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: project_open)
rating                        ?? (use cases?)
roll                          ?? (used in games for dice rolls)
run-build                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: make_kdevelop)
run-build-file                OK ** (KDE 3 name: compfile)
select-rectangular            OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
services                      ?? (use cases?)
                                  (-> places/user-services **?)
                                  (-> view-services **?)
show-menu                      ?? (-> view-menu-show **?)
                                  (-> view-menu-toggle **?)
                                  (-> view-menu **?)
speaker                        ?? (use cases?)
system-lock-screen             OK (KDE 3 name: lock)
system-log-out                 OK (KDE 3 origin: back)
system-restart                -> system-reboot * (agreed upon
                                  by GNOME, XFCE and KDE maintainers)
                                  (KDE 3 origin: reload? i think)
system-run                     OK (KDE 3 name: exec)
system-search                  OK (KDE 3 name: kfind)
system-shutdown               OK * (KDE 3 name: exit)
system-software-install        Needed (CVS version of the spec)
system-suspend                OK * (KDE 3 name: suspend)
system-suspend-hibernate      -> system-hibernate (agreed upon
                                  by GNOME, XFCE and KDE maintainers)
                                  (KDE 3 name: hibernate)
system-switch-user             OK * (KDE 3 name: switchuser)
tab-detach                    OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_breakoff)
tab-duplicate                  OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_duplicate)
tab-new-background            OK ** (KDE 3 name: tab_new_bg)
tab-move-left                  Needed * New icon (missing in KDE 3)
tab-move-right                 Needed * New icon (missing in KDE 3)
tab-new                        OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_new)
                                  (KDE 3 name: tab_new_raised)
tab-close                      OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_remove)
tab-close-other                Needed * (KDE 3 name: tab_remove_other)
text-speak                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: speak?)
tools-check-spelling           OK (KDE 3 name: spellcheck)
tools-media-optical-burn      OK **
tools-media-optical-copy      -> move to (lib?)k3b
tools-report-bug              OK ** (KDE 3 origin: kbugbuster)
transform-move                OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                  (KDE 3 name: move)
transform-rotate              OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                  (KDE 3 name: rotate)
trash-empty                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: emptytrash)
user-group-new                OK ** (KDE 3 name - private
                                      to KUser: add_group)
user-properties                OK ** (KDE 3 name: edit_user)
view-calendar-day              OK ** (KDE 3 name: 1day)
view-calendar-workweek        OK ** (KDE 3 name: 5days)
view-calendar-week            OK ** (KDE 3 name: 7days)
view-calendar-list            OK ** (KDE 3 name: list)
view-calendar-month            OK ** (KDE 3 name: month)
view-calendar-tasks            OK ** (KDE 3 name: todo)
view-calendar-upcoming-events  OK ** (KDE 3 name: whatsnext)
view-calendar-upcoming-days    OK ** (KDE 3 name: xdays)
view-choose                    ??
view-close                    OK **? view-merge **?
                                  (KDE 3 name: view_remove)
view-filter                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: filter)
view-fullscreen               OK (KDE 3 name: window-fullscreen)
view-history                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: history)
view-media-artist              OK ** (KDE 3 origin: identity)
view-media-equalizer           OK ** (KDE 3 name: equalizer)
view-media-lyrics              OK ** (KDE 3 origin: text_center)
view-media-visualization      OK ** (KDE 3 name: visualizations)
view-media-playlist            OK ** (KDE 3 names:
                                    player_playlist, player_playlist_2)
view-pim-contacts              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_contacts)
view-pim-calendar              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_date)
view-pim-journal              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_journal)
view-pim-mail                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_mail)
view-pim-news                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_news)
view-pim-notes                OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_notes)
view-pim-summary              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_summary)
view-pim-tasks                OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_todo)
view-presentation              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kpresentation_kpr)
view-preview                  OK **
view-process-all              OK **
view-process-all-tree          OK **
view-process-own              OK **
view-process-system            OK **
view-process-users            OK **
view-refresh                   OK
view-restore                   OK
view-sidetree                  -> view-sidebar-right **
view-sort-ascending            OK
view-sort-descending          OK
view-list-details             OK **
view-list-icons                OK **
view-list-text                OK **
view-list-tree                OK **
view-left-close                -> move to Dolphin
view-right-close              -> move to Dolphin
view-right-new                -> move to Dolphin
view-split-left-right          -> view-split-horizontal **
view-split-top-bottom          -> view-split-vertical **
view-statistics                OK **
view-table-of-contents-ltr    OK ** (since 4.1)
view-table-of-contents-rtl    OK ** (since 4.1)
view-web-browser-dom-tree      -> move to extragear/base/[domtree-plugin]
window-close                   OK (KDE 3 origin: fileclose)
window-new                     OK (KDE 3 name: window_new)
zoom-original                  OK (KDE 3 name: viewmag1)
zoom-fit-best                 OK (as of the CVS version
                                    of the spec, 0.8.90)
                                  (KDE 3 names:
                                    view_fit_window, viewmagfit)
zoom-fit-width                OK * (KDE 3 name: view_fit_width)
zoom-fit-height                OK * (KDE 3 name: view_fit_height)
zoom-in                        OK (KDE 3 name: viewmag+)
zoom-out                       OK (KDE 3 name: viewmag-)

