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Projects/Oxygen/namingSpec/status: Difference between revisions

From KDE TechBase
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
A stub for Oxygen's status category, for JRT and me to fill in.
Jpetso (talk | contribs)
Moved window-suppressed from actions.
(53 intermediate revisions by 3 users not shown)
Line 4: Line 4:

  current-icon-name        -> new-icon-name
  appointment-missed              Needed
  another-icon-name        -> another-new-icon-name
appointment-soon                Needed
audio-volume-high                OK (22x22 only)
audio-volume-low                OK (22x22 only)
audio-volume-medium              OK (22x22 only)
audio-volume-muted              OK (22x22 only)
battery-low                      OK
battery-caution                  OK
battery-040                      OK **
battery-060                      OK **
battery-080                      OK **
battery-100                      OK **
battery-charging-low            OK **
battery-charging-caution        OK **
battery-charging-040            OK **
battery-charging-060            OK **
battery-charging-080            OK **
battery-charging                OK *
dialog-error                    OK (KDE 3 name: actions/messagebox_critical)
dialog-information              OK (KDE 3 name: actions/messagebox_info)
dialog-warning                  OK (KDE 3 name: actions/messagebox_warning)
dialog-password                  OK (KDE 3 name: lock)
dialog-question                  Needed
folder-drag-accept              Needed
folder-visiting                  Needed
folder-open                      OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/folder_open)
image-loading                    OK
image-missing                    OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/file_broken)
mail-attachment                  OK (KDE 3 name: actions/kmmsgattachment)
mail-unread                      OK
mail-read                        OK
mail-replied                    OK
mail-signed                      Needed
mail-signed-verified            Needed
media-playlist-repeat            OK (needs to be improved, though)
media-playlist-shuffle          OK
network-error                    Needed
network-idle                    Needed
network-offline                  Needed
network-receive                  Needed
network-transmit                Needed
network-transmit-receive        Needed
object-locked                    OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                    (KDE 3 name: actions/encrypted)
object-unlocked                  OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                    (KDE 3 name: actions/decrypted)
printer-error                    OK (didn't exist in KDE 3)
printer-printing                OK (KDE 3 name: actions/print)
script-error                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: bug)
security-high                    OK (KDE 3 name: actions/encrypted)
security-medium                  OK (KDE 3 name: actions/halfencrypted)
security-low                    OK (KDE 3 name: actions/decrypted)
software-update-available       Needed
software-update-urgent          Needed
sync-error                      Needed
sync-synchronizing              Needed
task-due                        Needed
task-past-due                    Needed
user-away                        OK (KDE 3 name: metacontact_away)
user-away-extended              OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
user-busy                        OK * (KDE 3 name: yahoo_busy,
                                        groupwise_busy, icq_dnd)
user-idle                        Needed (did not exist in KDE 3)
user-invisible                  OK * (did not exist in KDE 3)
user-offline                    OK (KDE 3 name: metacontact_offline)
user-online                      OK (KDE 3 name: metacontact_online)
user-trash-full                  OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/trashcan_full)
  wallet-closed                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: wallet_closed)
wallet-open                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: wallet_open)
weather-clear                    Needed
weather-clear-night              Needed
weather-few-clouds              Needed
weather-few-clouds-night        Needed
weather-fog                      Needed
weather-overcast                Needed
weather-severe-alert            Needed
weather-showers                  Needed
weather-showers-scattered       Needed
weather-snow                    Needed
weather-storm                    Needed
window-suppressed                -> popup-suppressed **

  * suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
  * suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
Line 17: Line 96:

   [Here goes the description from the icon naming specification.]
  The icon used when an appointment was missed.
  The icon used when an appointment will occur soon.
  The icon used when a dialog is opened to ask a simple
  question of the user.
  The icon used for a folder while an object is being
  dragged onto it, that is of a type that the directory
  can contain.
  The icon used for folders, while their contents are being
  displayed in another window. This icon would typically be used
  when using multiple windows to navigate the hierarchy, such as
  in Nautilus's spatial mode.
  The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature.
  The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature
  which has also been verified by the security system.
  The icon for the repeat mode of a media player.
  The icon used when an error occurs trying to intialize
  the network connection of the computing device. This icon
   should be two computers, one in the background, with the
  screens of both computers, colored black, and with the
  theme's style element for errors, overlayed on top of the icon.
  The icon used when no data is being transmitted or received,
  while the computing device is connected to a network.
  This icon should be two computers, one in the background,
  with the screens of both computers, colored black.
  The icon used when the computing device is disconnected
  from the network. This icon should be a computer in the
  background, with a screen colored black, and the theme's
  icon element to show that a device is not accessible,
  in the foreground. (Move from actions/connect-no?)
  The icon used when data is being received, while the
  computing device is connected to a network. This icon
  should be two computers, one in the background,
  with its screen colored green, and the screen of
  the computer in the foreground, colored black.
  The icon used when data is being transmitted, while the
  computing device is connected to a network. This icon
  should be two computers, one in the background, with its
  screen colored black, and the screen of the computer in
  the foreground, colored green.
  The icon used data is being both transmitted and received
  simultaneously, while the computing device is connected
  to a network. This icon should be two computers, one in
  the background, with the screens of both computers,
  colored green.
  The icon used when an update is available for software
  installed on the computing device, through the system
  software update program.
  The icon used when an urgent update is available
  through the system software update program.
  The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to
  synchronize data from the computing device,
  to another device.
  The icon used while data is successfully synchronizing
  to another device.
  The icon used when a task is due soon.
  The icon used when a task that was due,
  has been left incomplete.
  The icon used when a user on a chat network has not been
  an active participant in any chats on the network,
  for an extended period of time.
  The icon used while the weather for a region
  is "clear skies".
  The icon used while the weather for a region
  is "clear skies" during the night.
  The icon used while the weather for a region
  is "partly cloudy".
  The icon used while the weather for a region
  is "partly cloudy" during the night.
  The icon used while the weather for a region is "foggy".
  The icon used while the weather for a region is "overcast".
  The icon used while a sever weather alert is
  in effect for a region.
  The icon used while rain showers are occurring in a region.
  The icon used while scattered rain showers are occurring
  in a region.
  The icon used while snow showers are occurring in a region.
  The icon used while storms are occurring in a region.

== Summary of the suggested changes and additions ==
== Summary of the suggested changes and additions ==
Line 27: Line 243:

   The icon used for [whatever].
  The icon used when the battery is charging
  from the power supply.
  The icon used when a user on a chat network is not online
  but doesn't want to be disturbed.
   The icon used when a user on a chat network is online
  but invisible to other users.

Latest revision as of 12:10, 27 May 2008

Specification compliance of icon names

Icon names without trailing stars already exist in the freedesktop.org icon naming specification.

 appointment-missed               Needed
 appointment-soon                 Needed
 audio-volume-high                OK (22x22 only)
 audio-volume-low                 OK (22x22 only)
 audio-volume-medium              OK (22x22 only)
 audio-volume-muted               OK (22x22 only)
 battery-low                      OK
 battery-caution                  OK
 battery-040                      OK **
 battery-060                      OK **
 battery-080                      OK **
 battery-100                      OK **
 battery-charging-low             OK **
 battery-charging-caution         OK **
 battery-charging-040             OK **
 battery-charging-060             OK **
 battery-charging-080             OK **
 battery-charging                 OK *
 dialog-error                     OK (KDE 3 name: actions/messagebox_critical)
 dialog-information               OK (KDE 3 name: actions/messagebox_info)
 dialog-warning                   OK (KDE 3 name: actions/messagebox_warning)
 dialog-password                  OK (KDE 3 name: lock)
 dialog-question                  Needed
 folder-drag-accept               Needed
 folder-visiting                  Needed
 folder-open                      OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/folder_open)
 image-loading                    OK
 image-missing                    OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/file_broken)
 mail-attachment                  OK (KDE 3 name: actions/kmmsgattachment)
 mail-unread                      OK
 mail-read                        OK
 mail-replied                     OK
 mail-signed                      Needed
 mail-signed-verified             Needed
 media-playlist-repeat            OK (needs to be improved, though)
 media-playlist-shuffle           OK
 network-error                    Needed
 network-idle                     Needed
 network-offline                  Needed
 network-receive                  Needed
 network-transmit                 Needed
 network-transmit-receive         Needed
 object-locked                    OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                     (KDE 3 name: actions/encrypted)
 object-unlocked                  OK ** (ArtLibreSet)
                                     (KDE 3 name: actions/decrypted)
 printer-error                    OK (didn't exist in KDE 3)
 printer-printing                 OK (KDE 3 name: actions/print)
 script-error                     OK ** (KDE 3 name: bug)
 security-high                    OK (KDE 3 name: actions/encrypted)
 security-medium                  OK (KDE 3 name: actions/halfencrypted)
 security-low                     OK (KDE 3 name: actions/decrypted)
 software-update-available        Needed
 software-update-urgent           Needed
 sync-error                       Needed
 sync-synchronizing               Needed
 task-due                         Needed
 task-past-due                    Needed
 user-away                        OK (KDE 3 name: metacontact_away)
 user-away-extended               OK ** (did not exist in KDE 3)
 user-busy                        OK * (KDE 3 name: yahoo_busy,
                                        groupwise_busy, icq_dnd)
 user-idle                        Needed (did not exist in KDE 3)
 user-invisible                   OK * (did not exist in KDE 3)
 user-offline                     OK (KDE 3 name: metacontact_offline)
 user-online                      OK (KDE 3 name: metacontact_online)
 user-trash-full                  OK (KDE 3 name: filesystems/trashcan_full)
 wallet-closed                    OK ** (KDE 3 name: wallet_closed)
 wallet-open                      OK ** (KDE 3 name: wallet_open)
 weather-clear                    Needed
 weather-clear-night              Needed
 weather-few-clouds               Needed
 weather-few-clouds-night         Needed
 weather-fog                      Needed
 weather-overcast                 Needed
 weather-severe-alert             Needed
 weather-showers                  Needed
 weather-showers-scattered        Needed
 weather-snow                     Needed
 weather-storm                    Needed
 window-suppressed                -> popup-suppressed **