  *  suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
  *  suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
+  included with the Tango icon theme, but not in the current spec.
  ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
  ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
     it's not really suited to be a standard icon
     it's not really suited to be a standard icon
*** badly named in the spec imho, let's try to get this changed
== To do for Oxygen ==
== To do for Oxygen ==

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's devices/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification
Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's actions/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification
  The icon used for initiating or accepting a call. Should be
  similar to the standard cellular call pickup icon, a green
  handset with ear and mouth pieces facing upward.
  (Says the spec... I think we can be more flexible.)
  The icon used for stopping a current call. Should be similar
  to the standard cellular call hangup icon, a red handset
  with ear and mouth pieces facing downward.
  (Says the spec... I think we can be more flexible.)
  The icon for the send action. Should be an arrow pointing up
  and away from a hard disk.
  (Says the spec... I think we can be more flexible.)
  The icon for the page setup action of a document editor.
  The icon for the find and replace action.
  The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu.
  (Editor's note: not used in KDE either, at the moment.)
  The icon for the insert object action of an application.
  The icon for the send and receive action of an
  electronic mail application.
  The icon used for the desktop's software installer application.

== Summary of the suggested changes and additions ==
== Summary of the suggested changes and additions ==
Line 90: Line 392:

  The icon used for the action that extracts files and directories
  from an archive.
  The icon used for the action that inserts files and directories
  into an archive.
  The icon used for the action that removes files and directories
  from an archive.
  The icon used for the action that saves all or part of
  the current document, often in a format that cannot be
  opened again with this application.
  The icon used for the action that adds the contents of
  external files to the current document.
  The icon used for previewing a document in read-only mode.
  Should probably be document-preview-print, so that there's
  a possibility of having document-preview (which is a better
  fallback anyways than document-print).
  The icon for the contextual help / "What's this" icon
  in the Help menu.
  The icon for the insert table action of an application.
  The icon for the receive action of an
  electronic mail application.
  The icon used for the "Switch User" item in the
  desktop's panel application.
  The icon used for the "Detach Tab" action.
  The icon used for the "Duplicate Tab" action.
  The icon for the menu action "Window -> Move Tab Left"
  The icon for the menu action "Window -> Move Tab Right"
  The icon used for the "New Tab" action.
  The icon used for the "Close Tab" action.
  The icon used for the "Close Other Tabs" action.
  The icon used for the "Suspend Computer" action.
  The icon used for the "Zoom to Height" item
  in the application's "View" menu.
  The icon used for the "Zoom to Width" item
  in the application's "View" menu.

Latest revision as of 12:13, 13 January 2009

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without notes already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.

 address-book-new               OK
 appointment-new                OK (since 4.1)
 application-exit               OK (KDE 3 name: exit)
 arrow-down                     -> svn rm
 arrow-down-double              -> svn rm
 arrow-left                     -> svn rm
 arrow-left-double              -> svn rm
 arrow-right                    -> svn rm
 arrow-right-double             -> svn rm
 arrow-up                       -> svn rm
 arrow-up-double                -> svn rm
 archive-insert-directory       OK ** (KDE 3 name: ark_adddir)
 archive-insert                 OK * (KDE 3 name: ark_addfile)
 archive-remove                 OK * (KDE 3 name: ark_delete)
 archive-extract                OK * (KDE 3 name: ark_extract)
 bookmark-new                   OK * (KDE 3 name: bookmark_add)
 bookmark-new-list              -> bookmark-list-new **
                                   (or rather bookmarks-new **?)
                                   (KDE 3 name: bookmark_list_add)
 bookmark-toolbar               ?? (use case: "Set as toolbar folder")
 bookmarks-organize             OK ** (KDE 3 origin: bookmark)
 call-start                     Needed (CVS version of the spec)
 call-stop                      Needed (CVS version of the spec)
 character-set                  ?? (use case: choose character set
                                    in KWrite and Konqueror
 chronometer                    ?? (use cases?)
 color-picker                   OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 color-picker-white             [...whatever] (since 4.2)
 color-picker-grey              [...whatever] (since 4.2)
 color-picker-black             [...whatever] (since 4.2)
 configure                      OK **? (-> configure-other?)
 configure-shortcuts            OK **
 configure-toolbars             OK **
 contact-new                    OK
 dashboard-show                 OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
 dialog-cancel                  OK (KDE 3 name: button_cancel)
 dialog-close                   OK (KDE 3 name: fileclose)
 dialog-ok                      OK (KDE 3 names: button_ok, ok)
 dialog-ok-apply                OK ** (KDE 3 name: apply)
 document-decrypt               OK ** (KDE 3 name: decrypted)
 document-encrypt               OK ** (KDE 3 name: encrypted)
 document-export                OK * (KDE 3 name: fileexport)
 document-import                OK * (KDE 3 name: fileimport)
 document-new                   OK (KDE 3 name: filenew)
 document-open                  OK (KDE 3 name: fileopen)
 document-open-recent           OK (did not exist in KDE 3)
 document-open-remote           OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
 document-page-setup            Needed
 document-preview               OK * (did not exist in KDE 3)
 document-preview-archive       OK ** (KDE 3 name: ark_view)
 document-print                 OK (KDE 3 name: fileprint)
 document-print-preview         OK (KDE 3 name: filequickprint)
 document-print-frame           OK ** (KDE 3 name: frameprint)
 document-properties            OK (KDE 3 names:
                                    documentinfo, edit)
 document-revert                OK (KDE 3 name: revert)
 document-save                  OK (KDE 3 name: filesave)
 document-save-as               OK (KDE 3 name: filesaveas)
 document-save-all              OK * (KDE 3 name: save_all)
 document-send                  Needed (CVS version of the spec)
 document-sign                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: signature)
 draw-brush                     OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 draw-eraser                    OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 draw-freehand                  OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 draw-text                      OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 edit-bomb                      ?? (since 4.1)
 edit-clear                     OK (Note: Only in CVS,
                                    not yet in 0.8 of the spec.)
                                   (KDE 3 name: editclear)
 edit-clear-list                OK ** (KDE 3 origin: view_remove)
 edit-clear-history             OK ** (KDE 3 name: history_clear)
 edit-clear-locationbar-ltr     OK ** (KDE 3 name: locationbar_erase)
 edit-clear-locationbar-rtl     OK ** (KDE 3 name: clear_left)
 edit-copy                      OK (KDE 3 name: editcopy)
 edit-cut                       OK (KDE 3 name: editcut)
 edit-delete                    OK * (KDE 3 name: editdelete)
 edit-delete-shred              OK ** (KDE 3 name: editshred)
 edit-delete-mail               OK ** (KDE 3 name: mail_delete)
 edit-find                      OK (KDE 3 name: find)
 edit-find-replace              Needed (KDE 3 name: apps/kfilereplace)
 edit-find-mail                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: mail_find)
 edit-find-user                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: search_user)
 edit-link                      OK ** (16x16 only, please fix)
                                   (KDE 3 origin: www)
 edit-paste                     OK (KDE 3 name: editpaste)
 edit-redo                      OK (KDE 3 name: redo)
 edit-rename                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: editinput)
 edit-select-all                OK (KDE 3 name: ark_selectall)
 edit-undo                      OK (KDE 3 name: undo)
 feed-subscribe                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: rss_tag)
 flag(-black,blue,...)          ?? (eeevil!) (use cases?)
 folder-new                     OK (KDE 3 name: folder_new)
 fork                           ?? (use cases?)
 format-fill-color              OK **
 format-font-size-less          OK **
 format-font-size-more          OK **
 format-indent-less             OK
 format-indent-more             OK
 format-justify-center          OK
 format-justify-left            OK
 format-justify-right           OK
 format-justify-fill            OK
 format-line-spacing-double     OK **
 format-line-spacing-normal     OK **
 format-line-spacing-triple     OK **
 format-list-ordered            OK **
 format-list-unordered          OK **
 format-stroke-color            OK **
 format-text-bold               OK
 format-text-color              ?? (since 4.2) (maybe ok, maybe rather
                                    format-stroke-color-text? oh well.)
 format-text-italic             OK
 format-text-strikethrough      OK
 format-text-underline          OK
 format-text-direction-ltr      OK