 * suggesting this for inclusion into the icon naming specification
 ** not in the spec, but let's keep it out of there anyways,
    it's not really suited to be a standard icon

To do for Oxygen

Icons that are in the spec, but not yet in Oxygen's status/ (after renaming) so they need to be added. Descriptions taken from the specification.

   The icon used when an appointment was missed.

   The icon used when an appointment will occur soon.

   The icon used when a dialog is opened to ask a simple
   question of the user.

   The icon used for a folder while an object is being
   dragged onto it, that is of a type that the directory
   can contain.

   The icon used for folders, while their contents are being
   displayed in another window. This icon would typically be used
   when using multiple windows to navigate the hierarchy, such as
   in Nautilus's spatial mode.

   The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature.

   The icon used for an electronic mail that contains a signature
   which has also been verified by the security system.

   The icon for the repeat mode of a media player.

   The icon used when an error occurs trying to intialize
   the network connection of the computing device. This icon
   should be two computers, one in the background, with the
   screens of both computers, colored black, and with the
   theme's style element for errors, overlayed on top of the icon.

   The icon used when no data is being transmitted or received,
   while the computing device is connected to a network.
   This icon should be two computers, one in the background,
   with the screens of both computers, colored black.

   The icon used when the computing device is disconnected
   from the network. This icon should be a computer in the
   background, with a screen colored black, and the theme's
   icon element to show that a device is not accessible,
   in the foreground. (Move from actions/connect-no?)

   The icon used when data is being received, while the
   computing device is connected to a network. This icon
   should be two computers, one in the background,
   with its screen colored green, and the screen of
   the computer in the foreground, colored black.

   The icon used when data is being transmitted, while the
   computing device is connected to a network. This icon
   should be two computers, one in the background, with its
   screen colored black, and the screen of the computer in
   the foreground, colored green.

   The icon used data is being both transmitted and received
   simultaneously, while the computing device is connected
   to a network. This icon should be two computers, one in
   the background, with the screens of both computers,
   colored green.

   The icon used when an update is available for software
   installed on the computing device, through the system
   software update program.

   The icon used when an urgent update is available
   through the system software update program.

   The icon used when an error occurs while attempting to
   synchronize data from the computing device,
   to another device.

   The icon used while data is successfully synchronizing
   to another device.

   The icon used when a task is due soon.

   The icon used when a task that was due,
   has been left incomplete.

   The icon used when a user on a chat network has not been
   an active participant in any chats on the network,
   for an extended period of time.

   The icon used while the weather for a region
   is "clear skies".

   The icon used while the weather for a region
   is "clear skies" during the night.

   The icon used while the weather for a region
   is "partly cloudy".

   The icon used while the weather for a region
   is "partly cloudy" during the night.

   The icon used while the weather for a region is "foggy".

   The icon used while the weather for a region is "overcast".

   The icon used while a sever weather alert is
   in effect for a region.

   The icon used while rain showers are occurring in a region.

   The icon used while scattered rain showers are occurring
   in a region.

   The icon used while snow showers are occurring in a region.

   The icon used while storms are occurring in a region.

Summary of the suggested changes and additions

The ones marked with * and should therefore go into the icon naming specification, presented here in a shorter list for a better overview. Including a suggested short description text like needed for inclusion in the spec.

   The icon used when the battery is charging
   from the power supply.

   The icon used when a user on a chat network is not online
   but doesn't want to be disturbed.

   The icon used when a user on a chat network is online
   but invisible to other users.