 format-text-direction-rtl      OK
 format-text-subscript          OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 format-text-superscript        OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 games-config-background        ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
 games-config-board             ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
 games-config-custom            ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
 games-config-tiles             ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
 games-config-options           ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
 games-config-theme             ?? (probably a candidate for apps/)
 games-difficult                ??
 games-endturn                  ??
 games-highscores               ??
 games-hint                     -> help-hint-game
 games-solve                    ??
 get-hot-new-stuff              probably OK **, even if highly
                                 non-standard. is pretty unique
                                 and used as an action icon
                                 (with no associated executable).
 go-bottom                      OK (KDE 3 name: bottom)
 go-down                        OK (KDE 3 name: down)
 go-down-search                 OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
 go-first                       OK (KDE 3 name: start)
 go-first-view                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: start/2leftarrow)
 go-first-view-page             OK ** (KDE 3 name: start/2leftarrow)
 go-home                        OK (KDE 3 name: gohome)
 go-jump                        OK (KDE 3 name: goto)
 go-jump-locationbar            OK ** (KDE 3 name: key_enter)
 go-jump-today                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: today)
 go-last                        OK (KDE 3 name: finish)
 go-last-view                   OK ** (KDE 3 name: finish/2rightarrow)
 go-last-view-page              OK ** (KDE 3 name: finish/2rightarrow)
 go-next                        OK (KDE 3 name: forward)
 go-next-view                   OK ** (KDE 3 name: forward/1rightarrow)
 go-next-view-page              OK ** (KDE 3 name: forward/1rightarrow)
 go-previous                    OK (KDE 3 name: back)
 go-previous-view               OK ** (KDE 3 name: back/1leftarrow)
 go-previous-view-page          OK ** (KDE 3 name: back/1leftarrow)
 go-top                         OK (KDE 3 name: top)
 go-up                          OK (KDE 3 name: up)
 go-up-search                   OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
 help-about                     OK
 help-contents                  OK (KDE 3 name: contents, or contents2)
 help-contextual                OK * (KDE 3 name: contexthelp)
 help-faq                       Needed (but not used in KDE currently)
 help-hint                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: idea)
 insert-horizontal-rule         OK **
 insert-image                   OK
 insert-link                    OK
 insert-table                   OK *
 insert-text                    OK
 insert-object                  Needed
 list-add                       OK (KDE 3 names: add, edit_add)
 list-add-font                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: newfont)
 list-add-user                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: add_user)
 list-remove                    OK (KDE 3 name: remove, edit_remove)
 list-remove-user               -> edit-delete-user? or OK **
                                   (KDE 3 name: delete_user)
 mail-flag                      ?? (use cases?)
 mail-forward                   OK (KDE 3 name: mail_forward)
 mail-mark-important            OK
 mail-mark-notjunk              OK (KDE 3 names: mail_ham, kmmsg_ham)
 mail-mark-junk                 OK
 mail-mark-read                 OK
 mail-mark-unread               OK
 mail-message-new               OK (KDE 3 names: mail_new, mail_new3,
                                    mail_post_to, mail_post_to3)
 mail-queue                     OK ** (use case: "Send later")
                                   (KDE 3 name: queue)
 mail-receive                   OK * (KDE 3 name: mail_get)
 mail-reply-all                 OK (KDE 3 name: mail_replyall)
 mail-reply-sender              OK (did not exist in KDE 3)
 mail-reply-list                OK ** (KDE 3 name: mail_replylist)
 mail-send                      OK (KDE 3 name: mail_send)
 mail-send-receive              Needed (did not exist in KDE 3)
 media-eject                    OK
 media-playback-pause           OK
 media-playback-start           OK
 media-playback-stop            OK
 media-record                   OK
 media-seek-backward            OK
 media-seek-forward             OK
 media-skip-backward            OK
 media-skip-forward             OK
 network-connect                OK ** (KDE 3 name: connect_established)
 network-disconnect             OK ** (KDE 3 name: connect_no)
 news-subscribe                 OK **
 news-unsubscribe               OK **
 object-flip-horizontal         OK
 object-flip-vertical           OK
 object-rotate-left             OK (KDE 3 name: rotate_ccw)
 object-rotate-right            OK (KDE 3 name: rotate_cw)
 object-group                   OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
 object-ungroup                 OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
 object-order-back              OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
 object-order-front             OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
 object-order-lower             OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
 object-order-raise             OK ** (since 4.2) (16x16 only?)
 page-zoom                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: viewmag)
 player-time                    ?? (view-media-player-time?)
                                   (use cases?)
 player-volume                  ?? (view-media-player-volume?)
                                   (use cases?)
 process-stop                   OK (KDE 3 name: stop)
                                   (Note: Only in CVS,
                                    not yet in 0.8 of the spec.)
 project-open                   OK ** (KDE 3 name: project_open)
 rating                         ?? (use cases?)
 roll                           ?? (used in games for dice rolls)
 run-build                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: make_kdevelop)
 run-build-file                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: compfile)
 select-rectangular             OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
 services                       ?? (use cases?)
                                   (-> places/user-services **?)
                                   (-> view-services **?)
 show-menu                      ?? (-> view-menu-show **?)
                                   (-> view-menu-toggle **?)
                                   (-> view-menu **?)
 speaker                        ?? (use cases?)
 system-lock-screen             OK (KDE 3 name: lock)
 system-log-out                 OK (KDE 3 origin: back)
 system-restart                 -> system-reboot * (agreed upon
                                   by GNOME, XFCE and KDE maintainers)
                                   (KDE 3 origin: reload? i think)
 system-run                     OK (KDE 3 name: exec)
 system-search                  OK (KDE 3 name: kfind)
 system-shutdown                OK * (KDE 3 name: exit)
 system-software-install        Needed (CVS version of the spec)
 system-suspend                 OK * (KDE 3 name: suspend)
 system-suspend-hibernate       -> system-hibernate (agreed upon
                                   by GNOME, XFCE and KDE maintainers)
                                   (KDE 3 name: hibernate)
 system-switch-user             OK * (KDE 3 name: switchuser)
 tab-detach                     OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_breakoff)
 tab-duplicate                  OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_duplicate)
 tab-new-background             OK ** (KDE 3 name: tab_new_bg)
 tab-move-left                  Needed * New icon (missing in KDE 3)
 tab-move-right                 Needed * New icon (missing in KDE 3)
 tab-new                        OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_new)
                                   (KDE 3 name: tab_new_raised)
 tab-close                      OK * (KDE 3 name: tab_remove)
 tab-close-other                Needed * (KDE 3 name: tab_remove_other)
 text-speak                     OK ** (KDE 3 name: speak?)
 tools-check-spelling           OK (KDE 3 name: spellcheck)
 tools-media-optical-burn       OK **
 tools-media-optical-copy       -> move to (lib?)k3b
 tools-report-bug               OK ** (KDE 3 origin: kbugbuster)
 transform-move                 OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                   (KDE 3 name: move)
 transform-rotate               OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                   (KDE 3 name: rotate)
 trash-empty                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: emptytrash)
 user-group-new                 OK ** (KDE 3 name - private
                                       to KUser: add_group)
 user-properties                OK ** (KDE 3 name: edit_user)
 view-calendar-day              OK ** (KDE 3 name: 1day)
 view-calendar-workweek         OK ** (KDE 3 name: 5days)
 view-calendar-week             OK ** (KDE 3 name: 7days)
 view-calendar-list             OK ** (KDE 3 name: list)
 view-calendar-month            OK ** (KDE 3 name: month)
 view-calendar-tasks            OK ** (KDE 3 name: todo)
 view-calendar-upcoming-events  OK ** (KDE 3 name: whatsnext)
 view-calendar-upcoming-days    OK ** (KDE 3 name: xdays)
 view-choose                    ??
 view-close                     OK **? view-merge **?
                                   (KDE 3 name: view_remove)
 view-filter                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: filter)
 view-fullscreen                OK (KDE 3 name: window-fullscreen)
 view-history                   OK ** (KDE 3 name: history)
 view-media-artist              OK ** (KDE 3 origin: identity)
 view-media-equalizer           OK ** (KDE 3 name: equalizer)
 view-media-lyrics              OK ** (KDE 3 origin: text_center)
 view-media-visualization       OK ** (KDE 3 name: visualizations)
 view-media-playlist            OK ** (KDE 3 names:
                                     player_playlist, player_playlist_2)
 view-pim-contacts              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_contacts)
 view-pim-calendar              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_date)
 view-pim-journal               OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_journal)
 view-pim-mail                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_mail)
 view-pim-news                  OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_news)
 view-pim-notes                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_notes)
 view-pim-summary               OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_summary)
 view-pim-tasks                 OK ** (KDE 3 name: kontact_todo)
 view-presentation              OK ** (KDE 3 name: kpresentation_kpr)
 view-preview                   OK **
 view-process-all               OK **
 view-process-all-tree          OK **
 view-process-own               OK **
 view-process-system            OK **
 view-process-users             OK **
 view-refresh                   OK
 view-restore                   OK
 view-sidetree                  -> view-sidebar-right **
 view-sort-ascending            OK
 view-sort-descending           OK
 view-list-details              OK **
 view-list-icons                OK **
 view-list-text                 OK **
 view-list-tree                 OK **
 view-left-close                -> move to Dolphin
 view-right-close               -> move to Dolphin
 view-right-new                 -> move to Dolphin
 view-split-left-right          -> view-split-horizontal **
 view-split-top-bottom          -> view-split-vertical **
 view-statistics                OK **
 view-table-of-contents-ltr     OK ** (since 4.1)
 view-table-of-contents-rtl     OK ** (since 4.1)
 view-web-browser-dom-tree      -> move to extragear/base/[domtree-plugin]
 window-close                   OK (KDE 3 origin: fileclose)
 window-new                     OK (KDE 3 name: window_new)
 zoom-original                  OK (KDE 3 name: viewmag1)
 zoom-fit-best                  OK (as of the CVS version
                                    of the spec, 0.8.90)
                                   (KDE 3 names:
                                    view_fit_window, viewmagfit)
 zoom-fit-width                 OK * (KDE 3 name: view_fit_width)
 zoom-fit-height                OK * (KDE 3 name: view_fit_height)
 zoom-in                        OK (KDE 3 name: viewmag+)
 zoom-out                       OK (KDE 3 name: viewmag-)

 *  suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon
 *** badly named in the spec imho, let's try to get this changed

To do for Oxygen

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's actions/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification

   The icon used for initiating or accepting a call. Should be
   similar to the standard cellular call pickup icon, a green
   handset with ear and mouth pieces facing upward.
   (Says the spec... I think we can be more flexible.)

   The icon used for stopping a current call. Should be similar
   to the standard cellular call hangup icon, a red handset
   with ear and mouth pieces facing downward.
   (Says the spec... I think we can be more flexible.)

   The icon for the send action. Should be an arrow pointing up
   and away from a hard disk.
   (Says the spec... I think we can be more flexible.)

   The icon for the page setup action of a document editor.

   The icon for the find and replace action.

   The icon for the FAQ item in the Help menu.
   (Editor's note: not used in KDE either, at the moment.)

   The icon for the insert object action of an application.

   The icon for the send and receive action of an
   electronic mail application.

   The icon used for the desktop's software installer application.

Summary of the suggested changes and additions

The ones marked with * and should therefore go into the icon naming specification, presented here in a shorter list for a better overview. Including a suggested short description text like needed for inclusion in the spec.

   The icon used for the action that extracts files and directories
   from an archive.

   The icon used for the action that inserts files and directories
   into an archive.

   The icon used for the action that removes files and directories
   from an archive.

   The icon used for the action that saves all or part of
   the current document, often in a format that cannot be
   opened again with this application.

   The icon used for the action that adds the contents of
   external files to the current document.

   The icon used for previewing a document in read-only mode.

   Should probably be document-preview-print, so that there's
   a possibility of having document-preview (which is a better
   fallback anyways than document-print).

   The icon for the contextual help / "What's this" icon
   in the Help menu.

   The icon for the insert table action of an application.

   The icon for the receive action of an
   electronic mail application.

   The icon used for the "Switch User" item in the
   desktop's panel application.

   The icon used for the "Detach Tab" action.

   The icon used for the "Duplicate Tab" action.

   The icon for the menu action "Window -> Move Tab Left"

   The icon for the menu action "Window -> Move Tab Right"

   The icon used for the "New Tab" action.

   The icon used for the "Close Tab" action.

   The icon used for the "Close Other Tabs" action.

   The icon used for the "Suspend Computer" action.

   The icon used for the "Zoom to Height" item
   in the application's "View" menu.
   The icon used for the "Zoom to Width" item
   in the application's "View" menu.